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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10715358"

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(19) World Intellectual Property Organization 
International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
27 June 2002 (27.06.2002) 



(10) international Publication Number 

WO 02/50065 A2 

(51) International Patent Classification'': C07D 403/12, 

A61K 31/517, 31/519, C07D 401/14, 405/14, 403/14, 
417/14, 409/14, 471/04, A61P 35/00 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/USO 1/49 140 

(22) international Filing Date: 

19 December 2001 (19.12.2001) 


(25) Filing Language: 

(26) Publication Language: 

(30) Priority Data: 

60/257,887 21 December 2000 (21.12.2000) US 

60/286,949 27 April 2001 (27.04.2001) US 

(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): VERTEX 
Paieni Department, 130 Waveriy Street, Cambridge, MA 
02139-4242 (US). " 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): BEBBINGTON, 
David IGB/GBl; 6 linden Close, Newbury. Berkshire 
R6141QA (GB), CHARRIER, Jeari-Damien [FR/GBJ; 
I Vertex Phamaceuticals Inc., Cottage Wing, Station Road, 
j Southam, Bishops Iichinglon, Oxfordshire CV47 2QB 
I (GB). DAVIES, Robert [GB/US], 65 Orient Avenue, 
I Arlington, MA 02474 (US). EVERITT, Simon [GB/GB]; 

10 Bell Close, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 lAT 
I (GB). KAY, David [GB/GB]; 4 Church Path, Purton, 

Wltshire SN5 9DR (GB), KNEGTEL, Ronald [DKA3B]; 
92 Andersey Way, Abingdon, Wiltshire OX145NW (GB). 
PATEL, Sanjay [GB/GBl; 2 Allder Close, Abingdon, 
Wiltshire OX14 lYG (GB). 

(74) Agents: 
cals Inc. 

SILVERMAN, Ian et ah; Vertex Phamiaceuti- 
, 130 Waveriy Street, Cambridge, MA 02139^242 

(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AU AM, AT, AU, 
AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, 
CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, H, GB, GD, GE, GH, 
GM. HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, 
LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, 
MX, MZ, NO, NZ, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, 
SK, SL, TJ. TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, 
ZA, ZW. 

(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, 
KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), 
Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), 
European patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, PR, 
GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC. NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent 
(BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR. 
NE, SN, TD. TG). 


— without international search report and to be republished 
upon receipt of that report 

For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin- 
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. 


^ (57) Abstract: This invention describes novel pyrazole compound of formula He: 

^ 2 wherein R» is T-Ring D, wherein Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8- 10 

2- r membered bicyclic ring selected from aryl. helCToaryl, heterocyclyl or caibocyclyl; 

^ R \^-:^5\ R" and Ry are taken logetherwith their intervening atoms to form a fused, unsaturated 

O I or partially unsaturated, 5-7 membered ring having 0-3 heteroatoms; and R^ and R^' 

O WM-''''^N are as described in the specification. The compounds are useful as protein kinase 

^ \ (I Ic) inhibitors, especially as inhibitors of Aurora-2 and GSK-3, for treating diseases such 

'^'^^^v^^'^N ^ cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer* s disease. 





This application claims priority to US 
Provisional Patent Application 60/257, 887 filed December 
21, 2000 and US Provisional Patent Application 60/286 , 949 
filed April 27, 2001, the contents of which are 
incorporated herein by ref erence . 

The present invention is in the f ield of 
medicinal chemistry and relates to compounds that are 
protein kinase inhibitors, compositions containing such 
compounds and methods of use. More particularly, this 
invention relates to compounds that are inhibitors of 
Aurora-2 protein kinase. The invention also relates to 
methods of treating diseases associated with protein 
kinages, especially diseases associated with Aurora-2, 
such as cancer. 

The search for new therapeutic agents has been 
greatly aided in recent years by better understanding of 
the structure of enzymes and other biomolecules 
associated with target diseases. One important class of 
enzymes that has been the subject of extensive study is 
the protein kinases . 

Protein kinases mediate intracellular signal 
transduction. They do this by ^f f-ecting a phosphoryl 
transfer from a nucleoside triphosphate to a prot-ein 
acceptor that is involved in a signaling pathway. There 
are a number of kinases and pathways through which 

extracellular and other stimuli cause a variety of 
cellular responses to occur inside the cell- Exan4>les of 
such stimuli include environmental and chemioal stress 
signals (e.g. osmotic shock, heat shock, ultraviolet 
radiation, bacterial endotoxin, H2O2) , cytokines (e-g- 
interleukin-1 (IL-l) and tumor necrosis factor a (TNF- 
a) ) , and growth factors (e.g- granulocyte maorophage- 
colony- stimulating factor (GM-CSF) , and fibroblast growth 
factor .(FGF) . An extracellular stimulus may effect one 
or more cellular responses related to cell growth, 
migration, differentiation, secretion of hormones, 
activation of transcription factors, muscle contraction, 
glucose metabolism, control of protein synthesis and 
regulation of cell cycle. 

Many diseases are associated ^ith abnormal 
cellular responses triggered by protein kinase -mediated 
events. These diseases include autoimmune diseases, 
inflammatory diseases, neurological and neurodegenerative 
diseases, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, allergies and 
asthma, Alzheimer's disease or hormone -related diseases. 
Accordingly, there has been a substantial effort in 
medicinal chemistry to find protein kinase inhibitors 
that are effective as therapeutic agents. 

Aurora- 2 is a serine/ threonine p3?otein kinase 
that has been implicated in human cancer, such as colon, 
breast and other solid tumors. This kinase is believed 
to be involved in protein phosphorylation events that 
regulate the cell cycle. Specifically, Aurora-2 may play 
a role in controlling the accurate segregation of 
chromosomes during mitosis. Misregulation of the cell 
cycle can lead to cellular proliferation and other 
abnormalities. In human colon cancer tissue, the aurora- 
2 protein has been found to be overexpressed . See 


Bischoff et al./EMBO J., 1998, 17, 3052-3065; Schumacher 
et al*, i7. Cell Biol., 1998, 143, 1635-1646; Kimiira et 
al,, J. Biol. ChGia., 1997, 272, 13766-13771 • 

Glycogen synthase kinase-3 {GSK-3) is a 
5 serine/ threonine protein kinase comprised of a and p 

isoforms that, are each encoded by distinct genes [Coghlan 
et al., caiemistry & Biology, 1, 793-803 (2000); Kim and 
Kimmel, Cutt. Opinion Genetics Dev. , 10, 508-514 (2000)]. 
GSK-3 has been implicated in various diseases including 

10 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, CNS disorders such as 

manic depressive disorder and neurodegenerative diseases, 
and cardioraypcete hypertrophy [WO 99/65897; WO 00/38675; 
and Haq et al., jr. Cell Biol. (2000) 151, 117]. These 
diseases may be caused by, or result in, the abnormal 

15 operation of certain cell signaling pathways in which 
GSK-3 plays a role. GSK-3 has been found to 
phosphorylate and modulate the activity of a number of 
regulatory proteins. These proteins include glycogen 
synthase which is the rate limiting enzyme necessary for 

20 glycogen synthesis, the ' microtubule associated protein 
Tau, the gene transcription factor P-catenin, the 
translation initiation factor elF2B, as well as ATP 
citrate lyase, axin, heat shock factor- 1, c-Jun, c-Myc, 
c-Myb, CREB, and CEPBa. These diverse protein targets 

25 implicate GSK-3 in many aspects of cellular meted^olism, 
proliferation, differentiation and development. 

In a GSK-3 mediated pathway that is relevant 
for the treatment of type II diabetes, insulin- induced 
signaling leads to cellular glucose uptake and glycogen 

30 synthesis. Along this pathway / GSK-3 is a negative . 

regulator of the insulin- induced signal. Normally, the 
presence of insulin causes inhibition of GSK-3 mediated 

phosphorylation and deactivation of glycogen synthase. 
The inhibition of GSK-3 leads to increased glycogen 
synthesis and glucose uptake [Klein et al., PHAS, 93, 
8455-9 (1996); Cross et al.^ Sloclienj. »7., 303, 21-26 
5 (1994); Cohen, Biochem. Soc. Trans., 21, 555-567 (1993); 
Massillon et al., Blochem J. 299, 123-128 (1994)1. 
However, in a diabetic patient where the insulin response 
is impaired, glycogen synthesis and glucose uptake fail 
to increase despite the presence of relatively high blood 

10 levels of insulin. This leads to abnormally high blood 
levels of glucose with acute and long term effects that 
may ultimately result in cardiovascular disease, renal 
failure and blindness. In such patients, the normal 
insulin- induced inhibition of GSK-3 fails to occur. It 

15 has also been reported that in patients with type II 
diabetes, GSK-3 is overexpressed [WO 00/38675] . 
Therapeutic inhibitors of GSK-3 therefore are considered 
to be useful for treating diabetic patients suffering 
from an impaired response to insulin. 

20 GSK-3 activity has al^o been associated with 

Alzheimer's disease. This disease is characterized by 
the well-known P-amyloid peptide and the formation of 
intracellular neurofibrillary tangles. The 
neurofibrillary tangles contain hyperphosphorylated Tau 

25 protein where Tau is phosphorylated on abnormal sites. 
GSK-3 has been shown to phosphorylate these abnormal 
sites in cell and animal models. Furthermore, inhibition 
of GSK-3 has been shown to prevent hyperphosphoiylation 
of Tau in cells [Lovestone et al.. Current Biology 4, 

30 1077-86 (1994); Brownlees et al., Neuroreport B, 3251-55 
(1997)]. Therefore, it is believed that GSK-3 activity 
may promote generation of the neurofibrillary tangles and 
the progression of Alzheimer's disease. 


Another substrate of GSK-3 is p-catenin whicdi 
is degradated after phosphorylation by GSK-3 . Reduced 
levels of p-catehin have been reported in schizophrenic 
patients and have also been associated with other 
5 diseases related to increase in neuronal cell death 

[Zhong et al-. Nature, 395, 698-702 (1998); Takashima -et 
al., PNAS, 90, 7789-93 (1993); Pei et al • , J. 
Neuropathol . Exp, 56 , 70-78 (1997)]. 

As a result of the biological importance of 

10 GSK-3, there is current interest in therapeutically 

effective GSK-3 inhbitors. Small molecules that inhibit 
GSK-3 have recently been reported [WO 99/65897 (Chiron) 
and WO 00/38675 (SmithKline Beecham) ] 

For many of the aforementioned di-seases 

15 associated with abnormal GSK-3 activity, other protein 
kinases have also been targeted for treating the same 
diseases. However, the various protein kinases of ten act 
through different biological pathways. For example, 
certain quinazoline derivatives have been reported 

20 recently as inhibitors of p38 kinase (WO 00/12497 to 
Scios) . The compounds are reported to be useful for 
treating conditions characterized by enhanced p38-a 
activity and/ or enhanced TGF-p activity. While p38 
activity has been implicated in a wide variety of 

25 diseases, including diabetes, p38 kinase is not reported 
to be a constituent of an insulin signaling pathway that 
regulates glycogen synthesis or glucose uptake. 
Therefore, unlike GSK-3, p38 inhibition would not be 
expected to enhance glycogen synthesis and/or glucose 

30 uptake. 

There is a continued need to find hew 
therapeutic agents to treat human diseases. The protein 



kinases Aarora-2 and GSK-3 are especially attractive 
targets for the discovery of new therapeutics due to 
their important roles in cancer and diabetes, 


It has now been found that compounds of this 
invention and pharmaceutical compositions thereof are 
effective as protein kinase inhibitors, particularly as 
10 inhibitors of Aurora- 2. These compounds have the general 
formula I: 


or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodihig 
thereof, wherein: 

is nitrogen or C-R® and is nitrogen or CH, wher-ein 
15 at least one of ^ amd Z^ is nitrogen; 

R* and R^ are independently selected from T-R^ or L-Z-R^, 
or R"^ and R^ are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, unsaturated or partially 
unsaturated, 5-7 membered ring having 0-3 ring 
heteroatoms selected from oxygen, -sulfur, or nitrogen, 
wherein each substitutable ring carbon of said fused 
ring formed by R"" and R^ is independently substituted 
by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z-R^, and each substitutable ring 

nitrogen of said ring formed by R'^ and is 

independently siibstituted by R*; 
Q is selected from -N(R*)-, -0-, -C(R^')2-# 1#2- 

cyclopropanediyl, 1, 2-cyclobutanediyl, or 1,3- 

cyclobutanediyl ; 
R^ is T- (Ring D) ; 

Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8-10 membei?ed 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroaryl, 
heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl, said heteroaiiyl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms. selected 
from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
substituted by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and ^ach 
substitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 
substituted by -R^; 

T is a valence bond or a C1-4 alkylidene chain, wherein 
when Q is -C(R^')2-, a methylene unit of said C1-4 
alkylidene chain is optionally replaced by -0-, -S-, 
- -N(R*)-, -CO-, -CONH-, -NHCO-, -SO2-, -SO2NH-, -NHSO2-/ 
-CO2-, -0C(0)-, -OC(0)NH-, or -NHCO2-; 

Z is a Ci-4 alkylidene chain; 

L is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -SOsNCR^)-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N(R^)C(0)0-, 
-N(R^)CON(R«)-, -N(R^)S02N(R^)-, -N (R^)N (R^) - , 
-C(0)N(R^)-, -0C(O)N(R^)-, -C(R^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, 
-C(R^)2SO-, -C(R«)2S02-/ "C(R^)2S02N(R^)-, -C (R^)2N-(R^) - , 
-C(R^)2N(R«)C(0)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C (R^) =NN(R«) -, 
-C(R^)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R^)N(R^)-, -C(R^)2N(R^) S02N{R^) -, or 
-C(R^)2N(R^)CON(R^) -; 

R^ and R^' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R^, or 
R^ and R^' are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 membered, unsaturated or 
partially unsaturated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 

selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 

auid R^' is independently sxabstituted by halo, oxo, 
-car, -NO2, -R'/ or -V-R*, and each substitutable ring 
5 nitrogen of said ring -formed by R* and R*' is 
independently substituted by R*; 
r' is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, 
-COCOR, -COCH2COR, .-NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -S(0)2R/ -SR, 
-N(R*)2, tC0N(R'')2, -S02N(R')2, -OC(=0)R, -JH (R')COR, 
10 -N(R')C02(Ci.6 aliphatic) , -N{R*)N(R*> 2, -C=NN(R*)2, 

-C=N-OR, -N{R')CON(R'')a, -N(R'')S0aN(R'')2# -N(R*)S02R, or 

each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted group selected from Ci-6 
15 aliphatic, Cg-io aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 

ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 
atoms ; 

each R* is independently selected from -R"', -COR', 

-CO2 (optionally soibstituted Ci-e aliphatic) , -CONCR'ja, 

20 or -SO2R'; 

each R^ is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 
-C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R^)2, -CON(R^)2, -S02N(R*)2, -0C(=O)R, -N(R*)COR, 
-N(R*) CO2 (optionally stabstituted Ci-e aliphatic), 

25 -N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N (R*) CON (R*)2, 

-N(R'*)S02N(R^)2/ -N(R'*)S02R, or -OC (=0) N (R^) 2 ; 
V is -d-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -S02N(R*)-, 
-N(R*)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N(R*)C(0)0-, 
-N(R*)CON(R^)-, -N(R^)S02N(R^)-, -N(R^)N(R^)-, 

30 -C(0)N(R*)-, -OC(0)N(R*)-, -C(R^)20-, -C(R*)2S-, 

-C(R*)2S0-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C(R*)2S02N(R®)-, -C (R*) 2N (R*) - , 
-C(R*)2N(R*)C{0)-; -C(R*)2N(R*)C(0)O-, -C (R*) =NN(R«) 

-C(R^)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R^)N(R^)-, -C(R^)2N(R^) SOgNCR^) or 

W is -C(R^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, -C{R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, 
-C{R^)2S02N(R^)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)-, -CO-. -CO2-/ 
-C(R^)OC(p)-, ~C(R^)OC(0)N(R^)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)C0-, 
-C{R^)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C(R^)=NN(R^)-, -C (R^) =N-0- , 
-C(R^)2N(R^)N(R^)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)S02N(R^)-, 
-C(R^)2N(R^)CON{R^) -, or -CON{R^)-; 

each is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally siabstituted C1-4 aliphatic group, or two R^ 
groups on the same nitrogen atom may be taken together 
with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; 

each R^' is independently selected from hydrogen or a C1-4 
aliphatic group, or two R^' on the same oarbon atom ar^e 
taken together to form a 3-6 membered carbocyclic ring; 

each r'^ is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally sxabstituted Ci-e aliphatic group, or two r'^ 
on the same nitrogen are taken together with the 
nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered heterocyclyl or 
heteroaryl ring; and 

R® is selected from -R, halo, -OR, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, 
-NO2/ -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, -N(R^)2, -CON(R*)2/ 
-S02N{R^)2. -OC(=0)R, -N(R^)COR, -N(R^)C02 (optionally 
substituted Ci-6 aliphatic), -N(R*)N(R^) 2/ -C=NN(R*)2. 
-C=N-OR, -N{R*)CON{R*)2,. "N(R*)S02N(R*)2, -N(R*)^02R, or 


As used herein, the following definitions shall 
apply "Unless otherwise indicated. The phrase '^optionally 
substituted" is used interchangeably with the phrase 
* substituted or lansubstituted* or with the term 
^ (uh) substituted." Unless otherwise indicated, an 
optionally substituted group may have a substituent at 


each substitutable position of the group / and each 
STibstitution is independent of the other. 

The term '^aliphatic" as used herein means 
straight-chain, branched or cyclic C1-C12 hydrocarbons 
5 which are completely saturated or which contain one or 
more units of unsaturation but which are not aromatic. 
For example, suitable aliphatic groups include 
substituted or unsubstituted linear, branched or cyclic 
alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl groups and hybrids thereof such 

10 as (cycloalkyl) alkyl, (cycloalkenyl ) alkyl or 

(cycloalkyl) alkenyl. The terms ^alkyl'', ^alkoxy", 
^^hydroxyalkyl" , ^alkoxyalkyl" , and ^alkoxycarbonyl" , used 
alone or as part of a larger moiety includes both 
straight and branched chains containing one to twelve 

15 carbon atoms. The terms ^^alkenyl" and '^alkynyl" used 
alone or as part of a larger moiety shall include both 
straight and branched chains containing two to twelve 
carbon atoms. The term cycloalkyl'' used alone or as 
part of a larger moiety shall include cyclic C3-C12 

20 hydrocarbons which are completely saturated or which 

contain one or more units of unsaturation, but which are 
- ' not aromatic. 

The terms ^^haloalkyl'' , **haloalkenyl'' and 
^^haloalkoxy" means alkyl, alkenyl or alkoxy, as the case 

25 may be, substituted with one or more halogen atoms. The 
term "halogen" means F, CI, Br, or I. 

The term "heteroatom" means nitrogen, oxygen, 
or sulfur and includes any oxidized form of nitrogen and 
sulfur, and the quatemized form of any basic nitrogen. 

30 Also the term "nitrogen" includes a substitutable 

nitrogen of a heterocyclic ring. As an example, in a 
saturated or partially unsaturated ring having 0-3 
heteroatoms selected from oxygen, sulfur or nitrogen, the 


nitrogen may be N (as in 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyrrolyl) , NH (as 
in pyrrol idinyl) or NR* (as in N- slabs tituted 
pyrrolidinyl) . 

The terms ^carbocycle" , '^oarbocyclyl" , 
5 ''carbocyclo" , or '^carbocyclic*' as used herein ineans an 
aliphatic ring system having three to fourteen members. 
The terms ^carbocycle" , ^^carbocyclyl'' , ^carbocyclo*' , or 
^'carbocycliC whether saturated or partially unsaturated, 
also refers to rings that are optionally stobstituted. 

10 The terms ^^carbocycle" , "carbocyclyl*' , "carbocyclo" , or 

^carbocyclic" also include aliphatic rings that are fused 
to one or more aromatic or nonaromatic rings, such as in 
a decahydronaphthyl or tetrahydronaphthyl , where the 
radical or point of attachment is on the aliphatic ring. 

15' The temca "^aryl" used alone or as part of a 

larger moiety as in ^^aralkyl" , ^aralkoxy" , or 
^^aryloxyalkyl" refers to aromatic ring groups having 
five to fourteen members, such as phenyl, benzyl, 
phenethyl, 1-naphthyl, 2-naphthyl, 1-anthracyl and 2- 

20 anthracyl. The term ^aryl" also refers to rings that are 
optionally substituted. The term ^aryl" may be used 
interchangeably with the term ^^aryl ring". ^^Aryl" also 
includes fused polycyclic aromatic ring systems in which 
an aromatic ring is fused to one or more rings. Examples 

25 include 1-naphthyl, 2-naphthyl, 1-anthracyl and 2- 

anthracyl . Also included within the scc^e of the term 
'^aryl", as it is used herein, is a group in which an 
aromatic ring is fused to one or more non- aromatic rings, 
such as in an indanyl, phenanthridinyl, or 

30 tetrahydronaphthyl, where the radical or point of 
attachment is on the aromatic ring. 

The term ^heterocycle" , '^heterocyclyl" , or 
^heterocyclic" "^as used herein includes non-aromatic ring 


systems having five to fourteen members, preferably five 
to ten, in which one or more ring carbons, preferably one 
to four, are each replaced by a heteroatom such as N, O, 
or S. Examples of heterocyclic rings include 3-lH- 
5 ben2imidazol-2.-one, (1-siabstituted) -2-oxo-benzimidazol-3- 
yl , 2 - te t rahydrof urany 1 , 3 - te t rahydrof uranyl , 2 - 
tetrahydropyranyl, 3-tetrahydropyranyl, 4- 
tetrahydropyranyl, [1,3] -dioxalanyl, [1, 3].-dithiolanyl, 
[1,3]- dioxanyl , 2 - 1 e t rahydrothiophenyl , 3 - 

1 0 tetrahydrothiophenyl , 2 -morpholinyl , 3 -morpholinyl , 4 - 
morpholinyl, 2-thiomorpholinyl , 3-thiomo2:pholinyl, 4- 
thiomorpholinyl , 1 -pyrrolidinyl , 2 -pyrrolidinyl , 3 - 
pyrrolidinyl, 1-piperazinyl, 2~piperazinyl, 1- 
piperidinyl , 2 -piperidinyl , 3 -piperidinyl , 4 -piperidinyl , 

15 4-thiazolidinyl, diazolonyl, N-substituted diazolonyl/ 1- 
phthalimidinyl , benzoxanyl , benzopyrrolidinyl , 
benzopiperidinyl, benzoxolanyl , benzothiolanyl , and 
benzothianyl . Also included within the scope of the term 
^heterocyclyl" or ^heterocyclic" , as it is used herein, 

20 is a group in which a non-aromatic heteroatom-containing 
ring is fused to one or more aromatic or non- aromatic 
rings, such as in an indolinyl, chromanyl, 
phenanthridinyl , or tetrahydroquinolinyl, where the 
radical or point of attachment is on the non- aromatic 

25 heteroatom-containing ring- The term ^^heterocycle" , 

^heterocyclyl" , or ^^heterocyclic" whether saturated or 
partially unsaturated, also refers to rings that are 
. optionally siabstituted. 

The term ^^heteroaryl*" , used alone or as pari: of 

30 a larger moiety as in ^heteroaralkyl" or 

'^heteroarylalkoxy'' , refers to heteroaromatic ring groups 
having five to fourteen members. Examples of heteroaryl 
rings include 2 -f uranyl, 3-furanyl, 3-furazanyl, N- 


imidazolyl/ 2-imida2olyl, 4-imida2olyl, S-imidazolyl, 3- 
isoxazolyl/ 4-isoxa2olyl, 5-isoxazolyl, 2-oxadiazolyl, 5- 
oxadiazolyl, 2-oxazolyl/ 4-oxazolyl, 5-oxazolyl, 1- 
pyrrolyl, 2-pyrrolyl^ 3-pyrrolyl, 1-pyrazolyl, 2- 
5, pyrazolyl, 3-pyrazolyl, 2-pyridyl, 3-pyridyl/ 4-pyridyl, 
2-pyrimidyl, 4-pyrimidyl, 5-pyrimidyl, 3-pyridazinyl, 2- 
thiazolyl/ 4-thiazolyl, 5-thiazolyl, B-tetrazolyl, 2- 
triazolyl, 5-^triazolyl, 2-thienyl,- 3-thienyl, carbazolyl, 
benzimidazolyl , benzothienyl , benzof uranyl , indolyl, 

10 quinolinyl, benzotriazolyl, benzothiazolyl , 

benzooxazolyl , benzimidazolyl , isoquinolinyl , indazolyl , 
isoindolyl, acridinyl, or benzoisoxazolyl . Also included 
within the scope of the term ^heteroaryl" , as it is used 
herein, is a group in which a heteroatomic ring is fused 

15 to one or more aromatic or nonaromatic rings where the 
radical or point of attachment is on the heteroaromatic 
ring. Examples include tetrahydroquinolinyl , 
tetrahydroisoquinolinyl, and pyrido [3,4-d]pyrimidinyl. 
The term ^heteroaryl" also refers to rings that are 

20 optionally substituted. The term ^heteroaryl" may be 

used interchangeably with the term **heteroaryl ring" or 
the term ^heteroaromatic'' . 

An aryl (including aralkyl, aralkoxy, 
aryloxyalkyl and the like) or heteroaryl (including 

25 heteroaralkyl and heteroaryl alkoxy and the like) group 
may contain one or more sxabstituents . Examples of 
suitable substituents on the unsaturated carbon atom of 
an aryl, heteroaryl/ aralkyl, or heteroaralkyl group 
include a halogen, -R**, -OR**, -SR**, 1, 2-methyl^e-dioxy, 

30 1,2 -ethyl enedioxy, protected OH (such as acyloxy) , phenyl 
(Ph) , substituted Ph, -O(Ph), substituted -O(Ph), 
-CH2(Ph), substituted -CHaCPh), -CH2CH2(Ph), substituted 
-CH2CH2(Ph), -NO2. -CN, -N(R*')2, -NR^'CKO) R*^, .NR**C<0)N(R**) 2/ 


-NR°C02R°, -NR*l!IR*C(0)R'', -NRniR^C (O)N(R') 2, -NRniR^COaR" / 
-C{0>C(0)R'', -CCOCHaCCOR", -COaR", -C<0)R'», -C{0)N<R*')2, 
-OCCONCR^ya, -S(0)2R°, -S02N<R"')2, -S<0)R'', -NR''S02N(R*') 2, 
-NR°S02R°, -C(=S)N(R°)2, -C (=NH) -N (R°) 2 , - (CH2)yNHCK0)R*', 
5 - (CH2)yNHC(C»CH(V-R°) (R") ; wherein «acli R° is independently 
selected from hydrogen, a substituted or unsubstituted 
aliphatic group, an vmsvibstituted heteroaryl or 
heterocyclic ring, phenyl (Ph) , substituted Ph, -0<Ph) , 
substituted -b(Ph) , -CH2(Ph), or substituted -CH2(Ph); y 

O io is 0-6; and V is a linker group. Examples of 

STJbstituents on the alijrfiatic group or the phenyl ring of 
R*» include amino, alkylamino, dialJcylamino, aminocarbonyl , 
halogen, alkyl, alkylaminocarbonyl , dialkylaminocarbonyl , 
alkylaminocarbonyloxy, diallqrlaminocafbonyloxy, alkoxy, 
15 nitro, cyano, carboxy, alkoxycarbonyl , alkylcarbonyl , 
hydroxy, haloalkoxy, or haloalkyl. 

An aliphatic group or a non-aromatic 
heterocyclic ring may contain one or more sxibstituents . 
Examples of sviitable svibstituents on the saturated carbon 
20 of an aliphatic group or of a non-aromatic heterocyclic 

C-j ring include those listed above for the unsaturated 

carbon of an aiyl or heteroaryl group ^d t:he following: 
=0, =S, =NNHR*, =NN(R*)2, =N-, =NNHC(0)R*, =NNHC02 (alkyl) , 
=NNHS02 (alkyl) , or =11R*, where each R* is independently 
25 selected from hydrogen, an \jnsubstituted aliphatic group 
or a substituted aliphatic group. Examples of 
substituents on the aliphatic group include amino, 
alkylamino, dialkylamino, aminocarbonyl , halogen, alkyl, 
alkylaminocarbonyl, dialkylaminocarbonyl , 
30 alkylaminocarbonyloxy, dialkylaminocarbonyloxy, alkoxy, 
nitro, cyano, carboxy, alkoxycarbonyl, alkylcarbonyl, 
hydroxy, haloalkoxy, or haloalkyl. 


Suitable substituents on the nitrogen of a non- 
aromatic heterocyclic ring include -N(R'^)2# -C(0)R*, 
^COzR*, -C(0)C(0)R*, -C(0)CH2C(0)R*, -SO2R*, -S02N(R*)2. 
-C(=S)N(R*)2/ -C{=NH)-N(R*)2, and -NR^SOaR*; wherein each R* 
5 is independently selected from hydrogen, an aliphatic 
group / a substituted aliphatic group, phenyl (Ph) , 
substituted Ph/ -0{Ph), substituted -O(Ph) , CH2(Ph), 
substituted cai2 (Ph) , or an unsubstituted heteroaryl or 
heterocyclic ring- Examples of. substituents on the 

10 aliphatic group or the phenyl ring include amino, 

alkylamino, dialkylamino, aminocarbonyl , halogen, alkyl, 
alkylaminocarbonyl , dialkylaminocarbonyl , 
alkyl aminocarbonyloxy , dialkylaminocarbonyloxy , alkoxy , 
nitro, cyano, carboxy, alkoxycarbonyl , alkylcarbonyl , 

15 hydroxy, haloalkoxy, or haloalkyl. 

The term ^linker group" or ^linker*' means an 
organic moiety that connects two parts of a compound. 
Linkers are typically comprised of an atom such as oxygen 
or sulfur, a unit such as -NH-, -CH2- , -C (O) - , -C(0)NH-, 

20 or a chain of atoms, such as an alkylidene chain. The 
molecular mass , of a linker is typically in the range of 
about 14 to 200, preferably in the range of 14 to 96 with 
a length of up to about six atoms. Examples of linkers 
include a saturated or vmsaturated Cx-€ alkylidene chain 

25 which is optionally substituted, and wherein one or two 

saturated carbons of the chain are optionally replaced by 
-C(0)-, -C(0)C(0)-, -CONH-, -CONHNH-, -CO2-, -0C(0)-, 
-NHCO2-, -0-, -NHCONH-, -OC{0)NH-, -NHNH-, -NHCO-, 
-SO-, -SO2-, -NH-, -SO2NH-, or -NHSO2-. 

30 The term ^^alkylidene chain'' refers to an 

optionally s\ibstituted, straight or branched carbon chain 
that may be fully saturated or have one or more units of 

unsaturation. The optional substituents are as described 
above for an aliphatic group. 

A combination of substituents or variables is 
permissible only if such a <:otnbination results in a 
stable or chemically feasible compoiind, A stable 
compound or chemically feasible oomppund is one in which 
the chemical structure is not substantially altered when 
kept at a temperatxire of 40 "^C or less, in the absence of 
moisture or other chemically reactive conditions, for at 
least a week. 

Unless otherwise stated, structures depicted 
herein are also meant to include all stereochemical forms 
of the structure; i.e., the R and S configurations for 
each asymmetric center. Therefore, single stereochemical 
isomers as well as enantiomeric and diastereomeric 
mixtures of the present compounds are within the scope of 
the invention. Unless otherwise stated, structures 
depicted herein are also meant to include compounds which 
differ only in the presence of one or more isotopically . 
enriched atoms. For example, compounds having the 
present structures except for the replacement of a 
hydrogen by a deuterium or tritium, or the replacement of 
a carbon by a ^^C- or ^^C-enriched carbon are within the 
scope of this invention. 

Con5>ounds of formula I or salts thereof may be 
formulated into compositions. In a preferred embodiment, 
the composition is a pharma<:euti<:al composition. In one 
embodiment, the composHzion comprises an amount of -the 
protein kinase inhibitor effective to inhibit a protein 
kinase, particularly Aurora-2, in a biological sample or 
in a patient- Compounds of this invention and 
pharmaceutical compositions thereof, whi-ch comprise an 
amount of the protein kinase inhibitor effective to treat 


or prevent an Aurora -2 -mediated condition and a 
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier^ adjuvant , or 
vehicle, may be formulated for administration to a 

5 Another aspect of this invention relates to a 

method of treating or preventing an Aurora -2 -mediated 
disease with an Aurora -2 inhibitor, which method 
comprises administering to a patient in need of such a 
treatment a therapeutically effective amoxmt of a 
10 con^oimd of formula I or a pharmaceutical composition 
thereof . 

The term "Aurora- 2 -mediated* disease" or 
"Aurora- 2 -mediated condition", as used herein, means any 
disease or other deleterious condition in which Aurora is 

15 known to play a role. The terms "Aurora- 2 -mediated 

disease" or "Aurora- 2 -mediated condition" also mean those 
diseases or conditions that are alleviated by treatment 
with an Aurora-2 inhibitor. Such conditions include, 
without limitation, colon, breast, stomach, and ovariaii 

20 cancer. 

Another aspect of the invention relates to 
inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a biological san5>le, 
which method comprises contacting the biological sample 
with the Aurora-2 inhibitor of formula I, or a 

25. composition thereof. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a patient, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
compound of formula I or a composition comprising said 

30 compound. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing a GSK- 3 -mediated disease 
with a GSK- 3 inhibitor, which method conqorises 


administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 
X or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

The terms "GSK- 3 -mediated disease" or "GSK-3- 

.5 mediated condition", as used herein, mean any disease or 
other deleterious condition or states in which GSK-3 is 
Imown to play a role. Such diseases or conditions 
include, without limitation,^ diabetes, Alzheimer's 
disease, Huntington's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, AIDS- 

10 associated dementia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (AML) , 
multiple sclerosis (MS) , schizophrenia, cardiomycete 
hypertrophy, regerfusion/ ischemia, and baldness. 

One aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of enhancing glycogen synthesis and/or lowering 

15 blood levels of glucose in a patient in need thereof, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
therapeutically effective amoxant of a compound of formula 
1 or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. This method 
is especially useful for diabetic patients. Another 

20 method relates to inhibiting the production of 

hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, which is useful in 
halting or slowing the progreission of Alzheimer's 
disease. Another method relates to inhibiting the 
phosphorylation of p-catenin, which is useful for 

25 treating schizophrenia. . 

Another aspect of the invention relates to 
inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a biological sample, which 
method comprises contacting the biological san5>le with a 
GSK^3 inhibitor of formula I. 

30 Another aspect of this invention relates to a 

method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a patient, which 
method comprises administering to the patient a compoxand 
of formula 1 or a composition comprising said compoiind. 


Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing a CDK-2 -mediated disease 
with a CDK-2 inhibitor^ which method coitprises ' 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
5 therapeutically effective amotint of a compoiond of formula 
X or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

The terms "CDK-= 2 -mediated disease" or "CDK-2- 
mediated condition", as used herein, mean any disease or 
other deleterious condition in which CDK-2 is known to 

10 play a role. The terms "CDK-2 -mediated disease" or "CDK- 

2 -mediated condition" also mean those diseases or > 
conditions that are alleviated by treatment with a CDK-2 
inhibitor. Such conditions include, without limitation, 
cancer, Alzheimer's disease, restenosis, angiogenesis, 

15 glomerulonephritis, cytomegalovirus, HIV, herpes, 

psoriasis, atherosclerosis, alopecia, and autoimmune 
diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. See Fischer, P.M. 
and Lane, D.P., Current Medicinal Chemistjry, 1, 1213-1245 
(2000); Mani, S., Wang, C, Wu, K. , Francis, R. -md 

20 Pestell, R. , Exp. Opin. Invest, Drugs, 9, 1849 (2000); 
Fry, D.W- and Garrett, M.D., Current Cfpxnlon in 
Oncologic, Endocrine & Metabolic Investigational Drugs, 
2, 40-59 (2000). 

Another aspect of the invention relates to 

25 inhibiting CDK-2 activity in a biological sample or a 
patient, which method comprises admini-stering to the 
patient a compotmd of formula I or a composition 
comprising said compound. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 

3 0 method of treating or preventing an ERK- 2 -mediated 

diseases with an ERK- 2 inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 


therapeutically effective amount of a compoiind of formula 
I or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

The terms «ERK-mediated disease" or ^^ERK- 
mediated condition", as used herein mean any disease or 
5 other deleterious condition in which ERK is known to play 
a role- The terms "ERK- 2 -mediated disease" or ^^ERK-2- 
mediated condition" also mean those diseases or 
conditions that are alleviated by treatment with a ERK-2 
inhibitor. Such conditions include, without limitation, 

10 cancer, stroke, diabetes, hepatomegaly, cardiovascular 
disease including cardiomegaly, Alzheimer's disease, 
cystic fibrosis, viral disease, autoimmune diseases, 
atherosclerosis, restenosis, psoriasis, allergic 
disorders including asthma, inflammation, neurological 

15 disorders and hormone -related diseases. The tearo 

"cancer" includes, but is not limited to the following 
cancers: breast', ovary, cervix, prostate, testis, 
genitourinary tract, esophagus, larynx, glioblastoma, 
neuroblastoma, stomach, skin, keratoacaoxthoma , lung, 

20 epidermoid carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, small cell 
carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, bone, colon, adenoma, 
pancreas, adenocarcinoma, thyroid, follicular carcinoma, 
iindif ferentiated carcinoma, papillary carcinoma, 
seminoma, melanoma, sarcoma, bladder carcinoma, liver 

25 carcinoma and biliary passages, kidney carcinoma, myeloid 
disorders, lymphoid disorders, Hodgkin's, hairy cells, 
buccal cavity and pharynx (oral) , lip, tongue; mouth, 
pharynx, small intestine, colon-rectum, large intestine, 
rectum, brain and central nervous system, and leukemia. 

30 ERK-2 protein kinase and its implication in various 
diseases has been described [Bokemeyer et al. 1996, 
Kidney Jnt. 49, 1187; Anderson et al., 1990, Nature 343, 
651; Crews et al., 1992, Science 258, 478; Bjorbaek et 


al., 1995, J. Biol. Chem. 270, 18848; Rouse et al., 1994, 
Cell IB, 1027; Raingeaud et al., 1996, Mol. Cell Biol. 
16, 1247; Raingeaud et al* 1996; Clien et al., 1993 Proc. 
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90, 10952; Oliver et al., 1995, 
Proc. SoC' Exp.. Biol. Med. 210, 162; Moodie et al,, 1993, 
Science 260, 1658; Prey and Mulder, 1997, Cancer Res. 57, 
628; Sivaraman et al . , 1997, «7 Clin. Invest. 99, 1478; 
Whelchel et al., 1997, Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 16, 
5891 , 

Another aspect of the invention relates to 
inhibiting ERK-2 activity in a biological sample or a 
patient, which method comprises administering to the 
patient a compound of formula I or a coitqposition 
comprising said compound. 

Another aspect of this invention relates 4:o a 
method of treating or preventing an* AKT-mediated diseases 
with an AKT inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 
I or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

The terms ^^AKT-mediated disease" or '^AKT- 
mediated condition'' , as used herein, mean any disease or 
other deleterious condition in which AKT is known to play 
a role. The terms ^^AKT-mediated disease" or ^AKT.- 
mediated condition" also mean those diseases or 
conditions that are alleviated by treatment with a AKT 
inhibitor. AKT-mediated diseases or conditions include, 
but are not limited to, proliferative di-sorders, cancer, 
and neurodegenerative disorders. The association of AKT, 
also known as. protein kinase B, with various diseases has 
been described [Khwaja, A., Nature, pp. 33-34, 1990; 
Zang, Q. Y., et al. Oncogene, 19 2000; Kazuhiko, N. , et 
al. The Journal of Neuroscience , 20 2000] . 


Another aspect of the invention relates to 
inhibiting AKT activity in a biological sample or a 
patient, which method comprises administering to the 
patient a compound of formula I or a composition 
5 comprising said compound. • 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing a Src-mediated disease 
with a Src inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 

10 therapeutically effective amount of a compound, of formula 
I or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

The terms ^*Src-mediated disease^ or *Src- 
mediated condition", as used herein mean any disease or 
other deleterious condition in which Src is known to play 

15 a role. The terms ^Src-mediated disease" or '^Src- 
mediated condition" also mean those diseases or 
conditions that are alleviated by treatment with a Src 
inhibitor. Such conditions include, without limitation, 
hypercalcemia, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, cancer, 

20 symptomatic treatment of bone metastasis, and Paget 
disease. Src protein kinase and its implication in 
various diseases has been described [SoriaJio, Cell, 69, 
551 (1992); Soriano et al.. Cell, 64, 693 (1991); 
Takayanagi, *J. Clin. Invest., 104, 137 (1999); Boschelli, 

25 Drugs of the Future 2000, 25(7), 717, (2000); Talamonti, 
J. Clin. Invest., 91, 53 (1993); Lutz, Bioahem. Biaphys. 
Res. 243, 503 (1998); Rosen, CT. Biol. Chem. , 261, 13754 

(1986) ; Bolen, Proc . Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 84, 2251 

(1987) ; Masaki, Hepatology, 27, 1257 (1998); Biscardi, 

30 Adv. Cancer Res., 76, 61 (1999); Lynch, Leukemia, 7, 1416 
(1993); Wiener, Clin. Cancer Res., 5, 2164 (1999); 
Staley, Cell Growth Diff., 8, 269 (1997)]. 


Another aspect of the invention prelates to 
inhibiting Src activity in a biological sample or a 
patient, which method comprises administering to the 
patient a compoiand of formula Z or a composition 
5 comprising said compoiind. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing an Lck-mediated diseases 
with an Lck inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 

10 therapeutically effective amount of a compoimd of formula ^ 
X or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. ' 

The terms ^'Lck-mediated disease'' or "Lck- 
mediated condition'', as used herein, mean any disease 
state or other deleterious condition in which Lck is 

15 known to play a role. The terras «Lck-mediated disease" 
or ^Lck-mediated condition" also mean those diseases or 
conditions that are alleviated by treatment with an Lck 
inhibitor. Lck-mediated diseases or conditions include, 
but are not limited to, autoimmune diseases such as 

20 transplant rejection, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, 
and leukemia. The association of Lck with various 

diseases has been described [Molina et al.. Nature, 357, W 

161 (1992)] . 

Another aspect of the invention relates to 
25 inhibiting Lck activity in a biological sample or a 

patient, which method comprises administering to the 

patient a compound of formula I or a coti^osition 

comprising said compound. 

The term "phainnaceutically acceptable carrier, 
30 adjuvant, or vehicle" refers to a non- toxic carrier, 

adjuvant, or vehicle that may be administered to a 

patient, together with a corapoxmd of this invention, and 


which does not destroy the pharmacological activity 
thereof • 

The term "patient" includes human suid 
veterinary subjects. 
5 The term "biological sample", as used herein, 

includes, without limitation, cell cultures or extracts 
thereof; preparations of an enzyme suitable for in vitro 
assay; biopsied material obtained from a mammal or 
extracts thereof; and blood, saliva, urine, feces, semen, 

10 tears, or other body fluids or extracts thereof. 

An amoimt effective to inhibit protein kinase, 
for example, Aurora-2 and GSK-3, is an amoimt that causes 
measurable inhibition of the kinase activity when 
compared to the activity of the enzyme in the absence of 

15 an inhibitor. Any method may be used to determine 

inhibition, such as, for exan^le, the Biological Testing 
Examples described below. 

Pharmaceutically acceptable carriers that may 
be used in these pharmaceutical cou^ositions are 

20 generally known in the art. They include, but are not 
limited to, ion exchangers, alumina, aluminum stearate, 
lecithin, serum proteins, such as human serum albumin, 
buffer s"ubstances such as phosphates, glycine, sorbic 
acid, potassium sorbate, partial glyceride mixtures of 

25 saturated vegetable fatty acids, water, salts or 
electrolytes, such as protamine sulfate, disodium 
hydrogen phosphate, potassium hydrogen phosphate, sodium 
chloride, zinc salts, colloidal silica, magnesium 
trisilicate, polyvinyl pyrrol idone, cellulose-based 

30 substances, polyethylene glycol, sodixim 

carboxymethyl cellulose, polyacrylates , waxes, 
polyethylene -polyoxypropylene -block polymers , 
polyethylene glycol and wool fat. 


The compositions of the present invention may 
be administered orally^ parenterally, by inhalation 
spray, topically, rectally, nasally, buccally, vaginally 
or via an implanted reservoir. The term "parenteral" as 
used herein includes siibcutaixeous , intravenous, 
intramuscular, intra-articular, intra -synovial , 
intrastemal, intrathecal, intrahepatic, intralesional 
and intracranial injection or infusion techniques. 
PrefersLbiy, the compositions are administered orally, 
intraperitoneally or intravenously. 

Sterile injectable forms of the con5>ositions of 
this invention may be aqueous or oleaginous suspension. 
These suspensions may be formulated according to 
techniques known in the art using suitable dispersing or 
wetting agents and suspending agents. The sterile 
injectable preparation may also be a sterile injectable 
solution or suspension in a non-toxio parenterally- 
acceptable diluent or solvent, for exan5>le as a solution 
in 1, 3-butanediol, Among the acceptable vehicles and 
solvents that may be employed are water. Ringer's 
solution and isotonic sodium chloride solution. In 
additionr sterile, fixed oils are conventionally employed 
as a solvent or suspending medium. For this purpose, any 
bland fixed oil may be employed including synthetic mono- 
or di-glycerides. Fatty acids, such as oleic acid and 
its glyceride derivatives are useful in the preparation 
of in j eatables, as are natural pharraaceutically- 
acceptable oils, such as olive oil or castor oil, 
especially in their polyoxyethylated versions. These oil 
solutions or suspensions may also contain a long-chain 
alcohol diluent or dispersant, such as carboxymethyl 
cellulose or similar dispersing agents whic:h are commonly 
used in the formulation of pharmaceutioally acceptable 


dosage forms including emulsions and suspensions. Other 
commonly used surfactants, such as Tweens, Spans and 
other emulsifying agents or bioavailability enhancers 
which are commonly used in the manufacture of 
5 pharmaceutically acceptable soli-d, liquid, or other 
dosage forms may also be used for the purposes of 
formulation. . 

The pharmaceutical compositions of this 
invention may be orally administered in any orally 
10 acceptable dosage form including, but not limited 'to, 

capsules, tablets, aqueous suspensions or solutions. In 
the case of tablets for oral use, carriers commonly used 
include lactose and com star<:h. Iiubri<:ating agents, 
such as magnesium stearate, are also typi<:ally added. 
15 For oral administration in a capsule form, useful 

diluents include lactose and dried cornstarch. When 
aqueous suspensions are required for oral use, the active 
ingredient is combined with emulsifying and suspending 
agents. If desired, certain sweetening, flavoring or 
20 coloring agents may also be added. 

Alternatively, the pharmaceutical compositions 
of this invention may be administered in the form of 
suppositories for rectal administration. These can be 
prepared by mixing the agent with a suitable non- 
25 irritating excipient which is solid at room temperature 
but liquid at rectal temperature and therefore will melt 
in the rectum to release the drug.. Such materials 
include cocoa butter, beeswax and polyethyleine glycols. 
The pharmaceutical compositions of this 
30 invention may also be administered topically, especially 
when the target of treatment includes areas or organs 
readily accessible by topical application, including 
diseases of the eye, the skin, or the lower intestinal 


tract. Suitable topical formulations are readily 
prepared for each of these areas or organs. 

Topical application for the lower intestinal 
tract can be effected in a rectal suppository formulation 
5 (see above) or in a suitsible enema formulation. 
Topically- transdermal patches may also be used. 

For topical applications, the pharmaceutical 
compositions may be formulated in a suitable ointment 
containing the active component suspended or dissolved in 

10 one or more carriers. Carriers for topical 

administration of the compounds of this invention 
include, but are not limited to, mineral oil, liquid 
petrolatum, white petrolatum, propylene glycol, 
polyoxyethylene, polyoxypropylene compound, emulsifying 

15 wax and water. Alternatively, the pharmaceutical 

compositions can be formulated in a suitable lotion or 
cream containing the active components suspended or 
dissolved in one or more pharmaceutically acceptable 
carriers. Suitcible carriers include, but are not limited 

2 0 to, mineral oil, sorbitan monostearate, polysorbate 60, 

cetyl esters wax, cetearyl alcohol, 2-octyldodecanol, 
benzyl alcohol and water. 

For ophthalmic use, the pharmaceutical 
compositions may be formulated as micronized suspensions 
25 in isotonic, pH adjusted sterile saline, or, preferably, 
as solutions in isotonic, pH adjusted sterile saline, 
either with or without a preservative such as 
benzylalkonium chloride. Alternatively, for ophthalmic 
uses, the pharmaceutical compositions may be fomulated 

3 0 in an ointment such as petrolatum. 

The pharmaceutical conqpositions of this 
invention may also be administered by nasal aerosol or 
inhalation. Such compositions are prepared according to 


techniques well-known in the art of pharmaceutical 
formulation and may be prepared as solutions in saline, 
employing benzyl alcohol or other suitable preservatives, 
absorption promoters to enhance bioavailability, 
5 fluorocarbons/ and/or other conventional solubilizing or 
dispersing agents. 

In addition to the compounds of this invention, 
pharmaceutically acceptcJDle derivatives or prodrugs of 
the compounds of this invention may also be employed in 

10 compositions to treat or prevent the sibove.- identified 
diseases or disorders. 

A "pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or 
prodrug" means any phaannaceutically acceptable salt, 
ester, salt of an ester or other derivative of a compound 

15 of this invention which, upon administration to a 

recipient, is capable of providing, either directly or 
indirectly, a compound of this invention or an 
inhibitorily active metabolite or residue thereof. 
Particularly favored derivatives or prodrugs arie those 

20 that increase the bioavailability of the compounds of 

this invention when such compounds are administered to a 
patient (e.g., by allowing an orally administered 
compound to be more readily absorbed into the blood) or 
which enhance delivery of the parent compound to a 

25 biological compartment (e.g., the brain or lymphatic 
system) relative to the parent species. 

Pharmaceutically acceptable prodrugs of the 
compoimds of this invention include, without limitation, 
the following derivatives of the present compounds: 

30 esters, amino acid esters, phosphate esters, metal salts 
sulfonate esters, carbamates, and amides. 

Pharmaceutically acceptable salts of the 
confounds of this invention include those derived from 


pharmaceutically acceptable inorganic and organic acids 
and bases. Examples of suitable acid salts include 
acetate , adipat e , alginate , aspartate , benzoa te , 
benzenesulfonate, bisulfate, butyrate, citrate; 
camphorate , • caraphorsul f onate / cyclopentanepropionate , 
digluconat e , dodecylsulf ate , ethahesulf onate , formate , 
fumarate, glucoheptanoate, glycerophosphate, glycolate, 
hemisulfate, heptanoate, hexanoate, hydrochloride, 
hydrobromide , hydroiodide , 2 - hydroxye thanesul f onate , 
lactate, maleate, malonate, raethanesulf onate, 2- 
naphthalenesulf onate, nicotinate, nitrate, oxalate, 
palmoate, pectinate, persulfate, 3-phenylpropionate, 
phosphate, picrate, pivalate, propionate, salicylate, 
succinate, sulfate, tartrate, thiocyanate, tosylate and 
Tindecanoate • Other acids, such as oxalic, while not in 
themselves pharmaceutically acceptable, may be en^loyed 
in the preparation of salts useful as intermediates in 
obtaining the compounds of the invention and their 
pharmaceutically acceptable acid addition salts. 

Salts derived from appropriate bases include 
alkali metal (e.g., sodium and potassium), alkaline earth 
metal (e.g., magnesium), ammonium and N*(Ci-4 alkyl)4. 
salts. This invention also envisions the quatemization 
of any basic nitrogen- containing groups of the compoimds 
disclosed herein. Water or oil -soluble or dispersible 
products may be obtained by such quatemization. 

The amount of the protein kinase inhibitor that 
may be combined with the carrier materials to produce a 
single dosage form will vary depending upon the patient 
treated and the particular mode of administration. 
Preferably, the compositions should be formulated so that 
a dosage of between 0.01 - 100 mg/kg body weight/day of 

the inhibitor can be administered to a patient receiving 
these compositions. 

It should also be imderstood that a specific 
dosage and treatment regimen for any particular patient 
5 will depend uppn a variety of -factors, including the 

activity of the specific compound employed, the age, body 
weight, general health, sex, diet, time of 
administration, rate of excretion, drug combination, and 
the judgment of the treating physician and the severity 

10 of the particular disease being treated. The amount of 
the inhibitor will also depend upon the particular 
compound in the composition. 

Depending upon the particular protein kinase - 
mediated condition to be treated or prevented, additional 

15 therapeutic agents, which are normally administered to 
treat or prevent that condition, may be administered 
together with the inhibitors of this invention. For 
example, in the treatment of cancer other 
chemotherapeutic agents or other anti -proliferative 

20 agents may be combined with the present compounds to 

treat cancer. These agents include, without limitation, 
adriamycin, dexamethasone, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, 
fluorouracil, topotecan, taxol, interferons, and platinum 
derivatives . 

25 Other examples of agents the inhibitors of tiiis 

invention may also be combined with include, without 
limitation, agents for treating diabetes such as insulin 
or insulin analogues, in injectable or inhalation form, 
glitazones, alpha glucosidase inhibitors, biguanides, 

30 insulin sensitizers, and sulfonyl ureas; anti- 
inflammatory agents such as corticosteroids, TNF 
blockers, IL-1 RA, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, and 
sulfasalazine; immunomodulatory and immunosuppressive 


agents such as cyclosporin, tacrolimus, rapamycin, 
mycophenolate mofetil, interferons, corticosteroids, 
cyclophophamide, azathioprine , and sulfasalazine; 
neurotrophic factors such as acetylcholinesterase 
5 inhibitors, MAO inhibitors, interferons, anti- 
convulsants, ion channel blockers; riluzole, and anti- 
parkinsonian agents; agents for treating cardiovascular 
disease such as beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, diuretics, 
nitrates, calcium channel blockers, and statins; agents 

10 for treating liver disease such as corticosteroids, 
cholestyramine, interferons, and anti -viral agents; 
agents for treating blood disorders such as 
corticosteroids, anti-leukemic agents, and growth 
factors; and agents for treating iramionodef iciency 

15 disorders such as gamma globulin. 

Those additional agents may be administered 
separately from the protein kinase inhibitor -containing 
composition, as part of a multiple dosage regimen. 
AlJematively, those agents may be part of a single 

20 dosage form, mixed together with the protein kinase 
inhibitor of this invention in a single composition. 

Compounds of this invention may exist in 
alternative tautomeric forms, as in tautomers i and il 
shown below: Unless otheriffise indicated, the 

25 representation of either tautomer is meant to include the 


R'' and may be taken together to form a fused 
5 ring, providing a bicyclic ring system containing Ring A. 
Preferred rVR^ rings include a 5-, 6-, or 7-merabered 
lansaturated or partially unsaturated ring having 0-2 
heteroatoms, wherein said rVR^ ring is optionally 
substituted. Examples of bicyclic systems containing 
10 Ring A are shown below by compovinds I -A through I-BB, 
wherein is nitrogen or C(R°) and is nitrogen or 
C (H) . 



















Preferred bi cyclic Ring A systems include I -A, 
I-B, I-C, I-E, I-F, I-I, I-J, I-K, I-P, I-Q, I-V, 

and 1-U, more preferably 1-A, I-B, Z-D, I-E, I-J, I-P, 
5 and 1-V, and most preferably I-A, I-B, I-D, I-E and I-J. 

In the monocyclic Ring A system/ preferred R* 
groups, when present, include hydrogen, alkyl- or 
dialkylamino, acetamido, or a Ci-4 aliphatic group such as 
methyl, ethyl, -cyclopropyl , or isopropyl. Preferred R^ 

10 groups, when present, include T-R^ or L-Z-r' wherein T is 
a valence bond or a methylene, L is -0-, -S-, -<;(R®)20-, 
-CO- or -N(R*)-, and r' is -R, -N(R*)2, or -OR. Preferred 
Ry groups include 6-6 membered heteroaryl or heterocyclyl 
rings, such as 2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, pyrrol idinyl , 

15 piperidinyl, morpholinyl, or piperazihyl ; Ci-e aliphatic, 
such as methyl., ethyl, cyclopropyl, isopropyl, or 


t-butyl; alkoxyalkyl amino such as methoxye thy 1 amino ; , 
alkoxyalkyl such as methoxymethyl or methoxyethyl; alkyl- 
or dialkylamino such as ethylamino or dimethylamino ,\ 
alkyl- or dialkylaminoalkoxy such as 
5 dimethylatninopropyloxy; acetamido; auid optionally 

stibstituted phenyl such as phenyl or halo-s\abstituted 

phenyl . . 

In the bicyclic Ring A system, the ring formed 
when and are taken together may be substituted or 

10 unsiabstituted. Suitable substituents include -R, halo, 

-0(CH2)2-4-N(R*)2/ -0{CH2)2.4-R# -OR, -NCR'*) -{CH2)2.4-N{R*)2# ® 
-N(R^)-(CH2)2-4-R. -C(=0>R, -COaRi -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, 
-S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, .-N(R*)2/ -CON(R*)2/ -S02N{R*)2, 
-OC{=0)R, -N{R'*)C0R, -N(R*) C02 (optionally substituted Ci-g 

15 aliphatic), -N{R*)N(R*)2. -C=NN<R^)2, -C=N-OR, 
-N(R^)C0N(R*)2, -N(R*)S02N(R*)2, -N(R*)S02R/ or 
-0C(=0)N{R^)2/ wherein R and R^ are as defined above. 
Preferred rVR^ ring siibstituents include -halo, -R, -OR, 
-COR, -CC2R, -CON(R*)2/ -CN, -0<CH2)2.4-N(R*)2/ -O (CHg) 2-4-R/ 

20 -NO2 -N(R*)2/ -NR^COR, -NR*S02R/ -S02N(R*)2 wherein R is 

hydrogen or an optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic group. 

R^ and R^' may be taken together to form a fused <Q 
ring, thus providing a bicyclic ring system containing a 
pyrazole ring. Preferred fused rings include benzo, 

25 pyrido, pyrimido, and a partially unsaturated 6-membered 
carbocyclo ring, wherein said fused ring is optionally 
substituted. These are exemplified in the following 
formula I compounds having a pyrazole -containing bicyclic 
ring system: 


Preferred siibstitixents on tlae R^/R^' fused ring 
include one or more of the following: -halo, -N(R*)2/ -C1-3 
5 alkyl, -Ci-3 haloalkyl, -NO2, -O (C1-3 alkyl) , -CO2 (C1-3 
alkyl) , -CN, -SO2 (Cx.3 alkyl) , -SO2NH2, -0C (0)NH2/ 
-NHzSOa (Ci-3 alkyl) , -NHC (O) (C1-3 alkyl ) , -C (O) NH2 , and 
-CO(Ci.3 alkyl), wherein the (C1.3 alkyl) is most preferably 
methyl . 

10 When the pyrazole ring system is monocyclic, 

preferred groups include hydrogen, Ci_4 aliphatic, 
alkoxycarbonyl, (lan) siibstituted phenyl, hydroxyalkyl , 
alkoxyalkyl, aminocarbonyl , mono- or 
dialkylaminocarbonyl, aminoalkyl, alkylaminoalkyl , 

15 dialkylaminoalkyl , phenylaminocarbonyl ; and (N- 

heterocyclyDcarbonyl. Exan5)les of such preferred r' 
substituents . include methyl, cyclc^ropyl, ethyl, 
isopropyl, propyl, t -butyl, cyclopentyl, phenyl, CO2H, 

20 CH2CH2CH20CH2Ph, CHaCH2CH2NH2 , CH2Cai2CH2NHCOOC (CSIs) 3, 

CONH(cyclohexyl) , CON(Et)2, CON(C3l3)CH2Ph, GOlHKn-CsHv) , 
C0N{Et)CH2CH2CH3, CONHCH2CH(CH3> 2, C»N (n-C3H7) 2, eO(3- 
methoxymethylpyrrolidin-l-yl) , CONHO-tolyl) , C0NH(4- 

25 tolyl) , CONHCH3, CO(morpholin-l-yl) , <:o(4-methylpiperazin- 
l-yl) , CONHCH2CH2OH, CONH2, and CO{piperidin-l-yl) . A 
preferred R^' group is hydrogen. 


An embodiment that is particularly viseful for 
treating Aurora- 2 -mediated diseases relates to compounds 
o£ formula IXa: 



or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 
5 thereof, wherein; 

and are taken together with their intervening atoms 
to form a fused, unsaturated or partially unsaturated, 
5-7 membered ring having 0-3 . ring heteroatoms selected 
from oxygen, sulfur, or nitrogen, wherein each 

10 substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 

and R^ is independently substituted by pxo, T-R^, or 
L-Z-R^, and each stabs ti tut able ring nitrogen of said 
ring formed by R^ and R^ is independently sxibstituted 
by R*; 

15 R^ is T- (Ring D) ; 

Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8-10 membered 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroaryl, 
heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl, said heteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 

20 from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 

substitutable ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
substituted by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and each 
substitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 
substituted by -R*; 

25 T is a valence bond or a C1.4 alkylidene chain; 


Z is a alkylidene chain; 

L is -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -S02N(R^)-, 

-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N(R^)C<0)O-, 
-N(R^)CON(R^) -, -N(R^)S02N(R^) -, -N (R^)N (R^) - , 
-C(0)N(R^)-. -0C(0)N(R^)-,- -C{R^)20-/ -C<R^)2S-, 
-C(R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-. -C(R^)2S02N(R^) -. (R^) 2N(R^) - . 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)-, -C{R^)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C(R^) =1JN(R^) - , 
.C(R^)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R^)N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) SOsNCR^) - , or 

R^ and R^' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R*, or 
R^ and R^' are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to fprm a fused, 5-8 membered, unsaturated or 
partially iinsaturated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein ^ach 
substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
r2 and R^' is independently siibstituted by halo, 0x0, 
-CN, -NO2, -R^# or -V-R^, and each siabstitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R^ and R^' is 
independently substituted by R*; 

r3 is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(=:0)R, -CO2R, 
-COCOR, -COCH2COR, -NO2/ -CN, -S(0)R, -S(0)2R/ -SR, 
-N(R*)2/ -C0N(r'')2, -S02N(R'')2, -0C(=0)R, -NCR^'KOR, 
-N(r'')C02(Ci-6 aliphatic) , -N(R^)N(R^) 2, -C=NN(R^)2, 
-C=N-0R, -N(r'')CON(R'')2, -N(R'')S02N(R"')2, -N(R^)S02R, or 


each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally siibstituted group selected from Ci.e 
aliphatic, Cg-io aryl, a heteroaiYl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 

each R^ is independently selected from -R*', -GOR^, 

"CO2 (optionally substituted Ci-6 aliphatic) , -C0N(r'')2/ 
or -SOaR^; 

each is independently selected from -R^ halG, -OR, 

-C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SOaR, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -:C!ON(R*)2/ -S02N(R*)2, -OC{=0)R/ -N{R*)<X)R, 
-N(R*)C02 (optionally substituted Ci-s aliphatic) , 
-N(R*)-N(R*)2/ -C«NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N{R*) CON(R*)2/ 
-N(R'*)S02K(R*)2/ -N{R*)S02R, or -OC{=0)N(R*) 2; 

V is -0-, -S-> -SO-, -SO2-, -N{R*)S02-, -S02N(R*)-, 

. -N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N{R*)-CO-, -N(R*)C(0)0-., 
-N(R*)CON (R®).-, -N(R*)S02N(R«)-, -N(R*)N (R*) - , 
-C(0)N(R^)-, -0C{0)N(R*) -C(R*)20-, -C(R*)2S-, 
-C{R^)2S0-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C{R«)2S02N(R«)-, -C (R*) 2N (R*) - , 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C{0)-, -C(R«)2N(R«)C(0)0-, -C (R*) =NN(R*) - , 
-C(R^)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R«)N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) S02N(R*) - , or 
-C(R^)2N(R^) CON(R^) -; 

W is -C(R*)20-, -C(R^)2S-, -C(R«)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, 
-C(R^)2S02N(R^) -C(R^)2N(R^) -, -CO-, -CO2-, 
-C(R^)OC (0) -, -C(R^)OC(0)N(R^) -, -C (R^) 2N (R^) CO- , 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C(R«)=NN(R*) -, -C(R^)=N-0-, 
-C(R^)2N(R^)N(il«)-,. -C(R^)2N(R^)S02N(R^) 
-C{R^)2N(R®)CON(R^) -, or -CON(R^)-; 

each R* is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted C1.4 aliphatic group, or two R® 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together 
with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; and 

each R' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted Ci-s aliphatic group, or two r' 
on the same nitrogen are taken together with the 
nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered heterocyclyl or 
heteroaryl ring. 

Preferred rings formed by R* and R*^ include a 

5-, 6-, or 7 -membered unsaturated or partially 

unsaturated ring having 0-2 heteroatoms, wherein said 


rVR^ ring is optionally siobstituted. This provides a 
bicyclic ring system containing a pyrimidine ring. 
Examples of preferred pyrimidine ring systems of f oirmula 
Ila.aore shown below. 


Ila-A Ila-B lla-C 

HN^ HN^ HN-^ 

Ila-D lla-E Ila-P 

\ HN^ l*!"^ 

Ila-P lla-R Ila-V 




More preferred pyrimidine ring systems of 
formula Ila include Ila-A, Ila-B, Ila-D, Ila-E, Ila-J, 
Ila-P, and Ila-V, most preferably Ila-A, Ila-B, Ila-D, 
5 Ila-E, and lla-J. 

The ring formed when R'^ and are taken 
together may be substituted or unsubstituted. Suitable 
substituents include -R, halo, -0(CH2)2-4-N(R^)2# 
-0(CH2)2.4-Rf -OR/ -N(R*)-(CH2)2.4-N(R^)2, -N<R^) - <CH2) 2-4-R, 

10 -C(=0)R, -CO2R/ -COCOR, -NO2/ -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -CON(R*)2r -S02N(R*)2. -OC(==0)R, -N(R^)COR, 
-N(R*)C02 (optionally sxabstituted Ci-e aliphatic) , 
-N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N (R^)CON (R*) 2. 
-N(R*)S02N{R*)2/ -N(R*)S02R, or -OC(=0)N(R*) 2/ wherein R and 

15 R* are as defined above. Preferred R^/R^ ring 

stibstituents include -halo, -R, -OR, -COR, -XSOiR, 

-CON(R*)2/ -CaSr, -0(CH2)2-4-N(R*)2/>0{CH2)2.4-Rr , -NO2 

-N(R*)2, -NR*COR, -NR*S02R, -S02N(R*)2 wherein R is hydrogen 
or an optionally substituted Cx*s aliphatic group. 

20 The R^ and R^' groups of formula Ila may toe 

taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 
bicyclic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 
Preferred fused rings include benzo, pyrido, pyrimido, 
and a partially unsaturated 6-membered carbocyclo ring. 

25 These are exemplified in the following formula lla 

compounds having a pyrazole -containing bicyclic ring 


Preferred sxabstituents on the R^/R^' fused ring 
of formula lia include one or more of the following: 
-halo, -N(R*)2/ -Ci.4 alkyl, -C1.4 haloalkyl, -NO2, -OCd.* 
alkyl) , -C02(Ci^4 alkyl) , -CN, -SO2 (C1-4 alkyl) , -iSOzNHz, 
-0C(O)NH2, -NH2S02(Ci-4 alkyl) , -NHC(O) (C1.4 alkyl) , 
-C(0)NH2, and -CO (C1.4 alkyl) , wherein the (C1.4 alkyl) is a 
straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl group. Preferably, 
the (C1.4 alkyl) group is methyl or ethyl. 

When the pyrazole ring system of formula Ila is 
monocyclic, preferred R* groups include hydrogen or a 
substituted or unsubstituted group selected from aaryl, 
heteroaryl, or a C1.6 aliphatic group. Examples of such 
preferred R^ groups include H, methyl, ethyl, prenyl, 
cyclopropyl, ir-propyl, cyclopentyl, hydroxypropyl , 
methoxypropyl, and benzyloxypropyl ; A preferred R^' group 

is hydrogen. 

When Ring D of formula lla is monocyclic, 

preferred Ring D groups include p^nyl, pyridyl, 
pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyrazinyl. 

When Ring D of formula lla is laicyclic, 
preferred bicyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl, 
tetrahydronaphthyl, . indanyl, benzimidazolyl , quinolinyl, 
indolyl, isoindolyl, indolihyl, benzo [b] f uaryl , 
benzo [b] thiophenyl , indazolyl , benzothiazolyl , 


cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl , quinazolinyl, quinoxazolinyl, 
1, 8-naphthyridinyl and isoquinolinyl. 

On Ring D of formula Ila, preferred T-R^ or 
V-Z-R^ sxabstituents include -halo, -CN/ -NO2/ -N(R*)2^ 
5 optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic group, -OR, -C(0)R, 
-CO2R, -CONH(R*), -N(R*)COR, -N(R*)C02R, -S02N(R*)2, 
-N(R*)S02R. -N(R^)COCH2N{R*)2, -N(R^) COCH2CH2N(R*) 2, and 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R*)2r wherein R is selected from 
hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 membered 

10 heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered heterocyclic ring. 

More preferred R^ substituents include -Cl, -Br, -F, -CN, 
.CF3, -COOH, -CONHMe, -CONHEt, -NH2, -NHAc, -NHS02Me, 
-NHS02Et, -NHSO2 (n -propyl ) , -NHSO2 (isopropyl) , -NHCOEt, 
-NHCOCH2NHCH3 , -NHCOCH2N (C02t-Bu) CH3, -NHCOCH2N (CHa) 2, 

15 -NHCOCH2CH2N(CH3)2, -NHCOCH2CH2CH2N {CH3) 2 / 

-NHCO ( cyclopropyl > , -NHCO ( i sobutyl ) , -NHCOCH2 (morpholin-4 - 
yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2(morpholin-4-yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2CH2 (morpholin- 
4-yl) , -NHCO2 (t -butyl ) , -NH(Ci-4 aliphatic) such as -NHMe, 
-N{Ci-4 aliphatic)2 such as -NMez, OH, -O (C1.4 aliphatic) 

20 such as -OMe, C1-4 aliphatic such as methyl, ethyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, or t-butyl, and -CO2 ('Cx-4 
aliphatic) . 

Preferred formula Ila compounds have one or 
more, and more preferably all, of the features selected 
25 from the group consisting of: 

(a) R"^ and R^ are taken together with their 

intervening atoms to form a fused, unsaturated 
or partially unsaturated, 5-6 membered ring 
having 0-2 heteroatoms selected from oxygen, 
30 sulfur, or nitrogen, wherein each substitutable 

ring carbon of said fused ring formed by R* and 
R^ is independently substituted by 0x0, T-R^, or 
L-Z-R^, and each substitutable ring nitrogen of 

said ring formed by R^" and is independently 
substituted by R*; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene unit; 

(c) Ring-D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(d) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen; or R^ and 
R^' are taken together to form an optionally 
substituted benzo ring; and 

(e) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N<R*)2- 

More preferred compounds of formula Ila have 
one or more, and more preferably all, of the features 
selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R"" and R^ are taken together to form a benzo, 
pyrido, cyclopento, cyclohexo, cyclohepto, 
thieno, piperidino, or imidazo ring; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(c) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci-g aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; and 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R^)2. 
wherein R is selected from hydrogen, Ci.e 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl, phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, 
or -N(R^)- - 

Even more preferred compooands of formula Ila 
have one or more, and more preferably all, of the 
features selected from the group consisting of: 


(a) R"^ and are taken together to form a benzo, 
pyrido, piperidino, or cyclohexo ring; 

(b) R^ is T-Ring D, wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membiered aryl or heteroaryl 

(c) R^ is hydrogen or C1.4 aliphatic and R^' is 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -OR, or -N(R*)2/ wherein 
R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, 5-6 
membered heterocyclyl, phenyl, or 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH-; and 

(e) Ring D is substituted by up to three 
substituents selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2, 
-N(R*)2/ optionally siabstituted Ci-e aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C(0)R, -CO2R, -CONH(R*) , -N<R*)COR, 
-N (R^ ) CO2R , - SO2N ( R^ ) 2 / -N (R^ ) SO2R , 
-N(R^)COCH2N(R^)2, -N(R^)COCH2CH2N(R*)2. or 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R^)2/ wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, Ci-6 aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 
membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring, 

Representative compoiands of formula Ila are 
shown below in Table 1. 

Table 1. 








HN'^ CF3 

















I la- 12 



















IIa-19 Ila-20 lIa-21 









IIa-55 IIa-56 Ila-57 

IIa-58 Ila-S9 IIa-60 


/. Me 

IIa-61 IIa-62 IIa-€3 

Me Me ^''^ 


IIa-64 IIa-65 Ila-66 

Me . Me . Me 

oXxr'si.Me cC^^'V ^X3jar^"° 

^ Me OH 

IIa-67 IIa-68 IIa-69 

jiir''^ -O"" 

Me* OMe 
IIa-70 IIa-71 Ila-72 

Me Me Me 

HN'^^*^ HN'^^" HN'-'^N^" 


Me «vie 

IIa-73 lIa-74 IIa-75 





Me Me Y 

JJV" JbV" Ju^" 

.... N H HN'^N H HN*^ 


lia-76 IIa-77 IIa-78 


In another eTnbodiment/ this invention provides 
a composition comprising a compound of formula Ila and a 
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. 
5 Another, aspect of this invention relates to a 

method of treating or preventing an Aurora -2 -mediated 
disease with an Aurora -2 inhibitor, whioh method 
comprises administering to a patient in need of such a 
treatment a therapeutically effective amoxmt of a 
10 compound of f ozmula Ila or a pharmaceutical .composition 
thereof . 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a patient, 
which method coTi5>rises administering to the patient a 
15 compound of formula IXa or a coic^osition comprising ^aid 

Another aspect of thi« invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing a GSK- 3 -mediated disease 
with a GSK-3 inhibitor, which method con^rises 
20 administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 


therapeutically effective amoiant of a compotmd of formula 
Ila or a pharmaceutical con^osition thereof. 

One aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of enhancing glycogen synthesis and/or lowering 
5 blood levels of glucose in a patient in need thereof^ 
which method conprises administering to the patient a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 
lla or a pharmaceutical composition thereof.. This method 
is especially useful for diabetic patients.. Another 
10 method relates to inhibiting the production of 
Q hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, which is useful in 

halting or slowing the progression of Alzheimer's 
disease. Another method relates to inhibiting the 
phosphorylation of P-catenin, which is useful for 

15 treating schizophrenia. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a patient, which 
method comprises administering to the patient a compound 
of. formula Ila or a composition comprising said compound. 

20 Another aspect of this invention relates to a 

method of treating or preventing a CDK- 2 -mediated disease 
with a CDK-2 inhibitor, which method comprxses 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compoxind of formula 

25 Ila or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

Another aspect of the invention relates to 
inhibiting CDK-2 activity in a patient, which method 
comprises administering to the patient a compound of 
formula Ila or a composition comprising said compound. 

3Q Another aspect of this invention relates to a 

method of treating or preventing a Src-mediat«d disease 
with a Src inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 


therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 
Ila or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

Another aspect of the invention relates to 
inhibiting Src activity in a patient, which method 
5 comprises administering to the patient a compound of 
formula Ila or a composition comprising said coirpound. 

Another method relates to inhibiting Aurora-2, 
GSK-3, CDK2, or Src activity in a biological sample, 
which method comprises contacting the biological sample 
10 with the Aurora- 2, GSK-3, CDK2, or Src inhibitor of 

formula Ila, or a pharmaceutical composition thereof, in 
an amount effective to inhibit Aurora-2, GSK-3, CDK2, or 
Src, . . 

Each of the aforementioned methods directed to 
15 the inhibition of Aurora-2, GSK-3, CDK2, or Src, or the 
treatment of a disease alleviated thereby, is preferably 
carried out with a preferred compound of formula Ila, as 
described above. 

Another embodiment of this invention relates to 
20 compounds of formula lib: 


25 or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 
thereof, wherein; 

and are taken together with their intervening atoms 
to form a fused, unsaturated or partially unsaturated, 
5-7 membered ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms selected 


from oxygen, sulfur, or nitrogen, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
and is independently substituted by oxo, T-R*, or 
L-Z-R^, and each substitutable ring nitrogen of said 
ring formed by and R^ is independently substituted 

by R*; 
R^ is T- (Ring D) ; 

Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8-10 membered 
bicyciic ring selected from aryl, heteroaryl, 
heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl, said heteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatpms selected 
from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 
stabstitutable ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
substituted by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and each 
sxabstitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 
substituted by -R*; 

T is a valence bond or a C1.4 alkylidene chain; 

Z is a Ci-4 alkylidene chain; 

L is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -S02N(R®)-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N(R*)C<0)0-, 
-N{R«)CON(R^)-, -N(R^)S02N(R^)-, -N (R^) N (R^) - , 
-C(0)N(R®)-, -OC(0)N(R*) -, -C(R^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, 
-C(R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C(R«)2S02N(R^)-, -C (R«) 2N (R^) - , 
-C(R*)2N{R^)C(0)-, -C(R«)2N(R^)C(0)O-, -C<R^) =NN(R*) - , 
-C{R*)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R«)N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) SO2N (R^) - , or 
-C (R*) 2N (R^ CON (R*) - ; 

r2 and R^' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R*, or 
r2 and R^' are taken together, with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 membered, unisaturated or 
partially unsaturated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein each 
siibstitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
R^ and R*' is independently substituted by halo, 0x0, 


-CN, -NO2; -R'/ or -V-R*, and each substitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R* auid R^' is 
independently siibstituted by R*; 
is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(ssO)R, -CO2R/ 
5 -COCOR, -COCH2COR, -N02,- -CN, -S(0)R, -S(0)2R/ -SR, 

-N{R*)2, -CON(R')a, -S0aN(R^).2, -OC(=0)R, -N{R*')<:OR, 
-N(R')C02(Ci-fi aliphatic) , -N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2/ 
-C=N-OR/ -N(R'')C0N(R"')2, -N(r'')S02N(r')2, -N(R*)S02R, -or 


10 each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted group selected from Ci-s 
aliphatic, Ce-io aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring liaving S-10 ring 

15 each R* is independently selected from -r"', -COR', 

-CO2 (optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic) , -C0N(R')2, 
or -sb2R''; 

each R^ is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 

-C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 

26 -N(R*)2, -CON(R*)2, -S02N(R*)2, -OC(=0)R, -N(R*)COR, 

-N(R*) CO2 (optionally svibstituted Ci-g aliphatic) , 
-N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, rC=N-OR, -N(R'*) CON (R*) 2, 
-N(R*)S02N(R*)2, -N(R*)S02R, or -OC (=0)N(R*) 2; 
V is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -S02N(R*)-, 

25 -N(R*')-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R«)CO-, -N (R^) C (O) O- , 

-N(R*)CON(R*')-, -N(R«)S02N(R®) -, -N(R*)N(R'') - , 
-C(0)N(R*)-, -OC(0)N(R^)-, -C(R*)20-, -<:(R^)2S-, 
-C(R«)2SO-, -C{R*)2S02-, -C(R^)2SQ2N(R*)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) - , 
-C(R*) 2N(R*)C(0)-, -C(R*)2N(R:«)C(0) 0-, -C (R*) =NM (R*) , 

30 -C(R*)-N-0- , -C(R«)2N(R*)N(R*)-, -C (R*) 2N (R^) SO2N (R*) - , or 

-C (R*) 2N (R*) CON (R*) - ; 
W is -C(R*)20-, -C(R*)2S-, -C(R*)2SO-, -C(R*)2S02-, 
rC{R®)2S02N(R*) -, -C(R*)2N(R«)-, -CO-, -COz- , 







-C{R^)OC(0)-, -C(R^)OC(0)N(R^)-, -C (li^) 2N (R^) CO- , 
-C(R'^)2N(R^)C{0)0-, -C(R^)=NN(R^)-^ -c(r^)=n-o-, 
-C (R^) 2N{R^)N(R^) - , -C (R^) 2N (R^) SO2N (R^) - , 
-C(R^)2N(R^)CGN(R*)-, or -CON(R^)-; 
each R^ is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted C1.4 aliphatic group, or two R^ 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together 
with the nitrogen atom to form, a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; emd 
each r'' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic group, or two r'' 
on the same nitrogen are taken together with the 
nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered heterocyclyl or 
' heteroaryl ring . 

Preferred rings formed by R'^ and include a 
5.^ 6-, or 7 -membered unsaturated or partially 
unsaturated ring having 0-2 heteroatoms, wherein said 
rVR^ ring is optionally substituted. This provides a 
bicyclic ring system containing a pyrimidine ring. 
Examples of preferred pyrimidine ring systems of formula 
lib are shown below. 








More preferred pyrimidine ring systems of 
formula lib include llb-A, Ilb-B, Ilb-D, Ilb-B, lib- J, 0 
llb-P, and Ilb-V, most preferably Ilb-A, Ilb-B, Ilb-D, 
5 Ilb-B, and lib -J. 

The ring formed when and R*" are taken 
together may be substituted or unsxabstituted. Suitable 
siibstituents include -R, halo, -O {CH2) 2-4-N (R*) 2/ 
-0(CH2)2-4-R, -OR, -N(R*>-(CH2)2-4-N(R*)2, -N (R*) - (CH2) 2-4-R, 
10 -C{=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -CON(R*)2, -S02N(R^)2, -OC(=0)R, -N(R*)COR, 
-N(R*)C02 (optionally substituted Cx-g aliphatic), 
-N(R*)N(R*)2/ -C=NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N(R*) CON(R*)2, 
-N(R*)S02N(R*)2/ -N(R'*)S02R, or -OC (=^0) N{R*) 2, R and R* are 


as defined above. Preferred R^R^ ring siibstituents 
include -halo, -R, -OR, -COR, -CQ2R, -:CON(R^)2/ -CN/ 
-0(CH2)2-4-N(R^)2, -0(Cai2)2-4-R, / -N02-N<R*)2, -NR^GOR, 
-NR*S02R, -S02N(R*)2 wherein R is hydrogen or an optionally 
5 sxibstituted Ci-g aliphatic group. 

The R^ and R^' groups of formula lib may be 
taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 
bicyclic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 
Preferred fused rings include benitso, pyrido, pyrimido, 
10 and a partially unsaturated €-membered carbocyclo ring. 
These are exemplified in the following formula lib 
.compounds having a pyrazole -containing bicyclic ring 
system : 

* Preferred substituents on the R^/R^' fused ring 
15 of formula lib include one or more of the following: 

-halo, -N(R*)2, -C1.4 alkyl, -C1-4 haloalkyl, -NO2, -0(Cx-4 
alkyl) , -C02{Ci.4 alkyl) , -CN, -SO2 (C1-4 allcyl) , -SO2NH2, 
-OC(0)NH2, -NH2S02(Ci.4 alkyl) , -HHC(O) (C1-4 alkyl) , 
-C(0)NH2, and -CO (C1.4 alkyl) , wherein the (C1.4 alkyl) is a 
20 straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl group. Preferably, 
the {Ci-4 alkyl) group is methyl or ethyl. 

When the pyrazole ring system of formula lib i« 
monocyclic, preferred R^ groups include hydrogen or- a 
substituted or tinsubstitiited group selected from aryl, 
25 heteroaryl, or a C1.6 aliphatixi: group. Examples of such 


preferred groups include H, methyl/ ethyl, propyl, , 
cyclopropyl , i -propyl , cyclopejityl , hydroxypropyl , 
methoxypropyl / and benzyloxypropyl . A preferred R^' group 
is hydrogen. 

When Ring D of formula lib is monocyclic, 
preferred Ring D groups include phenyl, pyridyl, 
pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyrazinyl. 

When Ring D of formula lib is bicyclic, 
preferred bicyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl, 
t e t rahydronaphthyl , indanyl , benzimidazolyl , quinol inyl , 
indolyl , i soindolyl , indolinyl , benzo [b] f uryl , 
benzo [b] thiophenyl , indazolyl , benzothiazolyl , 
cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl, quinazolinyl, quinoxazolinyl, 
1, 8-naphthyridinyl and isoquinblinyl- 

On Ring D of formula lib, preferred T-R^ or V-Z- 
rS substituents include -halo, -CN, -NO2, -N(R*)2, 
optionally sxibstituted Ci-6 aliphatic group, -OR, -C(0)R, 
-CO2R, -C01IH(R*), -N(R*)COR, -N(R*)C02R, -S02N{R*)2, 
-N(R*)S02R, -N(R^)COCH2N(R*)2/ -N (R^) COCH2CH2N(R*) 2. and 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R*)2/ wherein R is selected from 
hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered heterocyclic ring. 
More preferred R^ substituents include -Cl, -Br, -F, -CN, 
-CF3, -COOH, -CONHMe, -CONHEt, -NH2, -NHAc, -NHS02Me, 
-NHS02Et , -NHSO2 (n-propyl ) , -NHSO2 ( isopropyl ) , -NHCOEt , 
-NHCOCH2CH2N ( CH3 ) 2 . -NHCOCH2CH2CH2N ( CH3 ) 2 / 

-NHCO ( cyclopropyl ) , -NHCO ( isobutyl ) , -NHGOCH2 (morpholin-4 - 
yl ) , -NHCOCH2CH2 (morpholin-4 -yl ) , -NHCOCH2CH2CH2 (morpholin- 
4-yl), -NHCO2 (t -butyl ) , -NH(Ci.4 aliphatic) such as -NHMe,' 
-N(Ci.4 aliphatic) 2 such as -NMe2, OH, -0(Ci-4 aliphatic) 
such as -OMe, C1.4 aliphatic such as methyl, ethyl. 


cyclopropyl, isopropyl, or t -butyl/ and -C02(Ci-4 
aliphatic) . 

Preferred formula lib compoimds have one or 
more, and more preferably all, of the features selected 
from the group consisting of: 

(a) R"" and are taken together with their 
intervening atoms to form a fused, xinsaturated 
or partially unsaturated, 5-6 membered ring 
having 0-2 heteroatoms selected from oxygen, 
sulfur, or nitrogen, wherein each substitutable 
ring carbon of said fused ring formed by R* and 
R^ is independently substituted by oxo, T-R^, or 
Ij-2-R^, and each substitutable ring nitrogen of 
said ring formed by R* and R^ is independently 
STobstituted by R*; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene unit; 

(c) Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(d) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen; or R^ and 
R^* are tsJcen together to form an optionally 
substituted benzo ring; and 

(e) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, 7OR, or -N(R*)2- 

More preferred compounds of fo3naula lib have 
one or more, and more preferably all, of the features 
selected from the group consisting of: 

' (a) R"" and R^ are taken together to form a benzo, 
pyrido, cyclopento, cyclohexo, cyclohepto, 
thieno, piperidino, or imidazo ring; 
(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-€ membered monocyclic ring or an 


8-10 metabered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(c) is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci-g aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; and 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R*)2# 
wherein R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-e 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyolyl, phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, cuid L is -0-, -S-, 
or -N(R^)-. 

Even more preferred corapoiinds of formula lib 
have one or more, and more preferably all, of the 
features selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R^ and R^ are taken together to form a benzo, 
pyrido, piperidino, or cyclohexo ring; 

(b) R^ is T-Ring D, wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl 
ring; ^ 

(c) R^ is hydrogen or C1-4 aliphatic and R^' is 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -OR, or -N(R*)2. wherein. 
R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-6 aliphatic, 5-6 
membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, or 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH-; and 

(e) Ring D is substituted by up to three 
substituents selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2, 
-N(R*)2. optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C{0)R, -CO2R, -CONH(R^) , -N{R^)COR, 
-N(R*)C02R, -S02N{R*)2, -N(R*)S02R, 
-N(R^)COCH2N(R^)2/ -N(R^)COCH2CH2N(R*)2. or 
-N(R^)C0C3l2CH2CH2N{R*)2/ wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, C1.6 aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 


membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5^6 metnbered 
heterocyclic ring. 
Representative compounds of fortaula lib are 
shown below in Table 2. 

Table 2. 

IIb-7 IIb-8 IIb-9 

In another embodiment, this invention provides 
a composition comprising a compound of formula lib and a 
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing an Aurora -2 -mediated 
disease with an Aurora-2 inhibitor, which method 
comprises administering to a patient in need of such a 



treatment a therapeutically effective amoiint of a 
compound of formula lib or a pharmaceutical composition 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
5 method of inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a patient, 
which method comprises administering to the pati«it a 
compound of fomula lib or a composition comprising said 
compound . 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 

10 method of treating or preventing a GSK- 3 -mediated disease 
with a GSK- 3 inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compoiand of formula 
lib or a pharmaceutical composition thereof . 

15 One aspect of this invention relates to a 

method of enhancing glycogen synthesis and/or lowering 
blood levels of glucose in a patient in need thereof, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 

20 lib or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. This method 
is especially useful for diabetic patients. Another 
method relates to inhibiting the production of 
hyperphosphorylated Taii protein, which is useful in 
halting or slowing the progression of Alzheimer's 

25 disease. Another method relates to inhibiting the 
phosphorylation of P-catenin, which is useful for 
treating schizophrenia. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a patient, which 

30 method comprises administering to the patient a compoxand 
of formula lib or a composition comprising said compound. 

Another method relates to inhibiting Aurora-2 
or GSK-3 activity in a biological sample, which method 



comprises contacting the biological sample with the 
Aurora- 2 or GSK-3 inhibitor of formula Ilb^ or a 
pharmaceutical composition thereof, in an amount 
effective to inhibit Axirora-2 or GSK-3. 

Each of the • aforementioned methods directed to 
the inhibition of Aurora-2 or GSK-3, or the treatment of 
a disease alleviated thereby, is preferably carried out 
wit-h a preferred compound of formula lib, as described 

Another embodiment of this invention relates to 
compounds of formula lie: 


or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 

thereof, wherein; 

and are taken together with their intervening atoms 
to form a fused, unsaturated or partially unsaturated, 
5-7 membered ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms selected 
from oxygen, sulfur, or nitrogen, wherein ^ach 
siibsti tut able ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
R"" and R^ is independently substituted by oxo, T-R^, or 
L-Z-R^ and each substitutable ring nitrogen of said 
ring formed by R"" and R^ is independently substituted 
by R\- 

R^ is. T- (Ring D) ; 


Ring D is a 5-7 membered tnonocyclic ring or 8-10 tnembered 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroaryl^ 
heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl, said Ineteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 
5 from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 

substitutable ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
sxibstituted by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and each 
substitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 
substituted by -R^; 
10 T is a valence bond or a C1.4 alkylidene chain; 
Z is a C1.4 alkylidene chain; 

L is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-/ -N(R^)S02-, -SOaNCR^)-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N(R^>C(0)0-, 
.N(R^)C0N{R^)-, -N(R^)S02N{R^)-, -N (R^) N (R^) - , 

15 -C{0)N(R^)-, -0C(0)Ni[R^) -C(R^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, 

-C(R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C(R^) 2S02N{R^) -C (R^) 2N (R^) - , 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C (0) -C{R^)2N(R^)C{0)0-, -C (R^) =NN (R^) - , 
-C(R^)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R^)N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) S02N(R^) - , or 
-C (R^) 2N (R^) CON (R^) - ; 

20 R^ and R^' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-rS or 
R^ and R^' are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 membered, unsaturated or 
partially unsaturated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein each 

25 substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 

R^ and R^' is independently sxibstituted by halo, 0x0, 
-CN, -NO2, -R'', or -V-R^, and each substitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R^ and R^' is 
independently substituted by R*; 

30 R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, 

-COCOR, -COCH2COR, -NO2/ -CN, .-S(0)R, -S(0)2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -C0N(R'')2, -S02N{R^)2, -OC(=0)R, -N{R^)COR, 
-N(R^)C02{Ci-6 aliphatic) , -N{R*)N{R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, 


-C=N-OR, -N(R')CON(r'')2, -N(r'')S02N(R'')2, -N(R*)S02R, or 

each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted group selected from Ci-s 
aliphatic, Cs-i© aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms,, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 
atoms ; ' . 

each R* is independently selected from -r', -COR'', 

-CO2 (optionally substituted Ci-g aliphatic) , -<:0N(r"')2» 
or -SO2R'; 

each R^ is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 
-C(=:0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S<0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -CON(R*)2, -S02N(R'*>2/ -OC(=0)R, -N(R*)COR, 
-N(R*)C02 (optionally substituted Ci-s aliphatic) , 
-N (R* ) N (R^ ) 2 , -C=NN (R*) 2 / -C=N-OR, -N (R*) CON (R*) ? , 
-N(R*)S02N(R*)2, -N(R*)S02R, or -OC (=0)N(R*)2; 

V is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -S02N(R*)-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO- , -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N (R*) C (O) O- , 
-N(R*)CON(R^)-, ,-N(R^)S02N(R«)-, -N (R^)N (R*) - , 
-C(0)N(R«)-, -OC(0)N(R^) -, -C(R«)20-, -C<R*)2S-, 
-C(R«)2S0-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C(R«)2S02N(R*)-, -C (R«) 2N(R*) - , 
-C(R«)2N(R*)C(0)- , -C(R*)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C<R^) =NN<R«) - , 
-C(R*)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R^)N(R*)-, -C (R*) 2N(R^) SO2N (R^) - , 
-C(R*)2N(R^)CON(R*) -; 

W is -C(R^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, -C(R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, 
-C(R*)2S02N(R^) -, -C(R^)2N(R^) -, -CO-, -CO2-, 
-C(R^)OC(0)-, -C(R^)OC(0)N(R^) -, -C (R^) 2N (R^) CO-^ 
-C(R^)2N(R')C(0)0-, -C(R^)=NN(R*) -, -C(R^) =N-0-, 
-C(R«)2N(R*)N(R*)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)S02N(R*)-, 
-C(R*)2N(R*)C0N(R*)-, or -CON(R^)-; 

each R* is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted C1.4 aliphatic grovqo, or two R* 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together 


with the. nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 
heterocyciyl or heteroaa^rl ring; and 
each r'^ is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted Ci-g aliphatic group ^ or two r'' 
on the same nitrogen are taken together with the 
nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered heterocyciyl or 
heteroaryl ring . 

Preferred rings formed by R* and R^ include a 
5-, 6-, or 7 -membered unsaturated or partially 
unsaturated ring having 0-2 heteroatoms, wherein said 
rVR^ ring is optionally substituted.' This provides a 
bicyclic ring system containing a pyrimidine ring. 
Examples of preferred pyrimidine ring systems of foanmala 
lie are shown below. 

IIc-D IIc-E Ilc-F 

Ilc-J Ilc-K 

Ilc-P Ilc-R II<J-V 



More preferred pyrimidiiie ring systems of 
formula lie include Ilc-A, IXc-B, Ilc-D, Ilc-B, llc-J, 
Ilc-P, and llc-v, most preferably Ilc-A, llc-B, IZc-D, 

IXc-E, and IIc-J. 

The ring formed when R* and R''^ of formula lie 
are taken together may be s\abstituted or unsubstituted. 
Suitable substituents include -R, halo, -0(CH2)2-4-N(R'*)2» 
-0(CH2)2-4-R, -OR, -N(R*)-(CH2)2-4-N(R*)2, -N (R*) - «2l2) 2-4-R, 
-C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S{0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -C0N(R*)2, -S02N(R*)2, -OC(=0)R, -N(R*)GOR, 
-N(R*) CO2 (optionally substituted Ci-s aliphatic) , 
-N(R^)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N(R*) CON (R*) 2, 
-N(R*).SOaN{R*)2/ -N{R*)S02R, or -OC (=0) N(R*) 2/ R and R* are 
as defined above. Preferred R^/R^ ring substituents 


include -halo, -R, -OR, -COR, -CO2R/ -C0N(R*)2f -CN, 
-0{Cai2)2.4-N{R*)2, -0(CH2)2.4-R, / -NO2 -N(R*)2, -NR^COR, 
-NR^S02R/ -S02N{R*)2 wherein R is hydrogen or an optionally 
sxabstituted Ci^e aliphatic group* 
5 The R^ and R^' groups of formula lie may be 

taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 
bicyclic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 
Preferred fused rings include benzo, pyrido, pyrimido, 
and a partially unsaturated 6-membered carbocyclo ring. 
10 These are exemplified in the following formula lie 

compoiands having a pyrazole-containing bicyclic ring 

Preferred substituents on the R^/R^' fused ring 
of formula lie include one or more of the following: 

15 -halo, -N(R^)2/ -C1-4 alkyl, -C1.4 haloalkyl, -NO2, -0(Ci-4 
alkyl) , -C02(Ci-4 alkyl) , -CN, -SO2 (C1-4 alkyl) , -SO2NH2. 
-0C(0)NH2/ -NH2SO2 (C1.4 alkyl) , -NHC(O) (C1.4 alkyl) , 
tC(0)NH2, and -CO (C1.4 alkyl) , wherein the (C1-4 alkyl) is a 
straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl group. Preferably, 

20 the (C1.4 alkyl) group is methyl. 

When the pyrazole ring system of formula lie is 
monocyclic, preferred R^ groups include hydrogen or a 
substituted or unsubstituted group selected from aryl, 
heteroaryl, or a Ci-g aliphatic group. Exan5>les of such 

25 preferred R^ groups include H> methyl, ethyl, propyl, , 


( l 


cyclopropyl, i -propyl, cyclopentyl, hydroxypropyl , 
methoxypropyl/ and benzyloxypropyl • A preferred R^' group 

is hydrogen. 

When Ring D of formula lie is monocyclic, 
5 preferred Ring D groups include phenyl, pyridyl, 
pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyrazinyl. 

When Ring D of formula lie is bicyclic, 
preferred bicyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl, 
tetrahydronaphthyl, indanyl, benzimidazolyl, quinolinyl., 

10 indolyl, isoindolyl, indolinyl, benzo [b] f uryl , 
benzb[b] thiophenyl, indazqlyl, benzothiazolyl , 
cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl/ quinazolinyl, quinoxazolinyl, 
1,8-naphthyridinyl aiid isoquinolinyl. 

On Ring D of formula lie, preferred T-R^ or 

15 V-Z-R^ substituents include -halo, -CN, -N02f -N(R*)2/ 

optionally substituted Ci-6 aliphatic group, -OR, -C{0)R, 
-CO2R, -CONH(R*), -N(R*)C0R, -N(R*)C02R, -S02N(R*)2/ 
-N(R*)S02R, -N(R*^)COCH2N(R*)2, -N(R^)<:OCH2C3l2N(R*) 2, and 
-N(R^)C0CH2CH2CH2N(R^)2i wherein R is selected from 

20 hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 membered 

heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered heterocyclic ring- 
More preferred substituents include -CI, -Br, -F, -CW, 
-CF3, -COOH, -CONHMe, -CONHEt, -ISIH2, -NHAc, -NHS02Me, 
-NHSOaEt, -NHS02(n-propyl) , -NHSO2 (isopropyl) , -NHCOEt, 

25 -NHCOCH2NHCH3/ -NHC0CH2N(CO2t-Bu)CH3, -NHCOCH2N (CH3) 2/ 
-NHCOCH2CH2N ( CH3 ) 2 r -NHCOCH2CH2CH2N ( CH3 ) 2 / 

-NHCO (cyclopropyl) , -NHCO (isobutyl) , -NHCOCH2<morpholin-4- 
yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2(morpholin-4-yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2CH2 {mozpholin- 
4-yl), -NHC02(t-butyl) , -NH(Ci.4 aliphatic) such as -NHMe, 
30 -N{Ci.4 aliphatic) 2 such as -NMez, OH, -0{Ci-4 aliphatic) 
such as -OMe, C1-.4 aliphatic such as methyl, ethyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, or t -butyl, and -C02<Ci.4. 
aliphatic) . 


Pref erred formula lie compoiinds have one or 
more, and more preferably all, of the features selected 
from the group consisting of: 

(a) and are taken together with their 
intervening -atoms to form a fused, unsaturated 
or partially unsaturated^ 5-6 membered ring 
having 0-2 heteroatoms selected from oxygen, 
sulfur, or nitrogen, wherein each substitutable 
ring carbon of said fused ring formed by R* and 
Ry is independently substituted by oxo, T-R^, or 
L-Z-R^, and each substitutable ring nitrogen of 
said ring formed by R* and R^ is independently 
sxabstituted by R*; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene unit; 

(c) Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(d) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen; or R^ and 
r2' are taken together to form an optionially 
substituted benzo ring; and 

(e) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R*)2. 

More pref erxed compounds of formula lie have 
one or more, and more preferably all, of the features 
selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) and R^ are taken together to fo3nn a benzo, 
pyrido, cyclopento, cyclohexo, cyclohepto, 
thieno, piperidino, or imidazo ring; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 


(c) is -R and R^' is hydrcjgen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci-g aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 metnbered 
heterocyclic ring; and 

(d) is -selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R*)2/ 
wherein R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-s 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, 
or -N(R*)-. 

Even more preferred compounds of formula lie 
have one or more, and more preferably all, of the 
features selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R* and R^ are taken together to form a benzo, 
pyrido, piperidino, or cyclohexo- ring; 

(b) R* is T-Ring D, wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring P is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl 

(c) R^ is hydrogen or C1-4 aliphatic and R^ is 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -OR, or -N(R*)2, wherein 
R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-s aliphatic, 5-6 
membered heterocyclyl, phenyl, or 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH-; and 

(e) Ring D is substituted by up to three 
substituents selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2, 
-N(R^)2, optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C(0)R, -CO^R, -CONH(R*) , -N<R*)<20R, 
-N(R*)C02R, -S02N(R'*>2, -N(R'*)S02R, 
-N(R«)C0CH2N(R*)2/ -N(R^)GOCH2CH2N(R*)2, or 

-N (R^) COCH2CH2CH2N (R* ) 2 , wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 
membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring. 


Preferred compoxinds of formula lie include 
compounds of formula lie' : 



or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 
thereof, wherein; 

R*" and are taken together with their intervening atoms 
to form a fused benzo ring, wherein each substitutable 
ring carbon of said fused ring formed by R* and R^ is 
independently stibstituted by T-R^, or L-Z-R^; 

R^ is T- (Ring D) ; 

Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8-10 membered 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroaryl, 
heterbcyclyl or carbocyclyl, said heteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 
from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
substituted by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and each 
substitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 
substituted by -R^; 

T is a valence bond or a Cx-4 alkylidene chain; 

Z is a Ci-4 alkylidene chain; 

L is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -SOzNCR^)-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N<R^)C(0)0-, 
.N.(R^)C0N(R^)-, -N (R^)S02N(R^)-, -N (R^) N (R^) - , 
-C (O) N (R^) - -OC (0> N (R^) - , -C (R^) 2O- , . -C (R^) 2S- , 


-C(R«)2SO-, -C(R«)2S02-, -C(R^)2S02N(R^) -C (R^) 2N (R^) - , 
-C{R«)2N(R*)C(0)-, -C(R«)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C (R^) =NN (R^) - , 
-C(R«)=N-0-, -C{R^)2N(R*)N(R*)-, -C (R*) 2N (R*) SO2N (R^) - , or 
-C (R* ) 2N (R* ) CON (R* ) - ; 

R* and R^' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R*, or 
R^ and R^' are taJcen together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 membered, unsatiirated or 
partially imsaturated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
r2 and R=' is independently stabstituted by halo, 0x0, 
-CN, -NO2, -R'/ of -V-R*, and each siibstitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R^ and R^' is 
independently siibstituted by R*; 

R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(=6)R, -CO2R, 
-COCOR> -COCH2COR, -NO2, -CN, -S{0)R, -S(0)2R, "SR, 
-N(R*)2, -C0N(R')2, -S02N(R'')2, -0C(=0)R, -N(R')C0R, 
-N(r'')C02(Ci.6 aliphatic) , -N(R*)N(R*)2/ -C=NN(R*)a, 
-C=N-0R, -NCR') CON (r') 2, -N(R'')S02N(R')2, -N(R*)S02R, or 

. -oc(=o)n(r'')2; 

each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted group selected from Ci-e 
aliphatic, Cg-io aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 
atoms ; 

each R* is independently selected from -R"', -COR', 

-CO2 (optionally substituted Ci-6 aliphatic) , -C0N{r')2/ 

or -SOaR^; 

each R^ is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 
-C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -C0N(R*)2, -S02N{R*)2, -OC(=0)R, -N(R*)COR, 
-N(R*)C02 (optionally substituted Ci-« aliphatic) , 


-N(R*)N(R'')2, -C=NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N (R^) CON (R*) 2, 
-N(R*)Sb2N(R*)2, -N(R*)S02R, or -OC (=0)N(R*) 2; 
V is -0-, rS-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R®)S02-, -S02N(R^)-, 
-N(R*)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N{R*)CO-, -N(R*)C(0)0-, 
5 -N (R*) CON (R*) - , • -N (R*) SO2N (R*) - , -N (R*) N (R*) - / 

-C(0)N(R*)-, -OC(0)N(R*)-, -C(R^)20-, -C(R*)2S-, 
-C (R*) 2SO- , . -C (R*) 2SO2- , -C (R^) 2SO2N (R*) - , -C (R*) 2N (R*) - , 
-C(R*) 2N(R^)C (0)-, -C(R«)2N(R*)C(0)0-, -C (R*) =NN(R*) - , 
-C(R«)=N-0-, -C(R<')2N (R*)N{R*)-, -C (R«) 2N (R*) S02N(R«) - , or 
10 -C(R*)2N{R*)CON(R*)-; 

W is -C{R*)20-, -C(R*)2S-, -C(R«)2SO-, -C (R*) 2SO2- , 
-C(R*)2S02N{R*)-, -C(R*)2N(R*)-, -CO-, -CO2-, 
-C(R*)OC(0)-, -C(R*)OC(0)N(R*) -, -C (R*)2N (R:*)CO-, 
-C{R^)2N(R*)C(0)0-, -C(R*)=NN(R«)-, -C(R*)=N-0-, 
15 -C(R*)2N(R^)N(R®) -, -C(R'')2N(R*)SOaN{R«)-, 

-C(R^)2N(R^)CON(R^) -, or -CaN(R*)-; 
each R^ is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted C1.4 aliphatic group, or two R* 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are teJcen together 
20 with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 

heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; and 
each R*' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally sijbstituted Ci,6 aliphatic group, or two r' 
on the same nitrogen are taken together with the 
25 nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered heterocyclyl or 

heteroaryl ring. 

The ring foanned when R* and R^ of f cannula lie' 
are taken together may be substituted or unsxabstituted. 
Suitable substituents include -R, halo, -0(CH2)2-4-N(R*)2, 
30 -0(CH2)2-4-R, -OR, .-N(R*)-{CH2)2-4-N(R*)a> -N (R*) - (CH2) 2-4-R, 
-C{=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NOa, -CN, -S{0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -C0N(R*)2, -S02N(R*)2, -OC(=0)R, -N(R*)COR, 
-N(R*)C02 (optionally substituted Ci-s aliphatic). 





-N(R*)N(R'*)2/ -C=NN{R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N (R*) CON (R*) 2/ 
-N(R*)S02N(R*)2. -N(R*)S02R, or -OC (=0) N (R*) 2/ wherein R and 
R* are as defined above. Preferred R*/R^ ring 
sTjbstituents include -halo, -R, -OR, -COR, -CO2R, 
.-CON(R*)2, -CN, -0(CH2)2-4-N(R*>2/ -O (CH2) 2-4-R. / "NOa 
-N(R*)a» -NR*COR, -NR^SOaR, -S02N(R*)2/ wherein R is 
hydrogen or an optionally substituted Cx-e aliphatic group. 

The R^ and R^' groups of formula IIC may be 
taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 
bicyclic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 
Preferred fused rings include benzo, pyrido, pyrimido, 
and a partially unsaturated 6-membered carbocyclb ring. 
These are exemplified in the following formula lie' 
compounds having a pyrazole- containing bicyclic ring 


»N "i-C^ 


Preferred substituents on the R^/R^' fused ring 
20 of formula IIC include one or more of the following: 
-halo, -N{R*)2, -Ci-4 alkyl, -C1.4 haloalkyl, -NO2, -0(Ci-4 
alkyl), -C02(Ci_4 alkyl) , -CN, -SO2 (C1.4 alkyl) , -SO2NH2, 
-0C(0)NH2, -NH2S02(Ci-4 alkyl) , -NHC(O) (C1.4 alkyl) , 
-C(0)KH2, and -C0{Ci-4 alkyl) , wherein the (C1-4 alkyl) is a 
25 straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl group. Preferably, 
the (Ci-4 alkyl) group is methyl. 

When the pyrazole ring system of formula lie' 
is monocyclic, preferred R^ groups include hydrogen or a 


substituted or unsubstituted group selected from aryl, 
heteroaryl , or a Ci-e aliphatic groijp . Exan?)les of such 
preferred groups include H, methyl, ethyl, prqpyl, , 
cycloprqpyl, i -propyl, cyclopentyl, hydroxypropyl , 
5 methoxypropyl, . and-benzyloxypr<^yl. A preferr^ed R^' group 

is hydrogen. 

When Ring D of formula lie' is monocyclic, 
preferred Ring D groups include phenyl, pyridyl, 
pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyrazinyl. 

10 When Ring D of formula lie' is bicyclic, _ 

preferred bicyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl, 
tetrahydronaphthyl , indanyl, benzimidazolyl , quinolinyl, 
indolyl,. isoindolyl, indolinyl, benzo [b] f uryl , 
benzo [b] thiophenyl , indazolyl, benzothiazolyl , 

15 cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl , quinazolinyl, quinoxazolinyl, 
1, 8-naphthyridinyl and isoquinolinyl . 

On Ring D of formula IIC , preferred T-R' or ' 
V-Z-R^ substituents include -halo, -CN, -NO2, -N(R*)2, 
optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic group, -OR, -C(0)R, 

20 -CO2R, -CONH(R*), -N(R*)COR, -N(R*)C02R, -S02N(R*)2, 

-N(R*)S02R, -N(R^)COCH2N(R*)2, -N (R*) COCH2CH2N<R*) 2, and ^ 
-N(R*)COCH2CH2CH2N(R'*)2, wherein R is selected from. ^ 
hydrogen, Ci-6 aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered heterocyclic ring. 

25 More preferred R^ substituents include -Cl, -Br, -F, -CN, 
-CF3, -COOH, -CONHMet -CONHEt, -NH2, -NHAc, -NHS02Me, 
-NHSOzEt, -NHS02(n-propyl) , -NHS02(isopropyl) , -NHCOEt, 
-NHCOCHaNHCaia, -NHCOCH2N (C02t-Bu) CH3 , -NHCOCH2N (CH3) 2, 

30 -NHCOCcyclopropyl) , -NHCO (isobutyl) , -NHCOCH2 (morpholin-4- 
yl) , -NHC0CH2CH2(morpholin-4-yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2CH2 (morpholin- 
4-yl) , -NHCO2 (t -butyl ) , -NH(Ci-4 aliphatic) such as -MMe, 
-N(Ci.4 aliphatic) 2 such as .-NMea, OH, -0(Ci.4 aliphatic) 


such as -OMe, C1-4 aliphatic such as methyl, ethyl, 
cyclopropyl; isopropyl, or t -butyl, and -C02(Ci.4 
aliphatic) . 

Preferred formula lie' compounds have one or 
more, and more preferably all, of the featoires selected 
from the group consisting of: 

(a) is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene unit; 

(b) Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(c) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen; or R^ and 
R^' are taken together to form an optionally 
substituted benzo ring; and 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N<R*)2- 

More preferred compounds of formula IIC have 
one or more, and more preferably all, of the features 
selected from the group consisting of : 

fa) is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(b) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci-^ aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; and 

(c) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R^)2/ 
wherein R is selected from hydrogen, Cx.e 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, 
or «N(R^)-. 


Even more preferred compounds of formula He' 

have one or more, and more preferably all, of the 
features selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) is T-Ring D, wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl 

(b) R^ is hydrogen or C1-4 aliphatic and R^' is 

(c) R^ is selected from -R, -OR, or -N(R*)2/ wherein 

membered heterocyclyl/ phenyl, or 5-6 membered 

substituents selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2/ 
-N{R^)2/ optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C(0)R, -CO2R, -CONH{R^) , -N(R^)COR, 
-N(R^)C02R, -S02N{R*)2, -N(R^)S02Rr 
-N(R^)COCH2N(R*)2, •N(R^)COCH2CH2N(R*)2. or 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N{R^)2, wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 
membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring. 
Other preferred compounds of formula lie 

R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-6 aliphatic, 5-6 

heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH-; and 
(d) Ring D is substituted by up to .three 

include compoiinds of formula lie": 





or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 
thereof , wherein; 

R* and are taken together with their intervening atoms 
to form a fused, unsaturated or partially unsaturated, 
-5-7 membered ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms selected 
from oxygen, sulfur, or nitrogen, wherein each 
sxibstitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
R* and ny is optionally substituted by oxo, T-R*, or L- 
Z-R^, and each substitutable ring nitrogen of said ring 
formed by R* and R^ is optionally sxabstituted by R*; 
provided that said fused ring formed by R* and R*" is 
other than benzo; 

R^ is T- (Ring D) ,- 

Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8-10 membered 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroaryl, 
heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl, said heteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 
from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur,, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
siibstituted by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and each 
sxabstitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 
substituted by -R*; 

T is a valence bond or a 01-4 alkylidene chain; 

Z is a Ci-4 alkylidene chain; 

I. is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R*)S02-, -SOzNCR*)-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N(R^)C(0)0-, 
-N(R^)CON.(R^)-, -N{R^)S02N(R*) -, -N (R^)N (R*) - , 
-C(0)N(R^)-, -OC(0)N(R^) -, -C(R*)20-, -C(R^)2S-, 
-C(R^)2SO-, -C(R*)2S02-, -C(R^)2S02N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R*) - , 
-C(R^)2N (R^)C(0)-, -C(R^) 2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C (R^) =NN (R*) - , 
-C(R«)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N{R«)N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N(R^) SO2N (R*) - , or 


r2 and R*' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R^, or 
r2. and R^' are 'taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 membered, unsaturated or 
partially unsatxirated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
R* and R*' is independently substituted by halo, oxo, 
-CN, -NO2, -R'» or -V-R*, and each siabstitutable ring, 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R^ amd R*' is 
independently substituted by R*; 

R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, 
-COCOR, -COGH2COR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -S(0)2R, "SR, 
-N(R*)2, -CON(r')2, -S02N(R'')2, -oc{=o)r, -n(r7)gor, 
-N(R')C02(Ci.6 aliphatic) , -N(R*)N(R*) 2, -C=NN(R*)2, 
-C-=N-OR, -N(R^)C0N(R')2, -N(R')S02N(R')2/ -N(R*)S02R, or 


each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted group selected from Ci-e 
aliphatic, Ce-ib aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 
atoms ; 

each R* is independently selected from -r', -COR', 

-CO2 (optionally substituted Ci.« aliphatic) , -C0N(R^)2, 
or -SO2R'; 

each R^ is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 
-C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S<0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2/ -CON(R*)2, -S02N(R*)2, -OC(=0)R, -N(R*)COR, 
-N{R*)C02 (optionally s-ubstituted Ci_6 aliphatic) , 
-N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(rM2/ -C=N-0R, -N (R*) CON (R*) 2, 
-N(R*)S02N(R*)2, -N(R*)S02R, or -OC (=0)N(R*)2; 

V is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -S02N(R^)-, 
-NCR*)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R«)CO-, -N(R«)C(O)0-, 
-N(R*)C0N(R«)-, -N(R*) S02N(R«)-, -N(R«)N(R^) - , 


-C(0)N(R*) -, -OC(0)N(R^) -C{R*)20-, -C {R^)2S-, 
-C(R*)2S0- , -C(R^)2S02-, -C(R^)2S02N(R^)-, -C (R*) 2N (R«) - 
-C(R^)2N(R*)C (0) -C(R^)2N(R^) C(0)0-, -C (R«) =NN (R^) - , 
-C{R*)=N-0-, -C(R«)2N(R«)N(R*)-, -C (R*) 2N (R^) SOaN<R^) - , or 
5 -C(R^)2N(R*)CON(R*)-; - 

W is -C(R*)20-, -C(R*)2S-, -C(R^)2SO-, -C(R*)2S02-, 
-C(R*)2S02N(R*)-, -C{R*)2N(R*)-/ -CO-, -CO2-, 
-C(R*)OC(0)-, -C(R«)OC(0)N(R*)-, -C (R*) 2N (R*) CO- , 
-C(R*)2N(R*)C(0)0-, -C{R*)-NN(R«)-, -C(R*)=N-0-, 
10 -C{R*)2N(R*)N(R*)-, -C(R*)2N(R*)S02N(R*)-, 

O -C(R®)2N{R*)CON(R*)-, or -CON(R*)-; 

each is independently selected from hycUrogen or an 
optionally substituted Cx-4 aliphatic group, or two R* 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together 
15 with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 

heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; and 
each r' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted Ci-s aliphatic groi:^, or two r' 
on the sane nitrogen are taken together with the 
20 nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered heterocyclyl or 

heteroaryl ring. 

f ) Preferred rings formed by R* and R^ of formula 

lie" include a 5-, 6-, or 7 -membered vmsaturated or 
partially unsaturated ring having 1-2 heteroatoms, or a 
25 partially unsaturated carbocyclo ring, wherein said ^/R^ 
ring is optionally substituted. This provides a bicyclic 
ring system containing a pyrimidine ring. Exau^les of 
preferred pyrimidine ring systems of formula 11c" are 
shown below. 


HN^ HN-^ HN-^ 











CcX f*iv pi'r 

Ilc"-R Iic"-V llc"-W 

More preferred pyrimidine ring systems of 
formula lie" include IIc"-B, IXc-D, IIc-E, Ilc-J, Ilc-P, 
and IIc-V, most preferably IIc-B, XIc-D, XXc-E, and XIc- 

The ring formed when and of formula IXc" 
are taken together may be siabstituted or unsubstituted. 
Suitable substituents include -R, halo, -0(CH2)2-4-N(R*)2/ 
-0(CH2)2-4-R, -OR, -N(R*)-(CH2)2-4-N(R*)a, -N (R*) - (CHa) a-4-R/ 


-C(=0)R. -CO2R, -COCOR, 'CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, ~SR, 

-N(R*)2, -C0N(R^)2, -S02N(R^)2, -OC{«0)R, -N(R*)COR, 
-N{R*)C02 (pptibnally substituted Ci-6 aliphatic), 
-N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N(R^) CON(R*) 2, 
5 -N(R*)S02N(R*) 2, -N(R^)S02R, or -OC (=0)N(R*) 2/ wherein R and 
R^ are as defined above. Preferred rVR^ ring 
substituents include -halo, -R, -OR, -COR, -CO2R, 
-CON(R*)2, -CN, -0(CH2)2.4-N{R*)2. -O {CH2) 2.4-R/ . -NO2 
-N(R*)2/ -NR^COR, -NR*S02R, -S02N(R*)2 wherein R is hydrogen 
10 or an optionally siibstituted Ci-e aliphatic group. 
\, 5 The R^ and R^' groups of formula lie" may be 

taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 
bi cyclic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 
Preferred fused rings include benzq, pyrido, pyrimido, 
15 and a partially unsaturated e-membered -carbocyclo ring- 
These are exemplified in the following formula lie" 
compounds having a pyrazole -containing bicyclic ring 

Preferred substituents on the R^/R^' fused ring 
20 of formula lie" include one or more of the following: 

-halo, -N(R^)2/ -C1.4 alkyl, -C1.4 haloalkyl, -NO2, -0(Ci-4 
alkyl), -C02(Ci.4 alkyl) , -CN, -SO2 (C1.4 alkyl) , -S02NH2> 
-OC(0)NH2, -NH2S02(Ci.4 alkyl) , -NHC(O) (C1-4 alkyl) , 
-C(0)NH2, and -CO (Cx.4 alkyl) , wherein the (C1-4 alkyl) is a 



straight, branched, or cyclic allcyl group* Preferably, 
the (C1.4 alkyl) group is methyl. 

When the pyrazole ring system of formula lie" 
is monocyclic, preferred groups include hydrogen or a 
5 sxabstituted or unsiabstituted group selected from aryl, 
heteroaryl, or a Ci.€ aliphatic group. Examples of such 
preferred groups include methyl, ethyl, propyl, , 
cyclopropyl , i -propyl , cyclopentyl , hydroxypropyl , 
methoxypropyl , and benzyloxypropyl . A preferred R^' group 

10 is hydrogen. 

When Ring D of formula He" is monocyclic, © 

preferred Ring D groups include phenyl, pyridyl, 

pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyrazinyl- 

When Ring D of formula lie" is bicyclic, 
15 preferred bicyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl, 

tetrahydronaphthyl , indanyl, benzimidazolyl , quinolinyl, 

indolyl, isoindolyl, indolinyl, benzo [b] f uryl , 

benzo[b] thiophenyl, indazplyl, benzothiazplyl , 

cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl, quinazolinyl, quinoxazolinyl> 
20 1, 8-naphthyridinyl and isoquinolinyl. 

On Ring D of formula lie", preferred T-R^ or 

V-Z-R^ substituents include -halo, -CN, -NO2, -N(R )2/ . Kj 

optionally siibstituted Ci-e aliphatic group, -OR, -C(0)R, 

-CO2R, -CONH(R*), -N(R*)COR, -N(R*)C02R, -S02N(R*)2/ 
25 -N(R'')S02R, -N(R^)COCH2N(R*)2, -N (R^) COCH2CH2N(R*) 2, and 

-N(R^)C0CH2CH2CH2N(R*)2, wherein R is selected from 

hydrogen, Ci-g aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 metnbered 

heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered heterocyclic ring. 

More preferred R* substituents include -Cl, -Br, -F, -CN, 
30 -CP3, -COOH, -CONHMe, -CONHEt, -NH2, -NHAc, -NHS02Me, 

-MHS02Et, -MHS02(n-propyl) , -NHSO2 (isopropyl) , -NHCOEt, 


-NHCOCH2CH2N (013)2, -NHCOCH2CH2CH2N(CH3)2/ 


-NHCO { cyclopropyl ) , -NHCO ( i sobutyl ) , -NHCOCH2 (morpholin-4 - 
yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2 {morpholin-4 -yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2CH2 (morpholin- 
4-yl), -NHC02(t-butyl) , -NH(Ci.4 aliphatic) such as -NHMe, 
-N(Ci-4 aliphatic)2 such as -NMe2/ OH, -0(Ci.4 aliphatic) 
5 such as -OMe, Ci-4 aliphatic such as methyl, ethyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, or t- butyl,, and -C02(Ci-4 
aliphatic) . 

Preferred formula lie" compounds have one or 
more, and more preferably all, of the features selected 
10 from the group consisting of: 
( ') (a) R'^ and are taken together with their 

intervening atoms to form a fused, unsaturated 
or partially unsaturated, 5-6 membered ring 
having 1-2 heteroatoms selected from oxygen, 
15 sulfur, or nitrogen, or a part:ially unsaturated 

6 -membered carbocyclo ring, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring 
formed by R* and is independently substituted 
by 0x0, T-R^, or L-Z-R^, and ea<di substi^iutable 
20 ring nitrogen of said ring formed by R^ and R^ is 

independently substituted by R"*; 
) (b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 

a methylene unit, and Ring D is a 5-7 membered 
monocyclic or an 8-10 membered bicyclic aryl or 
25 heteroaryl ring; 

(c) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen; or R^ and 
R^' are taken together to form an optionally 
stibstituted benzb ring; and 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -NCR'*) 2. 
30 More preferred compounds of formula lie" have 

one or more, and more preferably all, of the features 
selected from the group consisting of: 


(a) R"^ and are taken together to form a benzo, 
pyrido, cyclopento, cyclohexo, cyclohepto, 
thieno, piperidino, or imidazo ring, wherein 
each svibstitutable ring carbon of said fused 
ring formed by R"" and is independently 
siabstituted by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z-R^, and each 
Slabs ti tut able ring nitrogen of said ring formed 
by R^ and R^ is independently substituted by R^; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 metnbered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicyclic ring selected from an. 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(c) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Cx-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a. 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; and 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R*)2/ 
wherein R is selected from hydrogen, Ci.e 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl,. phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, and L is -0-, 

or -N{R*)-. 

Even more preferred compounds of formula lie" 
have one or more, and more preferably all, of the 
features selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R"" and R^ are taken together to form a pyrido, 
piperidino, or cyclohexo ring, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring 
formed by R^ and R^ is independently substituted 
by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z-R^, and each substitutable 
ring nitrogen of said ring formed by R* and is 
independently substituted by R^; 


(b) is T-Ring D, wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl 

(c) R^ is hydrogen or C1.4 aliphatic and R^' is 
hydrogen; • 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -OR, or -N(R^)2, wherein 
R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-6 aliphatic, 5-6 
membered heterocyclyl, phenyl, or 5-6 membered 
hetjBroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH-; and 

(e) Ring D is substituted by up to three 
substituents selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2, 
-N(R*)2/ optibnally substituted Cx-e aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C(0)R, -CO2R, -CONH{R*) , -N(R^)COR, 
-N(R*)C02R, -S02N(R*)2, -N{R^)S02R, 
-N{R^)COCH2N(R*)2, -N(R^)COCH2CH2N(R^)2. or 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R'*)2, wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 
membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring. 

Representative compovinds of formula lie are 
shown below in Table 3 • 

Table 3. 


IIc-1 IIc-2 IIc-3 









Me . 














• H 





lIC-19 IIC-20 IIc-21 





IIC-34 IIc-35 IIC-36 

lIC-37 IIC-38- IIC-39 









■ IlC-73 

H CF3 



IIc-71 IIC-72 




IIC-88 IIC-89 IIC-90 

In another ettibodiment , this invention provides 
a coic5)osition comprising a conqpoiind of formula lie, IIC , 
or lie", and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing an Aurora -2 -mediated 
disease with an Aurora-2 inhibitor, which method 
comprises administering to a patient in need of such a 
treatment a therapeutically effective amount of a 
compound of formula lie, lie', or lie", or a 
pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a patient. 


which method comprises administering to the patient a 
compoxand of formula lie, IIC , or lie", or a composition 
con^ri sing said compoiind. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
5 method of treating or preventing a GSK- 3 -mediated disease 
with a QSK-3 inhibitor, which method compri-ses 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 
lie, lie', or lie", or a pharmaceutical composition 
10 thereof. 

One aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of enhancing glycogen synthesis and/or lowering 
blood levels of glucose in a patient in need thereof, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 

15 therapeutically effective amoiant of a con?>ound of formula 
He, He', or lie", or a pharmaceutical composition 
thereof. This method is especially useful for diabetic 
patients. Another method relates to inhibiting the 
production of hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, which is 

20 useful in halting or slowing the progression of . 
Alzheimer's disease. Another method relates to 
inhibiting the phosphorylation of p-catenin, which is 
useful for treating schizophrenia. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 

25 method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a patient, which 
method comprises administering to the patient a compound 
of formula lie, lie', or lie", or a composition 
comprising said compound. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 

30 method of treating or preventing a Src-raediated disease 
with a Src inhibitor, which method conrprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compound of foinnula 

• 97- 

IIc, lie, or lie", or a pharmaceutical composition 

Another aspect of the invention relates to 
inhibiting Src activity in a patient, which method 
comprises administering to the patient a confound of 
formula IXc, IIC , or lie", or a composition comprising 
said compound* 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing an ERK- 2 -mediated 
diseases with an ERK-2 inhibitor, which method con^rises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
therapeutically effective amount of. a compound of formula 
lie, lie', or lie", or a pharmaceutical composition 

Another aspect of the invention relates to 
inhibiting ERK-2 activity in a patient, which method 
comprises administering to the patient a compound of 
formula lie, lie', or lie", or a con?)osition comprising 
said compound. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing an AKT-mediated diseases 
with an AKT inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compo\ind of formula 
lie, lie', or lie", or a pharmaceutical composition 

Another aspect of the invention relates to 
inhibiting AKT activity in a patient, which method 
comprises administering to the patient a compound of 
formula lie, lie', or lie", or a composition comprising 
said compound • 

Another method relates to inhibiting Aurora-2,. 
GSK-3, Src, ERK-2, or AKT activity in a biological 


sample, which method comprises contacting the biological 
sample with the Aurora-2, GSK-3, Src, ERK-2i or AKT 
inhibitor pt formula lie, lie', or 11c", or a 
pheunnaceutical composition thereof, in an amount 
effective to inhibit Aurora-2, GSK-3, Src, ERK-2, or AKT. 

Each of the aforementioned methods directed to 
the inhibition of Aurora-2, GSK-3, Src, ERK-2, or AKT, or 
the treatment of a disease alleviated thereby, is 
preferably carried out with a preferred confound of 
formula lie, lie', or lie", as described ^ove. 

Another embodiment that is particularly useful 
for treating Aurora-2 -mediated diseases relates to 
confounds of formula Ild: 


or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 

thereof, wherein; 
Q' is selected from -C(R®')2-, 1, 2-cyclopropanediyl, 1,2- 

cyclobutanediyl, or l, 3-cyclobutanediyl; 
R* and are taken together with their intervening atoms 
to foarm a fused, unsaturated or partially unsaturated, 
5-7 membered ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms selected 
from oxygen, sulfur, or nitrogen, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
R* and R^ is independently substituted by oxo, T-r', or 
Ii-Z-R^, and each substitutable ring nitrogen of said 

• 99- 

ring formed by and is independently substituted 
by R*; 

is T- (Ring D) ; 

Ring D is a 5-7 metobered monocyclic ring or 8-10 membered 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroarylr 
heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl/ said heteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 
from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 
s\jbstitutable ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
substituted by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and each 
substitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 
substituted by -R*; 

T is a valence bond or a C1.4 alkylidene chain, wherein 
when Q' is -C(R^')2- a methylene group of said C1-4 
alkylidene chain is optionally replaced by -0-, -S7, 
-N(R*)-, -CO-, -CONH-, -NHCO-, -SO2-. -SO2NH-, -NHSO2-, 
-CO2-/ -0C(O)-, -OC(0)NH-, or -NHCO2-; 

2 is a Ci-4 alkylidene chain; 

L is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -302N(R^)-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N(R^)C{0)0-, 
-N{R^)CON{R^) -, -N(R^) S02N(R^)-, -N (R^) N (R^) - , 
-C(0)N(R^)-, -OC(0)N{R^)-, -C(R^)20-, -C{R^)2S-, 
-C(R^)2S0-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C(R^)2S02N{R^)-, -C (R^) 2N(R^) - , 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)-, -C(R^)2N{R^)C{0)0-, -C (R^) =NN (R^) - , 
-C(R^)=N-0-, -CCR^)2N{R^)N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) SO2N (R^) - , or 
-C (R^) 2N (R^) CON (R^) - ; 

R^ and R^' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R^, or 
R^ and R^' are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 membered, unsaturated or 
partially unsaturated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
r2 and R^' is independently substituted by halo, 0x0, 


-CN, -NO2/ -R'» or -V-R^, and each sxabstitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by and R^' is 
independently substituted by R*; 
r' is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, 
5 -COCOR, -COCH2COR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -S(0)2R/ -SR, 

-N(R*)2/ -C0N(R'')2, -S02N(r')2/ -0C(=0)R, -N(R'')C0R, 
-NCR') C02(Ci.6 aliphatic) , -N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, 
-C-N-OR, -N(R*')C0N(R')2, -N(R'')S02N(R'')2/ -N{R*)S02R/ ©r 


10 each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted group selected from C1.6 
aliphatic, Cs-io aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 

15 each R* is independently selected from -R', -COR', 

-CO2 (optionally substituted Ci-s aliphatic) , -C0N(r"')2, 
or -SO2R'; 

each R* is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 

-C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCQR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 

20 -N(R*)2, -C0N(R*)2/ -S02N(R*)2, -0C(=0)R, -N(R*)CX)R, 

-N(R*) CO2 (optionally sxibstituted Ci-s aliphatic) , 
-N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, -C=N-0R, -N(R*)C0N(R*)2, 
-N(R*)S02N(R*)2/ -N(R*)S02R, or -OC (=0)N{R*) 2; 
V is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -S02N(R^)-, 

25 -N(R«)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N (R«) C (O) O- , 

-N (R«)CON(R^)-, -N(R^)S02N(R«)-, -N (R^)N(R^) - , 
-C(0)N(R*)-, -OC(0)N(R*)-, -C(R^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, 
-C(R«)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C(R«)2S02N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R*) - , 
-C(R«)2N(R*)C(0)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C (R*) =NN(R«) - , 

30 -C(R^)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R^)N(R*)-, -C (R*)2N (R^) SOgN (R*) - , or 

-C (R^) 2N (R^) CON (R^) - ; 
W is -C(R*)20-, -C(R^)2S-, -C(R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, . 
-C (R^) 2S02N(R*) - , -C (R*) 2N(R^) - , -CO- , -CO2- , 


-C(R^)OC(0)-, -C(.R^)OC(0)N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) CO- , 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C{0)0-, -C(R^)=NN(R^)-, -C JR^) =N-0- , 
-C (R«) 2N (R«)N(R^) - , -C (R^) 2N (R^) SO2N (R^) - , 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C0N(R^)-, or -CON(R^)-; 

each R^ is independently selected f rom hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted C1.4 aliphatic group, or ^wo R^ 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together 
with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; 

each R^' is independently selected from hydrogen or a C1-4 
aliphatic group, or two R^' on the same carbon atom are 
taken together to form a 3-6 membered oarbocyclic ring 

each r' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted C1.6 aliphatic group, or two R'' 
on the same nitrogen are taken together with the 
nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered heterocyclyl or 
heteroaryl ring, 

Preferred rings formed by R^ and R^ include a 
5-^ e-^ or 7-membered vinsaturated or partially 
xinsaturated ring having 0-2 heteroatoms, wherein said 
rVR^ ring is optionally substituted. This provides a 
bicyclic ring system containing a pyrimidine ring. 
Examples of preferred pyrimidine ring systems of formula 
Ild are shown below. 

Ild-A Ild-B Ild-C 



More preferred pyrimidine ring systems of 
formula Ild include Ild-A, lld-B, Ud-D, Ild-E, Hd-J, 
Ild-P, and Ild-V, most preferably Ild-A, Ild-B, lld-D, 
lld-E, and Ild-J. 

The ring formed when and of formula lid 
are taken together may be sxabstituted or unsubstituted. 
Suitable siabstituents include -R, halo, -O (CH2) 2-4-N(R*) 2 
-0(CHa)2.4-R, -OR, -N(R*)- (CH2)2.4-N(R*)2/ -N(R*) - (Caiz) 2-4-R 


-C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -CON(R*)2, -S02N(R*)2/ -OC<=0)R, -N(R*)COR, 
-N(R*)C02(9Ptionally siibstituted Ci-e aliphatic) , 
-N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, -C»N-OR, -N(R*)CON(R*) 2, 
5 -N{R*)S02N(R*)2, -N(R^)S02R, or -0C(-0)N(R*).2, R and R* are 
as defined above. Preferred rVR^ ring sxjbstituents 
include -halo, -R, -OR, -COH, -CO2R, -CON(R*)2, -CN, 
-0{CHa)2.4-N(R*)2, -0{CH2)2.4-R, , -NO2 -N{R*)2, -NR*COR, 
-NR'*S02R, -S02N(R*)2 wherein R is hydrogen or an. cptionally 

10 substituted Cx-s aliphatic group. 

The R^ and R^' groups of formula lid may be 
taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 
bicyclic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 
Preferred fused rings include benzo, pyrido, pyrimidb, 

15 and a partially unsaturated 6-membered carbocyclo ring. 
These are exemplified in the following formula Ild 
compounds having a pyrazole-containing bicyclic ring 

Preferred substituents on the R*/R^' -fused ring 
of formula lid include one or more of the following: 
-halo, -N(R*)2, -Ci-4 alkyl, -C1.4 haloalkyl, -NO2, -0(Ci-4 
25 alkyl) , -CO2 (Ci_4 alkyl) , -CN, ' -SO2 (C1.4 alkyl) , -SO2NH2, 
-0C(0)NH2, -NH2S02(Ci-4 alkyl) , -NHC (O) (Cx.4 alkyl) , 
-C(0)NH2, and -CO (C1.4 alkyl) , wherein the (C1-4 alkyl) is a 


Straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl group. Preferably, 
the (Ci-4 alkyl) group is methyl. 

When the pyrazole ring system of formula lid is 
monocyclic/ preferred groups include hydrogen or a 
5 substituted or unsubstituted group selected from aryl, 
heteroaryl, or a Ci-€ aliphatic group. Examples of such 
preferred groups include H, methyl, ethyl, propyl, , 
cyclopropyl, i -propyl, cyclopentyl, hydroxypropyl , 
methoxypropyl , and benzyloxypropyl. A preferred R^' group 

10 is hydrogen. 

When Ring D of formula Ild is monocyclic, 
preferred Ring D groups include phenyl, pyridyl, 
pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyrazinyl. 

When Ring D of formula lid is bicyclic, 

15 preferred bicyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl, 

tetrahydronaphthyl , indanyl , benzimidazolyl , quinolinyl , 
indolyl, isoindolyl, indolinyl, benzo [b] f uryl , 
benzo [b] thiophenyl , indazolyl , benzothiazolyl , 
, cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl, quinazolinyl, quinoacazolinyl , 

20 1, 8-naphthyridinyl and isoquinolinyl . 

On Ring D of formula lid, preferred T-R^ or V-2- 
r5 substituents include -halo, -CN, -NO2/ -N(R*)2# 
optionally sxibstituted Ci-s aliphatic group, -OR, -C(0)R, 
-CO2R, -CONH(R*), -N(R*)COR, -N{R*)C02R, -S02N(R*)2r 

25 -N(R*)S02R, -N(R^)COCH2N(R^)2, -N(R^)<:OCH2CH2N(R*) 2r and 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R*)2/ wherein R is selected from 
hydrogen, Ci-s aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered heterocyclic ring. 
More preferred substituents include -Cl, -Br, -F, -CN, 

30 -CF3, -COOH, -CONHMe, -CONHEt, -NH2, -NHAC, -NHS02Me, 

-NHS02Et, -NHS02(n-propyl) , -NHSO2 (isopropyl) , -NHCOEt, - 
-NHCOCH2NHCH3 , -NHCOCH2N (C02t-Bu) CH3 , -NHGOCH2N (CH3) 2 / 



-NHCO (cyclopropyl) , -NHCO (isobutyl) , -NHCOCH2 (inorpholin-4- 
yl ) , -NHCOCH2CH2 (morpholin-4 -yl ) , -NHCOCH2CH2CaJ2 (morpholin- 
4-yl), -NHC02 (t -butyl ) , -NH(Ci-4 aliphatic) suc!h as -NHMe, 
-N(Ci-4 aliphatic) 2 such as -NMe2, OH, -0{Ci-4 aliphatic) 
5 such as -OMe^ Cr.-4 aliphatic such as methyl, -ethyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, or t-butyl, and -G02(Ci.4 
aliphatic) • . 

Preferred Q' groups of formula Ild include 
-C(R^')2- or 1,2-cyclopropanediyl, wherein each R^' is 
10 independently selected from hydrogen or methyl. A more 
preferred Q' group is -CH2-. 

Preferred formula lie compounds have one or 
more, and more preferably all, of the features selected 
from the group consisting of: 
15 (a) and R^ are taken together with their 

intervening atoms to form a fused, xinsaturated 
or partially unsaturated, 5-6 membered ring 
having 0-2 heteroatoms selected from oxygen, 
sulfur, or nitrogen, wherein each substitutable 
20 ring carbon of said fused ring formed by R"^ and 

R^ is independently substituted by 0x0, T-R^, or 
L-Z-R^, and each siibstitutable ring nitrogen of O 
said ring formed by R* and R^ is independently 
substituted. by R^; 
25 (b) R^.is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 

a methylene unit and wherein said methylene unit 
is optionally replaced by -0-, -NH-, or -S-; 

(c) Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicydic ring selected from an 

30 aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(d) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen; or R^ and 
R^' are taken together to form an optionally 
substituted benzo ring; and 


(e) is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R*)2. 
More preferred compounds of formula lie have 
one or more, and more preferably all, of the featxires 
selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R'^ and R^ are taken together to form a benzo, 
pyrido, cyclopento, cyclohexo, cyclohepto, 
thieno, piperidino, or imidazo ring; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , Wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene unit and wherein said methylene unit 
is optionally replaced by -0-, and Ring D is a 
5-6 membered monocyclic ring or an 8-10 membered 
bicyclic ring selected from an aryl. or 
heteroaryl ring; 

(c) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci.e aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; 

(d) is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R*)2# 
wheredn R is selected from hydrogen, Cx-s 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, 
or -N(R^)-; and 

(e) Q' is -C(R^')2- or 1, 2-cyclopropanediyl , wherein 
each R^' is independently selected from hydrogen 
or methyl . 

Even more preferred compoimds of formula lie 
have one or more, and more preferably all, of the 
features selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R^ and R^ are taken together to form a benzo, 
pyrido, piperidino, or cyclohexo ring; 

(b) R^ is T-Hing D, wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl 


(c) is hydrogen or C1.4 aliphatic and R^' is 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -OR, or -N(R*)2, wherein 
R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-s aliphatic, 5-6 
membered het^rocyclyly phenyl, or 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH-; 

(e) Ring D is substituted by up to three 
substituents selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2, 
-N(R*)2/ optionally sijbstituted Ci-6 aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C(0)R, -CO2R. -CONH(R^), -N(R*)COR, 
-N(R*)C02R, -S02N(R*)2/ -N(R*)S02R, 
-N(R^)COCH2N(R^)2, -N{R^)COCH2CH2N(R*)2, or 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R*)2, wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 
membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; and 

(f ) is -CH2-. 

Representative compounds of formula Ild are 

shown below in Table 4. 
Table 4 . 

IId-1 IId-2 IId-3 

IId-13 IId-14 IId-15 



In another embodiment, this invention provides 
a composition comprising a compoiind of formula Ild and. a 
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. 

j?toother aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing an Aurora -2 -mediated 
disease with an Aurora-2 inhibitor, which method 
con5>rises administering to a patient in need of such a 
treatment a therapeutically effective amount of a 
compound of formula lid or a pharmaceutical composition 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting Aurora- 2 activity in a patient, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
compound of formula Ild or a con5>osition comprising said 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing a GSK- 3 -mediated disease 
with a GSK-3 inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 


therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 
Ild or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

One aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of enhancing glycogen synthesis and/or lowering. 
5 blood levels of glucose in a patient in need thereof, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
therapeutically effective amoimt of a con5)Ound of formula 
lid or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. This method 
is especially useful for diabetic patients. Another 

10 method relates to inhibiting the production of 

hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, which is useful in 
halting or slowing the progression of Alzheimer's 
disease. Another method relates to inhibiting the 
phosphorylation of p-catenin, which is useful for 

15 treating schizophrenia. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a patient, whi<:h 
method comprises administering to the patient a con5)o\md 
of formula lid or a composition comprising said compound. 

20 Another method relates to inhibiting Aurora- 2 

or GSK-3 activity in a biological sample, which method 
comprises contacting the biological sample with the 
Aurora-2 or GSK-3 inhibitor of formula lid, or a 
pharmaceutical composition thereof, in an amount 

25 effective to inhibit Aurora-2 or GSK-3. 

Each of the aforementioned methods directed to 
the inhibition of Aurora-2 or GSK-3, or the treatment of 
a disease alleviated thereby, is preferably carried out 
with a preferred compound of formula lid, as described 

30 above. 

Another embodiment of this invention relates to 
compoxinds of formula Ilia: 




or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 
5 thereof, wherein: 

and are independently selected from T-R^ or L-Z-R^; 
R^ is T- (Ring D) ; 

Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8-10 membered 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroaryl, 
10 heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl, said heteroaryl or 

heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 
from nitrogen / oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 
subs ti tut able ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
substituted by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R®, and each 
15 substitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 

substituted by -R^; 
T is a valence bond or a C1-4 alkylidene chain; 
Z is a Ci-4 alkylidene chain; 

L is -0-, -SO-, -N(R^)S02-, -SOzNCR^)-, 

20 -N{R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-/ -N(R^)CO-, -N (R^)C (O) O- , 

-N(R^)CON(R^)-, -N(R^)S02N(R^)-, -N (R^}N (R^) - , 
-C(0)N(R^)-, -OC (O)N(R^)-, -C(R^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, 
-C(R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-/ -C(R^)2^02N(R^) -C (R^) 2N (R^) - , 
-C(R^)2N{R^)C(0)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C (R^) =NN (R^) - , 
25 -C(R^)=N-0-, -C(R^>2N(R^) N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) SO2N (R^) - , or 

-C (R^) 2N (R^) CON (R^) - ; 
R^ and R^' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R^, or 
R^ and R^' are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 membered, imsaturat-ed or 


partially unsaturated, ring having 0-3 ring hetaroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
aoid R^' is independently substituted by halo, oxo, 
5 -CN, — NO2/ or -V-R^, and each substitutable ring 

nitrogen of said ring formed by R^ and R^' is 
independently substituted by R*; ■ 
R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(»0)R, -CO2R/ 
-cocoR, -COCH2COR, -NO2, -casi, -S(0)R, -S(0)2R, -SR, 

10 -N{R*)2/ -CON(R*')2, -S02N(R')2/ -0C(=0)R, -N(r')COR, 

-NCR'') CO2 (C1.6 aliphatic) , -N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, 
-C=N-OR, -N(R')C0N(R')2/ -N(R'')S02N(R*')2> -N(R*)S02R, or 


each R is independently selected from hydroge^n or an 
15 optionally sxabstituted group selected f arom Ci-s 

aliphatic, Cc-io aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 

each R* is independently selected from -r', -GOR', 
20 -CO2 (optionally siabstituted Ci-6 aliphatic) , -C0N(R"')2# 

or -SO2R'; 

each R* is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 
-C{=0)R, -CX52R/ -COCOR, -NO2/ -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -C0N(R*)2, -S02N(R*)2/ -OC(-0)R> -N(R*)COR, 

25 -N(R'*)C02 (optionally siabstituted Ci_6 aliphatic) , 

-N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=:NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N(R*) CON(R*)2, 
-N(R*)S02N(R*)2, -N(R*)S02R, or -6C(=0)N(R*)2; 
V is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)SOa-, -S02N(R^)-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-/ -N(R^)C0-, -N(R^)C(0)0-, 

30 -N(R^)CON{R^)-, -N(R*)S02N(R«)-, -N (R^)N (R^) - , 

-C(0)N{R^)-, -OC(0)N(R^) -, -C(R^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, 
-C(R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C{R^)2S02N(R«)-, -C (R«)2N(R®) 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C (R*) =NN(R*) - , 


-C(R^)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R^)N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) SO2N (R^) - , or 
-C (R^) 2N (R^) CON (R^) ; 

W is -C(R^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, -C(R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, 
-C(R^)2S02N(R^) -C(R^)2N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, 
-C(R^)OC(0)-, -C(R^)OC(0) N (R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) CO- , 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C{R^)=NN(R^)-, -C<R^)=N-0-, 
-C (R^) 2N.(R^) N (R^) - , -C (R^) 2N (R^) SO2N (R^) - , 
-C(R^)2N(R^)CON(R^)-, or -CON(R^)-; 

each R^ is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally siibstituted C1-4 aliphatic group, or two R^ 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together 
with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; and 

each r"' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic group, or two R'' 
on the same nitrogen are taken together with the 
nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered heterocyclyl or 
heteroaryl ring. 

Preferred R* groups of foznaula Zlla include 

hydrogen, alkyl- or dialkyl amino, acetamido, or a C1-4 

aliphatic group such as methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl# or 


Preferred R^ groups of formula Ilia include T-R^ 
or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond or a methylene, L is 
-0-, -S-, or -N(R^)-, -C(R^)20-, -GO- and R^ is -R, 
-N(R^)2/ or -OR* Examples of preferred R^ groups include 
2 -pyridyl , 4 -pyridyl , pyrrolidinyl , piperidinyl , 
morpholinyl, piperazinyl, methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, 
isopropyl, t -butyl, alkoxyalkylamino such as 
methoxyethylamino, alkoxyalkyl such as methoxymethyl or 
methoxyethyl, alkyl- or dialkylamino such as ethylamino 
or dimethylamino, alkyl- or dialkylaminoalkoxy such as 


dimethyl aminopropyloxy, acetamido, optionally sxibstituted 
phenyl such as phenyl or halo-substituted phenyl. 

The and R^' groups of formula Ilia may be 
taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 
5 bi cyclic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 

Preferred fused rings include benzo, pyrido, pyrimido, 
and a partially unsaturated 6-membered carbocyclo ring. 
These are exemplified in the following formula Ilia 
compounds having a pyrazole -containing bicyclic ring 
10 system: 

Preferred substituents on the R^/R^' fused ring 
15 of formula Ilia include one or more of the following : 
-halo, -N(R^)2/ -Ci.4 alkyl, -CI-* haloallcyl, -0«:i-4 
alkyl) , -CO2 (Ci,4 alkyl) , -CN, -SO2 (C1-4 alJcyl) , -S02lHl2# 
-0C(0)NH2, -NH2S02(Ci.4 alkyl) , -NHC<0) (C1-4 alkyl) , 
-C(0)NH2/ and -CO (C1.4 alkyl) , wherein the (C1.4 alkyl) is a 
20 straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl group. Preferably, 
the (Ci-4 alkyl) group is methyl. 

When the pyrazole ring system of formula Ilia 
is monocyclic, preferred groups include hydrogen or a 
substituted or unsubstituted group selected from aryl, 
25 heteroaryl, or a Ci-g aliphatic' group. .Examples of such 
preferred R^ groups include H, methyl, ethyl, propyl, , 
cyclopropyl , i -propyl , cyclopentyl , hydroxypropyl , 


methoxypropyl , and benzyloxypropyl • A preferred R^' group 
is hydrogen. 

When Ring D of formula Ilia is monocyclic, 
preferred Ring D groups include phenyl, pyridyl, 
5 pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, cuid pyrazinyl. 

When Ring D of formula IXIa is bicyclic, 
preferred bi cyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl/ 
tetrahydronaphthyi , indanyl, benzimidazolyl , quinolinyl, 
indolyl, isoindolyl, indolinyl, benzo [b] f uryl , 

10 benzo [b] thiophenyl , indazolyl, benzothiazolyl , ^ 
cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl, quinazolinyl, quinoxazolinyl, 
1, 8-naphthyridinyl and isoquinolinyl. 

On Ring D of formula ZXIa, preferred T-R^ or V- 
Z-R^ substituents include -halo, -CN, -NO2/ -N(R*)2/ 

15 optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic group, -OR, -C(0)R, 
-CO2R, -GONH(R*), -N(R*)COR, -N(R*)C02R. -S02N(R*)2, 
-N{R^)S02R, -N(R^)COCH2N{R*)2, -N (R®) GOCH2CH2N (R*) 2, and 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R^)2, wherein R is selected from 
hydrogen, Ci.e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 membered 

20 heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered heterocyclic ring. 

More preferred sxabstituents include -Cl, -Br, -F, -CN, 
-CF3, -COOH, -CONHMe, -CONHEt, -NH2, -NHAc, -NHS02Me, 1.,? 
-NHS02Et, -NHSO2 (n-propyl) , -NHSO2 (isopropyl) , -NHCOEt,- 

25 -NHCOCH2CH2N (CH3) 2 / -NHCOCH2CH2CH2N (CH3) 2 , 

-NHCO ( cyclopropyl ) , -NHCO ( isobutyl ) , -NHCOCH2 (morpholin-4 - 
yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2 (morpholin-4 -yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2CH2 (morpholin- 
4-yl) ^ -NHCO2 (t -butyl ) , -NH(Ci-4 aliphatic) such as -NHMe, 
-N(Ci^4 aliphatic) 2 such as -NMe2/ OH, -0(Ci.4 aliphatic) 

30 such as -OMe, Cx-4 aliphatic such as methyl, ethyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, or t-butyl, and -C02(Ci-4 
aliphatic) . 


Preferred formula Xlla compoiinds have one or 
more, and more preferably all, of the features selected 
from the group corisi siting of: 

(a) is hydrogen, alkyl- or dialkyl amino, 
5 acetamido, or a C1-4 aliphatic group; • 

(b) is T-R^ or L-Z-R^, wherein T is a valence bond 
or a methylene and R^ is -R, -N{R*)2*/ or -OR; 

(c) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene tinit; 

10 (d) Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic or an 8-10 

membered bicyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring; and 
(e) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen, or R^ and 
R^' are taken together to form an optionally 
substituted benzo ring. 
15 More preferred compounds of formula IlZa have • 

one or more, and more preferably all, of the features 
selected from the group consisting of : 

(a) R^ is T-R^ or I*-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond 
or a methylene euid R^ is selected from -R, -OR, 

20 or -N(R*)2/ wherein R is selected from hydrog«i, 

Ci-6 aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , 
phenyl, or 5-6 membered heteroaryl; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond; 

(c) Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic or an 8-10 
25 membered bicyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring;. 

(d) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci^e aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; and 

30 (e) L is -0-, -S-, or '-N(R*)-. 

Even more preferred compounds of f oannula Ilia 
have one or more, and more preferably all, of the 
features selected from the group consisting of: 

ea) is hydrogen methyl, ethyl, propyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, methylamino or 

(b) is selected from 2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, 
pyrrol idinyl , piper idinyl , morpholinyl , 
piperazinyl, methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, 
isopropyl , t-butyl , alkoxyalkylamimo , . 
alkoxyalkyl, alkyl- or dialkylamino; alkyl- or 
dialkylaminoalkoxy, acetamido, optionally 
sxibstituted phenyl, or methoxymethyl ; 

(c) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl 
ring, wherein Ring D is optionally substituted 
with one to two groups selected from -halo, -CN, 
-NO2, -N{R*)2, optionally stabstituted C1.6 
aliphatic group, -OR, -CO2R, -CONH(R*) , 
-N(R*)COR, -N{R*)S02R, -N(R^) COCH2CH2N<R*)2r or 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R*)2; and 

(d) R^ is hydrogen or a substituted or unsxjbstituted 
Ci-s aliphatic, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH-. 

Representative compounds of formula IlZa are 
shown below in Table 5. 

Table 5. 





Ilia- 14 










IIla-55 IIIa-56 IIIa-S7 


IIIa-61 IIIa-62 IIIa-63 

In another embodiment^ this invention provides 
a composition comprising a compound of formula Ilia and a 
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing an Aurora -2 -mediated 
disease with an Aurora-2 inhibitor, which, method 
comprises administering to a patient in need of -such a 
treatment a therapeutically effective amount of a 
compound of formula Ilia or a pharmaceutical con5>osition 
thereof . 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a pati^ent, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
con^oxand of formula Ilia or a composition comprising said 


Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing a GSK- 3 -mediated disease 
with a GSK-3 inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
5 therapeutically effective araoxmt of a compound of formula 
Xlla or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

One aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of enhancing glycogen synthesis and/or lowering 
blood levels of glucose in a patient in need thereof, 

10 which method comprises a.dministering to the patient a 

therapeutically effective amount of a coiiqpound of formula 
Zlla or a pharmaceutical composition thereof- This 
method is especially useful for diabetic patients. 
Another method relates to inhibiting the production of 

15 hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, which is useful in 
halting or slowing the progression of Alzheimer's 
disease. Another method relates to inhibiting the 
phosphorylation of P-catenin, which is useful for 
treating schizophrenia. ^ - 

20 Another aspect of this invention relates to a 

method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a patient, which 
method comprises administering to the patient a compound 
of formula Ilia or a composition comprising said 

25 Another aspect of this invention relates to a 

method of treating or preventing a Sro-mediated disease 
with a Src inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 

30 IZIa or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

Another aspect of the invention relates to 
inhibiting Src activity in a patient, which method 


comprises administering to the patient a compound of 
formula Xlla or a composition comprising said compound. 

Another method relates to inhibiting Aurora-2, 
GSK-3, or Src activity in a biological sample, which 
5 method comprises- contacting the biological sample with 

the Aurora-2, GSK-3, or Src inhibitor of formula Ilia, .or 
a pharmaceutical composition thereof, in an amount 
effective to inhibit Aurora-2, GSK-3, or Src. 

Each of the aforementioned methods directed to 
10 the inhibition of Aurora- 2, GSK-3, or Src, or the 

treatment of a disease alleviated thereby, is preferably 
carried out with a preferred compound of formula Ilia, as 
described above. 

Another embodiment of this invention relates to 
15 compounds of formula I lib: 




20 or a pharmaceutic ally acceptable derivative or prodrug 
thereof, wherein: 

and are independently selected from T-R^ or L-Z-R^; 
R^ is T- (Ring D) ; 

Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or B-10 membered 
25 bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroaryl, 

heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl, said heteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 
from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of Ring D is independently 


substitut.ed by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and each 
substitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 
siibstituted by -R*; 

T is a valence bond or a C1-4 alkylidene chain; 

Z is a C1.4 allcylidene chain; 

L is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R*)S02-, -SOaN(R*)-, 
-N{R*)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R*)CO-, -N(R*)C(0)0-, 
-N(R^)CON (R*)-, -N{R*)SOaN(R*)-, -N(R*)N(R*) 
-C(0)N(R'')-, -0C(0)N(R*)-, -C{R*)20-, -C(R*)2S-, 
-C(R*)2SO-, -C(R«)2S02-, -C(R*)2Sp2N(R«)-, -C (R«) 2N (R*) - , 
-C(R^)2N(R*)C(0)-; -C(R*)2N{R*)C(0)0-, -C (R*) =NN(R*) - , 
-C(R*)=N-0-, -C(R^) 2N(R«)N(R«)-, -C (R*) 2N (R*) S02N (R*) - , or 
-C (R* ) 2N (R*) CON (R«) - ; 

R^ and R*' arie independently selected from -R, -T-W-R*, or 
R* and R^' are taken together with ^Jaeir intervening 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 membered, unsaturated or 
partially xmsatxirated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of said fused formed by 
r2 and R^' is independently substituted by halo, 0x0, 
-CN, -NO2, -R'/ or -V-R®, and each substitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R^ auid R^' is 
independently stabs ti tut ed by R"*; 

R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, 
-COCOR, -COCH2COR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -S(0)2R, "SR, 
-N{R*)2, -C0N{R')2, -S02N{R'')2, -0C(=0)R, -N(R'')C0R, 
-N(r'')C02{Ci.6 aliphatic) , -N(R*).N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*).2, 
-C=N-0R, -N(R')C0N(R'')2, -N(R')S02N(R'')2, -N(R*)«02R, or 


each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted group selected from Cx-e 
aliphatic, Cg-io aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 


ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 
atoms ; 

each R* is independently selected from -r', -COR', 

-CO2 (optionally substituted Ci.6 aliphatic) , -<X)N(R')2# 

5 or -SO2R''; 

each R* is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 
-c{=o)R, -CO2R, -cocoR, -NO2, -car, -s(o)R, -SO2R, -sr, 

-N{R*)2, -CON(R*)2/ -S02N(R*)2, -OC(=0)R, -N(R*)C<», 
-N(R*)C02 (optionally substituted Ci-6 aliphatic) , 

10 -N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N (R*) CON (R*) 2/ 

-N(R*)S02N(R*)2/ -N(R*)Sp2R, or -OC (-O)N(R*) 2; 
V is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R*)S02-# -S02N(R*)-, 
-N(R*)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R*)CO-, -N(R*)C<0)0-, 
-N(R*)CON(R*)-, -N(R*)S02N(R«) -, -N (R*) N(R'') - , 

15 -C(0)N(R*)-, -OC(0)N(R«)-, -C(R*)20-, -C(R*).2S-, 

-C(R*)2S0-, -C(R«)2S02-, -C(R^) 2SOiN(R'')-, -C (R*) 2N (R^) - , 
-C(R*)2N(R*')C(0)-, -C(R«)2N(R*)C (0)0-, -C (R«) =NN (R") , 
-C(R^)-N-0-, -C(R*)2N(R*)N(R*)-, -C(R«)2N(R*)S02N(R*)-, or 
-C (R* ) 2N (R* ) CON (R* ) - ; " 

20 W is -C(R*)20-, -C(R*)2S-, -C(R*)2SO-, (R*) 2SO2- , 
-C(R*)2S02N(R*) -, -C(R*)2N(R*)-, -CO-, -CO2-, 
-C(R^)OC(0)-., -C(R*)OC{0)N(R*) -, -C (R*) 2N(R*) CO- , 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C(R*)=NN(R«) -, -C(R*)«N-0-, 
-C(R^)2N(R^)N(R*)-, -C(R*)2N(R^)S02N(R*)-, 

25 -C(R^)2N(R*)C0N(R^)-, or -CON(R^)-; 

each R^ is independently selected froni hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted Ci:4 aliphatic group, or two R* 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together 
with the nitrogen atom. to form a 5-6 membered 

30 heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; and 

each r"' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted Ci-g aliphatic group, or two r'^ 
on the same nitrogen are tedcen together with the '. . 


nitrogen to form a 5-8 metnbered heterocyclyl or 
heteroaryl ring. 

Preferred groups of formula XlXb include - 
hydrogen, alkyl- or diallcylamino, acetamido, or a Ci.4 
5 aliphatic group such as methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, or 

Preferred R?" groups of formula Illb include T-R^ 
or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond or a methylene, L is 
-S-, or -N(R*)-, -C(R^)20-, -CO- and R^ is -R, 

10 -N(R*)2r or -OR* Examples of preferred R^ groups include 
2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, pyrrolidinyl , piperidi^yl, 
morpholinyl, piperazinyl, methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, 
isopropyl, t-butyl, alkoxyalkylamino such as 
methoxyethylamino, alkoxyalkyl such as methoxymethyl ot 

15 methoxyethyl , alkyl- or dialkylaminb «uch as ethylamino 
or dimethylamino, aikyl- or dialkylaminoalkoxy such as 
dimethylaminopropyloxy, acetamido, optionally substituted 
phenyl such as phenyl or halo- substituted phenyl. 

The R^ and R^' groups of formula IlZb may be 

20 taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 
bicyclic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 
Preferred fused rings include benzo, pyrido, pyrimido, 
and a partially unsaturated 6-membered <:arbocyclo ring. 
These are exemplified in the following foarmula Illb 

25 compounds having a pyrazole -containing bicyclic ring 


Preferred substituents on the R^/R^' fused ring 
of formula 1 1 lb include one or more of the following: 
-halo, -N(R*)2, -Ci-4 alkyl, -C1.4 haloalkyl, -NO2, -0(Ci.4 
5 alkyl), -CO2 (C1.4 alkyl) , -CN, -SO2 (C1-4 alkyl) , ■ -SO2NH2, 
-0C(6)NH2, -NH2S02(Ci-4 alkyl) , -NHC (O) (C1.4 alkyl) , 
-C(0)NH2/ and -CO (Ci-4 alkyl) , wherein the (C1-4 alkyl) is a 
straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl group. Preferably, 
the (Ci-4 alkyl) group is methyl. 

10 When the pyrazole ring system of formula IXXb 

■3 is monocyclic, preferred R^ groups include hydrogen or a 

substituted or unsubstituted group selected from aryl, 
heteroaryl, or a Ci-s aliphatic group. Examples of such 
preferred R^ groups include H, methyl, ethyl, propyl, , 

15 cyclopropyl, i -propyl, cyclopentyl, hydroxj^ropyl , 

methoxypropyl , and benzyloxyprc^yl . A preferred R^' group 

is hydrogen. 

When Ring D of formula IZIb is monocyclic, 
preferred Ring D groups include phenyl, pyridyl, 
20 pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyrazinyl. 

When Ring D of formula Illb is bicyclic, 
J preferred bicyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl, 

tetrahydronaphthyl, indanyl, benzimidazolyl , quinolinyl, 
indolyl, isoindolyl, indolinyl, benzo [b] furyl, 
25 benzo [b] thiophenyl , indazolyl , benzothiazolyl , 

cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl , quinazolinyl, quinoxazolinyl, 
1, 8-naphthyridinyl and isoquinolinyl. 

On Ring D of formula Illb, preferred T-R^ or 
V-Z-R^ substituents include -halo, -CN, -NO2/ -N(R*)2> 
30 optionally substituted C1.6 aliphatic group, -OR, -C{0)R, 
-CO2R/ -CONH(R^), -N(R^)COR, -N(R^)C02R, -S02N(R*)2, 
-N(R*)S02R, -N(R^)COCH2N{R^)2, -N (R^) COCH2CH2N (R^) 2, and 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R*)2y wherein R is selected from 


hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-^ membered 
heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered heterocyclic ring. 
More preferred sxibstituents include -Cl, -Br, -F, -CN, 
-CF3, -COOH, -CONHMe, -CONHEt, -NHar -NHAc, -NHS02Me, 
-NHS02Et, -NHS02(n-propyl) , -NHSO2 (isoprppyl) , • -NHCOEt, 
-NHCOCH2NHCH3, -NHCOC3a2N(C02t-Bu) CH3, -NHCOGH2N (CH3) 2/ 
-NHCOCai2CH2N ( CH3 ) 2 / -NHCOCH2CH2CH2N ( CH3 ) 2 r 

-NHCO ( cyclopropyl ) , -NHCO ( isobutyl ) , -NHCOCH2 {morpholin-4 - 
yl ) , -NHCOCH2CH2 (morpholin-4 -yl ) , -NHCOCH2CH2CH2 (morpholin- 
4-yl), -NHCO2 (t -butyl ) , -NH(Ci:.4 aliphatic) such as -NHMe, 
-N(Ci-4 aliphatic) 2 such as -NMe2/ OH, -0(Ci.4 aliphatic) 
such as. -OMe, Cx-4 aliphatic such as methyl, ethyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, or t- butyl, and -G02(Cx-4 
aliphatic) . 

Preferred formula XXIb compoxjnds have one or 
more, and more preferably all, of the features selected 
from the group consisting of: 

(a) R* is hydrogen, alkyl- or dialkylamino, 
acetamido, or a C1-4 aliphatic group; 

(b) R^ is T-R^ or L-Z-R^, wherein T is a valence bond 
or a methylene and R^ is -R, -N(R*)2/ or -OR; 

(c) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene unit; 

(d) Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic or an 8-10 
.membered bicyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring; and 

(e) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen, or R^ and 
R^' are taken together to foim an optionally 
substituted benzo ring. 

More preferred compounds of formula IXIb have 
one or more, euad more preferably all, of the features 
selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R^ is T-R^ or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond 
or a methylene and R^ is selected from -R, -OR, 


or -N(R^)2/ wherein R is selected from hydrogen, 
Ci-c aliphatic, or 5-6 metnbered heterocyclyl # 
phenyl, or 5-6 membered heteroaryl; 

(b) is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond; 

(c) Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic or an 8-10 
membered bicyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(d) R^ is.-R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci-6. aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a S-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; sund 

(e) L is -0-, -S-, or -N{R*)-. 

Even more preferred compoxinds of formula Illb 
have one or more, and more preferably all, of the 
features selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R^ is hydrogen methyl, ethyl, propyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, methylamino or 

(b) R^ is selected from 2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, 
pyrrolidinyl, piperidinyl, morpholinyl, 
piperazinyl/ methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, 
i sopropyl , t -butyl , alkoxyalkyl amino , 
alkoxyalkyl, alkyl- or dialkylamino, alkyl- or. 
dialkylaminoalkoxy, aoetamido, optionally 
substituted phenyl, or methoxymethyl ; 

(c) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond ^d 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl 
ring, wherein Ring D is optionally stibstituted 
with one to two groups selected from -halo, -CN, 
-NO2, -N(R^)2# optionally substituted Ci^s 
aliphatic group, -OR, -CO2R, -CONH(R^) , 
-N(R^)COR, -N(R^)S02R, -N (R^) COCH2CH2N (R*) 2. or 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R*)2; and 


(d) is hydrogen or a substituted or unsubstituted 
Ci-e aliphatic, and L is or -NH- . 

Representative compounds of formula Illb are 
shown below in Table ۥ 


Table 6. 


IIIb-1 IIIb-2 IIIb-3 

IIIb-4 IlIb-5 IIIb-6 

IIIb-7 IlIb-8 



Me Me Me 

IIIb-10 IIIb-11. IIIb-12 

IIIb-13 IIIb-14 IIIb-15 

lIIb-19 IIIb-20 IIIb-21 

IIIb-22 IIIb-23 IIXb-24 


Me ivie Me 

JSV" J^" 

l-**!^ H NMe2 HN'^N HN'^N 

a CI 

IIIb-25 IIIb-2^ IIIb-27 


Me Me we 



U^N ff^N rt^N 

£5.V-^o-TQ ^r^-^N^o^ ^.0''"^"9 


IIIb-28 HIb-29 III±)-30 

In another embodiment, this invention provides 
a composition comprising a compound of formula Illb and a 
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. 

JAnother aspect of this invention relates to a 
5 method of treating or preventing an Aurora- 2 -mediated 
disease with an Aurora- 2 inhibitor, which method 
comprises administering to a patient in need of such a 
treatment a therapeutically effective amotint of a 
compound of formula XXIb or a pharmaceutical -composition 
10 thereof . 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting Aurora- 2 activity in a patient, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
compound of formula Illb or a composition comprising said 
15 compound. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing a <3SK- 3 -mediated disease 
with a GSK- 3 inhibitor, which method comprises 


administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compound of fomiula 
XXib or a pharmaceutical composition ther-eof . 

One aspect of this invention relates to a 
5 method of enhancing glycogen synthesis and/or lowering 
blood levels of glucose in a patient in need thereof, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compound of f oirmula 
Illb or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. This 

10 method is especially useful for diabetic patients. 
L3 Another method relates to inhibiting the production of 

hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, which is useful in 
halting or slowing the progression of Alzheimer's, 
disease. Another method relates to inhibiting the 

15 phospho3rylation of p-catenin, which is useful for 
treating schizophrenia . 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a patient, which 
method comprises administering to the patient a -compound 

20 of formula IlXb or a composition comprising said 

Another method relates to inhibiting Aurora-2 

or GSK-3 activity in a biological sample, which method 

comprises contacting the biological sample with the 
25 Aurora- 2 or GSK-3 inhibitor of formula Illb, or a 

pharmaceutical composition thereof, in an amoxmt 

effective to inhibit Aurora-2 or GSK-3. 

Each of the aforementioned methods directed to 

the inhibition of Aurora-2 or GSK-3, or the treatment of 
30 a disease alleviated thereby, is preferably carried out 

with a preferred compound of formula Illb, as described 



Another embodiment of this invention relates to 
conipoimds of foinaula ZZIc: 




or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 
thereof, wherein: 

R* and are independently selected from T-r' or L-Z-R^; 
10 R^ is T- (Ring D) ; 

Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8-10 membered 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroaryl, 
heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl, said heteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 
15 from nitrogen,, oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 

substitutable ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
stabstituted by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and each Q) 
substitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is ind^endently 
substituted by -R*; 
20 T is a valence bond or a C1-4 alkylidene chain; 
Z is a C1.4 allcylidene chain; 

L is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R*)S02-, -S02N{R*)-, 
-N{R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R*)CO-, -N(R*)C(0).O-, 
-N(R^)CON(R^)-, -N(R*)S02N<R*)-, -N (R*)N(R*) - , 
25 -C{0)N(R^)-, -OC(0)N(R^)-, -C(R^)20-, -C(R*)2S-, 

-C(R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C(R«)2S02N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R*) - , 
-C(R^)2N{R*)C(0)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)0-, .-C(R^)=NN(R*)-, 


-C{R^)«N-0-, -C(R^)2N{R^)N.(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) SO2N (R^) - , or 

R^ and R^' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R^, or 
R^ and R^' are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 membered, unsaturated or 
partially unsaturated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein each 
sxibstitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
R^ and R^' is independently substituted by halo, 0x0, 
-CN, -N02r -R^# or -V-R®, and each substitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R^ and R^' is 
independently substituted by R*; 

R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, 
-COCOR, -COCH2COR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SCOaR, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -C0N(R'')2, -S02N(R'')2/ -0C{=:0)R, -N{R'')C0R, 
-N{R'')G02(Ci.6 aliphatic) , -N(R*)N(R*) 2. . -C=NN(R*)2/ 
-C=N-OR, -N(R'')C0N(R^)2, -N{R'')S02N(R'')2, -N(R*)S02R, or 

each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted group selected from Ci-e 
aliphatic, Ce-io aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 

each R* is independently selected from -r'', -COR'', 

-CO2 (optionally substituted Ci-6 aliphatic) , -C0N(R^)2'/ 
or -S02R^; 

each R^ is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 

-C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R^)2, -CON(R^)2, -S02N(R^)2, -OC{=0)R, -N(R^)COR, 
-N(R^)C02 (optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic) , 
-N{R^)N(R^)2/ -C=NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N (R^) CON (R^) 2 , 
-N(R^)S02N(R*)2, -N(R^)S02R, or -OC (=0)N (R*) 2; 


V is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R*)S02-, -SdaNCR^)-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N(R^)C(0)0-, 
-N(R^)CON(R*) -, -N(R«)S02N(R*)-, -N (R*) N (R^) - , 
-C(0)N{R*)-, -0C{0)N(R*)-, -C{R*)20-, -C(R*)2S-, 
5 -C(R*)2SO-> -C(R*)2S02-, -C(R^)2S02N(R^)-/ -C (R*)2N(R^) -/ 

-C(R*)2N(R*)C(0)-, -C(R«)2N(R^)C (0)0-, -C (R«) =NN{R^) - , 
-C(R*)=N-0-, -C {R^) 2N{R*)N(R*)-, -C(R^) (R*) SOzNCR*) - , or 
-C (R*) 2N (R*) CON (R*) - ; 
W is -C(R*)20-, -C(R*)2S-, -C(R*)2SO-, -C(R«)2S02-, 
10 -C(R*)2S02N(R^) -/ -C(R*)aN(R*)-, -CO-, -CO2-, 

-C(R^)OC(0) -C(R*)OC(0)N(R*)-, -C (R*) 2N (R*) CO- , @ 
-C(R*)2N(R*)C<0)0-, -C(R*)=NN(R*) -C (R^) -N-O- , - 
-C(R*)2N(R^)N(R*)-, -C(R*)2N(R*)S02N(R*)-, 
-C{R*)2N(R*)CON(R*)-, or -CON(R*)-; 
15 each R* is independently selected from hydrogen or an 

optionally substituted C1.4 aliphatic group, or two R^ 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together 
with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; and 
20 each r'' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 

optionally substituted Ci-6 aliphatic group, or two. R' 
on the same nitrogen are taken together with the Cj 
nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered heterocyclyl or 
heteroaryl ring. 
25 Preferred R* groups of formula IXZc include 

hydrogen, alkyl- or dialkylamino, acetamido, or a C1.4 
aliphatic group such as methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, or 
isopropyl . 

Preferred R^ groups of formula IIIc include T-R^ 
30 or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond or a methylene, L is 
-0-, -S-, or -N(R*)-, -C(R*)20-, -CO- and R? is -R, 
-N{R*)2/ or -OR. Examples of preferred R^ groups include 
2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, pyrrolidinyl , piperidinyl. 


morphol inyl , piperazinyl , methyl , ethyl , cyclopropyl , 
isopropyl, t -butyl, alkoxyalkylamino such as 
methoxyethylatitino, alkoxyalkyl such as methoxymethyl or 
methoxyethyl , alkyl- or dialkylamino such as ethylamino 
5 or dimethylamino, alkyl- or dialkylaminoalkoxy such as 
dimethylaminopropyloxy, acetamido, optionally siabstituted 
phenyl such as phenyl or halo-substituted phenyl. 

The euid R*' groups of formula Illc may be 
taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 

10 bicydic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 
(.3 Preferred fused rings include benzo, pyrido, pyrimido, 

and a partially tmsaturated 6-membered carbocyclo ring. 
These are exemplified in the following formula Illc 
con5)o\inds having a pyrazole-containing bicyclic ring 

15 system: 

Preferred substituents on the R^/R^' fused ring 
20 of foimula. Illc include one or more of the following: 
-halo, -N(R*)2, -Ci.4 alkyl, -C1-4 haloalkyl, -NO2, -0(Ci-4 
alkyl), -C02(Ci-4 alkyl) , -CN, -SO2 (C1-4 alkyl) , -SOiNHz, • 
-OC(0)NH2, -NH2S02(Ci.4 alkyl) , -NHC (O) (C1.4 alkyl) , 
-C(0)NH2, and -Cd(Ca.4 alkyl), wherein the tCi-4 alkyl) is a 
25 straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl group. Preferably, 
the (C1.4 alkyl) group is methyl. 

When the pyrazole ring system of formula lllc 
is monocyclic, preferred R* groups include hydrogen or a 


sxabstituted or iinsiibstituted group selected from aryl, 
heteroaryl , or a Ci-e aliphatic group. Exan5>les of such 
preferred groups include H, methyl, jethyl, propyl, , 
cyclopropyl, i -propyl, cyclopentyl, hydroxypropyl , 
5 methoxypropyi, and benzyloxypropyl • A preferred R^' group 
is hydrogen. 

When Ring D of formula Illc is monocyclic, 
preferred Ring D groups, include phenyl, pyridyl, 
pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyrazinyl. 

10 When Ring D of formula IXZc is bicyclic, 

- • £^ 

preferred bicyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl, . 

tetrahydronaphthyl , indanyl, benzimida^olyl , quinolinyl, 

indolyl, isoindolyl, indolinyl, berizo [b] f uryl , 

benzo [b] thiophenyl , indazolyl , benzothiazolyl , 

15 cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl , quinazolinyl , quinoxazolinyl, 
1, 8-naphthyridinyl and isoquinolinyl . 

On Ring D of formula lllc, preferred T-R^ or 
V-Z-R^ substituents include -halo, -CN, -NO2, -N(R*)2# 
op::ionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic group, -OR, -C(0)R, 

20 -CO2R, -CONH(R*), -N(R*)COR, -N(R^)C02R, -S02N(R^)2/ 

-N(R^)S02R, -N(R^)C0CH2N(R*)2, -N (R^) COCH2CH2N (R^) 2. and 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R*)2, wherein R is selected from O 
hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered heterocyclic ring. 

25 More preferred R^ substituents include -CI, -Br, -F, -CN, 
-CF3, -COOH, -CONHMe, -CONHEt, -NH2, -NHAc, -NHSOzKe, 
-NHSO2E t , -NHSO2 ( n-propyl ) , -NHSO2 ( i sopropyl ) , -NHCOEt , 

30 -NHCO(cyclopropyl) , -NHCO (i^crfautyl) , -NHCOCH2 (morpholin-4- 
yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2(moxpholin-4-yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2CH2<morpholin- 
4-yl) , -NHCO2 (t -butyl ) , -NH(Ci_4 aliphatic) such as -NHMe, 
-N(Ci.4 aliphatic) 2 such as -NMea, OH, -0(Ci.4 aliphatic) 


such as -OMe, C1.4 aliphatic such as methyl, ethyl, 
cyclopropyl; isopropyl, or t-butyl, and -C02(Cx-4 
aliphatic) . 

Preferred formula ZJIc compounds have one or 
5 more, and more preferably all, of the features selected 
from the group consisting of: 

(a) R*" is hydrogen, alkyl- or dialkylamino, 
acetamido, or a C1.4 aliphatic group; 

(b) is T-R^ or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond 
10 or a methylene and R^ is -R, -N(R*)2# or -OR; 

(c) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene unit; 

(d) Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic or an 8-10 
membered bicyclic aaryl or heteroaryl ring; and 

15 (e) r2 is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen, or R^ and 

R^' are taken together to form an optionally 
substituted benzo ring. 
More . preferred compounds of foarmula IXIc have 
one or more, and more preferably all, of the features 
20 selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R^ is T-R^ or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond 
or a methylene and R^ is selected from -R^ -OR, 
or -N(R^)2/ wherein R is selected from Ci-€ 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, 

25 or 5-6 membered heteroaryl; 

(b) R^ is T- {Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond; 

(c) Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic or an 8-10 
membered bicyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(d) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R. is 

30 selected from hydrogen, Ci-g aliphatic, phenyl, a 

5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; and 

(e) L is -0-, -S-, or -N(R^)-. 


Eyen more preferred compoiands of formula IIZc 
have one or more, and more preferably all, of the 
features selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R"* is hydrogen methyl, ethyl, propyl, 
cyclbpropyl, isopropyl, methylamino or 

(b) is selected from 2-pyri<ayl, 4-pyridyl, 
pyrrol idinyl, piperidinyl, morpholinyl, 
piperazinyl, methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, 
isopropyl, t-butyl, alkoxyalkyl amino, 
alko3<yalkyl, alkyl- or dialkylamino, alkyl- or 
diallcylaminoalkoxy, acetamido, optionally 
substituted phenyl, or methoxymethyl ; 

(c) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl 
ring, wherein Ring D is optionally substituted 
with one to two groups selected from -halo, -CN, 
-NO2, -N(R*)2/ optionally substituted Ci-e 
aliphatic group, -OR, -CO2R/ -CONH(R*) , 
-N(R^)COR, -N(R*)S02R, -N(R^)COCH2CH2N(R*)2/ or 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N{R*)2; and 

(d) R^ is hydrogen or a substituted or unsubstituted 
Ci-6 aliphatic, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH-. 

Representative compoiands of formula IIIc are 
shown below in Table 7. 


ffiu Ph 

IIIc-16 IIIc-17 

IIIC-19 IIIC-20 

IIIC-22 IIIc-23 







H H 
Ilic-25 IIIC-26 

In another embodiment, this invention provides 
a composition comprising a compound of formula IIIc and a 
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, 
r ) Another aspect of this invention relates to a 

5 method of treating or preventing an Aurora-2 -mediated 
disease with an Aurora -2 inhibitor, which method 
comprises administering to a patient in need of such a 
treatment a therapeutically effective amount of a 
con5>ound of formula IIIc or a pharmaceutical composition 
10 thereof. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a patient, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
compound of formula IIIc or a composition comprising said 
" ] 15 compound. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing a GSK- 3 -mediated disease 
with a GSK-3 inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 

20 therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 
IIIc or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

One aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of enhancing glycogen synthesis and/or lowering 
blood levels of glucose in a patient in need thereof, 

25 which method comprises administering to the patient a 

therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 


IIlc or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. This 
method is especially useful for diabetic patients. 
Another method relates to inhibiting the production of 
hyperphosphoiYlated Tau protein, which is useful in 
5 halting or slowing the progression of Alzheimer's 
disease. Another method relates to inhibiting the 
phosphorylation of p-catenin, which is useful for . 
treating schizophrenia. 

' Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
10 method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a patient/ which 
method comprises administering to the patient a compotind 
of formula IIIc or a composition comprising said 

Another aspect of this invention relates t-o a • 

15 method of treating or preventing a Src-mediated disease 
with a Src inhibitor, which method cotiprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compound of foannula 
IXIc or a phi-rmaceutical composition thereof. 

20 Another aspect of the invention relates to 

inhibiting Src activity in a patient, which method 
comprises administering to the patient a compound of 
formula IIIc or. a composition comprising said compound. 

Another method relates to inhibiting Aurora-2, 

25 GSK-3, or Src activity in a biological sample, which 

method comprises contacting the biological sample with 
the Aurora-2, GSK-3, or Src inhibitor of foinmila IXIc, or 
a pharmaceutical composition thereof, in an amount 
effective to Aurora-2, GSK-3, or Src. 

30 Each of the aforementioned methods directed to 

the inhibition of Aurora-2, GSK-3, or Src, or the 
treatitlent of a disease alleviated thereby, is preferably 


carried out with a preferred compound of formula IXIc, as 
described above. 

Another embodiment of this invention relates to 
compounds of formula IX Jd: 

5 or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 
thereof, wherein: 

Q' is selected from -C(R^')2-/ 1 , 2-cyclopropanediyl, 1,2- 
cyclobutanediyl , or 1,3- cyclobutanediyl ; 
and are independently selected from T-R^ or L-Z-R^; 

10 R^ is T- (Ring D) ; 

Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8-10 membered 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroarYl* 
heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl, said heteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 

15* from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 

sxjbstitutable ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
substituted by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and eaoh 
substitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 
substituted by -R*; 

20 T is a valence bond or a C1-4 alkylidene chain, wherein 
when Q' is -C(R^')2- a methylene group of said C1-4 
alkylidene chain is optionally replaced by -0-, -S-, 
-N(R^)-, -co-, -CONH-, -NHCO-, -SO2-, -SO2NH-, -NHSO2-, 
-C02-^ -0C(0)-, -0C(O)NH-, or -NHCO2-; 

25 Z is a Ci-4 alkylidene chain; 


L is -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -SOsNCR^)-, 

-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, "NCR^yCO-, -N(R^)C(0)0-, 
-N(R^)CON(R^)-, -N(R^)S02N(R^)-, -N (R^) N (R^) - , 
-C(0)N(R^)-, -0C(0)N(R^)-, -C(R^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, 
-C(R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2Sa2-, -C(R^)2S02N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N(R^) - , 
-C(R^)2N (R^) C(0)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C (R^) =NN (R^) - , 
-C(R^)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R^)N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) SO2N (R^) - , or 
-C (R^) 2N (R*^) CON (R*^) - ; 

R^ and R^' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R^, or 
r2 and R^' are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 merabered, imsatxirated or 
partially xinsaturated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein each 
subs ti tut able ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
R^ and R^' is independently substituted by halo, 0x0, 
-CN, -NO2/ -R^/ or -V-R^, and each subs ti4:ut able ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by and R^' is 
independently substituted by R*; 

R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C<=0)R,- -CO2R/ 
-COCOR, -COCai2COR, -NO2, -CN, -S{0)R, -3(0)2R* -SR, 
-N(R^)2, -CON(R^)2, -S02N(R"')2, -0C(=0)R, -N(R'')<:0R, 
-N(R'')C02{Ci-€ aliphatic), -N(R*)N(R*)2/ -C=NN(R^)2, 
-C=N-0R, -N(R'')C0N(R'')2, -N(r'')S02N(R'')2. -N(R*)S02R, or 

each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted group selected from Ci.g 
aliphatic, C^-io aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 

each R^ is independently selected from -R*^, -COR*', 

-CO2 (optionally substituted Ci-6 aliphatic) , -C0N(R^)2r 
or -S02R^; 


each is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 
-C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-K(R*)2. -CON{R*)2/ -S02N(R*)2; -OC(=0)R, -N(R^)COR,. 
-N(R*) CO2 (optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic) , 
-N{R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN<R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N(R*) CON(R*)2, 
-N(R*) S02N(R*)2, -N(R*)S02R, or -OC(=0)N{R*) 2; 

V is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R®)S02-, -S02N(R*)-, 
-H(R*)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R*)CO-, -N(R®)C{0)0-, 
-N{R«)CON(R*)-, -N (R*)S02N(R«)-, -N(R*)N (R*) - , 
-C(0)N(R^)-, -OC(0)N(R*)-, -C(R*)20-, -C{R*)2S-, 
-C (R*):2SO-, -C{R*)2S02-, -C (R*) zSOaN (R*) - , -C (R*)2N(R*) - , 
-C{R*)2N(R*)C(0)-, -C{R«) aN(R«)C(0)0-, -C (R*) =NN(R*) - , 
-C{R*)=N-0-, -C(R<')2N(R*)N(R*)-, -C (R*) 2N (R*) SO2N (R*) - , or 
-C (R*) 2N (R*) CON (R*) - ; 

Wis -C(R*)20-, -C(R*)2S-, -C{R*)2SO-, -C(R*)2S02-, 
-C(R*)2S02N(R^)-, -C(R«)2N(R*)-, -CO-, -CO2- , 
-C(R^)OC(0)-, -C(R*)OC(0)N(R«) -C{R*)2N(R*)O0-, 
-C(R^)2N(R*)C(0)0-, -C(R*)=NN(R*) -, -C(R*)=N-0-, 
-C (R^ ) 2N (R*) N (R^) - , -C (R*) 2N (R* ) SO2N (R*) - , 
-C(R*)2N(R^)C0N(R^) or -CON(R*)-; 

each R^ is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally si±>stituted C^.^ aliphatic group, or two. 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together 
with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; 

each R*' is independently selected from hydrogen or a C1-4 
aliphatic group, or two R^' on the same carbon atom are 
taken together to form a 3-6 membered carbocycli<: ring,- 

each R' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally STibstituted Ci.g aliphatic group, or two R' 
on the same nitrogen are taken together with the 


nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered het^rocyclyl or 
heteroaryl ring. 

Preferred groups of formula llZd include 
hydrogen,, alkyl- or dialkylamino, acetamido, or a C1.4 
5 aliphatic group such as methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, or 

Preferred groups of formula IlXd include T-R^ 
or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond or a methylene, L is 
.0-, -S-, or -N(R*)-, -C(R^)20-, -CO- and R^ is -R, 

10 -N(R*)2/ or -OR. Examples of preferred R^ groups include 
2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, pyrrplidinyl , piperidinyl, 
morpholinyl, piperazinyl, methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, 
isopropyl, t -butyl, alkoxyalkylamino such as 
methoxyethylamino, alkoxyalkyl such as methoxyniethyl or 

15 methoxyethyl , alkyl- or dialkylamino such as ethylamino 
or dimethylamino, alkyl- or dialkylaminoalkoxy such as 
dimethylaminopropyloxy, acetamido, optionally stabstltuted 
phenyl such as phenyl or halo-sxibstituted phenyl. 

The R^ and R^' groups of formula Xlld may be 

20 taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 
bicyclic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 
Preferred fused rings include benzo, pyrido, pyrimido, 
and a partially unsaturated 6 -membered carbocyclo ring. 
These are exemplified in the following formula llld 

25 compoimds having a pyrazole -containing bicyclic ring 


Pref erred substituents on the R^/R^' fused ring 
of formula Hid include one or more of the following: 
-halo, -N{R^)2. -Ci-4 alkyl, -C1.4 haloalkyl, -0(Ci-4 
5 allcyl) / -C02(Ci-4 alkyl) , -S02(Ci-4 alkyl) , -SO2NH2/ 

-0C{0)NH2, -NH2S02(Ci-4 alkyl) , -NHC(O) (C1.4 alkyl) , 
-C(0)NH2, and -CO (C1.4 alkyl) , wherein the (C1-4 alkyl) is a 
straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl group. Preferably, 
the (Ci-4 alkyl) group is methyl. 
10 When the pyrazole ring system of formula Illd 

O is monocyclic, preferred R^ groups include hydrogen or a 

substituted or unsubstituted group selected from aryl, 
heteroaryl, or a Ci-6 aliphatic group. Examples of such 
preferred R^ groups include H, methyl, ethyl, propyl, , 
15 cyclopropyl, i -propyl, cyclopentyl, hydroxypropyl , 

methoxypropyi, and benzyloxypropyl . A preferred R^' group 
is hydrogen. 

When Ring D of formula Illd is monocyclic, 
preferred Ring D groups include phenyl, pyridyl, 
20 pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyrazinyl. 

When Ring D of formula Illd is bicyclic, 
) preferred bicyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl, 

tetrahydronaphthyl, indanyl, benzimidazolyl, quinolinyl, 
indolyl, isoindolyl, indolinyl, benzo [b] f uryl , 
2 5 benzo [b] thiophenyl , indazolyl , benzothiazolyl , 

cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl, quinazolinyl, quinoxazolinyl , 
1, 8-naphthyridinyl and isoquinolinyl . 

On Ring D of formula Illd, preferred T-R^ or 
V-Z-R^ substituents include -halo, -CN, -NO2, -N(R^)2/ 
30 optionally substituted Ci.e aliphatic group, -OR, -C(0)R, 
-CO2R, -CONH(R^), -N(R^)COR, -N(R^)C02R, -^02N(R*)2, 
-N(R*)S02R, -N{R^)COCH2N(R^)2/ -N (R^) COCH2CH2N (R^) 2/ and , 
-N{R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R*)2f wherein R is selected from 


hydrogen, Ci-s aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered heterocyclic ring. 
More preferred substituents include -Cl, -Br, -F, -CN, 
-CF3, -COOH, -CONHMe, -CONHEt, -NH2/ -NHAc , -NHSOzMe , 
-NHS02Et, -NHSO2 (n- propyl) , -NHSO2 (isopropyl) , -NHCOEt, 
-NHCOCH2NHCH3, -NHC0Cai2N (COzt-Bu) Caia , -NHC0Cai2N (CH3) 2/ 

-NHCO ( cyclopropyl ) , -NHCO { isobutyl ) , -NHCOCH2 (morpholin-4 - 
yl) , -NHCX>CH2CH2{morpholin-4-yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2CH2 (morpholin- 
4-.yl), -NHCOaCt-butyl) , -NH(Ci-4 aliphatic) such as -NHMe," 
-N{Cx-4 aliphatic) 2 such as -NMe2, OH, -o(Ci-4 aliphatic) 
such as -OMe, C1-4 aliphatic such as methyl, ethyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, or t-butyl, and -C02(Ci-4 
aliphatic) . 

Preferred Q' groups of formula Zlld include 
-C(R^')2- or 1,2-cyclopropanediyl, wherein each R*' is 
independently selected from hydrogen or methyl. A more 
preferred Q' group is -CH2-. 

Preferred formula Zlld compounds have on3 or 
more, and more preferably all, of the features selected 
from the group consisting of: 

(a) R^ is hydrogen, alkyl- or dialkylamino, 
acetamido, or a C1-4 aliphatic group; 

(b) R^ is T-R^ or L-Z-R^, wherein T is a valence bond 
or a methylene, and R^ is -R, -N(R^)2/ or -OR; 

(c) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene unit and wherein said methylene iinit 
is optionally replaced by -0-, -NH-, or -S-; 

(d) Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic or an 8-10 
. membered bicyolic aryl or heteroaryl ring; and 

(e) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen, or R^ and 
R^' are taken together to form an optionally 
siobstituted benzo ring- 


More preferred compoiands of formula Illd have 
one or more> and more preferably all, of the features 
selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) is T-R^ or L-Z-R^ wherein' T is a valence bond 
• or a methylene and R^ is selected from -R, -OR, 

or -N{R*)2/ wherein R is; selected from hydrogen, 

aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , 
phenyl, or 5-6 membered heteroaryl; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond; 

(c) Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic or an 8-10 
membered bicyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(d) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is ... 
seilected from hydrogen, Ci-s aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; 

(e) L is -0-, -S-, or -N(R*)-; and 

(f) Q' is -C(R^')2- or 1, 2-cyclopropanediyl, wherein 
each R^' is independently selected from hydrogen 
or methyl. 

Even more preferred compounds of formula Zlld 
have one or more, and more preferably all, of the 
features selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R"" is hydrogen methyl, ethyl, propyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, methylamino or 

(b) R^ is selected from 2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, 
pyrrolidinyl, piperidinyl, morpholinyl, 
piperazinyl, methyl , ethyl , cyclopropyl, 
isopropyl, t -butyl, alkoxyalkylamino, 
alkoxyalkyl, alkyl- or dialkylamino, alkyl- or 
dialkylaminoalkoxy, acetamido, optionally 
substituted phenyl, or methoxymethyl ; 


(c) is (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl 
ring, wherein Ring D is optionally substituted 
with one to two groups selected from -halo, -CN, 
-NO2/ -N(R*)2> optionally substituted Ci-e 
aliphatic group, -OR, -CO2R, -CONH(R*), 
-N{R*)COR, -N(R*)S02R, -N(R^) COCH2CH2N(R*) 2, or - 
-N (R^) COCH2CH2CH2N (R*) 2 ; 

(d) R^ is hydrogen or a substituted or unsubctituted 
Ci-6 aliphatic; and L is -0-, -S-, or -13H-; and 

(e) Q' is -CH2-. 

Representative compounds of formula IXZd are 
shown below in Table 8. 

Table 8. 

IIId-1 IIId-2 IIId-3 

IIId-4 IIId-5 IIId-6 



IIId-19 IIId-20 IIId-21 

IIId-22 IIId-23 IIId-24 

In another embodiment, this invention provides 
a composition comprising a compound of formula Zlld and a 
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier- 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method' of treating or preventing an Aurora -2 -mediated 
disease with an Aurora-2 inhibitor, which method 
comprises administering to a patient in need of such a 
treatment a therapeutically effective amount of a 
compound of formula XXId or a pharmaceutical composition 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a patient, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
compound of formula Illd or a composition comprising said 

Another aspect of this invention relat-es to a 
method of treating or preventing a GSK- 3 -mediated disease 
with a GSK- 3 inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 


therapeutically effective amount of a compoxand of formula 
IZId or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

One iaspect of this invention relates to a 
method of enhancing glycogen synthesis and/or lowering 
5 blood levels of glucose in a patient in need thereof, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 
Zlld or a pharmaceutical composition thereof- This 
method is especially useful for disO^etic patients. 

10 Another method relates to inhibiting the production of 
CD hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, which is useful in 

halting or slowing the progression of Alzheimer's 
disease. Another method relates to inhibiting the 
phosphorylation of p-catenin, which is useful for 

15 treating schizophrenia. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a patient, which 
method comprises administering to the patient a compound 
of formula Illd or a composition comprising said 

20 compound. 

Another method relates to inhibiting Aurora- 2 
or .GSK-3 activity in a biological sample, which method 
comprises contacting the biological sample with the 
Aurora- 2 or GSK-3 inhibitor of formula Illd, or a 

25 pharmaceutical composition thereof, in an amount 
effective to inhibit Aurora-2 or GSK-3. 

Each of the aforementioned methods directed to 
the inhibition of Aurora- 2 or GSK-3, or the treatment of 
a disease alleviated thereby, is preferably carried out 

30 with a preferred compound of formula Xlld, as described 
above . 

Another embodiment of this invention relates to 
con^oiinds of formula IVa : 



or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 
thereof, wherein: 

is nitrogen or C-R® and 7? is nitrogen or CH, wherein 

one of or Z^ is nitrogen; 

and R^ are independently selected from T-R^ or L-Z-R^, 
or R^ and R^ are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused/ unsaturated or partially 
imsaturated, 5-7 membered ring having 0-3 ring 
heteroatoms selected from oxygen, sulfur, or nitrogen, 
wherein each substitutable ring carbon of said fused 
ring formed by R^ and R^ is independently substituted 
by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z-R^, and each substitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R* and R^ is 
independently svibstituted by R*; 
R^ is T- (Ring D> ; 

Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8-10 membered 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroaryl, 
heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl, said heteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 
from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
substituted by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and each 
s\jJDStitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 
substituted by -R*; 


T is a valence bond or a C1-4 alkylidene chain; 
Z is a Ci-4 alkylidene chain; 

L is -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -SOzNCR^)-, 

.N(R^)-/ -CO-, -C02-r -N(R^)CO-, -=N(R^)C(0)0-, 
-N{R^)CON {R^)-, -N(R^)S02N (R^) -, -N(R^)N(R^) 
-C(0)N(R^)-, -OC(0)N(R«)-/ -C(R*^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, 
-C(R^)2SO-^ -C(R^)2S02-, -C(R^)2S02N(R^)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)-, 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)-, -C(R«)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C (R^) =NN (R^) - , 
-C(R^)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R^)N(R^)-, -C{R^)2N(R^) S02N(R^) or 
-C (R^) 2N (R^) CON (R^) - ; 

R^ and R^'. are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R^, or 
R^ and R^' are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 membered, unsaturated or 
partially \msaturated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfiur, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
R^ and R^' is independently substituted by halo, 0x0, 
-CN, -NO2/ -R"'/ or -V-R^, and each substitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R^ and R^' is 
independently substituted by R*; 

R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, 
-COCOR, -COCH2COR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -S(0)2R/ -SR, 
-N{R'*)2/ -C0N(R"')2, -S02N(R'')2, -0C<=0)R, -N(R^)C0R, 
-N(R'')C02{Ci.6 aliphatic) , -N (R*)N (R^) 2, -C=NN(R*)2/ 
-C=N-0R, -N(R'')CON(r'')2/ -N(R'')S02N(r'')2/ -N{R^)S02R, or 

each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted group selected from Ci-e 
aliphatic, Ce-io aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 
atoms ; 


each R*- is independently selected from -r', -COR', 

-CO2 (optionally siibstituted Ci-s aliphatic) , -CON(r')2/ 
or -SQzB? ; 

each R* is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 
-C(=0)R, -COaR,- -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -C0N(R*)2/ -S02N(R*)2» -OC(=0)R, -N{R*)COR, 
-N{R*)C02 (optionally siabstituted Ci-s aliphatic), 
-N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N (R*) GON(R*) 2, 
-N(R*)S02N(R*)2, -N(R*)SOaR, or -OC(=0)N(R*) 2; 

V is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R*)S02-, -S02N(R*)-, 
-N(R«)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R*)CO-, -N(R*)C(0)0-, 
-N (R«) CON (R*) - , -N (R«) SO2N (R*) - , -N(R«) N<R*) - , 
-C(0)N(R*)-, -OC{0)N(R*)-, -C(R*)20-, -C(R*)2S-, 
-C (R*) 2SO- , -C (R*) 2SO2- , -C (R*) 2SO2N (R*> - , -C (R*) 2N (R*) - , 
-C(R*)2N(R*)C{0)-, -C(R«)2N(R*)C(0)0-, -C (R*) -NN (R^) - , 
-C(R*)=N-0-, -C(R«)2N(R*')N(R«)-, -C(R*)2N(R^)S02N(R*) -, 
-C (R*) 2N (R*) CON (R*) - ; 

W is -C(R*)20-, -C(R*)2S-, -C(R*)2SO-, -C(R«)aS02-, 
-C(R*)2S02N(R*) -, -C(R*)2N(R®)-, -CO-, -CO2-, 
-C(R*)OC(0)-, -C(R*)OC(0)N(R"')-, -C (R*).2N (R*) CO- , 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C(R*)=NN(R*)-, -C(R*)=N-0-, 
-C(R^)2N(R*)N{R«)-, -C(R*)2N(R*)S02N{R*)-, 
-C(R*)2N(R*)CON(R^) -, or -CON(R*)-; 

each R* is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally siibstituted C1-4 aliphatic group, or two R* 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together 
with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; 

each r'' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic group, or two r'^ 
on the same nitrogen are taken together with the 
nitrogen to torm a 5-8 membered heterocyclyl or 
heteroaryl ring; and 


R« is selected from -R, halo, -OR, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COGOR, 

-NO2, -casr, -s(o)R, -SO2R, -sr, -n{r*)2/ -con(r'*)2, 

-S02N(R*)2/ -OC(=0)R, -N(R*)C0R, -N (R*) CO2 (optionally 
substituted C1.6 aliphatic) , -N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, 
-CoN-OR, -N (R*) CX>N (R*) 2> - -N<R^) SO2N (R*) 2 , "N (R*) SO2R, or 

Preferred rings formed by R* and R^ of formula 
IVa include a 5-/6-, or 7-membered unsaturated or 
partially unsaturated ring having 0-2 heteroatoms, 
wherein said RVR^ ring is optionally substituted. Iliis . 
provides a bicydic ring system containing a pyridine 
ring. Preferred pyridine ring systems of formula XVa are 
shovna below. 

IVa-A iVa-B IVa-C 

IVa-D IVa-E IVa-P 

HN^ HN-^ HN-^ 

exit, ott^ 

IVa-J IVa-K IVa-L 



More preferred pyridine ring systems of formula 
IVa include IVa-A, IVa-B, IVa-D, IVa-E, IVa-J, IVa-P, and 
IVa-V, most preferably IVa-A, IVa-B, IVa-D, IVa-E, and 
IVa- J. Even more preferred pyridine ring systems of 
5 formula IVa are those described above, wherein is 
nitrogen and is CH. 

Preferred groups of formula IVa include 
hydrogen, alkyl- or dialkylamino, acetamido, or a'Ci-4 
aliphatic group such as methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, or 
10 isopropyl • 

Preferred groups of formula IVa include T-R^ 
or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond or a methylene, L is 

or -N(R^)-, -C(R^)20-, -CO- and R^ is -R, 
-N(R^)2/ or -OR- Examples of preferred R^ groups include 

15 2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, pyrrol idinyl , piperidinyl, 

morpholinyl, piperazinyl, methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, 
isopropyl, t -butyl, alkoxyalkylamino such as 
me thoxye thy 1 amino, alkoxyalkyl such as methoxymethyl or 
methoxyethyl , alkyl- or dialkylamino such as ethylamino 

20 or dimethylamino, alkyl- or dialkylaminoalkoxy such as* 


dimethylaminopropyloxy, acetamido, optionally sxibstituted 
phenyl such as phenyl or halo-siibstituted phenyl. 

The ring formed when the and groups of 
formula IVa are taken together may be siibstituted or 
5 iinsubstituted. Suitable- substituents -include —R, halo, 

-0{CH2)2-4-N(R^)2/ -0{CH2)2-4-R, -OR, -N(R*)-(CH2)2-4-N(R*)2/ 
--N(R*)-(CH2)2-4-R* -C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -Ca^I, 
-S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, -N(R^)2/ -CON(R*)2/ -S02N(R*)2, 
-OC(=0)R, -N(R*)COR, -N(R*)C02 (optionally substituted Ci-e 
10 aliphatic), -N(R*)N(R*)2> -C=NN(R*)2. -C=N-OR, 
O -N(R*)C0N(R*)2. -N(R*)S02N(R*)2. -N(R*)S02R/ or 

-0C(«0)N{R*)2/ R and R* are as defined ^ove. Preferred 
R^/R^ ring sxabstituents include -halo, -R, -OR, -COR, 
-COaRr -CON(R*)2. "CN, -O (CH2) 2-4-N (R*) 2/ -O (CH2) 2.4-R, . -NO2 
15 -N(R*>2, -NR^COR, -NR^S02R, -S02Nm*)2 wherein R is hydrogen 
or an optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic group. 

The R^ and R^' groups of formula IVa may be 
taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 
bicyolic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 
20 Preferred fused rings include benzo, pyrido, pyrimido, 
and a partially unsaturated 6-membered carbocyclo ring. 
C^j . These are exemplified in the following f-ormula IVa 

compounds having a pyrazole -containing bi<rjrclic ring 


Preferred substituents on the R^/R^' fused ring 
of formula IVa include one or more of the following: 
-halo, -N (R*) 2/ -C1.4 alkyl, -C1-4 haloalkyl , -NO2, -O (Cx-4 
alkyl) , -C02(Ci-4 alkyl) , -CN, -SOaCCi.* alkyl) , -SO2NH2/ 
5 -0C(0)NH2. -NH2S02(Ci-4 alkyl) , -NHC<0) (C1.4 alkyl) , 

-C(0)NH2, and -CO (C1-4 alkyl) , wherein the (C1-4 alkyl) is a 
straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl group. Preferably, 
the (Ci-4 alkyl) group is methyl. 

When the pyrazole ring system of formula IVa is 

10 monocyclic, preferred R^ groups include hydrogen or a 
substituted or unsiobstituted group selected from aryl, 
heteroaryl, or a Ci-g aliphatic group. Examples of such 
preferred R^ groups include H, methyl, ethyl, propyl, , 
cyclopropyl, i -propyl, cyclopentyl, hydroxypropyl , 

15 methoxypropyl., and benzyloxypropyl . A preferred R^' group 
is hydrogen. 

When Ring D of formula IVa is monocyclic, 
preferred Ring D groups include phenyl, pyridyl, 
pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, auad pyrazinyl. 

20 When Ring D of formula IVa is bicyclid, 

preferred bi cyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl, 
tetrahydronaphthyl, indsmyl, benzimidazolyl, quinolinyl, 
indolyl, isoindolyl, indolinyl, benzo [bj f uryl , 
benzo [b] thiophenyl , indazolyl , benzothiazolyl , 

25 cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl , quinazolinyl, quinoxazolinyl, 
1, 8-naphthyridinyl and isoquinolinyl . 

On Ring D of formula IVa, preferred T-R^ or V-Z- 
R^ substituents include -halo, -CN, -NO2, -N(R*)2/ 
optionally sxibstituted Ci-g aliphatic group, -OR, -C(0)R, 

30 -CO2R, -COKH(R^), -N(R^)COR, -N(R^)<!02R, -S02N(R^)2, 

-N(R^)S02R, -N(R^)COCH2N(R*)2/ -N (R^) GOCH2CH2N (R*) 2, and 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N{R*)2/ wherein R is selected from 
hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 membered 


heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered heterocyclic ring. 
More preferred svibstituents include -CI, -Br, -F, -CN, 
-CF3, -COOH, -CONHMe, -CONHEt, -NH2, -NHAc, -NHSOaMe, 
-NHSO2E t , -NHSO2 (n-propyl ) , -NHSO2 ( isopropyl ) , -NHCOEt , 
-NHCOai2CH2N(CH3)2# -NHCOCH2CH2CH2N( 013)2, 

-NHCO ( cyclopropyl ) , -NHCO ( isobutyl ) , -NHCOCH2 {morpholin-4 - 
yl ) , -NHCOCH2CH2 (morpholin-4 -yl ) , -NHGOCH2CH2CH2 (morpholin- 
4-yl) , -NHC02(t-butyl) , -NH (Ci.4 aliphatic) such as -NHMe, 
-N(Ci.4 aliphatic) 2 such as -NMe2/ OH, -0(01-4 aliphatic) 
such as -OMe, C1-4 aliphatic such as methyl^ ethyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, or t -butyl, and -CO2 (C1-4 

aliphatic) . 

Prefezxed groups of formula IVa, when 
present, include R, OR, and N(R*)2. Examples of prefeirred 
R® include methyl, ethyl, NH2, NH2CH2CH2NH, NCCHa) 2CH2CH2NH, 
N(CH3)2CH2CH20, (piperidin-l-yl)CH2CH20, and NH2CH2CH2O. 

Preferred formula IVa compoimds have one or 
more, and more preferably all, of tlie features selected 
from the group consisting of: 

(a) R^ is hydrogen, alkyl- or dialkylamino, 

acetamido, or a C1.4 aliphatic group and R^ is 
T-R^ or L-Z-R^, wherein T is a valence bond or a 
methylene and R^ is -R, -N(R*)2, or -OR; or R^" and 
R^ are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, unsaturated or partially 
iinsaturated, 5-6 membered ring having 0-2 
heteroatoms selected from oxygen, sulfur, or 
nitrogen, wherein ^ach substitutaible ring carbon 
of said fused ring formed by Ri* and R^ is 
independently substituted by 0x0, T-R^, or L-Z- 
R^, and each substitutable ring nitrogen of said 


ring formed by R* and is independently 
sxibstituted by R*; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene unit; 

(c) Ring D -is a 5-7 inembered monocyclic or an 8-10 
membered bicyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring; and 

(d) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen, or R^ and 
R^' are tcJcen together to form an optionally 
substituted benzo ring. 

More preferred compoxinds of formula IVa have 
one or more, and more preferably all, of the features 
selected from the group- consisting of: 

(a) R^ is T-R^ or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond 
or a methylene and R^ is selected from -R, -OR, 
or -N(R^)2r wherein R is selected from hydrogen, 
Ci-e aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , 
phenyl, or 5-6 membered heteroaryl; or R* and R^ 
are taken together with their intervening atoms 

^ to ±orm a benzo, pyrido, cyclc^nto, cyclohexo, 
cyclohepto, thieno, piperidino, or imidazo ring, 
wherein each substitutable ring carbon of said 
fused ring formed by R"" and R^ is independently 
substituted by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z-R^, and each 
substitutable ring nitrogen of said ring formed 
by 'S^ and R^ is independently substituted by R^; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond, 
and Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic or an 8- 
10 membered bicyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(c) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci-g aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring;6u:id 


(d) is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R^)2/ 
wherein R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-e 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, 
or -N(R*)-. 

Even more preferred confounds of formula IVa 
have one or more, and more preferably all, of the 
features selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R* is hydrogen methyl, ethyl, propyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, methylamino or acetamido 
and R^ is selected from 2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, 
pyrrolidinyl, piperidinyl, morpholinyl, 
piperazinyl, methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, 
isopropyl, t-butyl, alkoxyalkyl amino, 
alkoxyalkyl, alkyl- or dialkylamino, alkyl- or 
dialkylaminoalkoxy, acetamido, optionally 
substituted phenyl, or methoxymethyl ; or R* and 

are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a benzo, pyrido, piper idino, or 
cyclohexo ring, wherein said ring is optionally 
substituted with -halo, -R, -OR, -COR, -CO2R,- 
-CON(R^)2/ -CN, -0(CH2)2-4-N{R^)2. -O {GH2) 2-4-R/ -NO2 
-N(R^)2, -NR^COR, -NR^SOzR, or -S02N(R^)2/ wherein 
R is hydrogen or an optionally substituted Ci-g 
aliphatic group; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl ring 
optionally substituted with one or two groups 
selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2/ -N{R*)2# 
optionally substituted C1.6 aliphatic, -OR, 
-C(0)R, -CO2R, -CONH{R*), -N(R*)COR, -N(R*)C02R. 
-S02N(R*)2, -N(R*)S02R, -» (R^) COCH2N (R^) 2/ 
-N(R^)C0CH2CH2N(R*)2r or -N (R^) COCH2CH2CH2N (R*) 2; 


(c) is hydrogen or a siibstituted or unsxibstituted 
» group selected from aryl, heteroaryl, or a Ci-e 

aliphatic group, and R^' . is hydrogen; and 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -OR, or -N(R*)2, wherein 
R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-c aliphatic, 5-6 
membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, or 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH-; and 

(e) Ring D is substituted by up to three 
substituents selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2, 
-N(R*)2r optionally substituted C1.6 aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C(0)R, -CO2R, -CONH(R*) , -N{R*)COR, 
-N(R*)C02R/ -S02N(R*)2# -N(R*)S02R, 
-N(R^)C0CH2N(R*)2/ -N{R^)COCH2CH2N(R*)2* or 
-N(R^)C0CH2CH2CH2N(R*)2/ wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, Cx-g aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 
membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring. 

Representative compounds of formula IVa are 
shown below in Table 9 • 

Table 9. 


HN'^N H 



IVa-10 rva-11 IVa-12 

In emother embodiment, this invention provides 
a coioposition comprising a compovind of formula IVa and a 
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
5 method of treating or preventing an Aurora -2 -mediated 
disease with an Atirora-2 inhibitor, which method 
comprises administering to a patient in need of such a 
treatment a therapeutically effective amount of a 
con?>ound of formula IVa or a pharmaceutical con5>Qsition 

10 thereof. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a patient, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 


compound of formula iva or a coinposit:ion comprising said 
compound • 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing a GSK- 3 -mediated disease 
5 with a GSK- 3 inhibitor, which method comprises 

administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 
XVa or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

One aspect of this invention relates to a 

10 method of enhancing glycogen synthesis and/or lowering 
blood levels of glucose in a patient in need thereof, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 
IVa or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. This method 

15 is especially useful for diabetic patients. Another 
method relates to inhibiting the production of 
hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, which is useful in 
halting or slowing the progression of Alzheimer's 
disease. Another method relates to inhibiting the 

2t) phosphorylation of P-catenin, which is useful for 
treating schizophrenia. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a patient, which 
method comprises administering to the patient a compovmd 

25 of formula IVa or a composition comprising said compound. 

Another method relates to inhibiting Aurora- 2 
or GSK-3 activity in a biological sample, whi-ch method 
comprises contacting the biological sample with the 
Aurora-2 or GSK-3 inhibitor of formula IVa, or a 

30 pharroaceutical composition thereof, in an amount 
effective to inhibit Aurora-2 or GSK-3. 

Each of the aforementioned methods directed to 
the inhibition of Aurora-2 or <3SK-3, or the treatment of 


a disease alleviated thereby, is preferably carried out 
with a preferred compound of formula IVa, as described 

Another embodiment of this invention relates to 
5 compounds of formula IVb: 


10 or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 
thereof, wherein: 

is nitrogen or C-R* and is nitrogen or CH, wherein 
one of Z^ or is nitrogen; 

and R^ are independently selected from T-R^ or L-Z-R^. 

15 or R"" and R^ are taken together with their intervening 

atoms to form a fused, unsaturated or partially 
unsaturated, 5-7 membered ring having 0-3 ring 
heteroatoms selected from oxygen, sulfur, or nitrogen, 
wherein each substitutable ring carbon of said fused 

20 ring, formed by R^" and R^ is independently substituted 

by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z-R^, and each substitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R* and R^ is 
independently sxibstituted by R*; 
R^ is T- (Ring D) ; 

25 Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8-10 membered 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroaiyl, 
heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl, said heteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 


from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 
subs ti tut able ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
sxibstituted by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and each 
substitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 
substituted by -R^; 

T is a valence bond or a C1.4 alkylidene chain; 

Z is a C1.4 alkylidene chain; 

L is -SO-/-SO2-/ -N(R^)S02-, -S02N(R^)-, 

-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N(R^)C{0)0-, 
-N(R^)CON{R^)-, -N(R^)S02N(R^)-, -N (R^)N(R^) 
-C(0)N(R^)-, -OC(0)N(R^) -C{R^)20-, -C{R^)2S-, 
-C{R^)2S0-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C(R^)2S02N(R^)-, .C(R^)2N(R^) 
-C<R^)2N(R^)C(0)-. -C(R*)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C(R^) =NN(R^) 
-C(R^)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R^)N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) SO2N (R^) - , or 

R^ and R^' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R^, or 
R^ and R^' are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 merobered, unsaturated or 
partially xinsatvxated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur^ wherein ^ach 
substitutsJDle ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 
R^ and R^' is independently substituted by halo, 0x0, 
-CN, -NO2, -R^/ or -V-R^, and each substitu1:able ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R^ and R^' is 
independently substituted by R*; 

R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(=b)R, -CO2R, 
-COCOR, -COCH2COR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -S{0)2R/ -SR, 
-N(R^)2, -C0N(R'')2, -S02N{R'')2/ -0C(=0)R, -N(R'')G0R, 
-N(R^)C02(Ci.6 aliphatic) , -N{R^)N(R^) 2/ -C=NN(R^)2/ 
-C=N-OR, -N(R'')CON(R"')2r -N (R'')«02N (R'') 2, -N{R*)S02R, or 

each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted group selected from Ci-e 


aliphatic, Ce-io aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 

each R* is independently selected from -r', -COR', 

-CO2 (optionally • siabstituted Ci-e aliphatic) , -CON (R') 2/ 
or -SO2R'; 

each R^ is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 
-C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -CX)N(R*)2, -S02N(R*)2, -OC(=0)R, -N(R*)COR, 
-N{R'*)C02 (optionally siibstituted Ci_6 aliphatic) , 
-N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, -N (R*) CON (R*) 2, 
-N(R*)S02N(R*)2, -N(R*)S02R, or -OC(=b)N(R*)2; 

V is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R®)S02-, -S02N(R*)-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R*)CO-, -N(R*)C(0)0-, 
-N (R«) CON (R«) - , -N (R*) SO2N (R«) - , -N (R*) N (R«) - , 
-C(0)N(R®)-, -OC(0)N(R*)-, -C(R*)20^, -C(R*)2S-, 
-C(R«)2SO-, -C(R«)2S02-, -G(R*)2S02N(R*)-, -C (R^) 2N(R*) - , 
-C(R«)2N(R^)C (0)-, -C{R«)2N(R*)C(0)0-, -C (R*) =NN (R") - , 
-C(R«)=N-0-, -C(R«)2N{R*)N(R^)-, -C(R«)2N(R*)S02N'R*)-, 

W is -C(R^)20-, -C(R*)2S-, -C(R^)2S0-, -C(R*)2S02-, 
-C(R^)2S02N(R^)-, -C(R®)2N(R^) -co-, -CO2-, 
-C(R*)0C(0)-, -C(R^)0C(0)N(R^) -, -C(R^)2N(R*)C0-, 
-C(R*)2N(R^)C{0)0-, -C(R^)=NN(R^) rC(R^)=N-0-, 
-C(R*)2N(R^)N(R«) -C(R^)2N(R^)S02N(R*)-, 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C0N(R^) -, or -CON(R*)-; 

each R^ is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally siabstituted C1-4 aliphatic group, or two R* 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together 
with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; 

each r' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted Ci-s aliphatic group, or two r' 


on the same nitrogen are taken together with the 
nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered heterocyclyl or 
heteroaryl ring; and 

is selected from -R, halo,. -OR, -C{=0)R, -CO2R. -COCOR, 
-NO2/ -CN, -S(0)R, -SOsR, -SR, -N(R*)2/ -CON{R*)2r 
.-S02N(R*)2, -OC(=0)R, -N(R*)COR, -N (R*) CO2 (optionally 
svibstituted C1.6 aliphatic) , -N(R*)N(R*)2# -C=NN(R*)2/ 
.C=N-OR, -N{R*)CON{R*)2, -N (R*) SO2N (R*) 2, -N(R*)S02R, or 

-0C(=0)N(R*)2- • 

Preferred rings formed by R* and R^ of formula 
rvb include a 5-, 6-, or 7 -membered unsaturated or 
partially unsaturated ring having 0-2 heteroatoms, , 
wherein said rVR^ ring is optionally substituted. This 
provides a bicyclic ring system containing a pyrimidine 
ring. Preferred pyrimidine ring systems of formula IVb 
are shown below. 

IVb-D IVb-E IVb-P 



More preferred pyrimidine ring systems of 
formula IVb include IVb-A, IVb-B, IVb-D, IVb-E, IVb-J/ 
IVb-P, cuid rvb-V, most preferably IVb-A, IVb-B, IVb-D, 
rvb-B, and IVb- J. Even more preferred pyridine ring 
systems of formula IVb are those described above, wherein 
is nitrogen and xs CH. 

Preferred groups of formula IVb include 
hydrogen, alkyl- or dialkylamino , acetamido, or a C1-4 
aliphatic group such as methyl, ethyl, cyclc^ropyl, or 
isopropyl • 

Preferred groups of f oirmula rvb include T-R^ 
or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond or a methylene, Ii is 

or -N(R^)-, -C(R^)20-, -CO- and R^ is -R, 
-N(R^)2, or -OR. Examples of preferred R^ groups include 


2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, pyrrolidinyl, piperidinyl, 
morpholinyl* piperazinyl/ methiyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, 
isopropyl, t -butyl, alkoxyalkylamino such as 
methoxyethyiamino, alkoxyalkyl such as methoxymethyl or 
5 methoxyethyl, alkyl- or dialkylamino such as ethylamino 
or dimethylamino, allcyl- or dialkylaminoalkoxy such as 
dimethylaminopropyloxy, acetamido, optionally substituted 
phenyl such as phenyl or halo-sidjstituted phenyl. 

Hxe ring formed when the R* and groups of 
10 formula TVba are taken together may be substituted or 
unsxabstituted. Suitable substituents include -R, halo, 

-0(C3l2)2-4-N(R*)2, -0(C2l2)2.4-R, -OR, -N(R*)-(CH2)2-4-N(R*)2/ 

-N(R*)-(CH2)2-4-R, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, 
-S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, -N(R*)2, -CON(R*)2, -S02N(R*)2, 

15 -OC(=0)R, -N{R*)COR, -N{R*) CO2 (optionally s\abstituted Cx-s 
aliphatic), -N(R*)N(R'»)2, -C=NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, 
-N(R*)CON(R*)2, -N(R*)S02N(R*)2/ -N(R*)S02R, or 
-0C(=0)N(R*)2# R and R* are as defined above. Preferred 
R*/R^ ring svibstituents include -halo, -R, -OR, -COR, 

20 -CO2R, -C0N(R*)2, -CN, -0(Cai2)2-4-N{R*)2/ -O (CH2) 2-4-R/ . -NO2 
-N(R*)2, -NR*COR, -NR^SOaR, -S02N(R*)2 wherein R is hydrogen 
or an optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic group. 

The and R^' groups of formula IVb may be 
taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 

25 bicyclic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 

Preferred fused rings include benzo, pyrido, pyrimido, 
and a partially unsaturated 6-merabered carbocyclo ring. 
These are exemplified in the following formula IVb 
coii5>ounds having a pyrazole -containing bicyclic ring 

30 system: 


Preferred substituents on the R^/R^' fused ring 
of formula I Vb include one or more of the following: 
-halo, -N(R^)2. -Ci_4 alkyl, -C1.4 haloalkyl, -0(Ci-4 
alkyl), -C02(Ci-4 alkyl) , -CN, -SO2 {C1-4 alkyl) , -SO2NH2, 
5 -0C(0>NH2/ -NH2S02(Ci.4 alkyl) , -NHC{0) (C1-4 alkyl) , 

-C(0)NH2, and -CO(Ci.4 alkyl) , wherein the (C1.4 alkyl) is a 
straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl group. Preferably, 
the (Ci-4 alkyl) group is methyl- 

When the pyrazole ring system of formula IVb is 

10 monocyclic, preferred R^ groups include hydrogen or a 
substituted or unsubstituted group selected from aryl, 
heteroaryl, or a Ci-e aliphatic group. Exait^les of such 
preferred R^ groups include hydrogen, methyl, ethyl, 
propyl, , cyclopropyl, i -propyl, cyclopentyl, 

15 hydroxypropyl, methoxypropyl , and benzyloxypropyl . A 
preferred R^' group is hydrogen^ 

When Ring D of formula IVb is monocyclic, 
preferred Ring D groups include phenyl ^ pyridyl, 
pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyrazinyl. 

20 When Ring D of f cannula IVb is bicyclic, 

preferred bicyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl, 
tetrahydronaphthyl , indanyl, benzimidazolyl , quinolinyl, 
indolyl, isoindolyl, indolinyl, benzo [b] f uryl , 
benzo [b] thiophenyl , indazolyl , benzothiazolyl , 

25 cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl, quinazolinyl, quinoxazolinyl, 
1,8-naphthyridinyl and isoquinolinyl . 


On Ring D of formula IVb, preferred T-R^ or 
V-Z-R^ substituents include -halo, -CN, -NO2/ -N(R^)2/ 
optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic group, -OR, -C(0)R, 
-CO2R, -CONH(R^), -N(R^)COR, -N(R^)C02R, -S02N(R^)2, 
5 -N{R*)S02R/ -N(R^)COCH2N(R^)2, -N(R^) COCH2CH2N(R^)2, and 
-N(R^) COC3i2CH2CH2N(R^)2/ wherein R is selected from 
hydrogen, Ci-6 aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 menibered 
heteroairyl ring, or a 5-6 metnbered heterocyclic ring. 
More preferred R^ substituents include -Cl, -Br, -F, -CN, 
10 -CF3, -COOH, -COlslHMe, -CONHEt, -NH2/ -NHAc, -NHSOzMe, 

-15HS02Et , -NHSO2 (n-propyl) , -NHSO2 ( isopropyl) , -NHCOEt , 
-NHCOCH2CH2N (CH3 ) 2 , -NHCOCH2CH2CH2N (CH3 ) 2 , 

-NHCO ( cyclopropyl ) , -NHCO ( isobutyl ) , -NHCOCH2 (tnprpholin-4 - 
15 yl) , -NHCOC^^2C3^2(morpholin-4-yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2CH2 (morpholin- 
4-yl) , -NHCO2 (t -butyl ) , -NH(Ci.4 aliphatic) such as -NHMe, 
-N(Ci-4 aliphatic) 2 such as -NMe2, OH, -0(Ci-4 aliphatic:) 
such as -OMe, C1-4 aliphatic such as methyl, ethyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, or trbutyl, and -C02(Ci.4 
20 aliphatic) . 

Preferred R® groups of formula IVb, when 
present, include R, OR, and N(R^)2. Examples of preferred 
R® include methyl, ethyl, NH2, NH2CH2CH2NH, N(CH3)2CH2CH2NH, 
N(CH3)2CH2CH20, (piperidin-l-yDCHzCHzO, and NH2CH2ai20. 
25 Preferred formula IVb compounds have one or 

more, and more preferably all, of the features selected 
from the group consisting of: 

(a) R^ is hydrogen, alkyl- or dialkylamino, 

acetamido, or a aliphatic group and R^ is 
3 0 T-R^ or L-Z-R^, wherein T is a valence bond or a 

methylene and R^ is -R, -N{R*)2, or -OR; or R* and 
R^ are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, unsaturated or partially 

• f 


unsaturated, 5-6 meinbered ring having 0-2 
heteroatoms selected from oxygen, sul'fur, or 
nitrogen, wherein each substitutable ring carbon 
of said fused ring formed by and is 
5 • independently substituted by oxo, T-R^-, or L-Z- 

R^, and each substitutable ring nitrogen of said 
ring formed by R"^ and R^ is independently 
substituted by R*; 
(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
10 a methylene xinit; 

(3 (c) Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic or an 8-10 

membered bicyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring; arid 
(d) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen, or R^ and 
R^' are taken together to form an optionally 
15 substituted benzo ring. 

More preferred compoxinds of formula IVb have 
one or more, and more preferably all, of the features 
selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R^ is T-R^ or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond 
20 or a methylene and R'^ is selected from -R, -OR, 

or -N(R*)2/ wherein R is selected from hydrogen, 
4 ) Ci-e aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , 

phenyl, or 5-6 membered heteroaryl; or R* and R^ 
are taken together with their intervening atoms 
25 to form a benzo, pyrido, cyclopento, cyclohexo, 

cyclohepto, thieno, piperidino, or imidazo ring, 
wherein each substitutable ring carbon of said 
fused ring formed by R"^ and R^ is independently 
sxibstituted by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z-R^, and each 
30 substitutable ring nitrogen of said ring formed 

by R"^ and R^ is independently substituted by R*; 


(b) is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond, 
and Ring D is a 5-6 metnbered monocyclic or an 8- 
10 membered bicyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(c) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci-g aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; and 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N{R*)2/ 
wherein R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-s 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, 

: or -N{R^)-. 

Even more preferred compounds of formula XVb 
have one or more, and more preferably all, of the 
features selected from the group consisting of : 
(a) R'' is hydrogen methyl, ethyl, propyl, 

cyclopropyl, isopropyl, methylamino or acetamido 
and R^ is selected from 2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, 
pyrrolidinyl , piperidiryl , morpholinyl , 
piperazinyl, methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, 
isopropyl, t -butyl, alkoxyalkyl amino, 
alkoxyalkyl, alkyl- or dialkylamino, alkyl- or 
dialkylaminoalkoxy , acetamido , optionally 
substituted phenyl, or methoxymethyl ; or R* and 
R^ are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a benzo, pyrido, piperidino, or 
cyclohexo ring, wherein said ring is optionally 
substituted with -halo, -R, -OR, -COR, -CO2R, 
-C0N(R^)2, -CN, -0(CH2)2-4-N(R^)2/ -O (CH2) 2-4-R, -NO2 
-N{R^)2/ -NR^COR, -NR^S02R, or -S02N(R*)2, wherein 
R is hydrogen or an optionally substituted Ci-6 
aliphatic group; 


(b) is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 mexnbered aryl or heteroaryl ring 
optionally sxabstituted with one or two groups 
selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2/ -N{R*)2/ 

- optionally substituted d-s aliphatic, -OR, 

-C(0)R, -CO2R/ -CONH(R*)> -N(R*)COR, -N{R*)C02R/ 
-S02N(R*)2/ -N(R*)S02R. -N(R^) COCH2N(R*) 2/ 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2N(R*)2. or -N (R^) COCHaCHsCHaNCR^) 2; 

(c) R^ is hydrogen or a substituted or tinsubstituted 
group selected from aryl, heteroaryl, or a Ci-e 
aliphatic group,, and R^' is hydrogen; and 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -OR, or -N(R*)2/ wherein 
R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, 5-6 
membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, or 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH-; and 

(e) Ring P is substituted by up to three 
substituents selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2/ 
-N(R^)2# optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C(0)R, -CO2R/ .-CONH(R^) , -N(R*)-COR, 
-N(R^)C02R, -S02N(R*)2, -N(R*)S02R, 
-N(R^)COCH2N(R^)2, -N(R^)C0CH2CH2N(R^)2, or 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R*)2/ wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 
membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring. 

Representative compounds of formula IVb are 
shown below in Table 10. 


Table 10. 





IVb-13 ivb-14 IVb-15 


In another embodiment, this invention provides 
a composition comprising a compoiand of formula IVb and a 
phaanaaceutically acceptable carrier. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
5 method of treating or preventing an Aurora -2 -mediated 
disease with an Aurora-2 inhibitor, which method 
comprises administering to a patient in need of such a 
treatment a therapeutically effective amount of a 
compound of formula IVb or a pharmaceutical composition 
10 thereof. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a patient, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
compound of formula IVb or a composition comprising said 
15 compound. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing a GSK- 3 -mediated disease 
with a GSK-3 inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
20 therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 
IVb or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 


One aspect of this invention relates to a ' 
method of enhancing glycogen synthesis and/or lowering 
blood levels of glucose in a patient in need thereof , 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
5 therapeutically effective amount of a compoxind of formula 
IVb or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. This method 
is especially useful for diabetic patients- Another 
method relates to inhibiting the production of 
hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, which is useful in 

10 halting or slowing the progression of Alzheimer's ^ 
disease. Another method relates to inhibiting the \3 
phosphorylation of p-catenin, which is useful for 
treating schizophrenia. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 

15 method of inhibiting GSK- 3 activity in a patient, which 
method comprises administering to the patient a compbimd 
of formula ivb or a composition comprising said compound. 

Another method relates to inhibiting Aurora- 2 
or GSK- 3 activity in a biological sample, which method 

20 comprises contacting the biological sample with the 
Aurora -2 or GSK-3 inhibitor of formula IVb, or a 

pharmaceutical composition thereof, in an amount O 
effective to inhibit Aurora-2 or GSK-3. 

Each of the aforementioned methods directed to • 
25 the inhibition of Aurora-2 or GSK-3, or the treatment of 
a disease alleviated thereby, is preferably carried out 
with a preferred compound of formula rvb, as described 

Another embodiment of this invention relates to 
3 0 compounds of formula IVc : 




or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 
thereof, wherein: 

is nitrogen or C-R® and is nitrogen or CH, wherein 
one of Z^ or Z^ is nitrogen; 
5 and are independently selected from T-R^ or L-Z-R^, 

or R* and R^ are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to foarm a fused, unsaturated pr partially 
unsaturated, 5-7 membered ring having 0-3 ring 
heteroatoms selected from oxygen, sulfur, or nitrogen, 

10 wherein each substitutable ring carbon of said fused 

ring formed by R* and R^ is independently substituted 
by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z-R^, and each substitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R* and R^ is 
independently substituted by R*; 

15 R^ is T-{Ring D); 

Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8-10 membered 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroaryl, 
heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl, said heteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 

20 from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 

substitutable ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
substituted by oxo, T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and each 
substitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 
substituted by -R^; 

25 T is a valence bond or a C1.4 alkylidene chain; 


Z is a Ci-4 aikylidene chain; 

L is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R*)S02-, -SOaNCR*)-/ 
-N(R*)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R*)CO-, -N{R®)C(0)0-, 
-N(R*)CX)N{R*)-, -N{R«)S02N(R*)-, -N(R*)N(R*)-, 
5 -C{0)N{R*)- , -0C(0)N{R«) -C(R*)20-, -C(R*)2S-, 

-.C(R*)2S6-, -C(R*)2S02-, -C(R*)2S02N(R*) -C (R*) 2N (R*) - , 
-C{R*)2N (R^)C{0)-, -C(R*)2N(R*)C(0)0-, -C (R*) =NN (R*) - , 
-C(R*)=N-0-, -C(R*)2N(R*)N(R*)-, -C (R*) 2N (R*) S02N(R*) - , or 
-C (R*) 2N (R*) CON (R*) - ,- 

10 R^ and R*' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R®, or . 

r2 and R*' are taken together with their -intervening ^ 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 membered, unsatiirated or 
partially unsaturated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein each 

15 substitutsdjle ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 

R^ and R^* is independently substituted by halo, 0x0, , 
-CH, -NO2, -R', or -V-R®, and each substitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R^ and R^' is 
independently substituted by R*; 

20 R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, 

-COCOR, -COCH2COR, -NO2, -CN, -S{0)R, -S(0)2R, -SR, 

-N(R*)2/ -CON(r')2, -S02N(r'')2, -0C(=0)R, -n(r'')cor, Q 

-NCR') C02(Ci-6 aliphatic) , -N(R*)N(R*) 2, -C=NN{R*)2/ 

-C=N-OR, -N (R') con (R') 2/ -N (R') SO2N (r') 2/ -N (R*) SO2R, or 

25 -0C(=0)N{R'')2; 

each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted group selected from Ci-g 
aliphatic, Ce-io aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 
30 atoms; * 

each R* is independently selected from -R^, -COR', 

-CO2 (optionally siibstituted Ci^g aliphatic) , -C0N{r'')2, 
or -SO2R'; 


each is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 

-C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -C0N(R*)2, -S02N(R'')2, -OC(=0)R, -N{R*)COR, 
-N(R*) C02( optionally s\ibstituted Ci-g aliphatic) , 
5 -N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*) 2, -C=N-OR, -N (R*) CON (R*) 2, 

-N(R'*)S02N(R^)2, -N(R*)S02R, or -0C(=0)N(R^)2; 
Vis -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -S02N.(R^)-, 
-N(R*)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N{R^)C(0)0-, 
-N(R*) CON(R^)-, -N(R^)S02N(R^) -, -N (R^) N (R«) - , 

10 -C(0)N(R*)-, -0C(O)N(R*).-, -C(R^)20-, -G(R^)2S-, 

-C(R®)2SO-, -C(R*)2S02-/ -C(R*)2S02N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N(R^) - , 
-C (R^)2N.{R*)C(0) -, -C(R*)2N(R«)C(0)0- , -C (R^) =NN(R^) - , • 
-C (R*) =N-0- , -C (R*) 2N (R*) N (R*) - , -C (R^) 2N (R^) SO2N (R*) - , or 
-C (R*) 2N (R*) CON (R*) - ; 

15 W is -C(R^)20-, -C(R*)2S-, rC(R*)2SO-, -C(R*)2S02-, 
-C(R'')2S02N(R*)-, -C{R*)2N(R*)-, -CO-, -Cpa-, 
-C(R*)OC{0)-, -C(R*)OC(0)N(R*)-, -C (R*) 2N (R*) CO- , 
-C(R*)2N(R*)C(0)0-, -C(R*)=NN(R«)-, -C(R*)=N-0-, 
-C(R*)2N(R*)N(R«)-, -C(R«)2N(R*>S02N(R*)-, 

20 -C(R*)2N(R*)C0N(R^)-, or -CON(R*)-; 

each R* is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally sxibstituted C1.4 aliphatic group, or two R® 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together 
with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 

25 heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; 

each r"' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted C1.6 aliphatic group, or two r' 
on the same nitrogen are teOcen together with the 
nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered heterocyclyl or 

30 heteroaryl ring; and 

R« is .selected from -R, halo, -OR, -C(-0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, 
-NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, -N{R*)2, -CON(R*)2, 
-S02N(R*)2/ -OC(=0)R, -N(R*)COR, -N (R*) CO2 (optionally 


sxibstituted Ci-6 aliphatic) , -N (R^)N (R^) 2, -C=:NN(R^)2/ 
-C=N-OR, -N(R^)CON(R*)2, -N (R^) SO2N (R^) 2/ -N (R^) SO2R, or 


Preferred rings formed by R* and FX of formula 
5 IVC' include a 5-, S-, or 7-meinbered unsaturated or 
partially xinsaturated ring having 0-2 heteroatoms ^ 
wherein said K'^/bX ring is optionally substituted. This 
provides a. bicyclic ring system containing a pyridine 
ring. Preferred pyridine ring systems of formula ivc are 
10 shown below. 




HN-^ HN^ HN-^ 

IVc-D IVc-B IVc-P 








More preferred pyridine ring systems of formula 
IVc include IVc-A, IVc-B, IVc-D, IVc-B, IVc-J, IVc-P, and 
JVc-V, most preferably rvc- A/ IVc-B, IVc-D, IVc-B, and 
IVc- J. Even more preferred pyridine ring systems of 
5 formula IVc are those described above, wherein is 
nitrogen and 2^ is CH 

Preferred groups of fozmula IVc include 
hydrogen, alkyl- or di alky 1 amino, acetamido, or a C1.4 
• aliphatic group such as methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, or 

10 isbpropyl. 

Preferred groups of formula IVc include T-R^ 
or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond or a methylene, L is 

-S-, or -N(R*)-, -C(R^)20-, -CO- and R^ is -R, 
-N(R^)2, or -OR, Examples of preferred R^ groups include 

15 2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, pyrrolidinyl, piperidinyl, 

morpholinyl / piperazinyl , methyl , ethyl , cyclopropyl , 
isopropyl, t-butyl, alkoxyalkylamino such as 
methoxyethylamino, alkoxyalkyl such as methoxymethyl or 
methoxyethyl , alkyl- or dialkylamino such as ethylamino 

20 or dimethylamino, alkyl- or dialkylaminoalkoxy such as' 


dimethylaminopropyloxy, acetatnido, optionally substituted 
phenyl such as phenyl or halo- substituted phenyl. 

.The ring formed when the R* and groups of 
formula IVc are taken together may be siabstituted or 
5 unsxabstituted. ■ Suitable substituents include -R, halo, 
-0(CH2)2-4-N(R*)2. -0{CH2)a.4-R, -OR,. -N (R*) - (CH2) 2-4-N(R*) 2/ 
-N(R*)-(CH2)2.4-R» -C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, 
-S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, -N(R*)2, -CON(R*)2, -S02N(R*)2, 
-OC{=0)R, 7N(R'*)COR, -N (R*)C02 (optionally substituted Ci-s 

10 aliphatic), -N(R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2/ -C=N-OR, 

-N(R^)CON(R*)2. -N(R*)S02N(R*)2/ -N(R*)S02R, or W 
-OC{:=0)N(R^)2/ R and are as defined above. Preferred 
R^/R^ ring svibstituents include -halo, -R, -OR, ^COR, 
•CO2R, -C0N(R*)2r -CN, -0(CH2)2-4-N(R*)2/ -0(CH2)2-4-R# . # -NO2 

15 -N(R*)2/ -NR^COR, -NR^SOzR, -S02N(R^)2 wherein R is hydrogen • 
or an optionally sxibstituted Ci-e aliphatic group. 

The R^ and R^' groups of formula IVc may be 
taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 
bicyclic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 

20 Preferred fused rings include benzo, pyrido, pyrimido, 
and a partially unsaturated 6-merabered carbocyclo ring. 
These are exemplified in the following formula rvc ^ 
compounds having a pyrazole -containing bicyclic ring 


Preferred substituents on the R^/R^' fused ring 
of formula IVc include one or more of the following : 
-halo, -N(R^)2, -Ci.4alkyl, -C1-4 haloalkyl, -NO2, -0(Ci.4 . 
alkyl), -C02(Cx.4 alkyl) , -CN, -SO2 (C1-4 alkyl) , -SO2NH2, 
5 -0C(0)NH2, -NH2S02(Ci.4 alkyl) , -NHC (O) {C1-4 alkyl) , 

-C(0)NH2/ and -CO (C1.4 alkyl) , wherein the (C1.4 alkyl) is a 
straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl group. Preferably, 
the (C1.4 alkyl) group is methyl- 

When the pyrazole ring system of formula IVc is 

10 monocyclic, preferred groups include hydrogen or a 
substituted or unstabstituted group selected from aryl, 
heteroaryl, or a Ci-e aliphatic group- Examples of such 
preferred R^ groups include H, methyl, ethyl, propyl, , 
cyclopropyl , i -propyl , cyclopentyl , hydroxypropyl , 

15 methoxypropyl, and benzyloxypropyl - A preferred R^' group 
is hydrogen. 

When Rin^ D of formula IVc is monocyclic, 
preferred Ring D groups include phenyl, pyridyl, 
pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyrazinyl. 

20 When Ring D of formula IVc is bicyclic, 

preferred bicyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl, 
tetrahydronaphthyl, indanyl, benzimidazolyl , quinolinyl, 
indolyl , isoindolyl , indolinyl , benzo [b] f uryl , 
benzo [b] thiophenyl , indazolyl , benzothiazolyl , 

25 cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl, quinazolinyl , quinoxazolinyl, 
1, 8-naphthyridinyl and isoquinolinyl • 

On Ring D of formula IVc, preferred T-R^ or 
V-z-R^ substituents include -halo, -CN, -N02f -N(R*)2r 
optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic group, -OR, -C(0)R, 

30 -CO2R, -CONH(R^), -N{R^)COR, -N(R^)C02R. -S02N{R^)2, 

-N(R*)S02R/ -N(R^)COCH2N(R^)2/ -N(R^) COCH2CH2N (R^) 2, and 
-N(R^)C0C3l2CH2CH2N(R^)2, wherein R is selected from 
hydrogen, Ci.g aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 membered 


heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered heterocyclic ring. 
More preferred substituents include -Cl, -Br, -F, -CN, 
-CF3, -cook, -CONHMe, -CONHEt, -NH2, -NHAc, -NHSOsMe, 
-NHS02Et, -NHSO2 (n-propyl) , -NHSO2 (isopropyl) , -NHCOEt, 
5 -NHCOC3I2NHCH3, -NHCOCH2N(C02t-Bu)CH3/ -NHCOCH2N (CH3) 2r 

-NHCO(cycl6propyl) , -NHCO(isobutyl) , -NHCOCH2(morpholin-4- 
yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2 (morpholin-4-yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2CH2 (morpholxn- 
4-yl), -NHCO2 (t -butyl ) , -NH(Ci.4 aliphatic) such as -NHMe, 
10 -N(Ci.4 aliphatic) 2 such as -NMe2/ OH, -0(Ci.4 aliphatic) 
such as -OMe, C1.4 aliphatic such as methyl, ethyl, 
cyclopropyl> isopropyl, or t -butyl, and -C02(Ci-4 
aliphatic) • 

Preferred groups of formula IVc, when 
15 present, include R, OR, and N{R*)2. Examples of preferred 
R^ include methyl, ethyl, NH2, NH2CH2CH2NH, N(CH3)2CH2CH2NH, 
N(CH3)2CH2CH20, (piper idin-l-yl)CH2CH20, and NH2GH2CH2O. 

Preferred formula IVc compounds have one or 
more, and more preferably all, of the features selected 
20 from the group consisting of: 

(a) R'^ is hydrogen, alkyl- or dialkylamino, 

acetamidb, or a C1-4 aliphatic group and R^ is 
T-R^ or Ii-Z-R^, wherein T is a valence bond or a 
methylene and R^ is -R, -N(R*)2/ or -OR; or R"" and 
25 R^ are taken together with their intervening 

atoms to form a fused, unsaturated or partially 
unsaturated, 5-6 membered ring having 0-2 
heteroatoms selected from oxygen, sulfur, or 
nitrogen, wherein each substitutable ring carbon 
30 of said fused ring formed by R"^ and R^ is 

independently substituted by 0x0, T-R^, or L-Z- 
R^, and each substitutable ring nitrogen of said 


ring formed by R"" and is independently 
siibstituted by R*; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene unit; 

(c) Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic or an 8-10 
membered bi cyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring; and 

(d) R^ is ^R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen, or R^ and 
R^' are taken together to form an optionally 
siabstituted benzo ring. 

More preferred compounds of formula IVc have 
one or more, and more preferably all, of the features 
selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R^ is T-R^ or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond 
or a methylene and R^ is selected from -R, -OR, 
or -N(R^)2/ wherein R is selected from hydrogen, 
Ci-6 aliphatic, or 5-6 membered he terocyclyl, 
phenyl, or 5-6 membered heteroaryl; or R"^ and R^ 
are taken together with their intervening . atoms 
to form a benzo, pyrido, cyclopentc, cyclohexo, 
cyclohepto, thieiio, piperidino, or imidazo ring, 
wherein each substitutable ring carbon of said 
fused ring formed by R=* and R*' is independently 
siabstituted by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z-R^, and ea<3h 
siabstitutable ring nitrogen of said ring formed 
by R"" and R^ is independently siabstituted by R*; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond, 
and Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic or an 8- 
10 membered bicyclic aryl or heteroai^l ring; 

(c) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci.e aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; and 


(d) is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N{R^)2# 
wherein R is selected from hydrogen, Ci.g 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl, phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, 
or -NCR*) 

Even more preferred compounds of formula IVc 
have one or more, and more preferably all, of the 
features selected from the group consisting of: 
<a) R* is hydrogen methyl, ethyl , propyl , 

cyclopropyl, isopropyl, methylamino or ' acetamido 
and R^ is selected from 2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, 
pyrrol idinyl> piper idinyl, morpholinyl, 
piperazinyl, methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, 
isopropyl, t -butyl, alkoxyalkylamino , 
alkoxyalkyl, allcyl- or dialkylamino, alkyl- or 
dialkylaminoalkoxy, acetamido, optionally 
Slabs tituted phenyl, or methoxymethyl ; or R* and 
R^ are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a benzo, pyrido, piperidino, or 
cyclohexo ring, wherein said ring is optionally 
substituted with -halo, -R, -OR, -COR, -CO2R, 
-CON(R*)2/ -CN, -0(CH2)2-4-N(R*)2/ -O (CH2) 2-4-Rr -NO2 
-N(R*)2f -NR^COR, -NR*S02R/ or -S02N(R*)2, wherein 
R is hydrogen or an optionally sxobstituted Ci-g 
aliphatic group; 
(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl ring 
optionally sxibstituted with one or two groups 
selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2, -N(R*)2, 
optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic, -OR, 
-C(0)R, -CO2R, -CONH(R*) , -N(R*)COR, -N(R^)C02R, 
-S02N(R*)2, -N(R*)S02R, -N(R^) C0CH2N(R*) 2, 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2N(R*)2/ or -N{R^) GOCH2CH2CH2N (R*) 2; 


(c) is hydrogen or a substituted or unsubstituted 
group selected from aoryi/ heteroaryl, or a Ci.s 
aliphatic group, and R^' is hydrogen; and 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -OR, or -N{R^)2/ wherein 
R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, 5-6 
membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, or 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl> and L is -O^, -S-, or -NH-; and 

(e) Ring D is substituted by up to three 
substituents selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2, 
-N(R*)2r optionally sxabstituted Ci-e aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C{0)R, -CO2R, -CONH(R*), -N{R*)COR, 
-N{R*)C02R, -S02N(R*)2# -N(R*)S02R, 
-N(R^)COCH2N(R*)2/ -N(R^)COCH2CH2N(R*)2/ or 

-N (R^)COCH2CH2CH2N(R*) 2 # wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 
membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring* 
Representative compounds of formula IVc are 

shown below in Table 11. 
Table 11 . 

IVc-1 IVc -2 


IVc-4 IVc-5 . IVc-6 

IVc-7 IVc-8 IVc-9 

IVc-10 IVc-11 IVc-12 

In another embodiment, this invention proyi^ies 
a composition comprising a confound of formula IVc auid a 
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing an Aurora- 2 -mediated 
disease with an Aurora-2 inhibitor, which method 
cott5)rises administering to a patient in need of such a 
treatment a therapeutically effective amount of a 
compound of formula IVc or a pharmaceutical composition 
thereof • 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a patient. 


which method comprises administering to the patient a 
compound of formula IVc or a composition comprising said 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
5 method of treating or preventing a GSK- 3 -mediated disease 
with a GSK- 3 inhibitor, which method conqprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 
therapeutically effective amoiont of a compound of formula 
IVc or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

10 One aspect of this invention relates to a 

method of enhancing glycogen synthesis and/or lowering 
blood levels of glucose in a patient in need thereof, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
therapeutically effective amo\iht of a compound of formula 

15 IVC or a pharmaceutical composition thereof- This method 
is especially useful for diabetic patients. Another 
method relates to inhibiting the production of 
hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, which is useful in 
halting or slowing the progression of Alzheimer's 

20 disease. Another method relates to inhibiting the 
phosphorylation of p-catenin, which is useful for 
treating schizophrenia. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a- 
method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a patient, which 

25 method comprises administering to the patient a compound 
of formula IVc or a composition comprising said compound. 

Another method relates to inhibiting Aurora-2 
or GSK-3 activity in a biological sample, which method 
comprises contacting the biological sample with the 

30 Aurora-2 or GSK-3 inhibitor of foimula IVc, or a 
pharmaceutical composition thereof, in an amount 
effective to inhibit Aurora-2 or GSK-3. 

Each of the aforementioned methods directed to 
the inhibition of Aurora- 2 or GSK-3, tor the treatment of 
a disease alleviated thereby, . is pref erably carried out 
with a preferred conrpound of formula IVc, as described 

Another embodiment of this invention relates to 
compounds of formula IVd: 


or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 

thereof, wherein: 

is nitrogen br C-R* and 2=* is nitrogen or CH, wherein 
one of or Z^ is nitrogen; 

Q' is selected from -C(R^') 2-, 1, 2-cyclopropanediyl, 1,2- 
cyclobutanediyl, or l , 3 - cyclobutanediyl ; 

R* and R^ are independently selected from T-R' or L-Z-R', 
or R* and ^ are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, unsaturated or partially 
unsaturated, 5-7 membered ring having 0-3 ring 
heteroatoms selected from oxygen, sulfur, or nitrog^, 
wherein each substitutable ring carbon of said fused 
ring formed by R* and R^ is independently substituted 
by oxo, T-rS or L-Z-R^, and each sxibstitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by r'' and R*" is 
independently substituted by R*; 

R^ is T- (Ring D) ; 


Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8-10 metnbered 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroaryl, 
heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl/ said heteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 
5 from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, wherein each 

substitutable ring carbon of Ring D is independently 
substituted by oxo, T-R®, or V-Z-R^, and each 
substitutable ring nitrogen of Ring D is independently 
Slabs tituted by -R*; 

10 T is a valence bond or a Ci.4 alkylidene chain, wherein 
r) when Q' is -C(R^')2- a methylene group of said C1-4 

alkylidene chain is optionally replaced by -0-, -S-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CONH-, -NHCO-, -SO2-/ -SO2NH- / -NHSO2-/ 
-CO2-, -0C{0)-, -OC(0)NH-, or -NHCO2-; 

15 Z is a Ci-4 alkylidene chain; 

L is -O-/ -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -SOzNCR^)-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2--, -N(R^)CO-, -N(R^)C(0)0-, 
-N(R^)CON(R^) -, -N(R^)S02N(R^)-, -N (R^) N (R^) - , 
-C(0)N(R^)-, -0C(0)N(R^)-, -C(R^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, 

20 -C(R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C{R^)2S02N(R^)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)-, 

-C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)C{0)0-, -C (R^) =NN (R^) - , 
; . -C(R^)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R^)N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) SO2N (R^) - , or 

-C(R^)2N(R^)CON(R^) -; 
r2 and R^' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R^, or 

25 R^ and R^' are taken together with their intervening 

atoms to form a fused, 5-8 membered, tinsaturated or 
partially unsaturated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein each 
substitutable ring carbon of said fused ring formed by 

30 R^ and R^' is independently substituted by halo, 0x0, 

-CN, -NO2, -R^r or -V-R^, and each substitutable ring 
nitrogen of said ring formed by R^ and R^ is 
independently substituted by R*; 


r3 is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, 
-COCOR, -COCH2COR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -S(0)2R, -SR, 
-N(R'*)2, -C0N{R'')2, -S02N(R')2, -0C(=0)R, -.N(R')C0R, 
-N(R"')C02(Ci-6 aliphatic) , -N (R*) N(R*) 2, -C=NN(R*)2, 
-C=N-OR, -N(R'')C0N(R')2, -N(R'')S02N(R'')2/ -N(R*)S02R, or 

each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an " 
optionally svibstituted group selected from Ci.g 
aliphatic, Ce-io aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 

each R* is independently selected from -R', -COR', 

-CO2 (optionally s\jbstituted Ci-g aliphatic) , -CON(r')2/ 
or -SO2R';' 

each is independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 

-C(=0)R, -CO2R/ -CX)COR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -CON(R*)2, -S02N(R*)2, -OC(=0)R, -N(R*)COR, 
-N(R*)C02 (optionally siabstituted Ci-e aliphatic) , 
-N(R*)N (R*)2, -C=MN(R*)2, -C-N-OR, -N (R*) CON (R*) 2, 
-N(R*)S02N(R*)2, -N{R'*)S02R, or -OC (=0)N(R*) 2; 

V is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R*)S03-, -S02N(R*)-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R*)C0-, -N(R*)C(0)0-, 
-N(R^)CON(R*)-, -N(R*)S02N(R*)-, -N(R*)N(R«) -, 
-C(0)N(R^)-, -OC(0)N(R*)-, -C(R*)20-, -C(R*)2S-> 
-C(R«)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C(R«)2S02N(R*)-, -C(R«)2N(R*)-, 
-C(R«)2N(R^)C(0)-, -C(R«)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C (R*) =NN (R«) - , 
-C(R^)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R«)N(R^)-, -C (R^JaN (R*) S02N(R«) - , < 
-C (R^-) 2N (R^) CON (R^) - ; 

W is -C(R^)20-, -C(R«)2S-, -C(R*)2S0-, -C(R^)2S02-, 
-C(R«)2S02N(R^)-, -C(R^)2N(R*)-, -CO-, -CO2-, 
• -C{R^)OC(0) -C(R«)OC(0)N(R^) -C (R*) 2N (R^) CO- , 
-C(R^)2N(R^)C(0)0-, -C(R*)=NN(R^)-, -C(R^)=N-0-, 

-C(R^)2N(R^)N{R^)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)S02N(R^)-, 
-C{R^)2N(R^)C0N(R^)-, or -CON(R^)-; 
each R^ is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted C1-4 aliphatic group, or two R^ 
5 groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken • together 

with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; 
each R^' is independently selected from hydrogen or a C1-4 
aliphatic group, or two R®' on the same carbon atom are 
10 taken together to form a 3-6 membered carbocyclic ring; 

J each r"' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 

optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic group, or two r"' 
on the same nitrogen are taken together with the 
nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered heterocyclyl or . 
15 heteroaaryl ring; and 

R® is selected from -R, halo, -OR, -C(=0)R, -CO2R/ -COCOR, 
-NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, -N(R^)2/ -CON(R*)2, 
-S02N(R^)2/ -OC(=0)R, -N(R^)COR, ~N (R*) COaC optionally 
substituted Ci-6 aliphatic) , -N(R*)N(R^)2, -C=NN(R*)2r 
20 -C=N-OR, -N(R^)CON(R^)2, -N(R^)S02N(R^)2, -N(R*)S02R, or 


) Preferred rings formed by R^ and R^ of foarmula 

IVd include a 5-, 6-, or 7 -membered tinsaturated or 
partially unsaturated ring having 0-2 heteroatoms, 
25 wherein said rVR^ ring is optionally substituted. This 
provides a bicyclic ring system containing a pyridine 
ring. Preferred pyridine ring systems of formula IVa are 
shown below. 














More preferred pyridine ring systems of formula 
IVd include IVd-A, IVd-B, IVd-D, iVd-E, IVd-J, IVd-P, and 
rvd-V, most preferably IVd-A, iVd-B, iVd-D, IVd-E, and 
IVd- J. Even more preferred pyridine ring systems of 
5 formula IVd include those described above, wherein is 
nitrogen and is CH. 

Pref erred groups of formula IVd include 
hydrogen, alkyl- or dialkylamino, acetamido, or a C1-4 
aliphatic group such as methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, or 
10 isopropyl. 

Preferred groups of formula IVd include T-R^ 
or L-Z-r' wherein T is a valence bond or a methylene, L is 
-0-, -S-, or -N(R*)-, -C(R*)20-, -CO- and r' is -R, 
-1>HR*)2, or -OR. Examples of preferred R^ groups include 

15 2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, pyrrol idinyl , piperidinyl, 

mbrpholinyl, piperazinyl, methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, 
isopropyl, t -butyl, alkoxyalkylamino such as 
methoxyethylamino, alkoxsralkyl such as methoxymethyl or 
methoxyethyl, alkyl- or dialkylamino such as etliylamino 

20 or dimethylamino, alkyl- or dialkylaminoalkoxy such as 

dimethylaminopropyloxy, acetamido, optionally substituted 
phenyl such as phenyl or halo- substituted phenyl - 

- The ring formed when the R* and R'^ groups of 
formula IVd are tcJcen together may be substituted or 

25 unsubstituted. Suitable substituents include -R, halo, 
-0(CH2)2-4-N(R*)2/ -0(CH2)2-4-R, -OR, -N(R*)-(Cai2)2-4-N(R*)2/ 
-N(R*)- (CH2)2-4-R, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -OJ, 
-S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, -N(R*)2, -CON(R*)2/ -S02N(R'*)2/ 
-0C(=0)R, -N(R'*)COR, -N(R*)C02 (optionally substituted Ci-g 

30 aliphatic), -N (R*)N (R*) 2, -C=NN(R*)2, -C=N-OR, 
-N(R*)CON(R*)2, -N(R*)S02N(R*)2, -N(R*)S02R, or 
-0C(=0)N(R*)2/ R and R* are as defined above. Preferred 
R*/R^ ring substituents include -halo, -R, -OR, -COR, 



-COsR, -CON{R^)2. -Ca^/ -0(CH2)2-4-N(R^)2/ -O (CH2) 2-4-R/ . -NO2 
-N(R*)2, -NR^COR, -NR^SOaR, -S02N(R^)2 wherein R is hydrogen 
or an optionally siobstituted Ci-e aliphatic group. 

The R^ and R^' groups of formula IVd may be 
taken together to form a fused ring, thus providing a 
bicyclic ring system containing a pyrazole ring. 
Preferred fused rings include benzo, pyrido, pyrimido, 
and a partially iinsaturated 6-merobered carbocyclo ring. 
These, are exemplified in the following formula IVd 
compounds having a pyrazole -containing bicyclic ring 



, and 


Preferred sxibstituents on the R^/R^' fused ring 
of formula IVd include one or more of the following : 
-halo, -N(R*)2/ -C1.-4 alkyl, -C1-4 baloalkyl, -NO2, -0(Ci-4 

15 alkyl), -C02(Ci.4 alkyl) , -CN, -SO2 (C1.4 alkyl) , -SO2NH2, 
-OC(0)NH2, -NH2S02(Ci.4 alkyl) , -NHC{0) (Cx-4 alkyl) , 
-C(0)NH2, and -CO (C1-4 alkyl) , wherein the (C1-4 alkyl) is a 
straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl group. Preferably, 
the (C1.4 alkyl) group is methyl. 

20 When the pyrazole ring system of formula IVd is 

monocyclic, preferred R^ groups include hydrogen or a 
substituted or unsubstituted group selected from aryl, 
heteroaryl, or a Ci.e aliphatic group. Exan?)les of such 
preferred R^ groups include H, methyl, ethyl, propyl, , 

25 cyclopropyl, i -propyl, cyclopentyl, hydroxypropyl , 


methoxypropyl, and benzyloxypropyl • A preferred R^' group 
is hydrogen • 

When Ring D of formula IVd is monocyclic/ 
preferred Ring D groups include phenyl, pyridyl, 
5 pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl^ ajid pyirazinyl. 

When Ring D of formula IVd is bicyclic, 
preferred bi cyclic Ring D groups include naphthyl^ 
tetrahydronaphthyl , indanyl , benzimidazolyl , quinolinyl ; . 
indolyl/ isoindolyl^ indolinyl, benzo [b] f uryl , 

1 0 benzo [b] thiophenyl , indazoly 1 , benzothiazolyl , 

cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl, cpiinazolinyl , quinoxazolinyl , 
1> 8-naphthyridinyl and isoquinolinyl . 

On Ring D of formula IVd, preferred T-R^ or 
V-Z-R^ substituents include -halo, -CN, -NO2, -N(R*)2r 

15 optionally substituted Ci-6 aliphatic group, -OR, -C(0)R, 
-CO2R, -CONH(R*), -N(R*)COR, -N(R*)C02R, -S02N(R*)2, 
-N(R^)S02R, -N(R^)COCH2N(R*)2, -N(R^) COCH2CH2N(R*)2. and 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N{R*)2, wherein R is selected from 
hydr:ogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 membered 

20 heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered heterocyclic ring- 
More preferred R^ substituents include -Cl, -Br, -F, -CN, 
-CF3, -GOOH, -CONHMe, -CONHEt, -NH2, -NHAc, -NHS02Me, 
-NHS02Et, -NHSOzCn-propyl) , -NHSO2 (isopropyl) , -NHCOEt, 

25 -NHCOCH2CH2N{CH3)2/ -NHCOCH2CH2CH2N (CH3) 2# 

-NHCO (cyclopropyl) , -NHCO (isobutyl) , -NHCOCH2 (morpholin-4- 
yl) , -NHCOCH2CH2 (morpholin-4 -yl ) , -NHCOCH2CH2CH2 (morpholin- 
4-yl), -NHC02(t-butyl) , -NH {C1-4 aliphatic) such as -NHMe, 
-N{Ci.4 aliphatic) 2 such as -NMe2/ OH, -0(Ci-4 aliphatic) 

30 such as -OMe, C1-4 aliphatic such as methyl, ethyl, 
cyclopropyl, isopropyl, or t -butyl, and -C02(Ci.4 
aliphatic) . 


Preferred R® groups of fojmula IVd, when 
present, include R, OR, and N(R*)2. ExaTi5>les of preferred 
R® include methyl, ethyl, NH2/ NH2CH2CH2NH/ N(CH3)2CH2CH2NH, 
N(CH3)2CH2CH20, {piperidin-l-yl) Cai2CH20, and NH2CH2CH20- 

Preferred 'Q' groups of • formula IVd include 
-C(R^')2- or 1, 2 -cyclopropanediyl,. wherein each R^' is 
independently selected from hydrogen or methyl • A more 
preferred Q' group is -CH2-. 

Preferred formula IVd compo\inds have one or 
more, and more preferably all, of the features selected 
from the group consisting of : 

(a) R"" is hydrogen, alkyl- or dialkylamino, 
acetamido, or a C1.4 aliphatic group and R^ is 
T-R^ or L-Z-R^, wherein T is a valence bohd or a 
methylene and R^ is -R, -N(R*)2/ or -OR; or R* and 
R^ are taken together with their intervening • 
atoms to form a fused, unsaturated or partially 
unsaturated, 5-6 membered ring having 0-2 
heteroatoms selected from oxygen, sulfur, or 
nitrogen, wherein each substitutable ring carbon 
of said fused ring formed by R^ and R^ is 
independently svibstituted by 0x0, T-R^, or L-Z- 
R^, and each substitutable ring nitrogen of said 
ring formed by R"^ and R^ is independently 
substituted by R^; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene unit and wherein said methylene unit 
is optionally replaced by -0-, -NH-, or -S-; 

(c) Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic or an 8-10 
membered bicyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring; and 

(d) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen, or R^ and 
R^' are taken together to form an optionally 
substituted benzo ring- 


More preferred compounds of foannula IVd hiave 
one or more, and more preferably all, of the features 
selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) is T-R^ or L-Z-R^ wherein T is a valence bond 
5 • or a. methylene and R^ is selected from -R, -OR, 

or -N(R*)2/ wherein R is selected from hydrogen, 
Ci-6 aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , 
phenyl, or 5-6 membered heteroaryl; or R* and R^ 
are taken together with their intervening atoms 
10 to form a benzo, pyrido, cyclopento, cyclohexo, 

cyclbhepto, thieno, piperidino, or imidazo ring, 
wherein each substitutable ring carbon of said 
fused ring formed by and R^ is independently 
substituted by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z-R^, and each 
15 siabstitutable ring nitrogen of said ring foarmed 

. by R* and R^ is independently sxabstituted by R*; 

(b) R^ is T-(Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond, 
and Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic or an 8- 
10 membered bicyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

20 (c) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 

selected from hydrogen, Ci-6 aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; 

(d) is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R*)2# 
25 wherein R is selected from hydrogen, Ci.g 

aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl, phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, 
or -N(R^)-; and 

(e) Q' is -C(R^')2- or 1, 2-cyclopropanediyl, wherein 
30 each R^' is independently selected from hydrogen 

or methyl. 


Even more preferred compounds of formula IVd 
have one or more, and more preferably all, of the' 
features selected from the group consisting of: 

(a) R"" is hydrogen methyl, ethyl, propyl, 

• cyclopropyl, isopropyl, methylamino or acetamido 
and is selected from 2-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, 
pyrrolidinyl, piperidinyl, morpholinyl, 
piperazinyl, methyl, ethyl, cyclopropyl, 
isopropyl, t-butyl, alkoxyalkylamino, 
alkoxyaikyl, . alkyl- or dialkylamino, alkyl- or 
dialkylaminoalkoxy, acetamido, optionally 
Slabs tituted phenyl, or raethoxymethyl ; or R"^ and 
R^ are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a benzo, pyrido, piperidino, or 
cyclohexo ring, wherein said ring is optionally 
substituted with -halo, -R, -OR, -COR, -CO2R/ 
-CON(R*)2/ -CN, -0(CH2)2-4-N(R*)2, -O (CH2) 2-4-R# -NO2 
-N(R*)2/ -NR^COR/ -NR^SOgR, or -S02N(R*)2, wherein 
R is hydrogen or, an optionally substituted Ci-g 
aliphatic group; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaaryl ring 
optionally s\abstituted with one or two groups, 
selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2, -N(R^)2/ 
optionally substituted Ci-6 aliphatic, -OR, 
-C(0)R, -CO2R, -CONH{R^), -N(R^)COR, -N(R*)C02R, 
-S02N(R^)2. -N(R^)S02R, -N (R^) COCH2N (R*) 2, 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2N(R^)2/ or -N (R^) COCHzCHsCHzNCR^) 2; 

(c) R^ is hydrogen or a substituted or unsubstituted 
group selected from aryl, heteroaryl, or a Ci-e 
aliphatic group, and R^' is hydrogen; and 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -OR, or -N(R^)2, wherein 
R is selected from hydrogen, Ci.e aliphatic, 5-6 


membered heterocydyl/ phenyl, or 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl, and L is or -NH-; 

(e) Ring D is sijbstituted by up to three 
sixbstituents selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2,. 
-N(R*)2/ optionally siabstituted Ci-e aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C(0)R, -CO2R, -CONH{R^) , -N(R*)COR 
-N(R^)C02R, -S02N{R^)2, -N(R*)S02R, 
-N(R^)COCH2N(R*)2/ -N(R^)C0CH2CH2N(R^)2/ or 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N{R^)2, wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, C1.6 aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 
membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; and 

(f) Q\ is -CH2-. 

Representative compounds of formula IVdare 

shown below in Table 12- 
Table 12 , v 

IVd-4 IVd-5 IVd-.6 

Me Me 

HN^N HN*^ 

IVd-7 XVd-S 

In another embodiment, this invention provides 
a composition comprising a compound of formula IVd and a 
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. 

Jtoother aspect of this invention relates to a 
5 method of treating or preventing an Aurora -2 -mediated @ 
disease with an Aurora- 2 inhibitor, which method 
comprises administering to a patient in need of such a 
treatment a therapeutically effective amount of a 
compound of formula IVd or a pharmaceutical composition 
10 thereof. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a patient, 
which method comprises administering to the patient a 
compound of formula IVd or a composition con5>rising said 
15 compo\ind. 

Another aspect of this imrention relates to a 
method of treating or preventing a GSK- 3 -mediated disease 
with a GSK-3 inhibitor, which method comprises 
administering to a patient in need of such a treatment a 

20 therapeutically effective amount of a compoiind of formula 
IVd or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. 

One aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of enhancing glycogen synthesis and/or lowering 
blood levels of glucose in a patient in need thereof, 

25 which method comprises administering to the patient a 

therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula 
IVd or a pharmaceutical composition thereof. This method 


is especially useful for diabetic patients. Another 
method relates to inhibiting the production of 
hyperphosphorylated Tau protein/ which is useful in 
halting or slowing the progression of Alzheimer's 
5 disease. Another method relates to inhibiting the 
phosphorylation of p-catenin, which is useful for 
treating schizophrenia. 

Another aspect of this invention relates to a 
method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a patient, which 
10 method comprises administering to the patient a compound 
O of formula IVd or a composition comprising said compound. 

Another method relates to inhibiting Aurora-2 
or GSK-3 activity in a biological sample, which method 
comprises contacting the biological sample with the 
15 Aurora -2 or GSK-3 inhibitor of formula IVd, or a 
pharmaceutical composition thereof, in an amount 
effective to inhibit Aurora-2 or GSK-3- 

Each of the aforementioned methods directed to 
the inhibition of Aurora-2 or GSK-3, or the treatment of 
20 a disease alleviated thereby, is preferably carried out 
with a preferred compoiond of formula IVd, as described 
( j above . 

The compounds of this invention may be prepared 
in general by methods known to those skilled in the art 
25 for analogous compounds, as illustrated by the general 
Schemes I -VII, the general methods that follow, and by 
the preparative examples below. 



1 2 3 11 

Reagents: (a) EtOH, EtaN, room temperature; (b) R^-QH (Q = 

S, NH or O) or R^-CH2-M/catalyst (M is Al or Mg or Sn, 

catalyst = Pd» or Ni"). ^ 

. Scheme I above shows a general route for the 
preparation of the present compoiinds . The dichlorinated 
starting material 1 may be prepared using methods similar 
5 to the those reported in J. Indian. Cbem. Soc, 61, 690- 
693 (1984) or in J". Med. C2iem. , 37, 3828-3833 (1994). 
The reaction of 1 with aminopyrazole (or aminoindazole) 2 
in a manner as described in Bioorg. Med. Cbem. Iretrt, 10, 
11, 1175-1180, (2.000) or in J". Het. C2iem, 21, 1161-1167, 

10 (1984) provides the versatile monochloro intermediate 3. 
Conditions for displacing the dhloro group of 3 by R^-Q 
will depend on the natxire of the Q linker moiety and are \3 
generally known in the field. See, for example, »7. wfed. 
Chem, 38, 14, 2763-2773, (1995) (where Q is an N-Link) , 

15 or Chem. PJiarm. Bull., 40, 1, 227-229, (1992) (S-Link) , 
or jr. Het. Chem., 21, 1161-1167, (1984) (O-Link) or 
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett, 8,. 20, 2891-2896, (1998) (C- 
Link) . 


Scheme II 

OH ,9 HN'^N 

''Vn "V^'l' + ^/^H JL^ "Vl" 

4 5 2 II 

Reagents: (a) POCI3, PraN, llCC; (b) EtOH, EtaN, room 
temperature. . 

O. Scheme II above shows an alternative route for 

the preparation of the present compoiinds. The starting 
material 4 . may be prepared in a manner similar to that 
described for analogous compounds- See Chiem. Heterocycl. 
5 Coa^d,, 35, 1, 818-820 (1999) (where Q is an N-Link) , 
Indian J. Chem. Sect. B, 22, 1, 37-42 (1983) (NrLink) , 
Pestic. Sci, 47, 2, 103-114 (1996) (O-Link) , J". Med. 
Chem. , 23, 8, 913-918 (1980) (S-Link) , or Pbarmazle, 43, 
7, 475-476 (1988) (C-Link) . The chlorination of 4 
10 provides intermediate 5. See J. Med. Chem. , 43, 22, 

4288-4312 (2000) (Q is an N-Link) , Pestic. Sci, 47, 2,. 
103-114 (1996) (O-Link) , J. Med. Chem.. 41, 20, 3793-3803 
(1998) (S-Link), or J. Med. Chem., 43, 22, 4288-4312 
(2000) (C-Link) . Displacement of the 4-Cl group in 
15 intermediate 5 with aminopyrazole (or aminoindazole ) 2 to 
provide compoiands of this invention may be performed 
according to known methods for analogous compovmds. See 
J. Med. caiera, , 38, 14, 2763-2773 (1995) (where Q is an N- 
Link), Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 7, 4, 421-424 (1997) (O- 
20 Link), Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 10, 8, 703-706 (2000) 

(S-Link), or J. Med. Chem., 41, 21, 4021-4035 (1998) (C- 
Link) . 


Schetne III 

9 II 

Reagents: (a) POCI3; (b) EtOH, EtaN, room temperature; (c) 
Oxone; (d) R^-QH (Q = S, NH or O) or R^-CHa-M/ catalyst {M 
is Al or Mg or Sn, catalyst = Pd° or Ni**) 

Scheme III above shows another alternative 
route for preparing the present compounds . The starting 
material 6 may be chlorinated to provide intermediate 7. 
Displacement of the 4-chloro group in 7 with 
aminopyrazole (or aminoindazole) 2 gives intermediate 8 
which, upon oxidation of the methylsulf anyl group, 
provides the methylsulf one 9. The methylsulf onyl group 
of 9 may be displaced readily with R*-QH to give the 
desired product 1. See j. Am. Chem. Soc. , 81, 5997-6006 
(1959) (vdiere Q is auci N-Link)or in Bloorg. Med. caiem. 
Iiett., 10, 8, 821-826 (2000) (S- Link). 


Scheme IV 

13 14 II 

Reagents: (a) POCI3; (b) EtOH, EtaN, room temperature; (c) 
R^-H (R = S, NH or O) ; (d) oxone; (e) R^-QH (Q = S, NH or 
O) or R^-CH2-M/catalyst (M is Al or Mg or Sn, catalyst = 
Pd** or Ni*') 

Scheme IV above shows a general route for the 
preparation of the present con5>ounds wherein R^ is a group 
attached to the pyrimidine core via a nitrogen, oxygen or 
5 sulfur heteroatom. The starting 4, 6-dihydroxy-2- 
methylsulfanylpyrimidine 10 may be prepared as described 
in J. Med. Cbem. , 27, 12, 1621-1629 (1984). The chloro 
groups of inteirmediate 11 may be displaced sequentially 
with aminopyrazole (or aminoindazole) 2 and then with 

10 another amine (or alcohol or thiol) following procedures 
similar to those reported in US Patent 2585906 (ICI, 
1949) . The methylsulf anyl group of 13 may then be 
oxidized to provide the methylsulf one 14, Displacement 
of the methyl sulfonyl group of 14 gives the desired 

15 product II. 



Scheme V a±>ove shows general routes for the 
preparation of compoxmds of formulae IVa, IVb, IVc^ and 
IVd. Steps (a) and (b) are analogous to the 
corresponding steps described in Scheme I above. See 
Jndian *J. C2aein. Sect. B, 34, 9, 1995, 778-790; Chem. 
Soc, 1947, 899-905; *J. Chem. Soc, 34, 9, 1948, 777^782 
cuid Indian J". Chem., 1967, 467-470. 

The synthetic 'transformations shown in Schemes 
I -IV above are further illustrated by the following 

Scheme VI 

19 20 21 


Scheme VI above shows a general route for 
preparing the aryl guanidine intermediate used to prepare 
compounds where Q is -C(R^')2-. The mono- or bis- 
alkylation of 19 at step (a) to prepare compound 20 can 
be achieved by using methods substantially similar to 
those described by Jeffery, J. E., et al, J. Chem See, 
Perkin Trans 1^ 1996 (21) 2S83-2589; Gnecco, D. , et al. 
Org Prep Proced Int, 1996, 28 (4), 478-480; Fedorynski, 
M. and Jonczyk, A., Org Prep Proced Int, 1995, 27 (3), 
355-359; Suzuki, S, et al. Can J caiem, 1994, 71 (2) 357- 
361; and Prasad, G. , et al, J Org Chem, 1991, (25), 7188- 
7190. The method of step (b) to prepare compound 21 from 
compound 20 can be achieved by using methods 
substantially similar to those described by Moss, R. , et 
al. Tetrahedron Lett, 1995, (48) , 8761-8764 and 
Garigipati, R. , Tetrahedron Lett, ±990, (14) , 1969-1972. 

The aryl guanidine intermediates prepared 
according to Scheme VI may then be used to prepare the 
compounds of this .invention by the methods described in 
the above Schemes I-V and by methods Icnown to one skilled 
in the art. 

Scheme VII 

o _ b u 

22 23 24 . 

25 26 

Scheme VII above shows a general method that 
may be used to prepare compoimds of formula II wherein Q 


is 1,2-cyclopropanediyl. Cowpoiind 26 may then be used to 
prepare the desired amino-pyrazole corapotinds using the 
methods described above at Scheme I step (b) • 
Method A > To a solution of 2,4- 
5 dichloroquinazoline (12.69g, 63mmol) and 3-amino-5- 
methylpyrazole (6.18g, 63mmol) in ethanol (220mL) is 
added triethylamine (8.13mL, 63mmol) and the reaction 
mixture is stirred for 3 hours at room temperature. The 
pale yellow precipitate is then collected by filtration, 
10 washed with cold ethanol and dried xander vacuum to give 

(2-chlor6quinazolin-4-yl) - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - © 

The above -prepared (2-chloroquinazolin-4-yl) - 
(5-methyl-2H-pyra2C)l-3-yl) -amine (155 rag, 0.6 mmol) and 

15 3-chloroaniline (0.316 mL, 2.99 mmol) are refluxed in 
tert-butanol (3 mL) over 20 h. The mixture is 
concentrated In vacuo and the residue is suspended in 
EtOH/H20 (lmL/3mL) . K2CO3 (83 mg, 0.6 mmol) is added and 
the suspension is stirred for 2h at room temperature. 

20 The solid that forms is collected and dried under vacutmi . 
to give the product [2- (3-chlorophenylaraino) -quinazolin- 
4-yll - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amxne. 1;^ 

Method B , Sodium hydride (45 mg, 1.12 mmol) in 
THF (2 mL) is treated with 3-methoxyphenol (0.94g, 7.6 

25 mmol) and the reaction mixture is stirred until 

effervescence ceases. The THF is removed in vacuo and 
the above -prepared (2-chloroquinazolin-4-yl) -(5-methyl- 
2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (150 mg, 0.51 mmol)) is added. 
The reaction mixture is stirred at 100«>C for 20 h, then 

30 poured into aqueous K2CO3 and stirred for 2h at room 

temperature. The solid that forms is collected and re- 
crystallized from ethanol to give the product [2- (3- 


methoxyphenpxy) -quinazolin-4-yl] - ( 5 -methyl- 2H-pyrazol-3 - 
yl ) -amine. 

Method C . To a solution of 4-hycLroxy-2- 
phenoxymethylquinazoline (2 g, 7.93 mmol) in phosphorus 
5 oxychloride (lOmL) is added- tripropyl amine (3 .02 mL, 15.8 
mmol) and the reaction mixture is heated for 30 minutes 
at 110 ®C. The excess phosphorus oxychloride is 
evaporated in vacuo, the residue is poured on ice cold 
aqueous NaHCOa and extracted with ethyl acetate. The 

10 organic layer is washed with brine, dried, filtered and 
C3 evaporated. The resulting residue is purified on flash 

chromatography (SiOs/ hexane /AcOEt gradient) to give 4- 
chloro- 2 -phenoxymethylcjuinazoline . 

To a solution of the above 4-chloro-2- 

15 phenoxymethylquinazoline (0.5 g, 1.85 mmol) in THF (30 

mL) is added 3-amino-5-cyclopropylpyrazole (0.47 g, 3.69 
mmol) and the reaction mixture is heated at 65 «C for 24 
hours. Solvent is evaporated and ethanol is added. A 
white solid forms and is collected by filtration and 

20 dried iinder vacuum to give (5-cCyclopropyl-2H-J>yrazpl-3- 
yl ) - (2 -phenoxymethyl-quinazolin-4 -yl) -amine . 
/ Method D . To a solution of the above -prepared 

( 2 - chloroquinazol in- 4 -y 1 ) - ( 5 - cyclopropyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 - 
yl) -amine (123 mg> 0.43 mmol) in THF (5 mL) is added 

25 NiCla (dppp) (12 mg, 2 • 1.10'^ mol) , followed by IM 

benzylmagnesium chloride in THF (2.15 mli, 2.15. mmol) . 
The solution is heated at 50°C for 20 hours and the 
reaction mixture is then quenched with aqueous NH4CI and 
the product extracted in ethyl acetate. The solvent is 

30 evaporated and the residue purified by flash 

chromatography to yield the desired (2-benzyl-quinazolin- 
4 -yl ) - ( 5 - cyclopropyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amin^ . 


Method E . A solution of (2-chloroquinazolin-4- 
yl) - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (200 mg, 0 .77 tranol) 
and 4-acetamidot:hiophenol (644 mg, 3,85 ramol) is refluxed 
in tert-butanol (3 mL) over a 20 hour period. 
Diethyiether- (10 mL) is added to the mixture and a solid 
forms that is collected by filtration. This solid is 
suspended in EtOH/H20 lmL/3mL) , then K2CO3 (110 mg, 0.8 
mmol) is added and the suspension is stirred for 2h at 
room temperature. A solid forms and is collected and 
dried under vacuum to give the product [2-(4- 
acetamidophenylsulf anyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H- 
pyrazol - 3 -yl ) -amine . 

Method F . To a solution of 2 , 4-dichloro- ; 
5 , 6, 7, 8-tetrahydroquinazoline (500 mg, 2.46 mmol) and 3- 
amino-5-cyclopropylpyrazole (303 mg, 2,46 ramol) in DMF 
(lOmL) is added triethylamine (0.357 mL, 2.56 mmol) 
followed by sodium iodide (368 mg, 2.46 mmol) and the 
reaction mixture is heated at 90 ""C for 20 h. The 
reaction mixture is partitioned between ethyl acetate and 
aqueous saturated NaHCOs. The organic layer is washed 
with brine and evaporated in vacuo. The residue is 
purified by flash chromatography (Si02> hexane/AcOEt 
gradient) to give (2 -chloro-5 , 6,7, 8 - tetrahydroquinazolin- 
4-yl) - (5-cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine. 

The above -prepared (2-chloro-5, 6 , 7, 8- 
tetrahydroquinazolin-4-yl) - (5-cyclopropyl-2ir-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine is reacted with 2 -naphthalene mercaptan as 
described in Method L to yield the desired (5- 
cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (naphthalan- 2- 
ylsulfanyl) -5,6,7, 8-tetrahydroquinazolin-4-yl] -amine. 

Method G . A solution of (5-cyclopropyl-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) - [2r (S-methoxycarbonylphenylsulf anyl) - 
quinazolin-4-yl] ^amine (110 mg, 0.26 mmol) in a mixture 


of THF/water (1/1/ 10 mL) is treated with IM LiOH (0.75 
mL, 0.75 ramol) . The mixture is stirred for 20 hours at ■ 
room temperature and then neutralized with IM HCl (0.75 
mL, 0,75 mmol) . A solid forms and is collected by 
5 filtration to afford the desired [2- (3- 

carboxyphenylsulf anyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-cyclopropyl- 
2iI-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine . 

Method H > A solution of [2- (4- . 
acetamidophenylsulfanyl) -7-methoxy-quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
10 methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (23 mg, 5.54.10"^ mol) in 

0 dichloroe thane (3 mL) is treated with IM BBra in 
dichloromethane (222 jiL, 2^21.10"^ mol). The mixture os 
heated at 80 ^'C for 4 hours before IM BBra in DCM (222 \LL, 
2 •21.10'* mol) is added. The reaction mixture is heated 

15 at 80 for a further 3 hours . The solvent is evaporated 
and methanol is added to the residue to quench residual 
BBrs. The solvent is. evaporated In vacuo and this 
operation repeated 3 times. IM HCl (2 mL) is added to the 
solid residue and the suspension stirred at room 

20 temperature for 15 hours. The solid is collected by 

filtration auid suspended in a mixture water/EtOH (3/1, 8 

1 J mL) . The mixture is neutralized with NaHCOa and stirred 

for 2 hours at room temperatiire . The solid is then 
collected by filtration, rinsed with water and diethyl 
25 ether to give the desired [2- (4-acietamidophenylsulf anyl) - 
7-hydroxy-quinazolin-4-yll - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 

Method I . To a solution of [2-(4- 
acetamidophenylsulfanyl) -7-hydroxy-quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
30 methyl -2ir-pyra2ol- 3 -yl) -amine (32 mg, 7.87.10^^ mol) in 

DMF (1 mL) is added potassium carbonate (65 mg, 4.72.10"* 
mol) and the reaction mixture is heated to 80 **C. N-(3- 


chloropropyDtnorpholine (39 mg, 2.36-10"* mol) is then 
added, and the mixture is stirred at 80 '*C for 4 hours, 
cooled to room temperature and the solvent is evaporated. 
The resulting residue is purified by' flash chromatography 
to afford the desired [2- (4-acetamidophenylsulfanyl) -7- 
(3-moi:pholin-4-yl^propoxy) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H- 
pyrazol - 3 -y 1 ) - amine . 

Method J . To a solution of [2- (4-acetamido- 
phenylsulfanyl) -7-nitroquinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyi-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (147 mg, 3.38.10"* mol) in methanol (5 
mL) is added Pd/C 10% (40 mg) and the reaction mixture is 
treated with hydrogen at balloon pressure at 45 °C for 20 
hoTirs. The catalyst is filtered through a pad of celite 
which is then washed with dilute HCl. The combined 
yellow filtrate is evaporated and the resulting solid 
residue is crystallized from methanol to afford the 
desired [2- (4-acetamido-phenylsulf anyl) -7- 
hydroxyaminoquinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 


Method K . 1 2 - (4 -Acetamido-phenylsulf anyl ) - 7 - 
nitroquinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2fr-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(182 mg, 4.18.10"* mol) is dissolved in a mixture 
EtOH/water/AcOH (25/10/1, 36 mL) and the reaction is 
heated at 90 "C. Iron powder (93 mg) is added and the 
mixtiire is stirred at 90 for 4 hours, cooled to room 
temperature and filtered through a pad of celite. The 
pad is washed with methanol and the combined filtrate is 
concentrated in vacuo. The residue is purified by flash 
chromatography (siOa, DCM/MeOH gradient) to give the 
desired [2- (4-acetamido-phenylsulf anyl) -7- 
aminoquinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine. 


Method L. To a solution of 2,4-dichloro-S- 
phenyl-pyrimidine (300 mg, 1.33 mmol). and 3 -amino- 5- 
methylpyra25ole (129 mg, 1.33 ramol) in DMF (7 mL) is added 
triethylamine (195 fiL, 1.40 ramol) followed by sodium 
iodide (200 mg, 1.33 mmol) and the reaction mixture is 
stirred for 15 hours at 90 "C. The resulting solution is 
partitioned between ethyl acetate and water and the 
organic phase washed with brine, dried over MgS04 then 
concentrated in vacuo. The residue is triturated in 
methanol and the resulting white solid collected by 
filtration to afford {2-chloro-6-phenyl-pyrimidin-4-yl) - 
(5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (236 mg, 62%). 

The above prepared (2-chloro-6-phenyl- 
pyrimidin-4-yl) - (5-methyl-2H-pyra2ol-3-yl) -amine (60 mg, 
0.21 mmol) is combined with 4-acetamidothiophenol (176 
mg, l.OS ramol) in tert-butanol (5. ml.) and the mixture 
heated at refliox for 20 hours. The reaction mixture is 
cooled to room temperature and partitioned between ethyl 
acetate and aqueous NaHCOg. The organic layer is washed 
with brine, dried over MgS04 and concentrated in vacuo. 
The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography 
(Si02, DCM/MeOH gradient) to afford [2- (4-acetamido- 
phenylsulfanyl) -6 -phenyl -pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (74 mg, 85%) 

Method M . To a suspension Of 4,6- 
dihydroxymercaptopyrimidine (8 g, 55 mmol) in a mixture 
of EtOH/water (1/1, 140 mL) is added NaOH (2.33 g, 58.3 
mmol) followed by 4 -methoaqrbenzyl chloride (7.90 mL, 58.3 
ramol). The solution is stirred for 1.5 hours at 60 
and then at room temperature for a fxirther 6 hours. The 
resulting white precipitate is collected by filtration to 
give 4, 6-dihydroxy-2- (4-methoxy-benzylsulfanyl) - 
pyrimidine . 


The above -prepared 4,6- dihydroxy- 2 - ( 4 -methoxy- 
- benzylsulfanyl) -pyrimidine (2.5 9.46 mmol) is 
suspended in POCI3 (20 mL) , and. tripropylamine (3.60 mL, 
18.9 mmol) is added dropwise to the mixture. T he 
5 • reaction is then heated at 110 «C for 4 hours. The brown 
solution is cooled to room ten5>erature and the solvent is 
evaporated. The residue is poured on ice cold NaHCOa and 
the product is then extracted with ethyl acetate. The 
organic phase is dried over MgS04/ concentrated in vacuo 

10 and the residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiOa, 
hexane/AcOEt gradient) to give 4, 6-dichloro-2- (4-methoxy- 
benzylsulf anyl ) -pyrimidine . 

To a solution of above -prepared 4 , 6-dichloro-2- 
(4-methoxy-benzylsulf anyl) -pyrimidine (915 rag, 3.04 mmol) 

15 and 3-amino-5-methylpyrazole (310 mg/ 3.19 mmol) in BuOH 
(20 mL) is added diisopropylethylamine (0.56 mL, 3.19 
mmol) followed by sodium iodide (455 mg, 3.04 mmol). The 
reaction mixture is stirred for 15 hours at 120 **C. The 
solvent is removed In vacuo and the residue is purified 

20 by flash chromatography (SiOs, hexane/AcOEt gardient) to 
give [6-chloro-2- (4-methoxy-benzylsulf anyl) -pyrimidin-4- 
yl) - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine. 

The above -prepared [6 -chloro-2- (4-methoxy- 
benzylsulf anyl) -pyrimidin-4-yl) - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 

25 yl) -amine (500 mg, 1.38 mmol) in 1-methylpiperazine (10 
mL) is heated at 130 for 15 hours. The solvent is 
then removed in vacuo and the residue is purified by 
flash chromatography (SiOa, dichloromethane/MeOH gradient) 
to give the desired product [2- (4-methoxy- 

30 benzylsulfanyl) - 6- (4-methylpiperazin-l-yl) -pyrimidin-4- 
yl ] - { 5 -methyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine . 

Method N . A solution of [2- (4-acetamido- 
phenyl-sulf anyl) -6- (4-methoxyphenyl) -pyrimidin-4-yll - (5- 


methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (100 mg, 2-24,10"^ tnol) in 
dichloroethane (5 mL) is treated with IM BBra in DCM (896 
(IL, 8- 96. 10"* mol). The mixture is then heated at 80 «C 
for 4 hours before IM BBra in DCM (896 |XL, 8 .96. 10"* mol) 
5 is added. The reaction mixture is then heated at 80 
for a further 3 hours. The solvent is evaporated and 
methanol is added to the residue to quench any residual 
BBra. The solvent is evaporated ±n vacuo and this 
evaporation step is repeated 3 times. IM HC1(8 mL) is 
10 added to the solid residue and the suspension is stirred 
v^-^ at room temperature for 15 hours. The' solid is collected 

by filtration and suspended in a mixture of water/EtOH 
(3/1, 24 mli) . The mixture is neutralized with NaHCOs and 
stirred for 2 hours at room temperature. The solid is 
15 then collected by filtration, rinsed with water and with 
diethyl ether to give [2- (4-acetamido-phenyl-sulf anyl) -6- 
{4-hydroxyphenyl) -pyrimidih-4-yl] - ( 5 -methyl -2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl ) -amine . 

To a solution of the above -prepared [2-(4- 
20 ' acetamido-phenyl-sulf anyl) -6- (4-hydroxyphenyl) -pyrimidin- 
4-yl] - (5-methyl-2ir-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (70 mg, 1.62.10"* 
i J mol) in DMF (3 mL) is added potassium carbonate (134 mg, 

9.71.10"* mol). The reaction mixture is. heated to 80«C 
before l-dimethylamino-3-chloropropane hydrochloride (77 
25 mg, 4.86.10"* mol) is added. The mixture is stirred at 
80*»C for 4 hours, cooled to room temperature and the 
solvent is evaporated. The residue is purified by flash 
chromatography to afford the desired product {2-(4- 
acetamido-phenyl-sulf anyl) -6- [4- (3-dimethylamino- 
30 propoxy) -phenyl] -pyrimidin-4-yl} - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine. . 

Method O . To a solution of [6-methpxycarbonyl- 
2- (4-propionylamino-phenyl-sulf anyl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5- 


methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (2g, 4.85 mmol) in THP (100 
mil) is added lithium borohydride (0.32 g, 14.5 ramol) . 
The reaction mixture is stirred at 50*»C for 1.5 hours. 
The reaction is then quenched with dilute HCl and 
5 extracted with ethyl acetate. The organic layer is 
successively washed with aqueous saturated NaHCOa and 
brine, dried over MgS04 and evaporated. The solid residue 
is triturated in ethyl acetate and the resulting white . 
solid is collected by filtration to give the desired 
10 product [6-hydroxymethyl-2- (4-propionylamino-phenyl- 

sulf anyl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl> - © 

Method P . To a solution of 4/6-dichloro-2- 
methylsulf anyl-pyrimidine (5 g, 25.6 mmol) and 3-amino-5- 

15 methylpyrazole 2.61 g, 26.9 mmol) in BuOH (60 mL) is 

added diisopropylethylamine (4.69 mL, 26.9 ramol) followed 
by sodiiam iodide (3.84 g, 25.6 mmol)- The reaction 
mixture is stirred for 15 hours at 120 The solvent 

is then removed in vacuo and the residue is purified by 

20 flash chromatography (SiOa, hexane/AcOEt gradient) to give 
[6-chloro-2-methylsulf anyl-pyrimidin-4-yl) - (5-methyl-2H- 

pyrazol-3-yl) -amine. t3 

The above -prepared [6-chloro-2-methylsulf ajiyl- 
pyrimidin-4-yl) - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (2 .42 g, 

25 9.46 mmol) is heated in morpholine (10 mL). at 130 for 
15 hours . The solvent is then removed in vacuo and the 
solid residue is triturated in EtOH and collected by 
filtration to give [2-methylsulf anyl-6- (morpholin-4-yl) - 
pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine. 

30 To a suspension of the above -prepared [2- 

methylsulf anyl-6- (morpholin-4-yl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5- 
methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (500 mg, 1.63 mmol) in MeOH 
(10 mL) is added a solution of oxone (3.0 g) in water (10 


mil) . The reaction mixture is stirred at room temperature 
for 15 hours and most of the solvent is evaporated* The 
residue is partitioned between DCM and aqueous saturated 
NaHCOa* The organic layer is washed with brine, dried, 
5 filtered and evaporat-ed. The residue is triturated in 
MeOH. and the resulting white solid is collected by 
filtration to give [2-methylsulf onyl-6- (mo2:pholin-4-yl) - 
pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine. 

The above -prepared [2-methylsulf onyl-6- 
10 (morpholin-4-yl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] - ( 5 -methyl -2H-pyra2ol-3- 
3 yl) -amine (178 mg, .0.52 ramol) and 4-acetamidothidphenol 

(176 mg/l.05 mmol) are reflxaxed in tert-butanol (5 mL) 
over 20- h. The reaction mixture is cooled to room 
temperature and partitioned between ethyl acetate and 
15 aqueous NaHCOa. The organic layer is washed with brine, 
dried over MgS04 and concentrated in vacuo. The residue 
is purified by flash chromatography to give the desired 
product [2- (4-acetamidophenylsulf anyl) -6- (morpholin-4- 
yl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyra2ol-3-yl) -amine. 
20 In order that the invention described herein 

may be more fully understood, the following examples are 
set forth. It should be understood that these examples 
are for illustrative purposes only and are not to be 
construed as limiting this invention in any manner. 


The following HPLC methods were used in the 
analysis of the compounds as specified in the Synthetic 
Examples set forth below. As used herein, the term "Rt" 
30 refers to the retention time observed for the compound 
using the HPLC method specified. 


HPLC-Method A: 

Column: C18, 3 xim, 2.1 X 50 iran, "Lighting" by Jones 

Gradient: 100% water (containing 1% acetonitrile, 
5 0.1% TFA) .to 100% acetonitrile (containing 0.1% TFA) 

over 4.0 min, hold at 100% acetonitrile for 1.4 min 
and return to initial conditions. Total run time 7.0 
min. Flow rate: 0.8 mL/min. 

10 HPLC-Method Bs 

Column: C18, 5 vaa, 4.6 X 150 mm "Dynamax" by Rainin 
Gradient: 100% water (containing 1% acetonitrile,, 
0.1% TFA) to 100% acetonitrile (containing 0.1% TFA) 
over 20 min, hold at 100% acetonitrile for 7.0 min 

15 and return to initial conditions. Total run time 

31.5 min. Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min. 

HPLC-Method C: 

Colxamn: Cyano, 5 um, 4.6 X 150 mm "Micrpsorb" by 

20 Varian. 

Gradient: 99% water (0.1% TFA) > 1% acetonitrile 
(containing 0.1% TFA) to 50% water (0.1% TFA), 50% £^ 
acetonitrile (containing 0.1% TFA) over. 20 min, hold, 
for 8.0 min and return to initial conditions. Total 

25 run time 30 min. Flow rate: 1.0 mli/min. 

HPLC-Method D:. 

Column: Waters (YMC) ODS-AQ 2.0x50mm, S5, 120A. 
Gradient: 90% water (0.2% Formic acid), 10% 
30 acetonitrile (containing 0.1% Formic acid) to 10% 

water (0.1% formic acid), 90% acetonitrile. 
(containing 0.1% formic acid) over 5.0 min, hold for 


0.8 min and return to initial conditions. Total 3nan 

time 7.0 min. 

Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min. 

5 HPLC-Method E; 

Colvmua: 50x2. 0mm Hypersil CIS BDS;5 \m 
Gradient: elution 100% water (0.1% TFA) , to 5% water 
(0.1% TFA), 95% acetonitrile (containing 0.1% TFA) 
over 2.1 min, returning to initial conditions after 
10 2-3 min. 

Flow rate: 1 mL/min. 

Example 1 (5-Metliyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2-plienylsulf anyl- 
<3uinazolin-4-yl) -amine (IIa-1) : Prepared in a manner 

15 similar to the aOaove described Method E to afford a pale 
yellow solid, mp >3000C (dec.); NMR (DMSO) 5 2.07 (3H, 
s)> 5.54 (IH, s), 7.38 (IH, m) , 7 .56-7.45 (4H, m) , 7.65 (2H, 
m) , 7.73 (IH, m); 8.55 (IH, d) , 10.43 (IH, s) , 12.05(1H, br 
S) ; IR (solid) 3259, 3170, 3109, 1618, 1594, 1565, 1525, 

20 1476; MS 334.0 (M+H)* 

Example 2 [2- (4-Clxlorophenylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4-yll - 
(5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl> -amine (IIa-2) : Prepared in a 

msttiner similar to the above described Method E to afford 
25 a pale yellow solid, mp 259-260«C; *H NMR (DMSO) § 2.12 
(3H, s), 5.40 (IH, S), 7.60 (IH, t) , .7.64 (2H, d) , 7.76 
(3H, d), 7.92 (IH, t), 8.70 (IH, d) 11.50 (IH, br s) ; IR 
(solid) 1627, 1606, 1557, 1484, 1473, 1433, 1400, 1339, 

1286, 1219; MS 368.0 (M+H)* 


Example 3 [2- (2,4-Dichlorophenylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4- 
yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazpl-3-yl) -amine (Ila-3) : Prepared in 


a maxiner similar to the above described Method E to 
afford a pale yellow solid, rap 258-259''C; NMR (l»4SO) 8 

2.12 (3H, S) , 5.40 (IH, s) , 7.54 (IH, t) , 7.63 (IH, m) , 

7.68 (IH, d) , 7.86 (IH, t) , 7.92 (IH, d) , 7.96 (IH, d) , 

5 8.66 (IH, d) 11.20 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 1623, 1610, 

1551, 1488, 1435, 1410, 1339, 1284, 1217; MS 402.0 (M+H) * 

Example 4 [2 - (4 -Me thoxyphenylsul f anyl ) -qainazolin-4 -yl3 - 
(5-methyl-2fl'-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIa-4) : Prepared in a 

10 manner similar to the above described Method E to afford 
a pale yellow solid, mp 264-268''C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 2.04 
(3H, s), 3.85 (3H, s) , 5.43 (IH, s) , 7.12 (2H, d), 7.53 
(IH, t), 7.61 (3H, d), 7.84 (3H, t) , 8.63 (IH, d) , 11.09 
(IH, br s), 12.30 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 1622, 1598, 

15 1552, 1492, 1404, 1340, 1292, 1249, 1219, 1171, 1161; MS 
364.1 (M+H)* 

Example 5 [2- (2-Etliylphenylsulf anyl) -quiiiazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
inethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIa-5) : Prepared in a 

20 manner similar to the above described Method B to afford 
a pale yellow solid, mp 205-208*»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.05 
(3H, S), 5.19 (IH, S), 7.38 (IH, t) , 7.52-7.64 (3H, m) , 
7.68 (2H, d), 7.90 (IH, t) , 8.68 (IH, d) ; IR (solid) 
3262, 2967, 1632, 1605, 1558, 1492, 1434, 1403, 1344; 

25 1294, 1224, 1162; MS 362.1 (M+fi)* 

Example 6 {2- [2,4-Bis (trif luoromethyDphenylsulfanyl] - 
quinazolin-4-yl}- (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(IIa-6) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
3 0 described Method E to afford a pale yellow solid, mp 

>300®C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 1.98 (3H, s) , 5.37 (IH, s) , 7.50 
(IH, t), 7.59 (2H, d), 7.84 (IH, d) , 8.32 (IH, s) , 8.40 


(2H, s) , 8.66 (IH, d) , 10.73 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 
1628, 1603, 1577, 1548, 1512, 1493, 1448, 1417, 1354, 
1275, 1196, 1124; MS 470.1 (M+H)* 

5 Example 7 12- {2-Chloropiienylsulfaiiyl) -qpiinazolixi-4-yl] - 
(5-methyl-2H-pyxazol-3-yl) -amine (lla-7) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method E to afford 
a pale yellow solid, mp 262-263»C; NMR (DMSO) 6 2 . 05 
(3H, s) , 5.35 (IH, s) , 7.52 (2H, t) , 7.65 (2H, m) , 7.74 
10 (IH, d), 7.83 (IH, t), 7.88 (IH, d) , 8.62 (IH, d) , 10.97 
(IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 1621, 1603, 1569, 1544, 1491, 
1448, 1400, 1376, 1336, 1288, 1208; MS 368.0 (M+H) * 

Example 8 [2- (2,3-Dichlorophenylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4- 
15 yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIa-8) : Prepared in 
a manner similar to the above described Method E to 
afford a pale yellow solid, mp'>300«C; NMR (DMSO) 8 
2.05 (3H, s), 5.34 (IH, s) , 7.50 (2H, m) , 7.60 (IH, d) , 
7.75 (IH, t) , 7.88 (2H, m) , 8.62 (IH, d) , 10.72 (IH, br 
20 S) ; IR (Sblid) 1632, 1609, 1561, 1532, 1492, 1432, 1400, 
1380, 1345, 1298, 1228, 1162, 1125; MS 402.0 (M+H)* 

Example 9 [2- (3-Chlorophenylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4-yll - 
( 5 -methyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl)- amine (Ila-9) : Prepared in a 

25 mzomer similar to the above described Method E to afford 
a pale yellow solid, mp 248-249«»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 2 . 05 
(3H, s), 5.42 (IH, s), 7.55 (2H, m) , 7.66 (3H, m) , 7.81 
(IH, s), 7.85 (IH, t), 8.62 (IH, d) , 11.10 (IH, br s) ; IR 
(solid) 1628, 1611, 1551, 1487, 1432, 1410, 1341, 1292, 

30 1217, 1165; MS 368.0 (M+H)* 



Example 10 [2- (l-Methyllmidazol-2-ylsulfanyl) -quinazolin- 
4-yl]-{5-iiietliyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIa-10) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method E to 
afford an off white solid, mp 255-256«»C; NMR (DMSO) 8 
2.19 (3H, S) , 3.59 (IH, s)/-5.51 (IH, • s) , 7.18 (IH, s) , 
7.45 (IH, t) , 7.57 (IH, s) , 7.59 (IH, d) , 7.77 (IH, t) , 
8.57 (IH, d> , 10.57 (IH, s) , 12.13 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 
1628, 1565, 1550, 1532, 1492, 1430, 1376, 1333. 1292, 
1278. 1211; MS 338.2 (M+H)* 

Example 11 [2- (2-Hydroxyphenylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] - 
(5-ineth,yl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIa-11) : Prepared in a 

manner similar to the above described Method E to afford 

a pale yellow solid, mp 273-27S«»C; NMR (DMSO) 8 2.06 
15 {3H. s), 5.41 (IK, S), 6.99 (IH, t) , 7.07 (IH, d) , 7.50 
(IH, t), 7.57-7.62 (2H, m) , 7.73 (IH, d) , 7.94 (IH. t) . 

8.71 (IH. d). 10.29 (IH, br s) . 11.66 (IH, br s) ; IR 
(solid) 1623, 1597, 1552. 1485. 1442, 1404, 1354, 1341, 

1289. 1221, 1165; MS 350.1 (M+H)* 


Example 12 [2- (2 , 4-Dif luorophenylsulf anyl) -qiiinazolin-4- 
yl3 - ( 5 -methyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine (Ila- 12 ) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method E to 
afford a pale yellow solid, mp 256- 258 "C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 
25 2.10 (3H, S) , 5.41 (IH, s) , 7.33 (IH, t) , 7.51-7.58 (2H, 
m). 7.65 (IH, d), 7.82-7.91 (2H, m) , 8.63 (IH, d) , 11.06 
(IH, br s); IR (solid) 1626, 1608, 1556, 1482, 1409, 
1341, 1288, 1270, 1219, 1162, 1140; MS 370.1 (M+H)* 

30 Example 13 [2- (3, 4-Dimethoxyphenylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4- 
yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (lIa-13) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method E to 
afford a pale yellow solid, mp 229-232«»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 8 


2.05 (3H, S), 3.70 (3H, s) , 3.85 (3H, s) , 5.39 (IH, s) , 
6.95 (IH, d), 7.30 (2H, d) , 7.60 (IH, t) , 7.77 (IH, d) , 
7.94 (IH, t), 8.72 (IH, d) , 11.66 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 
1625, 1607, 1551, 1503, 1436, 1404, 1342, 1290, 1254, 
1237, 1218, 1161, 1157-; MS 394.1 (M+H)* 

Example 14 [2- (3-Methylphenylsulf anyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] - 
(5-inetliyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (lIa-14) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method E to afford 
a pale yellow solid, mp 249-250 <>C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 8 2.06 
(3H, S), 2.36 (3H, s) , 5.31 (IH, s) , 7.45 (2H, d) , 7.48- 
7.58 (3H, m), 7.61 (IH, d) , 7.88 (lH, t), 8.68 (lH, d), 
11.66 (IH, br S); IR (solid) 1617, 1587, 1558, 1496, 
14414, 1387, 1341, 1283, 1221, 1162, 1140; MS 348.1 (M+H)* 

Example 15 12 - (2-Methoacyphenylsulf anyl) -quinazolin-4-yiI - 
(5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIa-15) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method E to afford 
a pale yellow solid, mp 237-2390C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.07 
(3H, s) , 3.71 (3H, S), 5.35 (IH, s) , 7.12 (IH, t) , 7.23 
(IH, d) , 7.55 (IH, t), 7.60-7.67 (3H, m) , 7.87 (IH, t) , 
8.66 (IH, d), 11.20 (IH, br S) ; IR (solid) 1632, 1606, 
1561, 1480, 1430, 1405, 1344, 1292, 1276, 1251, 1224; MS 
364.1 (M+H)* 

Example 16 [2- (2-Naphtlialenylsulf anyl) -quinazolin-4-yll - 
(5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ila-16) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method E to afford 
a pale yellow solid, mp 267-270«»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.05 
(3H, S) , 5.09 (IH, s), 7.57 (IH, t) , 7.62-7.75 (4H, m) , 
7.90 (IH, t), 8.07 (3H, t) , 8.40 (IH, s) , 8.66 (IH, d) , 


11.28 (IH, br S) ; IR (solid) 1624, 1606, 1550, 1487, 
1435, 1407, 1341, 1285, 1216, 1158; MS 384.1 (M+H)* 

Example 17 [2- (2, S-Dichlorophenylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4- 
5 yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine {lla-17) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method E to 
afford a pale brown solid, mp >300*C; NMR (DMSO) 6 2.11 
(3H, s) , 5.49 (IH, s) , 7.49 (IH, t) , 7.59-7.67 (2H, m) , 
7.76 (2H, d) , 7.81 (IH, d) , 8.60 (IH, d) , 10.60 (IH, s) ; 
10 IR (solid) 1618, 1599, 1565, 1533, 1486, 1424, 1401, 

1361, 1344, 1285, 1246, 1216, 1188, 1172; MS 402.0 (M+H)* 

Example 18 [2- (3,4-Dichlorophenylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4- 
yll - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (lIa-18) : Prepared 

15 in a manner similar to the above described Method E to 

afford a pale yellow solid, mp 268-272«>C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 8 
2.11 (3H, S) , 5.47 (IH, s) , 7.56 (IH, t) , 7.68-7.72 (2H, 
m) , 7.83 (2H, d), 7.88 (IH, t) , 8.05 (IH, d) , 8.66 (IH, 
d) ; IR (solid) 1628, 1607, 1556, 1488, 1436, 14412, 1399, 

20 1367, 1341, 1288, 1216, 1166; MS 402.0 (M+H)* 

. . Example 19 £2- (Benzliiiidazol-2-ylsul£anyl).-quinazolin-4- 
yll - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazpl-3-yl) -amine (IXa-19) : Prepared 
in a maimer similar to the above described Method E to 

25 afford a pale grey solid, mp 192-196'C; NMR (DMSO) 6 
1.60 (3H, S) , 5.48 (IH, s) , 7.44 (2H, m) , 7.53 (IH, t) 
7.69 (2H, d) , 7.76 (2H, m) , 7.85 (IH, t) , 8.64 (IH, d) , 
10.79 (IH, S) ; IR (solid) 1618, 1606, 1569, 1537, 1487, 
1411, 1395, 1369, 1343, 1288, 1273, 1170; MS 374.1 (M+H)* 


Example 20 £2-^ (2-Aminophenylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] - 
( 5 -methyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) -amine (lla-20) : Prepared in a 


manner similar to the above described Method E to afford 
a bright yellow solid, mp 257-259«»C; NMR (DMSO) 8 2.11- 
2.30 {3H, 2xbr s) , 6.10 (IH, br s) , 7.10-7.80 {7H, m) , 
8.60 (IH, br s), 9.80 (IH, br s) , 10.80 (IH, br s) ; IR 
(solid) 1623, 1591, 1567, 1538, 1496, 1483, 1410, 1351 

Example 21 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2- 
phenylsulfanyl-quinazolin-4-yl) -amine (IIa-21) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method E to 
afford a yellow solid, mp 233-236«>C; NMR (DMSO) 5 0.89 
(2H, d), 0.98 (2H, d), 1.67 {IH, m) , 5.48 (IH, s) , 7.54 - 
7.73 (7H, m)., 7.8* (IH, t) , 8.68 (IH, d) , 11.60 (IH, br 
S); IR (solid) 1629, 1606, 1577, 1546, 1509, 1484, 1438, 
1413, 1370, 1291, 1219; MS 360.3 (M+H)* 

Example 22 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (3- 
methoxycarbonylphenylsiaf anyl ) -quinazolin- 4 -yl] - amine 
(XXa-22) : Prepared in a meuiner similar to the above 
described Method E to afford a white solid, rap 224-225«»C; 
^H NMR (PUSO) 5 0.52 (2H, m) , 0.86 (2H, m) , 1.67 (IH, m) , 
3.86 (3H, S), 5.60 (IH, s) , 7.45 (IH, t) , 7.56 (IH, d) , 
7.66 (IH, t), 7.76 (IH, t) , 7.93 (IH, d) , 8.10 (IH, d) , 
8.18 (IH, S), 8.57 (IH, d) , 10.48 (IH, br s) , 12.07 (IH, 
br s) ; IR (solid) 1724, 1617, 1593, 1567, 1526, 1478, 
1432, 1400, 1361, 1343, 1283, 1260, 1218, 1169, 1128; MS 
418.3 (M+H)* 

Example 23 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - C2- (3- 
methylphenylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (XIa-23) : 

Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method E to afford a white solid, mp 241-243*C; ^H NMR 
(DMSO) 8 0.55-0.63 (2H, m) , 1.87-1.97 (IH, m), 1.67-1.79 


(IH, m), 2.35 {3H, S), 5.72 {IH, s) , 7.30-7.60 (6H, m) , 
7.68-7.78 (lH,m), 8.50-8.60 (IH, d) , 10.38 (IH, s) , 12.02 
(IH, S) ; IR (solid) 1617, 1594, 1568, 1529, 1480, 1401, 
1344, 1287, 1176, 758, 665,656; MS (M+H)* 
5 .... ... 

Example 24 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyraj5ol-3-yl) - [2- (3- 
metJicncyphenylsulfaxLyl) -quixiazolin-4-yl] -amine (Xla-24) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method E to afford a white solid, rap 232-234«»C; NMR 
10 (DMSO) 5 0.55-0.62 (2H, m) , 0.88-0.97 (2H, m) , 1.70-1.80 
(IH, m), 3.79 (3H, S), 5.79 (IH, s) , 7.08 (IH, d) , 7.22- 
7.29 (2H, m) , 7.40-7.50 (2H, m) , 7,60 (IH, d) , 7.79 (IH, 
t) , 8.57 (IH, d) , 10.40 (IH, s) , 12.04 (IH, s) ; IR 
(solid) 3100, 1618, 1592, 1567, 1527, 1477, 1402, 1345, 
15 1284, 1246, 1231, 1171, 1041, 1001, 969, 826, 761, 692, 
667; MS (M+H)* 

Example 25 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (3,4- 
dimethoxyphenylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (i:ia-25) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method E to afford a white solid, nqp 250-252*C; ^H NMR 
(DMSO) 5 0.54-0.60 (2H, m) , 0.83-0.91 (2H, m) , 1.68-1.77 %^ 
(IH, m), 3.79 (3H, s) , 3.85 (3H, s) , 5.79 (IH, s) , 7-10 
(IH, d) , 7.20-7.26 (2H, m) , 7.45 (IH, t) , 7.57 (IH, d) , 
7.77 (IH, t) , 8.55 (IH, d) , 10.45 (IH, s), 12.04 (IH, m) ; 
IR (solid) 1617, 1593, 1567, 1530, 1504, 1479, 1457, 
1439, 1398, 1364, 1347, 1288, 1269, 1250, 1232, 1181, 
1169, 1138, 1037, 1020, 997, 972, 882, 846, 804, 764, 
750; MS (M+H)* 

Example 26 [2- (3-Carboxyphenylsulfanyl) -qpiinazolin-4-yl] - 
(5-cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IZa-26) : Prepared 
from IZa-22 according to Method G to afford a yellow 





solid, mp >300«»C; NMR (DMSO) S 0.53 (2H, d) , 0.86 (2H, 
d) , 1.65 (IH, m) , 5.37 (IH, s) , 7.55 (IH, t) , 7.68 (IH, 
t), 7.81 (IH, d) , 7.88 (IH, t) , 7.95 (IH, d) , 8.15 (IH, 
d) , 8.15 (IH, s) , 8.71 (IH, d) , 11.32 (IH, br s) ; IR 
5 (solid) 1702, 1626, 1609, 1559, 1490, 1412, 1355, 1293, 
1222, 1170; MS 404.7(M+H)* 

Example 27 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (naphtalen- 
2-ylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (Ila-27) : Prepared 

10 in a manner similar to the above described Method E to 
afford an off-white solid, nip 285-288 *»C; ^H NMR (r»lSO) 8 
0.25 (2H, br s) , 0.52 (2K, br s) , 0.87 (IH, m) , 5.54 (IH, 
br s), 7.42 - 7.77 (4H, m) , 8.00 (3H, m) , 8.30 (IH, br 
s) , 8.56 (IH, br d) , 10.42 and 11.88 (IH, 2 x br s) ; IR 

15 (solid) 1615, 1592, 1562, 1527, 1476, 1398, 1366, 1287, 
1240, 1216, 1167, 1158, 1142, 1128, 996, 965; MS 

Example 28 ( 5 - Cydopropyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl )-[2-(2,4- 
20 dif luorophenylsulf anyl) -qulnazolin-4-yl] -amine (ZIa-28} : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the eJbove described 
Method E to afford an off-white solid, rap 250-253 «»C; ^H 
NMR (DMSO) 8 0.61 (2H, m) , 0.91 (2H, m) , 1.74 (IH, m) , 
5.67 (IH, m) , 7.24-7.28 (IH, m) , 7.44-7.48 {3H, m) , 7.53- 
25 7.81 (2H, brm) , 8.55 (IH, m) , 10.47 and 12.10 (IH, 2 x br 
s) ; IR (solid) 1614, 1598, 1565, 1525, 1479, 1423, 1398, 
1366, 1345, 1285, 1267, 1243, 1213, 1168, 1143, 1114, 
1026, 995, 968; MS 396.6 (M+H)* 

30 Example 29 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- 

(naphthalen-2-ylsulfanyl) -5, 6, 7, 8-tetrahydroquinazolin-4- 
yl] -amine (lla-29) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 


above described Method P to afford a white solid, mp 
244«»C; NMR (DMSO) 5 0.13 (2H,s), 0.45 (2H,s), 0.79 (IH, 
S) , 1.73 (4H, s) , 2.42 (2H, s) , 2.58 (2H, s) , 5.28 (IH, 
s) , 7.58 (2H, d) , 7.61 (2H, d) , 7.97 (3H, d), 8.23 (IH, 
5s), 8.56 (IH, s) , 11.63 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1594, 1561, 
1514, 1477, 1423, 1333, 1279, 1251, 990, 808, 744, 657, 
651; MS 414.7(M+H)* 

Example 30 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyra!8ol-3-yl) - [2- (2,3- 
10 dichlorophenylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (IIa-30) :. 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method E to afford an off-white solid, 250-252°C; ^H 
NMR (DMSO) 6 0.60 (2H, d) , 0.93 (2H, d) , 1.70 (IH, m) , 
5.54 (IH, s), 7.47 (2H, m) > 7.57 (IH, d) , 7.76 (IH, t) , 
15 7.86 (2H, d) , 8.57 (IH, d) , 10.48 (IH, s) , 12.04 (IH, s) ; 
IR (solid) 1616, 1601, 1570, 1528, 1486, 1432, 1400, 
1367, 1335, 1285, 1246, 1210, 1159, 1146, 1051, 1033, 
1021, 99^7; MS 428.6(M+H)* 

20 Example 31 [2- (B-CSilorophenylsulf anyl) -qainazolin-4-yl] - 
(5-cyclcqpropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (ZIa-31) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method E to 
afford an off-white solid, mp 235-23 8 «»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 
0.58 (2H, d) , 0.92 (2H, d) , 1.75 (IH, m) , 5.71 (IH, s) , 
25 7.44 (IH, t), 7.50 - 7.63 (4H, m) , 7.73 (IH, s) , 7.75 

(IH, t) , 8.57 (IH, d) , 10.46 (IH, s) , 12.08 (IH, s) ; IR 
(solid) 1616, 1593, 1562,. 1528, 1479, 1456, 1406, 1367, 
1343, 1286, 1244, 1216, 1176, 1067, 1051, 997; MS 
394.7 (M+H)* 


Example 32 [2- (2-Chlorophenylsulfanyl) -quinazolia-4-yl] - 
( 5 - cydopropyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine (Ila - 3 2 ) : Prepared 


in a m^Maer similar to the above described Method E to 
afford an off-white solid, mp 255-257»C; KMR (DMSO) 5 
0.59 (2H, d), 0.91 (2H, d) , 1.71 (IH, m) , 5.62 (IH, s) , 
7.45 (2H, m), 7.57 (IH, m) , 7.69 (IH, d) , 7.75 (IH, t) , 
5 T.85 (IH, d), 8.56 (IH, d) , 10.43 (IH, s) , 12.03 (IH, s) ; 
IR (solid) 1619, 1596, 1564, 1529, 1480, 1446, 1398, 
1370, 1343, 1289, 1246, 1218, 1165, 1148, 1089, 1054, 
1030, 997; MS 394.7(M+H)* 

10 Example 33 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyraaol-3-yl) - [2- (3,4- 

dimethylphenylsulfanyl) -<3uinazolin-4-yl] -amine (IIa-33) : 

Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 255-256'C; 
NMR (DMSO) 6 0.56 (2H, m) , 0.90 (2H, m) , 1.67 (IH, m) , 
15 2.26 and 2.29 (6H, 2 x s) , 5.75 (IH, br s) , 7.26 (IH, m) , 
7.35-7.55 (4H, m) , 7.74 (IH, m) , 8.54 (IH, br s) , 10.44 
and 12.06 (2H, 2 x br s) ,- IR (solid) 1617, 1596, 1569, 
1526, 1479, 1459, ±404, 1366, 1343, 1287, 1243. 1218, 
1167, 1145, 1017, 9S»6, 966; MS 388 . 3 (M+H) * 


Example 34 12- (Benzimidazol-2-ylsxilf anyl) -quinazolin-4- 
yl] - (5-cyclopr«^yl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -aaaine (IIa-34) : 
Prepared in a maimer similar to the above described 
Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 201-203«»C; 
25 NMR (DMSO) 5 0.44 (2H, m) , 0.71 (2H, m) , 1.17 (IH, m) , 

5.72 (IH, m), 7.23 (2H, m) , 7.51-7.81 (5H, m) , 8.59. (IH, 
m) , 10.59, 12.06 and 13.17 (3H, 3 x br s) ; IR (solid) 
1617, 1601, 1572, 1532, 1485, 1402, 1374, 1341, 1290, 
1273, 1209, 1168, 1024, 1010, 965; MS 400.2 (M+H)* 


Example 35 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (4- 
methoxycaurbonylphenylsulf anyl) -qulnazolin-4-yl] -amine 



(IZa-35) : Prepared in a manner similar to the shav& 
described Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 245- 
246<>C; NMR (DMSO) 5 0.47 (2H, br s) , 0.80 (2H, br s) , 
1.62 (IH, m) , 3.85 (3H, s) , 5.69 (IH, br s) , 7.46 (IH, 
m) , 7.58 (IH, m) , 7.76-7.81 (3H, m) , 8.02-8.05 (2H, m) , 
8.57 (IH, m) , 10.48 and 12.11 (2H, 2 x br s) ; IR (solid) 
1721, 1712, 1616, 1596, 1572, 1564, 1523, 1481, 1435, 
1404, 1360, 1346, 1277, 1181, 1114, 1106, 996, 971; MS 
418.2 (M+H)* 

Example 36 [2- {4-Aeetamido-phenylsulf anyl) -quinazolin-4- 
yl] - {5-cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIa-36) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 23 9-2410C; 

15 NMR (DMSQ) 5 0.57 {2H, m) , 0.83 (2H, m) , 1.69 (IH, m) , 
2.02 (3H, S) , 5.73 (IH, br s) , 7.41 (IH, m) , 7.53-7.57 
(3H, m), 7.73-7.75 (3H, m), 8.54 (IH, m) , 10.18, 10.39 
and 11.98 (3H, 3 x br s) ; IR (solid) 1665, 1618, 1607, 
1586, 1572, 1564, 1529, 1482, 1387, 1343, 1320, 1287, 

20 1243, 1221, 1162, 1005, 968; MS 417.2 (M+H)* 

Example 37 (5-Cyclppropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- 
(naphthalen-l-ylsulf anyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (Ila- 
37) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 

25 Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 271-273«>C; ^H 
NMR (DMSO) 5 0.46-0.47 (2H, m) , 0.87-0.89 (2H, m) , 1.57 
(IH, m) , 5.01 (IH, m) , 7.42 (IH, m) , 7.52-7.54 (3H, m) , 
7.64 (IH, m) , 7.75 (IH, m) , 7.98 (IH, m) , 8.06 (IH, m) , 
8.17 (IH, m) , 8.28 (IH, m) , 8.50 (IH, m) , 10.29 (IH, br 

30 S) , 11.84 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 1615, 1592, 1567, 1528, 
1483, 1401, 1362, .1343, 1285, 1242, 1219, 1173, 998, 963; 
MS- 410.2 (M+H)* 


Example 38 [2 - ( 4 - Acetamidophenylsulf smyl) - cpiinazolin- 4 - 
yll - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amiae (IZa-38) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method E to 
afford an white solid, mp 268-271-C; NMR (DMSO) 5 2.02 
(3H, S) , 2.09 {3H, S), 5.56 (IH, s) , 7.40 (IH, t) , 7.55 
(3H, m), 7.75 (3H, d) , 8.55 (IH, d) , 10.21 (IH, s) , 10.40 
(IH, s) , 12.03 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1S62, 1620, 1599, 
1572, 1531, 1438 i 1397, 1370, 1358, 1341, 1323, 1312, 
1278, 1265, 1245, 1216, 1161, 1006, 966; MS 391.2 (M+H)* 

Example 39 [2- (4-Methanesulfonylamino-phenylsulfanyl) - 
quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (11a- 

39) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 219-222«'C; 
NMR (DMSO) 5 2.15 (3H, s) , 2.61 (3H, s) , 5.84 (IH, s) , 
6.91 (2H, d), 7.22 (2H; d) , 7.36 (IH, s) , 7.52 (IH, d) , 
7.69 (IH, s), 8.53 (IH, d) , 10.31 (IH, s) , 11.96 (IH, s) ; 
IR (solid) 1621, 1602, 1584, 1567, 1528, 1486, 1351, 
1287, 1253, 1207, 1179, 1102, 1091, 983; MS 427.0 (M+H)* 

Example 40 [2 - (4 -Acetamidophenylsulf anyl) -7 -methoxy- 
quinazolin-4-yll - (5-methyi-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ila- 

40) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method E to afford a white solid, rap 291-293-C; NMR 
(DMSO) 5 2.01 (3H, S), 2.09 {3H, s) , 3.87 (3H, s) , 5.55 
(IH, S), 6.96 (IH, S) , 6.99 (IH, d) , 7.55 (2H, d) , 7.73 
(2H, d) , 8.45 (IH, d), 10.21 (IH, s) , 10.23 (IH, s) , 
11.99 (IH, s); IR (solid) ; MS 421.2 (M+H)* 

Example 41 [2- (4 -Acetamidophenylsulf anyl) -8- (3-morpholin- 
4-yl-propoxy) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-ipyrazol-3- 


yl) -amine (ZIa-41) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method E to afford a white solid, rap 262- 
264«»C; *H NMR (DMSO) 8 1.94 (2H, quint.) , 2.03 (3H, s) , 
2.09 (3H, S) , 2.38 (4H, s) , 2.45 (2H, t) , 3.58 (4H, s) , 
5 4.11 (2H, t) , 5.60 (1H, S), 7.24 (IH, d) , 7.30 (IH, t) , 
7.57 (2H, d) , 7.73 (2H, d) , 8.07 <1H, d) , 10.20 (IH, s) , 
10.24 (IH, s), 12.02 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 3245, 3045, 
2954, 2918, 2845, 1663, 1609, 1586, 1527, 1468, 1391, 
1332, 1268, 1254, 1159, 1136, 1114, 1054, 995, 823 ; MS 
10 534.4 (M+H)* 

Example 42 [2- (4-Methoxycarbonylplienylsulf anyl) - 
quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2flr-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ila- 
42) : Prepared in a maimer similar to the above described 

15 Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 257-260'>C; 

NMR (DMSO) 5 1.95 (3H, s) , 3.89 (3H, s) , 5.51 (IH, br s) , 
7.39 (IH, br s) , 7.51 (IH, br s) , 7.70 (IH, br s) , 7.81 
(2H, d) , 8.04 (2H, d) , 8.51 (IH, br s) , 10.48 (IH, br s) , 
12.03 (IH, brs); IR (solid) 1718, 1618, 1599, 1568, 

20 1531, 1481, 1434, 1395, 1362, 1342, 1286, 1247, 1216, 
1156, 1116, 1018, 1003, 968 ; MS 392.2(M+H)* 

■ <o 

Example 43 [2- (4-Carbo3cyphenylsulf auiyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] - 
(S-msthyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIa-43) : Prepared in a 
25 manner similar to the above described Method E to afford 
an off-white solid, rap 263-265»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 8 1*98 
(3H, s), 5.50 (IH, S),. 7.46 (IH, t) , 7.60 (IH, d) , 7.78 
(3H, m) , 8.02 (2H, d) , 8.58 (IH, d) , 10.58 (IH, s) , 12.50 
(IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 1623, 1605, 1574, 1560, 1533, 
30 1490, 1401, 1349, 1318, 1285, 1249, 1216, 1174, 1131, 
1088, 1018; MS 378.2 (M+H)* 


Example 44 [2- (4-Acetamidopheny-lsulf anyl) -B-methoacy- 
qulnazolln-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ila- 
44) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method E to afford an off-white solid/ 247-249«»C;^H 
5 NMR (DMSO) 1.99^ (3H, s)-, 2.10 {3H, s) , 3.93 (3H, s) , 5,40 
(IH, s) , 7.31 (IH, d), 7.38 (IH, t) , 7.57 (2H, d) , 7.76 
(2H, d) , 8.11 (IH, d), 10.28 (IH, s) , 10.61 (IH, s) , 
12.11 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 3234, 3052, 2938, 1673, 
1618, 1591, 1536, 1481, 1459, 1390, 1372, 1345, 1317, 
10 1267, 1249, 1158, 1058, 985, 830; MS 421.2(M+H)* 

o . 

Example 45 [2- (4-Acetamidophenylsulf anyl) -7- (3-morpholin- 
4-yl-propoxy) -c[uxnazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine (lIa-45) : Prepared from IIa-74 according to 

15 Method I to afford an off-white solid, mp 153°C (dec); ^H 
NMR (EWISO) 5 2.02 (3H, s) , 2.09 (3H, s) , 2.29 (2H, 
quint.), 3.16 (2H, m) , 3.36 (4H,m) , 3.57 (4H, m), 4.11 
(2H, m) , 5.58 (IH, s)-, 7.22-7.29 (2H, m) , 7.55 (2H, d) , 
7.76 (2H, d), 8.07 (IH, d) , 10.26 (IH, br s) , 10.35 (IH, 

20 S) , 12.06 (IH, br s);. IR (solid) 1673, 1614, 1591, 1532, 
1486, 1391, 1336, 1254, 1109, 1063, 995; MS 534.2 (M+H)* 


Example 46 [2- (4-Broaiiophenylsulf amyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] - 
(5-methyl-2'H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (XXa-46} : Prepared in a 

25 manner similar to the above described Method E to afford 
an off-white solid. Tap >300«»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 2.15 (3H, 
s) , 5.63 (IH, br s) , 7.44 (IH, m) , 7.55-7.62 (3H, m) , 
7.69-7.77 (3H, m) , 8.56 (IH, m) , 10.47 and 12.12 (2H, 2 
X br s) ; iR (solid) 1615, 1597, 1565, 1525, 1478, 1396, 

30 1362, 1339, 1285, 1218, 1158, 1034, 1009, 967 ; MS 
412.1/414.1 (M+H)* 


Example 47 [2- (3-Bramopheaylsulf anyl) -quina2oliii-4-yl] - 
( 5 -methyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) -amine (lla-47) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the abofve described Method E to afford 
an off-white solid, mp 280-281<»C; NMR (DMSO) 8 2.12 
(3H, s) , 5.54 (IH, br S) , 7.46 (IH, m)V 7.55-7.68 (3H, 
m), 7.7S-7.88 (3H, m) , 8.81 (IH, m) , 10.49 and 12.11 
(2H, 2 X br s) ; IR (solid) 1617, 1600, 1567, 1530, 1483, 
139&, 1362, 1342, 1282, 1200, 1168, 1054, 1034, 1005, 
967; MS 412 . 2/414 . 2 (M+H) * 

Example 48 [2- (4-Isopropanesulfonylamino-phenylsulf anyl) ■ 
quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ila- 

48) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method E to afford a white solid, mp 294-297«>C; NMR 
(DMSO) 5 1.26 (6H, d) , 2.13 (3H, s) , 5.75 (IH, s) , 7.34 
(2H, d), 7.41 (IH, t), 7.54 (IH, d) , 7.59 (2H, d) , 7.73 
(IH, t) , a. 53 (IH, d), 10.16 (IH,. s), 10.42 (IH, s) , 
12.07 (IH, br s); IR (solid) 1613, 1593, 1560, 1530, 
1482, 1384, 1364, 1346, 1320, 1290, 1265, 1243, 1216, 
1169, 1141, 1084, 1056, 1019, 999, 969, 916; MS 

455.2 (M+H)* 

Example 49 [2- (4-Isdbutyrylamino-phenylsulf anyl) - 
quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ila- 

49) : prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 285-287«»C; ^H 
NMR (DMSO) 8 1.12-1.13 (6H, m), 1.99 (3H, s) , 2.64 (IH, 
m), 5.52 (IH, br s), 7.41 (IH, m) , 7.54-7.57 (3H, m) , 
7.72-7.77 (3H, m) , 8.54 (IH, m) , 10.12, 10.41 and 12 . 04 
(3H, 3 X br s) ; IR (solid) 1704, 1680, 1617, 1590, 1566, 
1516, 1481, 1395, 1358, 1341, 1286, 1247, 1214, 1155, 
1052,. 1032, 1006, 969; MS 419.3(M+H)* 


Exanrple 50 ( 5 -Methyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - [2 - ( 4 - 
propionylamino-phenylsulf anyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine 
(IXa-50) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
5 described Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 281- 
282'»C; NMR (DMSO) 6 1.11-1.13 (3H, m) , 1.98 (3H, s) , 
2.33 (2H, m) , 5.51 (IH, br s) , 7.41 (IH, m) , 7.55-7.57 
(3H, m) , 7.71-7.78 (3H, m) , 8.54 (IH, m) , 10.11, 10.41 
and 12.04 (3H, 3 x br s) ; IR (solid) 1654, 1621, 1599, 
10 1571, 1527, 1476, 1398, 1358, 1341, 1286, 1244, 1216, 
1155, 1006, 969; MS 405.3 (M+H)* 

Example 51 [2- (4-cyclopropanecarbonylamino- 
phenylsulfanyl) -quina2olin-4-yll - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 

15 yl) -amine (IIa-51) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 

above described Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 
300-303'C; NMR (DMSO) 5 0 . 82-0 . 84 (4H, m) , 1.83 (IH, 
m) , 2.01 (3H, s), 5.55 (IH, br s) , 7.39-7.41 (2H, m) , 
7.53-7.57 (2H, m), 7.72-7.77 (2H, m) , 8.53-8.55 (2H, m) , 

20 10.40, 10.46 and 12.03 (3H, 3 x br s) ; IR (solid) 1664, 
1614, 1591, 1560, 1526, 1480, 1432, 1390, 1344, 1288, 
1240, 1194, 1177, 1152, 997; MS 417.2 (M+H)* 

Example 52 [2- (4-Acetamido-phenylsulfanyl) -8-. 
25 h.ydxoxyquixiazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(XIa-52) : tan solid, mp 258-259«»C; NMR (DMSO) 8 1.99 
(3H, s) , 2.09 (3H, s) , 5.45. (IH, s) , 7.10 (IH, d) , 7.22 
(IH, t), 7.57 (2H, d), 7.75 (2H, d) , 7.95 (IH, d) , 9.35 
(IH, s) , 10.22 (IH, S), 10.26 (IH, s) , 12.00 (IH, br s) ; 
30 IR (solid) 3295, 3272, 3181, 3109, 1654, 1591, 1527, 

1482, 1459, 1386, 1368, 1314, 1268, 1141, 1077, 991, 814; 
MS 407.2 (M+H)* 


Example 53 [2- (4-Acetamido-phenylsulfanyl) -7- 
nitroguinazoliii-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(Xla-53) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
5 described Method- E to afford a yellow solid; NMR (DMSO) 
6 2,02 (3H, s) , 2.09 (3H, s) , 5.54 (IH, s) , 7.58 (2H, d) , 
7.75 (2H, d) , 8.08 (IH, d) , 8.22 (IH, s), 8-80 (IH, d) , 
10.24 (IH, s) , 10.85 (IH, s) , 12-15 (IH, s) ; IR (solid); 
MS 436.2 (M+H)* 


Example 54 (5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl> -{2- [4- (prppane-1- ^ 
sulfonylaaaino) -phenylsulf anyl] -qiiinazol±n-4-yl} -amine 
{I la- 54) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method E to afford a white solid, mp 272-273«>C; 

15 ^H NMR (I»«SO)- 8 0.95 (3H, t) , 1.71 (2H, m) , 2.13 (3H,s), 
3.18 (2H, t) , 5.70 (IH, s) , 7.31 (2H, d) , 7.41 (IH, t) , 
7.52 (IH, d), 7.58 (IH, d) , 7.73 (IH, t) , 8.55 (IH, d) , 
10.16 (IH, s) , 10.42 (IH, s) , 12.07 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 
1615, 1594, 1563, 1530, 1481, 1389, 1362, 1346, 1325, 

20 1291, 1245, 1147, 969; MS 455.2 (M+H)* 

Example 55 [2- (4-Ethylsulf onylamino-phenylsulf anyl) - ^ 

quinazolin- 4 -yl] - ( 5 -methyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine 
(lIa-55) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
25 described Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 279- 

280»C; NMR (DMSO) 8 1.28 (3H, t) , 2.19 (3H,s) , 3.25 
(2H, m), 5.76 (IH, s), 7.36 (2H, d) , 7.48 (IH, t) , 7.53 
(IH, d), 7.65 (IH, d), 7.80 (IH, t) , 8.61 (IH, d) , 10.23 
(IH, s), 10.49 (IH, s), 12.13 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1615, 
30 1597, 1564,. 1532, 1506, 1485, 1455, 1388, 1361, 1347, 

1323, 1294, 1218, 1150, 1033, 1016, 998, 968, 918; MS 



Example 56 [2- (4-AcetaiBido-phenylsulf anyl) -7- 
hydro3^aminoquinazolin-4-yl] - (5-metliyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 
amine (Ila-56) : Prepared from IIa-53 according to Method 
J to afford a yellow solid; NMR (DMSO) 5 1.97 (3H, s) , 
2.11 (3H, S), 5.19 (IH, S), 6.88-6.91 (2H, m) , 7.65 (2H, 
d), 7.85 (2H, d), 8.44 (IH, d) , 9.27 (IH, br s) , 10.49 
(IH, s) , 11.38 (IH, s). 14.58 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid); MS 
422.2 (M+H)* 

Example 57 [2- (4-Isobutanecarbonylaiaino-phenylsulf anyl) - 
quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ila- 
57) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method E to afford a white solid, mp 281-282°C; NMR 
(DMSO) 6 0.95-0.97 (6H, m) , 2.00 (3H, s), 2.12 (IH, m) , 
2.23-2.25 (2H, m) , 5.56 (IH, s) , 7.41 (IH, m) , 7.54-7.57 
{3H, m) , 7.72-7.78 (3H, m) , 8.54 (IH, m) , 10.14, 10.41 
and 12.03. (3H, 3 x br s) ; IR (solid) 1737, 1658, 1618, 
1599, 1566, 1530, 1483, 1432, 1394, 1364, 1343, 1313, 
1287, 1242, 1216, 1167, 1151, j.003, 967; MS 433.2 (M+H)* 

Example 58 [2- (4-tert-Butoxycarbonylamino- 
phenylsulfanyl) -quinazol±n-4-yll - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine (lla-58) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method E to afford a white solid, mp 243 
246»C; NMR (DMSO) 6 1.50 (9H, s) , 1.97 (3H,s), 5.40 
(IH, S), 7.07 (2H,. br S), 7.36 (IH, br S), 7.47 (2H, d) , 
7.58 (2H, d), 8.12 (IH, br s) , 9.58 (IH, s) , 11.24 (IH, 
br s) ; IR (solid) 1701, 1593, 1559, 1515, 1482, 1396, 
1365, 1346, 1308, 1288, 1237, 1154, 1051, 1020, 969; MS 
449.2 (M+H)* 


Example 59 [2- (4-Acetainido-phenylsulfaxiyl) -7- 
aiiiinoquinazolln-4-yl] - (5-niethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(ZIa-59) : Prepared from IIa-53 according to Method K to 
afford an off-white solid, mp 264-265 'C; NMR (DMSO) 5 
5 1.9^9 (3H, S) , 2.09 (IH, s), 5.53 (IH, s) , 5.97 (2H, s) , 
6.47 (IH, s) , 6.68 (IH, d) , 7.52 (2H, d) , 7.71 {2H, d) , 
8. IS (IH, d) , 9.83 (IH, br s) , 10.19 (IH, s) , 10.87 (IH, 
br s) ; IR (solid) ; MS 406.2 (M+H)* 

10 Example 60 (5-Metliyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -{2- [4- (2-niorpholin- 
4-yl-acetylainino) -phenylsulfanyl] -quinazolin-4-yl} -amine 
(ZIa-60) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 266- 
267 «»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.03 (3H, s) , 2.57 (4H, m) , 3.23 

15 (2H,S), 3.69 (4H, m) , 5.58 (IH, s) , 7.40 (IH, t) , 7.55- 
7.62 (3H, m) , 7.75 (IH, t) , 7.80 (2H, d ), 8.54 (IH, d) , 
10.02 (IH, S) , 10.41 (IH, s), 12.03 (lH,s) ; IR (solid) 
1686, 1598, 1564, 1533, 1515, 1484, 1387, 1362, 1348, 
129-1, 1113, 868, 801, 773; MS 476.4 (M+H)* 


Example 61 (5-Cycloprpyl-2Hrpyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (4- 
methylsulfonylamino-phenylsulfanyl) -qulnazolin-4-yll - 
amine (IXa-61) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method E to afford a white solid, mp 235-2380C; 

25 ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 0.61 (2H, s) , 0.92 (2H, d) , 1.82 (IH, br 
S), 2.98 (3H,s), 5.90 (IH, s) , 7.23 (2H, d), 7.41 (IH, 
t), 7.54 (3H, m), 7.72 (IH, t), 8.55 (IH, d) , 10.16 (IH, 
brs), 10.38 (IH, s) , 11.99 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1621, 
1605, 1573, 1532, 1494, 1455, 1375, 1342, 1316, 1290, 

30 1232, 1143, 1113, 985, 972; MS 453.3 (M+H)* 


Bxample 62 [2- (4-Amino-phenylsulf anyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] - 
( 5 -methyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) -amine (ila-62) : Prepared in a 

manner similar to the above described Method E to afford 

an off-white solid, tnp >300«»C; NMR (DMSO) 5 2.16 (3H, 
5 S) , 5.58 (IH, s), 6.78 (2H,. d) , 7.36 (2H, d), 7.64 (2H, 

m) , 7.94 (IH, t) , 8.74 (IH, d) , li.82 (IH, br s) ; IR 
(solid) 1615, 1591, 1561, .1532, 1495, 1480, 1387, 1363, 

1344, 1288, 1244, 1148, 966; MS 349 . 2 (M+H) * 

10 Example 63 [2- (4-Acetamido-phenylsulf anyl) -quinazolin-4- 
(3 yl] - {2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIa-63) : Prepared in a 

manner similar to the above described Method E to afford 
a white solid, NMR (DMSO) 5 2.11 (3H, s) , 5.93 (IH, s) , 
7.31-7.68 (8H, m) , 8.54 (IH, s) , 10.17 (IH, s) , 10.54 

15 (IH, S) . 12.38 (IH, S) ; IR (solid); MS 377.4(M+H)* 

Example 64 (5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -.{2- [4- (4-morpholin- 
4-yl-butyrylamino) -phenylsulfanyl] -quinazolin-4-yl}-amine 
(Ila-64) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
20 described Method E to afford a white solid, tap 240-243»C; 
*H MMR (DMSO) 5 1.77 (2H, m) , 2.00 (3H, s) , 2.31-2.38 (8H, 
m) , 3.57 (4H, m) , 5.54 (IH, s) , 7.39-7.76 <7H, m) , 8.53 
(IH, br m) , 10.15 .(IH, s) , 10.41 (IH, s), 12.00 (IH, br 
S) ; IR (solid); MS 504.3 (M+H)* 

( ) 



Example 65 (5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -{2- £4- (2-morpholin- 
4-yl-ethylcarbamoyl) -phenylsulfanyl] -quinazoiin-4-yl}- 
amine (IIa-65) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method E to afford a white solid, mp 246-248'»C; 
^H NMR (DMSO) 5 1.97 (3H, s) , 2.43 (4H, br s), 3.30 (2H, 
s) , 3.42 (2H, m) , 3.58 (4H, br s) , 5.52 (IH, s) , 7.43 
(IH, t) , 7.55 (IH, d) , 7.76 (3H, m) , 7.97 (2H, d) , 8.56 



(2H, m) , 10.45 (IH, s) , 12.05 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 
1637, 1618, 1596, 1568, 1530, 1484, 1396, 1362, 1343, 
1286, 1247, 1216, 1159, 1116, 1006, 967; MS' 490 . 3 (M+H) * 

Example 66 - [8-Metlioxy-2- (4-metiiylsulf onylamino- 
phenylsulfanyl) -quinazoliii-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine (IIa-66) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 
275-277 »C; NMR (DMSO) 5 2 . 10 (3H, s) , 3.07 (3H, s) , 
3.89 (3H, s), 5.58 (IH, s) , 7-24 (IH, d) , 7.26-7.36 (3H, 
m), 7.60 (2H, d), 8.07 (IH, d) , 10.13 (IH, s) , 11.26 
(IH, s), 12.03 (IH, S); IR (solid) 3379, 1622, 1595, 
1531, 1481, 1467, 1344, 1326, 1271, 1248, 1143, 1061, 
993, 975, 924, 829; MS 457.2(M+H)* 

Example 67 {2- [4- (2-Dlmethylanilno-ethylcarbanioyl) - 
phenylsulfanyl] -quinazolin-4-yl}- (5-inethyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine (lla-67) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method E to afford a white solid, 192- 
20 193<»C; *H NMR (DMSO) 5 1.99 (3H, s) , 2.20 (6H,s), 2.42 

(2H, t), 3.40 (2H, q), 5.56 (IH, s) , 7.43 (IH, t) , 7.57 
(IH, d), 7.77 (3H, m) , 7.92 (2H, d) , 8.56 (2H, m) , 10.44 
(IH, s) , 12.04 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 1650, 1618, 1593, 
1561, 1525, 1481, 1419, 1395, 1361, 1337, 1287, 1247, 
25 1214, 1165, 1004, 969; MS 448.3 (M+H)* 

Example 68 {2- [4- (2-Dlmethylamino-acetylamino) - 
phenylsulfanyll -quinazolin-4-yl}- (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine (lIa-68) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
3 0 above described Method E to afford a white solid, mp 241- 
243<»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.00 (3H, s) , 2.33 (6H, s) , 3.14 
(2H, s), 5.60 (IH, S), 7.40 (IH, t) , 7.58 (3H, m ), 7.77 


. (IH, t ), 7.76 (2H, d), 8.58 (IH, d) , 10.04 (IH, s) , 
10.42 (IH, s), 11.&9 (IH, s) . ; IR (solid) 1707, 1617, 
1601, 1571, 1509, 1485, 1420, 1397, 1365, 1304, 1290, 
1243, 1215, 1161, 970, 847, 813, 765, 716, 683, 656; MS 
5 434.3 (M+H)* 

Example 69 [8-Hydroxy-2- (4-iiiethylsulfonylamino- 
phenylsulfanyl) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-meth,yl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine (IIa-69) : pale green solid, mp 291-293»C; NMR 
.10 (DMSO) 5 2.10 (3H, s) , 3.09 {3H, s) , 5.57 (IH, s) , 7.11 
O (IH, d), 7.24 (IH, t), 7.31 (2H, d) , 7.62 (2H, d) , 7.96 

(IH, d>, 9.32 (IH, s), 10.16 (IH, s) , 11.28 (IH, s) , 
12.02 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 3256, 1596, 1531, 1460, 1392, 
1317, 1334, 1296, 1267, 1146, 993, 968, 931, 824; MS 
15 443.2 (M+H)* 

Example 70 {2- [4- (3-Dimethylaiaino-propylcarbainoyl) - 
phenyl sulfanyl 3 -quinazolin-4-yl}- (5-metliyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine (lIa-70) : Prepared in a similar to the 
20 above described Method E to afford a pink solid, mp 210- 
213«»C; NMR (DMSO) 5 1.48 (2H, m) , 2.01 (3H, s), 2.24 
O (6H,S), 2.38 (2H, br s) , 2.93 (2H, s) , 5.57 (IH, s) , 7.48 

(IH, t), 7.62 (IH, d), 7.80 (3H, m) , 8.02 (2H, d) , 8.61 
(IH, d) 8.74 (IH, S), 10.50 (IH, s), 12.15 (IH, br s) ; IR 
25 (solid) 1682, 1618, 1595, 1567, 1528, 1484, 1400, 1361, 
1344, 1285, 1247, 1219, 1172, 1084, 1006, 969; MS 
462.3 (M+H)* 

Example 71 {2- [4- (3-Dimethylamino-propionylam±no) - 
30 phenylsulfanyl] -quinazolin-4-yl}- (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine (IIa-71) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 
280"»C (dec.);^HNMR (DMSO) 82.09 (3H, s) , 2.60 (6H, s) , 


2.33 {2H, m), 3.10 (2H, m) , 5.64 (IH, 8), 7.47 (IH, t) , 
7.59-7.70 (3H, m) , 7.80-7.87 (3H, m) , 8.61 (IH, d) , 10.47 
(IH, s) , 10.48 (IH, S) , 12.15 (IH, s) . ; IR (solid) 1670, 
1619, 1598, 1586, 1571, 1534, 1515, 1481, 1397, 1364, 
5 1348-, 1286, 1178, 1162, 764; MS 448.4{M+H)* 

Example 72 [2- (4-Acetainido-plienylsulfanyl) -S-methoacy- 
quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(Ila-72) : Prepared in a meumer similar to the above 

10 described Method E to afford an off-white solid, mp 265- 

268<»C; NMR (DMSO) 5 0.49-0.56 .(2H, m) , 0.79-0.83 (2H, ^ 
m), 1-55-1.70 (IH, m) , 2.06 (3H, s) , 3.89 (3H, s) , 5.61 
(IH, s) , 7.25 (IH, d) , 7.33 (IH, t) , 7.56 (2H, d) , 7 . 74 
(2H, d) , 8.07 (IH, d) , 10.17 (IH, s) , 10.26 (IH, s) , 

15 11.94 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 3250, 1671, 1617, 1595, 
1536, 1480, 1460, 1396, 1373, 1335, 1254, 1160, 1131, 
1071, 1011, 984, 869, 815; MS 447.4 (M+H)* 

Example 75- [2- (4-Acetamidophenylsulf anyl) -8- (3- 
20 dimethylamino-propoxy) -qpiinazolin-4-yl] - ( 5 -methyl - 2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (XIa-73) : Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method B to afford an off- O 
white solid, mp 170-172«'C; NMR (DMSO) 5 1.91 {2H, 
quint.), 2.03 (3H, s) , 2.09 (3H, s) , 2.17 (6H, s) , 2.40 
25 (2H, t), 4.10 (2H, t) , 5.59 (IH, s) , 7.23 (IH, d) , 7.30' 
(IH, t) , 7.57 (2H, d), 7.73 (2H, d) , 8.06 (IH, d) , 10.20 
(IH, s), 10.24 (IH, s), 12.02 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 
3234, 3108, 1675, 1614, 1592, 1531, 1484, 1395, 1371, 
1338, 1316, 1253; 1161, 1137, 1062, 1038, 994, 958, 823; 
30 MS 492.4 (M+H)* 

Example 74 [2- (4-Acetamidophenylsulfanyl) -7-hydroacy- 
guinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 


(Ila-74) : Prepared from IIa-40 according to Method H to 
afford an off-white solid, mp 246-248 «C; NMR (DMSO) 6 
2.00 {3H, S) , 2.08 (3H, s) , 5.52 (IH, s), 6.78 (IH, s) , 
6.87 (IH, d) , 7.54 (2H, d) , 7.72 {2H, d) , 8.37 (IH, d) , 
S 10.06 {IH, s), 10.17 (IH, S), 10.37 (H, s), 11.95 (IH, br 
s) ; IR (solid) 1661, 1633, 1594, 1572, 1539, 1492, 1420, 
1389, 1359, 1298, 1223, 1176, 1148, 1087, 1026, 1010, 
965; MS 407.4 (M+H)* 

10 Example 75 [2- (4-Acetaiiiidophenylsulf anyl) -7- (3- 

dimethylamino-propoxy) -quixiazolin-4-yll - ( 5 -methyl - 2H- 
pyraaol-3-yl) -amine (IIa-75) : Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method I to afford an off- 
white solid, mp 249-250 "C; NMR (DMSO) 5 1.90 (2H, 

15 quint.), 2.01 (3H, s) , 2.09 (3H, s) , 2.19 (6H, s) , 2.42 
(2H, m), 4.12 (2H, t) , 5.55 (IH, s) , 6.93 (IH, s) , 6.98 
(IH, d) , 7.55 (2H, d) , 7.73 (2H, d) , 8.43 (IH, d) , 10.21 
(IH, s) , 10.23 (IH, s), 11.98 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 
3272, 1677, 1615, 1571, 1558, 1530, 1501, 1434, 1420, 

20 1394, 1344, 1320, 1292, 1263, 1222, 1168, 1048, 1034, 
1005, 967, 864, 844; MS 492.4 (M+H)* 

Example 76 (2-{4- [2- (tert-Butoxyceurbonyl-methyl-amino) - 
acetylamino] -phenylsulfanyl>-quinazolin-4-yl) - (S-methyl- 

25 2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIa-76) : Prepared in a manner 

similar to the above described Method E to afford a white 
solid, mp 228-229«'C (dec); ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 1.37 (3H, s) , 
1.40 (3H, s) , 2.02 + 2.03 (3H, 2xs) , 2.88 + 2.90 {3H, 
2xs), 4.01 +4.02 (2H, 2X3 ) , 5.52 + 5.57 (IH, 2xs) , 7.47 

30 (IH, t), 7.55-7.63 (3H, m) , 7.75-7.80 (3H, m) , 8.60 

(lH,d), 10.28 + 10.30 (IH, 2xs) , 10.45 (IH, s) , 12.08 
(IH, S).; IR (solid) 1698, 1683, 1653, 1617, 1594, 1559, 


1538, 1532, 1507, 1488, 1457, 1418, 1397, 1364, 1346, 
1307, 1287, 1246, 1151, 842, 827, 759; MS 520.4 (M+H)* 

Example 77 {2- [4- (2-lIethylaniino-acetylaininp) - 
5 phenylsulf anyl] -qiiinazolin-4-yl} - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3 - 
yl) -amine {lIa-77) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method E to afford a white solid, mp 242- 
2440C; NMR (DMSO) 5 2.01 (3H, s) , 2.34 (3H, s) , 3.32 
(2H, S) , 5.58 (IH, S), 7.45 (IH, t) , 7.50-7.60 (3H, m) , 
10 7.75 (IH, t), 7.80 (2H, d) , 8.55 (IH, d) , 10.10 (IH, br 
s) , 10.42 (IH, s) , 12.02 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1674, 1619, 
1598, 1570, 1525, 1483, 1417, 1363, 1345, 1298, 1285, 
1247, 1160, 966, 827, 804, 784, 763, 712, 670, 653; MS 
420.4 (M+H)* 



Example 78 [2- (4-Acetaiaidophenylsulf euiyl) -8-f luoro- 
quinazolin-4-yll - (5-metliyr-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ila- 
78) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method E to afford a white solid, mp 257-259«»C; ^H NMR 
(DMSO) 5 2.01 (3H, S), 2.09 (3H, S> , 5.49 (IH, s) , 7.42 
(IH, t) , 7.57-7.68 (3H, m), 7.75 (2H, d) , 8.40 (IH, d) , 
10.28 (IH, s), 10.75 (IH, s) ; "P NMR (DMSO) 6-1273; IR 
(solid) 16&0, 1670, 1637, 1609, 1588, 1543, 1519, 1493, 
1456, 1434, 1395, 1366, 1332, 1315, 1289, 1254, 1242, 
25 1032, 83a, 829, 808, 744; MS 409.4(M+H)* 

Example 79 ( IH-Indazol- 3 -yl )- (2 -phenylsulf anyl- 
quinazolin-4-yl)-amine (IIa-79) : Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method E to afford a white 
30 solid. ^'H NMR (DMSO) 5 7.07 (m, 3H) , 7.19 (t, IH) , 7.37 

(d, 2K), 7.39 (t, IH), 7.52 (dd, IH), 7.54 (t, IH) , 7.55 


(d, IH), 7.56 (t, m, 7.83 (t, IH) , 8.53 (d, IH) , 10.71 
(S, 1H>, 12-85 (s, IH) ; MS 370.1 (M+H)* 

Example 80 {2- [ (2-Hydro3cyethyl)phenylainino] -quinazolin-4- 
yl}- (5-iBethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (llc-1) : • Prepared in 
a manner similar to the above described Method A to 
afford a brown solid, mp 217«>C; NMR (DMSO) 8 1.99 {3H, 
s), 3.69 (2H, t) , 4.05 (2H, t) , 5.00 (IH, br s) , 5.53 
(IH, br S) , 7.09 (IH, m) , 7.25-7.40 (4H, m) , 7.40-7.48 
(2H, m), 7.54 (IH, m) , 8.34 (IH, m) , 10.07 (IH, s) , 11.67 
(IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 3395, 3155, 3052, 2934, 1623, 
1598, 1577, 1475, 1434, 1393; MS 361.2 (M+H)* 

Example 81 [2- (Methylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
niethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (lIc-2) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 
a white solid, mp 154-156"'C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.03 (3H, s) , 
3.51(3H, s) , 5.70(1H, s) , 7.13(1H, m) , 7 . 36-7 . 25 (3H, m) , 
7.48-7.37 (3H, m) , 7.58 (IH, m) , 8.38 (IH, d) , 9.98(1H, 
S) , 11.91 (IH s); IR (solid) 1621, 1598, 1578, 1540, 
1494, 1473, 13&8, 1374; MS 331.0 (M+H)* 

Example 82 (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -{2- [N-methyl-N- 
(pyridin-3-ylmethyl) amino] -quinazolin-4-yl}-amine 
(XIc-3) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method A to afford a yellow solid, 177«»C; ^H 
NMR(IM4SO), S 0.45 (2H, s) , 0.84 (2H, s) , 1.80 (IH, s) , 
3.16 (3H, s) , 4.93 (2H, s) , 6.18 (IH, br s) , 7.10 (IH, 
t)., 7.34 (2H, S), 7.55 (IH, t) , 7.64 (IH, s) , 8.36 (IH, 
d) , 8.45 (IK, S), 8.52 (IH, s) , 10.03 (IH, s) , 12.17 (OH, 
s); IR (solid) 3104, 2995, 2936, 1618, 1591, 1559, 1541, 
1518, 1477, 1409, 1386, 1350, 1300, 1018, 991, 873, 827; 
MS 372.3 (M+H)* 



Example 83 (5-Methyl-2fl'-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2-phenylaniino- 
quinazolin-4-yl) -amine (ZZc-4) : Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method A to afford a white 
solid; NMR (DMSO ®60**C> 8 2;27(3H, s) , 6.47<1H, br s) , 
6.92(1H, m) , 7.31 (3H, m) , 7.53 (IH, m) , 7.70 (IH, m) , 7.91 
(2H, m> , 8.37 (2H, d) , 9.16 (IH, br s) , 10.05 (IH, br s) , 
12.15 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 1623, 1601, 1573, 1541, 
1478 ,- MS 317 . 0 (M+H) * 

Example 84 (2-Benzylamino-quinazolin-4-yl) - ( 5 -methyl - 2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc-5) : Prepared in a manner similar 
to the above described Method A to afford a white solid, 
mp 225-227«'C; *H NMR (DMSO) 8 2.20 (3H, s) , 4.62(2H, d) , 
15 7.18 (IH, s) , 7.43-7.6(>(8H, m) , 8.22 (IH, s) , 9.99 (IH, 
br s) , 12. 05 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 1630, 1609, 1578, 
1538, 1511; MS 331.0 (M+H)* 

Example 85 (2-Cyclohe3cylamino-cpiinazolin-4-yl) - (5-methyl- 
20 2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc-6) ; Prepared in a manner 

similar to the above described Method A to afford eui off- 
white solid, mp 280«»C (dec); ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 1.11- 
1.44(5H, m) , 1.56 (IH, m) , 1.71(2H, m) , 1.92 (2H, m) , 
2.26 (3H, s) , 3.75(1H, s) , 6.63 (IH, br s) , 7.04 (IH, s) , 
25 7.28 (IH, s) , 7.51(1H, m) , 8.26(1H, s) , 9.97(1H, br s) , 
12.08(1H, br s), 12.75(1H, br s) ; IR (solid) 2927, 2853, 
1619, 1596, 1569, 1522, 1482; MS 323.0 (M+H)* 

Example 86 [2- (2,3-Dihydrobenzo[l,4]dioxin-6-ylamino) - 
30 quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(IIc-7) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method A to afford an off -green solid, mp 



>250*»C; NMR (DMSO) 8 2.23 (3H, s) , 4.15 (4H, m), 6.32 
(IH, br s>, 6.76 (IH, d), 7.16 (IH, t) , 7.22 (IH, dd) , 
7.39 (IK, d), 7.57 (IH, t) , 7.66 (IH, s) , 8.34 (IH, d) , 
9.07 (IH, br s), 10.20 (IH, br s) , 12.15 (IH, br s) ; IR 
5 (solid) 3445, 3045, 2968, 2927, 2868, 1618, 1595, 1577, 
1559, 150&, 1441, 1377, 1073; MS 375.1 (M+H)* 

Example 87 (2-Cyclohexylmeth.ylaia±no-quinazoliii-4-yl) - (5- 
inethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-ainlne (IIc-8) : Prepared in a 

10 manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 
a white solid, mp 211°C; NMR (DMSO) 5 0.85-1.30 (5H, 
m), 1.50-1.85 (6H, m) , 2.22 (3H, s) , 3.19 (2H, s) , 6.50- 
7.00 (IH, br s) , 7.06 (IH, br s) , 7.29 (IH, br s) , 7.51 
(IH, t>, 8.26 (IH, br s), 9.97 (IH, br s), 12.04 (IH, br 

15 s) , 12.75 (IH, br S) ; IR (solid) 3333, 2927, 2850, 2831, 
1627, 1609, 1577, 1540, 1508, 1449, 1422, 1340, 988; MS 
337.4 (M+H)* 

Example 88 [2- {U-Indazol-6-ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl3 - (5- 
20 methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ilc-9) : Prepared in a 

manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 
an. off -white solid, rap >250°C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 2.24 (3H, 
S) , 5.93 and 6.89 (IH, 2xbr s) , 7.05-8.15 (6H, m) , 8.25- 
8.90 (2H, m), 9.25 and 9.97 (IH, 2xbr s) , 10.11 and 10.57 
25 (IH, 2xbr s) , 12.15 and 12.80 (2H, 2xbr s) ; IR (solid) 

3456, 3315, 2923, 1613, 1600, 1577, 1549, 1467; MS 357.1 

Example 89 ( 5 -Me thyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl) - [2 - (pyridin- 3 - 
30 ylmethylamino) -qalnazolin-4-yl] -amine (IIc-10) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method A to 
afford an off-white solid, mp 218«C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.20 


OH, S), 4.5& (2H, a), 6.30 (IH, br S) , 7.10 {IH, s) , 
7.33 (2K, S), 7.54 (IH, s) , 7.78 (IH, s) , 8.31 (IH, s) , 
8.43 (IH/ S) , 8.61 (IH, S> , lO.O (IH, br s) , 12.15 (IH, 
br s) ; IR (solid) 3308, 2945, 2919, 2858, 1623, 1593, 
5 1577, 1552, 1501, 1475, 1449, 1383; MS 332.1- (M+H)* 

Example 90 [2- (3-C!hlorophenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
methyl-2B-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IZc-11) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 
10 an off-white solid, mp >250°C, NMR (DMSO) 5 2.29 (3H, 

s) , 5.30-6.98 (IH, m) , 6.96 (IH, s) , 7.28 (2H, s) , 7.51 © 
(IH, s) , 7,67 (IH, s) , 7.77 (IH, s) , 8.23 (IH, s) , 8.46 
(IH, s) , 9.35 and 10.00 (IH, 2xbr s) , 10.14 and 10.64 
(IH, 2xbr s) , 12.20 and 12.82 (IH, 2xbr s) ; IR (solid) 
15 3447, 3078, 2945, 2914, 2863, 1618, 1600, 1572, 1549, 
1472, 1440, 1403, 1372; MS 351.1 (M+H) * 

Example 91 t2- (4-Chlorophenylaiiiino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
inethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine. {IIc-12) : Prepared in a 

20 manner similar to tbe above described Method A to afford 
an off-white solid, mp >250<»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 8 2.27 (3H, 
s) , 5.20-6.80 (IH, m) , 7.26 (IH, s) , 7.33 (2H, s) , 7.51 O 
(IH, S) , 7.66 (IH, s) , 7.99 (2H, d) , 8.42 (IH, s) , 9-29 
and 9.93 (IH, 23cbr s) , 10.13 and 10.55 (IH, 23cbr s) , 

25 12.19 and 12.81 (IH, 2xbr s) ; IR (solid) 3439, 3057, 
2957, 1618, 1600, 1586, 1572, 1550, 1504, 1486, 1431, 
1413, 1367; MS 351.1 (M+H)* 

Example 92 [2- (4-Fluorobenzylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
30 methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc-13) : Prepared in a 

manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 
a white solid, mp 216'»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 2.20 (3H, s) , 


4.56 (2H, d), 6.30 (IH, br s) , 7.05-7.20 (3H, m) , 7.31 
(IH, d), 7.42 (2H, s), 7.54 (IH, t) , 8.32 (IH, s) , 10.01 
and 10.34 (IH, 23cbr b) , 12.09^ and 12.75 (IH, 2xbr s) ; IR 
(solid) 3333, 2854, 1632, 1609, 1577, 1536, 1508, 1367; 
5 MS 349.3 (M+H)* 

Example 93 {2- [2- (2-Hydro3cyethyl)plienylaniino] -quinazolin- 
4.yl}. (5-iBethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (lIe-14) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method A to 

10 afford a white solid, mp 222«'C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 8 2.09 {3H, 
O s), 2,80 (2H, t) , 3.61 (2H, t) , 4.87 (IH, br s) , 5.85 

(IB, br s), 7.30-7.53 (5H, m) , 7.63 (IH, d) , 7.86 (IH, 
t) , 8.68 (IH, d) , 10.11 (IH, br. s) , 11.55 (IH, br s) , 
12.49 (IH, br s) , 13.50 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 3193, 

15 3171, 3111, 3084, 1636, 1577, 1559, 1509, 1486, 1413, 
1340, 1058; MS 361.3 (M+H)* 

Example 94 [2- (4^Cyanomethylphenylamino) -<iuinazolin-4- 
yl] - (5-metJiyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (lIc-15) : Prepared 

20 in a manner similar to the above described Method A to 
afford an off-white solid, mp >250°C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 2.23 
( ) (3H, s) , 4.09 (2H, S) , 6.28 (IH, br s) , 7.41 (2H, d) , 

7.48 (IH, t), 7.57-7.63 (3H, m) , 7.87 (IH, t) , 10.70 (IH, 
s), 11.56 (IH, s), 12.63 (IH, br s) , 13.25 (IH, br s) ; IR . 

25 (solid) 3294, 3271, 3093, 1641, 1586, 1568, 1550, 1513, 
1481, 1413, 1336, 1158, 999; MS 356.2 (M+H)* 

Example 95 [2 - (3 -Hydroxymethylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4- 
yl] -(5-methyl-2ff-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc-16) : Prepared 
30 in a manner similar to the above described Method A to 

afford an off-white solid, mp >250»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 2.20 
(3H, s) , 4.53 (2H, s) , 5.22 (IH, br s) , 6.31 (IH, br s) , 
7.24 (IH, d) , 7.33-7.53 (4H, m) , 7.61 (IH, d> , 7.86 (IH, 


t) , 8.67 (IH, d) , 10.61 (IH, br s) , 11.52 (IH, br s) , 

12.59 (IH, br s) , 13.10 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 3401, 

3209, 3108, 3071, 2975, 2916, 1632, 1609, 1595, 1554, 

1485, 1421, 1371, 1348, 1046, 1005, 813; MS 347.3 (M+H) * 

5 ■ • • 

Example 96 [2- (S-Hydroxyphenylamino) -quinazoliii-4-yl] - (5- 
methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc-17) : Prepared in a 
maimer similar to the above described Method A to afford 
a white solid, mp >250*»C; NMR (DMSO) 5 2.22 (3H, s) , 

la 6.42 (IH, br s) , 6.72 (IH, d) , 6.97 (2H, s) , 7.21 (IH, 
t>, 7.47. (IH, t) , 7.60 (IH, d) , 7.85 (IH, t) , 8.67 (IH, 
d) , 9.76 (IH, s) , 10.53 (IH, s) , 11.53 (IH, s) , 12.58 
(IH, br s) , 12.99 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 3354, 3027, 
2893, 2817, 1654, 1588, 1541, 1490, 1436, 1418, 1332, 

15 1154, 1004; MS 333.2 (M+H)* 

Example 97 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2- 
phenylaiBino-quinazolia-4-yl) -amine (lIc-18) : Prepared in 
a maimer similar to the above described Method A to _ 

20 afford an off-white solid, mp 234'»C; NMR (DMSO) 5 0.74 
(2H, s), 6.92 (2H, s), 1.91 (IH, s) , 5.83 and 6.54 (IH, 
2xbr s) , 6.94 (IH, t) , 7.30 (3H, m) , 7.50 (IH, s) , 7.65 
(IH, S) , 7.91 (2H, d), 8.27 (IH, s) , 9.13 and 9.77 (IH, 
2xbr s) , 10.07 and 10.52 (IH, 2xbr s) , 12.19 and 12.82 

25 (IH, 2xbr s) ; IR (solid) 3443, 1622, 1595, 1577, 1554, 

1486, 1449, 1413, 1376, 1340, 1235, 1171, 988, 806; MS 
343.2 (M+H)* 

Example 98 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (3- 
30 methylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (IIc-19) : 

Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method A to afford an off-white solid, ti^ 117»C; ^H NMR 
(DMSO) 6 0.72 (2H, s) , 0.92 (2H, s) , 1.90 (IH, m) , 2-32 


(3H, s) , 6.20 (IH, Tor 8), 6.80 (IH, d) , 7.20 (IH, t) , 
7.27 (IH, brs), 7.51 (IH, br s) , 7.55-7.85 (3H, m) , 8.43 
(IH, br s) , 9.50 (IH, br s) , 10.44 (IH, s) , 12.55 (IH, br 
S) ; IR (solid) 3303, 1618, 1581, 1554, 1536, 1495, 1472, 
5 1436, 1413., 1372, 1336, 1240, 990; MS 357.4 (M+H)* 

Exantple 99 ( 5 - Cyclopropyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3-yl)-[2-(6- 
inethoxypyridin-3-ylaiBino) -cpiiiiazolln-4-yl] -eoolne 
(IIc-20) : P,repared in a manner similar to the above 

10 described Method A to afford a pink solid, rap 120 ••C; ^H 
NMR (DMSO) 5 0.72 (2H, s) , 0.91 (2H, s) , 1.89 (IH, m) , 
3.85 (3H, s), 6-20 (IH, br s) , 6.82 (IH, d) , 7.25 (IH, 
S) , 7.48 (IH, m), 7.66 (IH, t) , 8.13 (IH, br s) , 8.42 
(IH, br s) , 8.61 (IH, br s) , 9.50 (IH, br s) , 10.48 (IH, 

15 br s>, 12.55 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 3457, 3439, 1622, 
1604, 1577, 1554, 1481, 1422, i386, 1363, 1272, 1235, 
1035, 985, 821; MS 374.2 (M+H)* 

Example 100 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (indan-5- 
20 ylamino)-quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (Ilc-21) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 
a pale bfown solid, mp 199-204''C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 0.69 
(2H, br s) , 0.91 (2H, br s) , 1.90 (IH, m) , 2.02 (2H, m) , 
2.68 (IH, m), 2.83 (3H, m) , 6.46 (IH, brs), 7.18 (IH, 
25 d) , 7.26 (IH, br s) , 7.50 (IH, d) , 7.67 (IH, t) , 7.75 

(IH, br s) , 8.45 (IH, br s) , 9.70 (IH, br s) , 10.60 (IH, 
br s) , 12.30 and 12.80 (IH, 2xbr s) ; IR (solid) 1621, 
1601, 1572, 1552, 1495, 1474, 1439, 1425, 1408, 1382, 
1363, 1319, 1267; MS 383.3 (M+H)* 


Example 101 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (LH-indol- 
6-ylamino) -qulnazolin-4-yl] -amdLne (Ilc-22) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 


a dark brown solid, vap >300<»C; NMR {DMSO) 8 0.69 (2H, 
br s) , 0.89 (2H, br s) , 1.88 (IH, m) , 5.77 and 6.74 (IH, 
2xbr s) , 6.35 (IH, s) , 7.22 (3H, br s) , 7.45 (2H, d) , 
7.65 (IH, s) , 8.35 (2H, br s) , 8.86, 9.70 and 10.01 (IH, 
5 3xbr s) , 10.49, 12.12 land 12.84 (IH, 3xbr s), 10.94 (s, 
IH) ; IR (solid) 1623, 1603, 1571, 1549, 1495, 1477, 1460, 
1419, 1383, 1336, 1264, 1250, 1238; MS 382.4 (M+H)* 

Exanvple 102 [2- (4-Acetainido-3-methylphenylamino) - 
10 quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(IIc-23) : Prepared in a mamner similar to the above 
described Method A to afford an off-white solid, mp 
>188''C (dec); NMR (DMSO) 5 0.72 (2H, br s) , 0.94 (2H, 
br s), 1.92 (IH, m), 2.03 (3H, s) , 2.19 (3H, s) , 5.80 and 
15 6.69 (IH, 2xbr s) , 7.22 (2H, br s) , 7.49 (IH, br s) , 7.70 
(3H, m) , 8.35 (IH, br s) , 9.01, 9.59 and 10.01 (IH, 3xbT 
s) , 9.19 (IH, s) , 10.53, 12.16 and 12.81 (IH, 33d>r s) ; IR 
(solid) 1637, 1624, 1578, 1542, 1502, 1474, 1428, 1403, 
1343, 1320, 1307, 1250; MS 414.4 (M+H) * 


Example 103 [2- {4-C2iloro-3-inethylphenylamino> -quinazolin- 
4-yll - (5-cyclqpropyl-2,ff-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ilc-24) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method A to afford a pale brown solid, mp 244-246«>C; ^H 

25 NMR (DMSO) 5 0.69 (2H, br s) , 0.94 {2H, br s) , 1.91 (IH, 
m), 2.32 (3H, s) , 5.89 and 6.63 (IH, 2xbr s) , 7.28 (2H, 
m), 7.49 (IH, m), 7.65 (IH, m) , 7.80 (IH, br s) , 7.86 
(IH, s) , 8.40 (IH, br s) , 9.17, 9.81 and 10.06 (IH, 3xbr 
s) , 10.58, 12.19 and 12.78 (IH, 3xbr s) ; IR (solid) 1615, 

30 1S78, 1549, 1475, 1419, 1397, 1365, 1331, 1296, 1261, 
1238, 1187, 1139; MS 391.4 (M+H) * 


Example 104 ( 5 -Cyclopropyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl) - [2 - (4 - 
ethylphenylamino) -^inazolin-4-yl] -amine (lIc-25) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method A to afford a pale brown solid, mp 250-251«'C; 
5 NMR (DMSO) 6 0.72 (2H,- br s) , 0.91 (2H, br s) , 1.19 (3H, 
t), 1.91 (IH, m) , 2.58 (2H, q) , 5.81 and 6.64 (IH, 2xbr 
s) , 7.15 (2H, d)/ 7.22 (IH, s) , 7.47 (IH, s) , 7.64 (IH, 
S) , 7.78 (2H, S) , 8.36 (IH, br s) , 9.03, 9.66 and 10.05 
(IH, 3xbr s) , 10.49, 12.20 and 12.80 (IH, 3xbr s) ; IR 
10 (solid) 1603, 1574, 1546, 1509, 1497, 1474, 1439, 1417,. 
1386; MS 371.5 (M+H) * 

Example 105 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (4- 
propylphenyl amino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (IIc-26) : 

15 Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method A to afford an off-white solid, mp 255-2560C; 
NMR (DMSO) 5 0.72 (2H, br s) , 0.91 (5H, t) , 1.60 (2H, m) , 
1.90 (IH, m), 2.58 (2H, q) , 5.81 and 6.63 (IH, 2xbr s) , 
7.12 {2H, d), 7.21 (IH, s) , 7.47 (IH, s) , 7.63 (IH, s) , 

20 7.77 (2H, s) , 8.36 (IH, br s) > 9.01, 9.70 and 10.11 (IH, 
3x br s) , 10.51, 12.17 and 12.80 (IH, 3xbr s) ; IR (solid) 
1595, 1571, 1545, 1499, 1477, 1442, 1413, 1388; MS 385.6 

25 Example 106 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -{2- [4- (2- 
hydroxyethyl ) phenylamino] -quinazolin-4 -yl} -amine 
(llc-27) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method A to afford a pale brown solid, mp 255- 
256»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 0.73 (2H, br s) , 0.91 (5H, t) , 1.90 

30 (IH, m), 2.69 {2H, t) , 3.60 (2H, q) , 4.62 (IH, t) , 5.81 
and 6.65 (IH, 2xbr s) , 7.15 (2H, d) , 7.22 (IH, s) , 7.46 
(IH, s) , 7.63 (IH, s), 7.77 (2H, s) , 8.36 (IH, br s) , 


9.05, 9.69 and 10.02 (IH, 3xbr s) , 10.52, 12.17 and 12.79 
(IH, 3xbr s) ; IR (solid) 1632, 1569, 1546, 1483, 1452, 
1434, 1402, 1371, 1267, 1231; MS 387.4 (M+H)* 

5 Example 107 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2- 

phenetylamln6-quinazolin-4-yl) -amine (IIc-28) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method A to 
afford a white solid, mp >250«»C; NMR (DMSO) 5 0.66 (2H, 
m) , 0.84 (2H, m) , 1.83 <1H, m) , 2.90 (2H, t) , 3.56 (2K-, 
10 ra) , 6.29 (IH, br s) , 7.01 (IH, t) , 7.12-7.38 (6H, m) , 

7.48 (IH, t), 8.42 (IH, s) , 10.91 (IH, br s) , 13.11 (IH, 
br s) ; IR (solid) 2922, 1650, 1627, 1577, 1550, 1500, 
1482, 1395, 1368, 1004, 832; MS 371.3 (M+H)* 

15 Example 108 [2- (2-Cycloliexylethylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - 
(5-cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine {Ilc-29) : Prepared 
in a meuiner similar to the above described Method A to 
afford a white solid, mp >250°C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 8 0.70 (2H, 
s) , 0.80-1.00 (4H, m) , 1.05-1.30 (4H, m) , 1.30-1.50 (3H, 

20 m) , 1.55-1.80 (5H, m), 1.87 (IH, s) , 5.40-6.70 (2H, br 
S) , 7.04 (IH, S) , 7.25 (IH, s) , 7.49 (IH, s) , 8.25 (IH, 
s) , 10.06 (IH, br s) ^ 11.93 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 3448, 
2920, 2852, 1618, 1600, 1568, 1550, 1486, 1418, 1395, 
1367, 1258, 1008, 985; MS 377.4 (M+H)* 


Example 109 t2- (4-Carboacymethoacyphenylamino) -quinazolin- 
4-yll - (5-cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ilc-30) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method A to afford a yellow solid, mp >250«»C; MMR 
30 (DMSO) 0.72 (2H, m) , 0.91 (2H, m) , 1.90 (IH, m) , 4.62 

(2H, S) , 6.24 (IH, s) , 6.88 (2H, s) , 7.21 (IH, m) , 7.45 
(IH, m) , 7.62 (IH, m) , 7.78 (2H, m) , 8.35 (IH, m) , 9.31 
(IH, s) , ip.25 (IH, s), 11.70 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 


1663, 1595, 1563, 1509, 1422, 1331, 1240, 1176, 1053, 
999 ; MS 417-3 (M+H) * 

Example 110 [2- (4-Cyanc»netfa,ylphenylsuBino) -qainazolin-4- 
5 yl] - (5-cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-ylf -amine • (IIc-31) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the ahcfv& described 
Method A to afford a white solid, mp 222«»C; NMR (DMSO) 
6 0.74 (2H, m) , 0.93 (2H, m) , 1.92 (IH, m) , 3.97 {2H, s) , 
5.82 and 6.65 (IH, 2xbr s> , 7.29 (3H, m) , 7.50 (IH, ra) , 
10 7.66 (IH, m) , 7.92 (2H, m) , 8.39 <1H, m) , 9.21 and 9.85 
(IH, 2xbr s) , 9.90 and 10.56 (IH, 2xs), 12.19 and 12.80 
(IH, 2xbr s) ; IR (solid) 1641, 1622, 1595, 1581, 1554, 
1513, 1486, 1463, 1408, 1372, 985, 821; MS 382.3 (M+H)* 

15 Example ill [2- (Benzothiazol-6-ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - 
(5-cyclopropyl-2Jff-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc-32) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method A to 
afford an off-white solid, mp 255-256«>C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 
0.73 (2H, m) , 0.92 (2H, m) , 1.92 (IH, m) , 5.83 and 6.63 

20 (IH, 2xbr s) , 7.27 (IH, br s) , 7.59 (IH, br s) , 7.68 (IH, 
br s), 7.79 (IH, br s) , 7.98 (IH, br s) , 8.41 (IH, br s) , 
8.97 (IH, br s), 9.19 (IH, s) , 9.58 and 10.10 (IH, 23Cbr 
s) , 10.57, 12.21 and 12.85 (IH, 33d5r s) ; IR (solid) 1624, 
1592, 1575, 1512, 1472, 1411, 1377, 1333, 1244; MS 400.3 

25 (M+H)* 

Example 112 (5-Cyclopropyl-2JSr-pyrazoi-3-yl) - [2- (3,4- 
dimetbylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (IIc-33) ; 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
30 Method A to afford a white solid, mp 245-246«»C; ^H NMR 

(DMSO) 5 0.72 (2H, br s) , 0.90 (2H, br s) , 1.90 (IH, m) , 
2.18 (3H, s) , 2.23 (3H, s) , 5.77 and 6.63 (IH, 2xbr s) , 


7.09 (IH, d), 7.23 (IH, br s) , 7.47 (IH, br s) , 7.59 (IH, 
br s) , 7.64 (IH, br s) , 8.36 (IH, br s) , 9.02, 9.55 and 
10.07 (IH, 3xbr s) , 10.49, 12.31 and 12.80 (IH, 3xbr s) ; 
IR (solid) 1620, 1600, 1574, 1552, 1497, 1474, 1436, 
1416, 1385, 1262; MS 371.5 (M+H) * 

Example 113 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (2- 
phenoxyethylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (Ilc-34) i 

Prepared in a manner similar to the above described — 
Method A to afford a white solid, mp 203 °C; NMR (DMSO) 
5 0.70 (2H, m), 0.88 (2H, m) , 1.87 (IH, m) , 3.73 (2H, d) , 
4.16 (2H, s) , 5.75 and 6.70 (IH, 2xbr s) , 6.93 (IH, t) , 
6.90-7.20 (3H, m) , 7.20-7.45 (3H, m) , 7.55 (IH, s) , 7.76 
(IH, br s) , 8.32 (IH, s) , 9.95 and 10.35 (IH, 2xs) , 12.13 
and 12.75 (IH, 2xbr s) ; IR (solid) 3434, 1622, 1600, 
1572, 1554, 1499, 1476, 1422, 1399, 1385, 1303, 1267, 
1226, 1212, 1052, '829; MS 387.4 (M+H) * 

Example 114 (S-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (thiophen- 
2-niethylamino) -quxnazolin-4-yl] -aauine (Ilc-35) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method A to 
afford a white solid, rap 2120C? ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 0.67 (2H, 
m), 0.90 (2H, m), 1.86 (IH, m) , 4.74 (2H, d) , 5.76 and 
6.66 (IH, 2xbrs), 6.95 (IH, s) , 6.90-7.20 (2H, m) , 
7.20-8.45 (5H, m) , 9.94 and 10.40 (IH, 2xs) , 12.13 and 
12.71 (IH, 2xbr s) ; IR (solid) 3444, 2948, 2847, 1622, 
1600, 1559, 1500, 1481, 1418, 1390, 1358, 1336, 1313, 
1263, 1217, 1185, 1149, 990, 821; MS 363.4 (M+H)* 

Example 115 [2- (4-Csucboxymethylphenylajaino) -quinazolin-4- 
yl] - (5-cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (ZIc-36) : 

Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method A to afford a brown solid, mp >210«C (dec); ^H NMR 

V -266- 

(DMSO) 6 0.64 {2H, br s>, 0.92 (2H, m) , 1.92 (IK, m) , 
3.50 (2H, S) , 5.76 and 6.54 (IH, 2xs) , 7.19 (IH, s) , 7.24 
(IH, tn) , 7.49 (IH, d) , 7.64 (IH, t) , 7.84 (2H, d) , 8.37 
(1H> m) , 10.27 and 12.25 (IH, 2xbr s) ; IR (solid) 1648, 
5 1591, 1555, 1512, 1489, 1428, -1411; 1374; MS 401.4 (M+H)* 

Example 116 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (IH- 
indazol-5-ylamino) -cniinazolixi-4-yl] -amine (lIc-37) : 

Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
10 Method A to afford a purple solid, mp 268-271"»C; NMR 
J (DMSO) 5 0.69 (2H, br s) , 0.90 (2H, m) , 1.88 (IH. m) , 

5.86 and 6.58 (IH, 2xs) , 7.22 (IH, s) , 7.61 (IH, s) , 7.71 
(2H, m) , 8.01 (IH, s) , 8.37 (2H, s) , 8.58, 9.05 and 9.58 
(IH, 3xbr s) , 10.01, 10.68 and 12.38 (IH, 3xbr s) , 12.90 
15 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1626, 1605, 1576, 1546, 1512, 1495, 

1476, 1447, 1431, 1416, 1393, 1261, 1224; MS 3 83.3 (M+H)* 

Example 117 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (pyridin-r 
3-ylmethylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (lIc-38) : 

20 Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 

Method A to afford a yellow solid, mp 193 «C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 
5 0.69 (2H, m), 0.89 (2H, m) , 1.86 (IH, m), .4.60 (2H, s) , 
5.76, 6.22 and 6.66 (IH, 3xbr s) > 7.10 (IH, s) , 7.33 
(2H, s), 7.54 (IH, s), 7.78 (IH, s) , 8.31 (IH, s) , 8.44 

25 (IH, s) , 8.61 (IH, s) , 10.00 and 10.32 (IH, 2xs) , 12.15 
and 12.63 (IH, 2xbr s) ; IR (solid) 2927, 2850, 1623, 
1600, 1577, 1536, 1477, 1418, 1332, 1254, 814; MS 358.3 
(M+H) * 

30 Example 118 (5-Cyclopropyl-2flr-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (3- 
methoxycarbonylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine 
(IIc-39) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 


described Method A to afford a white solid, mp 228-2310C; 

NMR (DMSO) 8 0.73 (2H, br s) , 0.91 (2H, m) , 1.92 (IH, 
m) , 3.88 (3H, s) , 5.99 and 6.79 (IH, 2xs) , 7.27 (IH, s) , 
7.46 {3H, m) , 7.68 (IH, s) , 8.36 (IH, d) , 8.48 (2H, s) , 
5 9.36, 9.84 and 10 . 00 (IH, 3xbr S), 10.63, 12.17 and 12 . 79 
(IH, 3xbr s) ; IR (solid) 1716, 1615, 1591, 1579, 1557, 
1473, 1432, 1416, 1379, 1334, 1298, 1276, 1226, 1191, 
1142, 1110, 1020, 985; MS 401.3 (M+H) * 

10 Bxampie 119 [2- (3-Carboxyphenylajnino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - 
(5-cyclopropyl-2Br-pyrazol-3-yl) -aiaine (IIc-40) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method A to. 
afford an- off-white solid, rap 298-302»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 8 
0.73 (2H, br s) , 0. 91 {2H, m) , 1.90 (IH,. m) , 7.26 (IH, 

15 s) , 7.35 (IH, t), 7.50 (2H, d) , 7.66 (IH, t) , 8.31 (2H, 
m) , 8.41 (IH, d>; IR (solid) 1661, 1597, 1578, 1558, 
1517, 1486, 1424, 1385; MS 387.3 (M+H)* 

Example 120 (5-Cyclpprc^pyl-2flr-pyrazol-3-yl) -. [2- (3- 
20 ethylphenylamino) -guinazolin-4-yl] -amine (IZc-41) : 
Prepared in a maimer similar to the above described 
Method A to afford an off-white solid, mp 186-188'»C; ^H 
NMR (DMSO) 8 0.73 (2H, br s) , .0.91 (2H, br s) , 1.22 (3H, 
t) , 1.90 (IH, m) , 2.62 (2H, d) , 5.81 and 6.70 (IH, 2 X br 
25 s) , 6.78 (lH,d), 7.20 (2H, s), 7.48 (IH, s) , 7.65 (IH, 
s) , 7.69 (IH, s) , 7.81 (IH, s) , 8.38 (IH, br s) , 9.03, 
9.74 and 10.03 (IH, 3 x br s) , 10.55, 12.16 and 12.82 
(IH, 3 X br s) ; IR (solid) 1614, 1580, 1549, 1534, 1493, 
1471, 1433, 1409, 1374, 1340, .1240, 1182, 1165, 1138; MS 
30 371.3 (M+H)* 


Bxample 121 {5-Cyclc^ropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (2,3- 
dimethylphenylamino) -quiiiazolin-4-yl] -amine (IIc-42) : 
Prepared in a maimer similar to the above described 
Method A to afford an off-white solid, mp 241-242«»C; 
NMR (DMSO) 5 0.58 (2H, br s), "0.86 (2H, d) , 1.77 (IH, br 
s), 2.11 (3H, br s), 2.28 (3H, s) , 5.77 and 6.14 (IH, 2 x 
br s,), 7.01 (IH, s), 7.11 (IH, t), 7.22 (IH, br s) , 7.29 
(IH, d) , 7.56 (IH, s) , 8.36 (IH, br s) , 8.49, 8.98 and 
9.98 (IH, 3 X br s) , 10.48, 12.04 and 12.68 (IH, 3 x br 
S) ; IR (solid) 1622, 1603, 1573, 1552, 1495, 1471, 1440, 
1428, 1412, 1384, 1268; MS 371.4 (M+H)* 

Example 122 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (3, 4- 
dimethoxyphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yll -amine (IIc-43) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method A to afford a grey solid, mp 144°C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 
0.69 (2H, S), 0.86 (2H, d) , 1.89 (IH, m) , 3.61 (3H, s), 
3.67 (3H, s) , 5.76: (ih, br s) , 6.12 (IH, d) , 6.31 (IH, 
S), 6.66 (IH, d), 6.94 (IH, d) , 7.27 (IH, t) , 7.50 (IH, 
d) , 7.68 (IH, t) , 8.45 and 9.36 (IH, br s, rotamers) , 
9.42 and 10.54 (IH, s, rotamers), 12.29 and 12.82 (IH, br 
s, rotamers); IR (solid) 3331, 3000, 2959, 2931, 2836, 
1627, 1604, 1577, 1536, 1509, 1463, 1441, 1418, 1336, 
1259, 1232, 1200, 1027; MS 403.8 (M+H)* 

Example 123 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 12- (3- 
methoxyphenylamino)-quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (IZc-44) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method A to afford a grey solid, mp 207-2ll»C; *H MMR 
(DMSO) 5 0.73 (2H, br s) , 0.91 (2H, br s) , 1.91 (IH, m) , 
3.77 (3H, s) , 5.81 and 6.71 (IH, 2 X br s) , 6.53 (IH, d) , 
7.19 - 7.85 (7H, m) , 8.34 (IH, s) , 9.08, 9.79 and 10.06 



(IH, 3 X br s), 10.56, 12.16 and 12.82 (IH, 3 x br s) ; IR 
(solid) 1611, 1580, 1549, 1533, 1498, 1477, 1430, 1409, 
1374, 1337, 1253, 1204, 1180, 1157, 1141, 1041, 1030, 
992; MS 373.7 (M+H)* 

Example 124 {5-Met±iyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2-pheii,ylainino- 
5,6,7, 8-tetraliydroquinazol±nin-4-yl) -amine (IIc-45) : 

Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method C. 

Example 125 [2- (Biphenyl-3-ylainino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazbl-3-yl) -amine (IIc-46) : Prepared in 
a manner similar to the above described Method A to 
afford a pale brovm solid, mp ISSOC; NMR (DMSO) 5 0.73 

IS (2H, s), 0.90 {2H, d) , 1.89 (IH, m) , 5.83 and 6.70 (IH, 
br s, rotamers) , 7.25 (2H, d) , 7.32 (2H, m) , 7.50 (3H, 
t), 7.68 (3H, m), 8.00 (IH, d) , 8.22 (IH, br s) , 8.40 
(IH, br s) , 9.20 and 9.89 (IH, br s, rotamers), 10.06 and 
10.46 (IH, s, rotamers), 12.17 and 12.84 (IH, br s, 

20 rotamers); IR (solid) 3333, 1627, 1609, 1581, 1540, 1504, 
1472, 1449, 1426, 1335, 1248, 1216, 1102, 988, 819; MS 
419.3 (M+H)* 

Example 126 (5-Cyclopr<^yl-2£r-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (3- 
25 pbenylpr^-l-ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (llc-47) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the 5±>ove described 
Method A to afford a white solid, rap 189»C.; ^H NMR (DMSO) 
5 0.71 (2H, s), 0.91 (2H, s), 1.89 (3H, s) , 2.69 (2H, s) , 
3.37 (2H, s) , 5.76 and 6.66 (IH, br s, rotamers), 6.95- 
30 7.60 (8H, m) , 8.10-8.40 (IH, m) , 9.89 and 10.30 (IH, br 
s, rotamers) , 12.10 and 12.75 (IH, br s, rotamers); IR 
(solid) 1622, 1595, 1572, 1545, 1499, 1481, 1417, 1390, 
1367, 1048, 997, 829; MS 385.4 (M+H)* 




Example 127 [2 - (4 -acetamido-3 -methylphenylamino) - 
qulnazolin-4 -yl] - (5-iiiethyl-2flr-pyrazol-3 -yl) -amine 
(IXc-48) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
5 described Method- A to-af ford a pale brovm solid, vap 
■ 2S1«C; NMR (DMSO) 5 2.04 (3H, s) , 2.19 {3H, s) , 2.56 
(3H, s) , 5.92 and 6-80 (IH, br s, rotamers) , 7.22 (2H, 
S), 7.48 (IH, S), 7.64 (IH, s) , 7.73 (2H, s) , 8.40 (IH, 
s) , 9.05 and 9.74 (IH, br s, rotamers), 9.20 (IH, s) , 
10 10.05 and 10.54 (IH, br s, rotamers), 12.15 and 12.82 

(IH, br s, rotamers); IR (solid) 3309, 2972, 2936, 1641, 
1604, 1577, 1536, 1504, 1468, 1423, 1409, 1377, 1341, 
1304, 1259, 1223, 1100, 1009, 864; MS 388.2 (M+H) * 

15 Example 128 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (indan-2- 
ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (IIc-49) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 
a brown solid, mp 233-234°C; NMR (DMSO) S 0.65 (2H, s) , 
0.84 (2H, s) , 1.83 (IH, s) , 2.91 (2H, m) , 3.33 (2H, s) , 

20 4.72 (IH, s) , 6.07 (IH, br s) , 7.00-7.60 (8H, m) , 8.29 
(IH, s), 10.30 (IH, br s), 12.24 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 
3425, 2941, 2836, 1622^/ 1595, 1572, 1540, 1495, 1476, 
1426, 1394, 1248, 1025, 1007, 870, 833; MS 383.3 (M+H)* 

25 Example 129 [2- O-Methylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine < lie- 50 ): Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 
an off-white solid, mp 240-242<»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) S 2.25 
(3H, S) , 2.30 (3H, s) , 5.95 (IH, br s) , 6.76 (lH, d), 

30 7.10-7.35 (2H, m) , 7.48 (IH, s) , 7.55-7.85 (3H, m) , 8.40 
(IH, s) , 9.05 and 9.74 (IH, br s, rotamers) , 10.07 and 
10.55 (IH, br s, rotamers), 12.14 and 12.81 (IH, br s. 


rotamers); IR (solid) 3443, 2914, 2859, 1622, 1586, 1549, 
1536, 1461, 1445, 1408, 1372, 1330,. 1267, 1239, 1184, 
1166, 113&, 993, 838, 806; MS 331,3 (M+H)* 

5 Example 130 [2- (2-Chloro-5-methylplienylamino) -quinazolin- 
4-yll - (5-methyl-2Ji-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc-51) : Prepared 
in a maimer similar to the above described Method A to 
afford a grey solid, 246-247<»C; NMR (DMSO) 5 2.19 
(3H, s) , 2.31 (3H, s) , 6.37 (IH, br s) , 6.94 (IH, d) , 
10 7.23 (IH, s), 7.37 (IH, d) , 7.43 (IH, d) , 7.64 (IH, t) , 
7.97 (IH, s), 8.19 (IH, s) , 8.42 (IH, br s) , 10.17 (IH, 
br s>, 12.19^ (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 3409, 2918, 2850, 
1627, 1591, 1573, 1545, 1513, 1486, 1463, 1418, 1386, 
1332, 1291, 1259, 1182, 1000, 827; MS 365.2 (M+H) * 


Example 131 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyra201-3-yl) -{2- [4- 
(mprpholin-l-yl)phenylaminol -quinazplin-4-yl}-ainine 
(ZZc-52) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method A to afford a grey solid, mp 275-276°C; 

20 ^H NMR (DMSO) ,5 0.71, (2H, s) , 0.90 (2H, s) , 1.89 (IH, s) , 
3.05 (4H, S), 3.75 (4H, s) , 5.78 and 6.61 (IH, br s, 
rotamers) , 6.93 (2H, s) , 7-20 (IH, s) , 7.43 (IH, s) , 
7.50-7.90 (3H, m) , 8.39 (IH, s) , 8.95 and 9.58 (IH, br s; 
rotamers), 10.07 and 10.47 (IH, br s, rotamers), 12.16 

25 and 12.81 (IH, br s, rotamers); IR (solid) 3245, 2990, 
2972, 2959, 2936, 2918, 1618, 1577, 1559, 1509, 1477, 
1445, 1413, 1382, 1264, 1223, 1150, 1109, 1050, 923, 882, 
823; MS 428.3 (M+H)* 

30 Example 132 [2- (Benzothiazol-6-ylainino) -qainazolin-4-yll - 
(5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ilc-53) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 
an off-white solid, mp 236-239'>C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 2.25 


(3H, s), 6.35 (IH, br s) , 7.22 (IH, t) , 7.53 (IH, d) , 
7.62 (IH, t), 7.76 (IH, d) , 7.98 (IH, d) , 8.39 (IH, d) , 
9.05 (IH, s) , 9.17 (IH, s) , 9.59 (IH, br s) , 10.30 (IH, 
br S), 12.35 (IH, br s) IR (solid) 1622, 1605, 1567, 
5 1546, 1505, 1473,-1441, 1417> 1385, 1341, 1297, 1273, 
1253, 1192, 1130; MS 374.1 (M+H)* 

Example 133 [2 - ( 3 , 4 -Dimetliylphenylaialno) -quinazolin- 4 -■ 
yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -aanine (IIc-54) : Prepared 

10 in a manner similar to the above described Method A to 
afford an off-white solid, rap 249-2510C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 
2.18 (3H, br s) , 2.21 (3H, br s) , 2.24 (3H, br s) , 5-92 
and 6.80 (IH, 2 x br s) , 7.05 (IH, br s) , 7.21 (IH, br 
s) , 7.46 (IH, br s) , 7.64 (3H, br s) , 8.37 (iH, br s) , 

15 9.00, 9.51 and 9.73 (IH, 3 x br s) , 10.12, 10.54 and 

12.17 (IH, 3 X br s) ; IR (solid) 1616, 1582, 1547, 1505, 
1473, 1452, 1413, 1368, 1334, 1294, 1246, 1210, 1188, 
1170, 1139; MS 345.3 (M+H) * 

20 Example 134 [2- O-Ethylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
methyl-2H-pyxazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc-55) : Prepared in a 
maimer similar to the above described Method A to afford 
an off-white solid, mp 238-239«»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 1.21 
(3H, t), 2.25 (3H, br s) , 2.61 (2H, q) , 5.92 and 6.80 

25 (IH, 2 X br S), 6.78 (IH, d) , 7.21 (2H, br s) , 7.48 (IH, 
br s), 7.65 (IK, S), 7.72 (IK, s) , 7.80 (IH, s) , 8.40 
(IH, br s) , 9.09, 9.58 and 10.10 (IH, 3 x br s) , 10.54, 
12.26 and 12.81 (IH, 3 X br s) ; IR (solid) 1619, 1556, 
1535, 1471, 1441, 1407, 1377, 1341, 1274, 1246, 1185, 

30 1167, 1139, 995; MS 345.5 (M+H)* 

Example 135 [2 - (3 -Methoxyphenylamino) -quinazolin-4 -yll - 
(5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ilc-56) : Prepared in a 



marmer similar to the above described Method A to afford 

an off-white solid, mp 212-215»C; NMR (DMSO) 8 2.25 
(3H, br s) , 3.77 (3H, s) , 5.92 and 6.84 (IH, 2 x br s) , 

6.55 (IH, d) , 7.13 {2H, .m), 7.41-7.50 (2H, m) , 7.65 (IH, 
5 s), 7.77 (IH, s), 8.41 (IH, br s) , 9.10, 9.79 and 10.10 
(IH, 3 X br s), 10.55, 12.13 and 12.82 (IH, 3 x br s) ; IR 
(solid) 1610, 1576, 1532, 1494, 1468, 1425, 1337, 1277, 

1256, 1201, 1159; MS 347.4 (M+H) * 

IQ Example 136 [2- {4-Acetaiiiido<-3-cyanophenylaiBino) - 
«Iuinazoliii-4-yl] - (5-iaethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(11c- 57) ; Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method A to afford an off-white solid, mp 294- 
2960C; =^H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.08 (3H, s) , 2.28 (3H, s) , 6.67 

15 (IH, br s) , 7.27 (IK, s) , 7.43 (IH, d) , 7.53 (IH, s) , 

7.68 (1H,.S), 8.04 (IH, d) , 8.45 (2H, s) , 9.41, 10.35 and 
12.18 (2H, 3 xbr s>, lO.OO (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1620, 
1583, 155a, 1237, 1508, 1477, 1446, 1413, 1373, 1341, 
1292, 125&, 1241, 1180, 1162, 1142, 1105, 1030, 1000; MS 

20 399.2 (M+H)* 

Example 137 [2 - ( 2 -Methoxybiphenyl - 5 -ylamino) -quinazolin- 
4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (llc-58) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method A to 

25 afford a white solid, 222-223 'C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 2.22 (3H, 
S), 3.75 (3H, s), 6.82 (IH, br s) , 7.05-7.11 (IH, m) , 
7.15-7.25 (IH, m), 7.30-7.36 (IH, m) , 7.40-7.50 (3H, m) , 
7.49-7.55 (2H, m) , 7.55-7.70 (IH, m) , 7.70-7.82 (IH, m) , 
7.90-8.02 (IH, m), 8.30-8.50 (IH, m) ; IR (solid) 1625, 

3-0 1604, 1574, 1556, 1496, 1473, 1444, 1403, 13 84, 1258, 
1234., 1182, 1018 , 824 , 806 , 755, 698; MS 423.4 (M+H)* 


Example 138 [2 - (4 -Acefcamidophenylamino) -quinazoliii-4 -yl] - 
(5-met:liyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ilc-59) : Prepared in a 
maimer similar to the above described Method A to afford 
an off-white solid, mp 253-256»C; ^ NMR (DMSO) 5 2 . 02 
5 (3H, s.) , 2.25 {3H, br s) , 5.92 and 6.77 (IH, 2 x br s) , 
7.21 (IH, s), 7.49 {3K, s) , 7.63 (IH, s) , 7.83 (2H, d) , 
8.38 (IH, br s) , 9.03 and 10.05 (IH, 2 x br s) , 9-81 (IH, 
s) , 12.13 and 12.80 (IH, 2 x br s) ; IR (solid) 1669, 
1635, 1617, 1574, 1535, 1512, 1486, 1422, 1394, 1366, 
10 1:J16, 1268, 1231, 1184, 1119, 1101; MS 374.1 (M+H)* 

Example 139 [2 - (4 r tert-Butoxycsurbonylamino-phenylamino) - 
<Iuinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(IIe-60): Prepared in a manner similar to the above 

15 described Method A to afford an off-white solid, mp 238- 
242"»C; NMR (DMSO) 5 1.48 (9H, s) , 2.24 (3H, s) , 6.23 
(IH, brs), 7.1.2 (IH, s) , 7.36 (3H, s) , 7.54 (IH, s) , 
7.67 (2H, d) , 8.30 (IH, d) , 9.14 (2H, br s) , 10.24 and 
12.19 (IH, 2 X br s>; IR (solid) 1698, 1620, 1555, 1520, 

20 1475, 1443, 1405, 1371, 1310, 1241, il67, 1055, 996; MS 
432.1 (M+H)* 

■■■-J ■ . 

Example 140 [2- (4-Cyeui<^henylajiiino) -qiiinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
iaethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-amine (llc-61) : Prepared in a 

25 manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 
an off-white solid, mp 293-298«C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 2.25 
(3H, s) , 6.50 (IH, br s) , 7.27 (IH, s) , 7.51 (IH/ s) , 
7.64 (IH, s) , 7.71 (2H, d) , 8.40 (IH, s) , 9.76 (IH, br 
s) , 10.34 (IH, br s) , 12.33 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 1633, 

30 1605, 1571, 1517, 1505, 1469, 1418, 1337, 1255, 1174, 
1000; MS 342.1 (M+H) * 



Example 141 (5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - C2- (6-0x0-6, 10b- 
dihydro-4aH-benzo [c] chrQiaen-2-ylaialno) -quixiazolin-4-ylj[ - 
amine (lIc-62) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method A to afford a pale yellow solid, mp 293- 
& 298<»C; ^ NMR (DMSO) 5 1.72 (3H, br s) , 6.23 (IH, br s) , 
7.5a (IH, t) , 7.66 (2H, t) , 7.75 (IH, t) , 7.87 (IH, t) , 
7.77 (IH, t) , 8.26 (IH, d> , 8.33 (IH, d) , 8.58-8.72 (2H, 
m), 10.55 (IH, s), 11.55 (IH, s), 12.40 (IH, s) ; IR 
(solid) 1707, 1629, 1607, 1579, 1540, 1497, 1488, 1471, 
10 1446, 1428, 1417, 1346, 1332, 1298, 1270, 1255, 1207, 

1114, 998, 816, 793, 766, 758, 710, 685; MS 435.4 (M+H) * 

Example 142 [2- (Biphenyl-3-ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 

methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc-63) : Prepared in a 
15 manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 

a pale brown solid, rap 206-207"»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.20 
(3H,S), 6.80 (IH, br s) , 7.24-7.27 (2H, m) , 7.36-7.40 
(2H, m) , 7.48-7.52 (3H, m) , 7.67-7.69 (3H, m) , 7.94 (IH, 

m) , 8.26 (IH, m) , 8.42 (IH, m) , 9.30 (IH, br s) , 10.16 
20 (IH, br s), 12.13 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 1593, 1578,. 

1544, 1498, 1479, 1414, 1384, 1251, 1209, 1003; MS 393.2 

Example 143 [2 - ( 4 -Methoxycarbonylme thyl - 3 - 
25 methylphenylamino) -qniinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2fl-pyrazol- 
3_yl)-amine (lIc-64) : Prepared in a manner similar to the. 
above described Method A to afford a white solid, mp 245- 
246°C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.23 (3H, s) , 2.26 (3H, s) , 3.63 
(3H, s) , 3.64 (2H, s) , 5.99 (0.5H, br s) , 6.80 (0.5 H, br 
30 s) , 7.10 (IH, m) , 7.25 (IH, m) , 7.50 (IH, m) , 7.61-7.80 
(3H, m) , 8.44 (IH, m) , 9.10 (0.5H, br s) , 9.78 (0.5H, br 
S) , 10.11 (0.5H, br s), 10.56 (0-5H, br s) , 12.18 (0.5H, 



br s), 12.90 (0.5H, br s) ; IR (solid) 1732, 1710, 1622, 

1581, 1554, 1538, 1508, 1490, 1446, 1411, 1371, 1336, 

1306, 1257, 1244, 1204, 1146, 1016, 998, 797, 754, 692; 

MS 403.4 (M+H)* 


Example 144 [2- (4-Carboxymethyl-3-methylplienylamino) - 

qttinazolin-4-yl] - (5-iaethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(IIc-65) : A solution of [2- (4-methoxycarbonylmethyl-3- 
methylphenylami^o) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5 -methyl -2H-pyrazol- 

10 3-yl) -amine (IIc-64, 200 mg, 0.5 mmol) in a mixture of 
methanol /water (3/1, 8 mL) was treated with IM NaOH (2 
mL, 2 mmol) . The mixture was heated at 70 »C. for 2 hours 
and then neutralised with IM HCl {2ml., 2 mmol) . The 
solid that formed was collected by filtration to afford 

15 the title compound (185 mg, 95%) as a pale yellow solid, 

mp 245'»C (dec); NMR (DMSO) 5 2.27 (6H, 2xs) , 3.55 (2H, 
S), 6.49 (IH, S), 7.13 (IH, d) , 7.26 (IH, t) , 7.50 (IH, 
d), 7.62-7.78 (3H, m) , 8.42 (IH, d) , 9.34 (lH,d), 10.26 
(IH, S), 12.-36 (IH, s); IR (solid) 1660, 1E90, 1562, 

20 1504, 1427, 1385, 810, 776, 751, 693; MS 389.4 (M+H) * 

Example 145 [2- (4-Amlnoplienylamino) -cnainazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
lnethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc-66) : A solution of [2- 
(4 - tert -Butoxycarbonylamino-phenylamino) - quinazolin- 4 - 

25 yi]-(5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc-60, 100 mg, 
0.232 mmol) in a mixture of DCM/TFA (5/1, 12 mL) was 
stirred for 2 hours at room temperature. The solvents 
were removed in vacuo and the residue triturated in 
aqueous K2CO3. The resulting solid was collected by 

30 filtration and washed with diethyl ether to afford lie- 66 
(69 mg, 90%) as an off-white solid, mp 164-167-C; ^H NMR 
(DMSO) 5 2.24 (3H, s) , 6.33 (IH, br s), 7.12 (2H, d) , 
7.48 (3H, m), 7.58 (IH, d) , 7.86 (IH, t) , .8.64 (IH, d) , 


10.86 (IH, br s) , 11.46 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1681, 1512, 
1496, 1433, 1415, 1187, 1129; MS 332.4 (M+H) "*■ 

Example 146 [2- (4-Broiiiophenylainino) -quinazolixi-4-yl] - (5- 
5 inethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -aiBiae -(Ilc-67) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 
an off-white solid, mp 290-293OC; NMR (DMSO) 5 2.27 
(3H, s) , 6.71 (IH, br s) , 7.22 (IH, m) , 7.46-7.50 (3H, 
m) , 7.66 (IH, m) , 7.92-7.94 (2H, m) , 8.38 (IH, m) , 9.28, 
10 ■ 10.11 and 12.13 (3H, 3 X br s) ; IR (solid) 1619, 1572, 
1548, 1486, 1436, .1409, 1372, 1238, 1186, 1136, 1071, 
997; MS 395.1/397.1 (M+H)* 

Example 147 [2- (4-Isobutyrylainino-phenylamino) - 
15 quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc- 
68) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method A to afford a yellow solid, mp 176-179°C; NMR 
(DMSO) 5 1.11 (6H, d>, 2.15 {3H, s) , 2.62 (IH, m) , 6.25 
(IH, br s), 7.41 (IH, d), 7.46 (IH, t) , 7.63 (IH, d) , 
20 7.71 (2H, d) , 7.84 (IH, t) , 8.64 (IH, d) , 10.00 (IH, s) , 
10.34 (IH, br s), 11.47 (IH, br s) , 12.47 (IH, br s) ; IR 
(solid) 1676, 1653, 1585, 1561, 1512, 1423, 1407, 1312, 
1199, 1177, 1128; MS 402.3 (M+H)* 

25 Example 148 (5-Bthyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (5-ethyl-2H- 

pyrazol-3-ylamino) -guinazolin-4-yli -amine <IXc-69) : To a 
solution of 2,4-dichloroquinazoline (O.Sg, 2.51mmol) and 
3-amino-5-ethylpyrazole (558 mg, 5.02 mmol) in ethanol 
(lOmli) was added triethylamine (0.35mL, 2.51mmol) and the 

30 resulting mixture was stirred for 3 hours at room 

temperature. The resulting pale yellow precipitate was 
collected by filtration, washed with cold ethanol and 
dried under vacuum to afford Ilc-69 (306 mg, 35%) as an 


aff-wlHtte solid, mp 248-252'»C; NMR (DMSO) 5 1.30 (m, 
6H), 2.72 (m, 4H) , 6.12 (br.s, IH) , 6.54 and 6.90 (br. s, 
IH), 7.58 (t, IH), 7.74 (d, IH) , 7.90 (t, IH) , 8.78 (d, 
IH) ; IR (solid) 1639, 1602, 1591, 1555, 1418; MS 349.2 
5 (M+H)* 

Example 149 (lH-Indazol-3-yl) - (2-phenylamillo-quinazolin- 
4-yl) -amine {IIc-70) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method A to afford a white solid; NMR 
10 (DMSO) 5 6.90 (m, 3H) , 7.11 (t, IH) , 7.19 (m, 2H) , 7.44 
(t, IH) , 7.57 (m,. IH), 7.62 (d, IH) , 7.67 (d, 2H) , 7.71 
(d, IH), 7.93 (t, IH), 8.59 (d, IH) , 11.55 (br. s, IH) , 
13.15 (s, IH) ; MS 353.2 (M+H) * 

15 Example 150 (lH-Indazol-3-yl) - [2- (3- -quinazolin-4-yll -amine 
(llc-71) : Prepared in a manner similar to the eJDOve 
described Method A to afford a pale yellow solid. ^H NMR 
(DMSO) 6 7.00- (t, IH), 7.02 (d, IH) , 7.22 (d, IH) , 7.37 

20 (td, IH), 7.56 (m, 3H) , 7.61 (d, IH) , 7.66 (d, 2H) , 7.92 
(t, IH) , 8.60 (d, IH) , 10.61 (br. s, IH) , 11.42 (br. s, 
IH) , 13.12 (s, IH); MS 421.2 (M+H)* 

Example 151 (lH-Indazol-3-yl) - [2- (4- 
25 trifluoromethylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine 
(lie -72) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method A to afford a pale yellow solid. ^H NMR 
(DMSO) 5 7.08 (t, IH) , 7.16 (d, 2H) , 7.44 (m, 3H) , 7.58 
(t, IH) , 7.6 (t, 2H), 7.69 (d, IH) , 7.95 (t, lH), 8.62 
30 (d, IH), 10.82 (br. s, IH), 11.50 (br. s, IH) , 12.20 (s, 
IH) ; MS 421.2 (M+H)* 



Bxample 152 [2- (Adaiiiantdn-2-ylaiiiino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - 
(lH-iiidazol-3-yl) -amine (ilc-73) : Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method A to afford a white 
solid. NMR (DMSO) 5 0 . 83 (br. s, IH) , 0.85 (br. S, IH) , 
1.44 (m, 4H) , 1.55 (m, ' 3H) , 1.63 (s, 2H) > 1.73 (s, IH) , 

I. 82 (s, IH) , 1.84 (s, IH) , 3.56 (m, IH) , 7.10 (t, IH) , 
7.41 (t, IH), 7.51 (t, IH), 7.54 (d, IH) , 7.57 (d, IH) , 
7.69 (d, IH) , 7.a0 (t, IH), 8.45 (d, IH) , 8.58 (d, IH) , 

II. 60 (S, IH), 13.10 (S, IH) ; MS 411.3 (M+H)* 

Example 153 (lH-Indazol-3-yl) - (2-meth.yl-phenyl-alnino- 
quiIlazolin-4-yl) -amine (llc-74) : Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method A to afford a white 
solid; NMR (DMSO) 6 3.27 (s, IH) , 6.88 (t, IH) , 6.93 
15 (t, 2H), 7.04 (t, IH), 7.14 (d, 2H) , 7.22 (t, IH) , 7.36 
(m, 2H), 7.48 (d, IH) , 7.54 (d, IH), 7.62 (t, IH) , 8.37 
(d, IH), 10.11 (s, IH), 12.71 (S, IH) ; MS 367.2 (M+H)* 

Example 154 [2- (2-Chloro-phenyl) -amino-quinazolin-4-yl] - 
20 (lH-indazol-3-yl) -amine (Ilc-75) : Prepared in a manner 

similar to the aiaove described Method A to afford a white 
solid. ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 6.81 (t, IH) , 6.87 (td, IH) , 7.07 
(t, IH), 7.34 (dd, IH), 7.35 (t, IH) , 7.40 (t, IH) , 7.53 
(d, IH), 7.56 (d, IH), 7.63 (d, 2H) , 7.72 (t, IH) , 8.07 
25 (d, IH) , 8.46 (d, IH) , 10.37 (s, IH) , 12.89 (s, IH) ; MS 
387.1 (M+H)* 

Example 155 (lJff-lndazol-3-yl) - C2- (2- 

trif luoromethylphenylamino) -qiiinazolin-4-ylI -amine (IIc- 
30 76) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method A to afford a white solid; ^H NMR (DMSO) 8 7.01 (t, 
IH), 7.20 (m, IH), T.32^ (m, IH) , 7.36 (t, IH) , 7.43 (d. 


1H>, 7.49 (d, 1H>, 7.55 (d, IH) , 7.61 (t, IH) , 7.64 (d, 
IH), 7.69 (d, IH), 7.95 (t, 2H) , 8.62 (d, IH) , 10.15 (m, 
IH), 11.62- (S, IH), 13.03 (S, IH); MS 421.2 (M+H)* 

5 Example 156 [2- (4-Cyauaojaethylpbenylamino) -quinazolin-4- 
yl] - (lH-indazol-3-yl) -amine {lIc-77) 8 Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method A to afford 
a white solid; NMR (DMSO) 5 13.16 (s, IH) , 11.49 (br. 
s, IH), 10.38 (br. s, IH)-, 8.58 (d, IH) , 7.92 (t, IH) , 
10 7.67 (t, 2H) , 7.61 (d, IH) , 7-56 (m, IH) , 7.44 (t, IH) , 
7,22 (m, 2H), 7 . 0« (t, IH) , 6.86 (m, 2H) , 3.87 (s, 2H) ; 
MS 392.2 (M+H)*. 

Example 157 [2- (4 -Chlorophenylamino) -5,6,7,8- 
15 tetrahydroqruinazolinin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3 -yl) - 
amine (lIc-78) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method C; MS 355.5 (M+H)* 

Example 158 (5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3 -yl) - (2 
20 6,7,8,9-tetrsdjydro-5H-cycloheptapyrimidin-4-yl) -amine 
(lIc-79) » Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
1) described Method C; MS 335.3 (M+H)* 

Example 159 [2- (Benzimidazol-2-ylamino) -7-benzyl-5,6,7,8- 
25 tetrahydro-pyrido [3 , 4-d] pyrimidin-4 -yl] - (5 -methyl-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc-80) : Prepared in a meuiner 
similar to the above described Method C; MS 452.0 (M+H)* 

Example 160 (7-Benzyl-2-phenylamino-5,6,7, 8-tetrahydro- 
3a pyrido [3,4-d]pyrimidin-4-yl) - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 
amine (lie- 81) s Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method C; MS 412.1 (M+H)* 




Example 161 [6 -Benzyl - 2 - ( 4 -chlorophenylamino) -5,6,7,8- 
tetrahydro-pyrido[4,3-d] pyriiiiidin-4-yl] - ( 5 -methyl - 2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIc-82) s Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method C; MS 446.3 (M+H>* 

Example 162 [2- ( -6-benzyl-S, 6,7, 8- 
tetrah.ydro-pyrido C4,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl] - ( 5 -methyl - 2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (XIc-83) s Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method C; MS 452.2 (M+H)* 

Example 163 ( 6 - Benzyl - 2 -phenylamino- 5,6,7,8 - te trahydro - 
pyrido [4,3-dJpyrimidin-4-yl) - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 
amine (llc-84) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method C; MS 411.9 (M+H)* . 

Example 164 (5-Methyl-2JH"-pyrazol-3-yl) - ( 2 -phenylamino - 
5, 6,7, 8- te trahydro -pyrido [3 , 4-d] pyrimidin-4-yl) -amine 
(IIc-85) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described^ Method C; MS 322.3 (M+H)* 

Example 165 [2 - (4 -Cyanomethylphenylamino) - quinazolin- 4 - 
yl] - (IH-pyrazolo [3,4 -b]pyridin-3-yl) -amine (IIc-86) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method A to^ afford an off-white solid; NMR (DMSO) 6 
13.65 (s, IH), 12.82 (br. s, IH) , 11.69 (br. s, IH) , 8.55 
(dd, 2H), 8.12 (d, IH), 7.88 (m, IH) , 7.66 (m, IH) , 7.50 
(m, IH), 7.30 (m, 2H), 7.09 (m, IH) , 6.94 (m, 2H), 3.89 
(s, 2H>; MS 393.1 (M+H)*. 

3 0 Example 166 [2^(4 -Cyanob^zylamlno) - quinazolin- 4 -yl] - ( IH- 
pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridin-3-yl)-amine (IIc-87) : Prepared in 
a manner similar to the above described Method A to 
afford an off-white solid; ^ NMR (DMSO) 8 13.68 (s, IH) , 




12.82 (br. s, 1H)> 11.70 (br. S, IS), 8.55 (m, 3H) , 8.00 
(d, IH), 7.92 (t, IH), 7.59 (m, 4H) , 6.96 (m, 2H) , 6.86 
(m, IH) , 4.23 (s, 2H) ; MS 393.1 (M+H)*. 

5 Example 167 [2- (4-Gyaaoimethylphenylamixio) -qu±nazolin-4- 
yl] - (4-f luoro-lfl-indazol-3-yl) -aiaine (IIc-88) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method A to 
afford a white solid; NMR (DMSO) 5 13.49 (s, IH) , 11.61 
(br. s, IH) , 10.64 (br. s, IH) , 8.56 (d, IH) , 7.95 (t, 
10 IH), 7.67 (d, IH), 7.58 (t, IH) , 7.46 (t, IH) , 7,43 (dd, 
IH), 7.14 (m, 2H), 6.85 (dd, 3H) , 3.88 (s, 2H) ; MS 410.1 

Example 168 [2- (4-Cyanophenylamino) -qiiinazolin-4-yl] - (IH- 
indazol-3-yl) -amine (lIc-89) : Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method A to afford a white 
solid; =^H NMR (DMSO) 5 13.14 (s, IH) , 11.31 (br. s, IH) , 
10.51 (br. s, IH), 8.59 (d, IH) , 7.91 (t, IH) , 7.65 (d, 
3H), 7.56 (t, IH), 7.50 (m, 2H) , 7.45 (dd, IH) , 7.26 (d, 
2H), 7.08 (t, IH); MS 378.2 (M+H)*. 

Example 169 [2- (4-Cyan6benzylaniino) -ctuinazolln-4-yl] - (IH- 
indazol-3-yl) -amine (lie- 90) : Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method A to afford a white 
solid; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 13.12 (s, IH) , 12.91 (br. s, IH) , 
11.60 (br. s, IH), 8.57 (d, IH) , 7.91 (t, IH) , 7.63 (d, 
IH), 7.55 (m,5H), 7.38 (t, IH) , 6.89 (t, IH) , 6.84 (br. 
d, 2H), 4.19 (S, 2H) ; MS 392.2 (M+H)*. 

30 Example 170 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - t2- 

(naphthalen-2-yloxy) -quina2olin-4-yll -amine (IIb-1) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 





Method B to afford a white solid, mp 327-328«>C; NMR 
(DMSa) 8 -0.05-0.07 (2H, m) , 0.50-0.68 {2H, m) , 1.28-1.40 
(IH, m) , 5.68 (1H,S) , 7.40-7.50 (2H, m) , 7,50-7.64 (3H, 
m) , 7.70-7.80 {2H, m) , 7.82-8.08 (3H, m) , 8.64 (lH,d) , 
5 10.58 (IH, s) , 12.07 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1621, 1595, 
1575, 1554, 1508, 1480, 1410, 1385, 1320, 1254, 1240, 
1212, 1166, 830, 81&, 758; MS 394.4 (M+H)* 

Example 171 (5-Metliyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - t2- (naphthalen-2- 
10 yloxy) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (IIb-2) : Prepared in a 

manner similar to the above described Method B to afford 
a. pale brown solid, mp >300<'C; NMR (DMSO) 5 1.62 (3H, 
s) , 5.65 (IH, s) , 7.96 (2H, br s) , 7.55 {3H, d) , 7.76 
(2H, m) , 7.92 (IH, d) , 8.00 (2H, m) , 8.58 (IH, d) , 10.56 
15 (IH, S) , 11. 9& (IH, S) ; IR (solid) 1625, 1601, 1571, 
1556, 1479, 1377, 1315, 1250, 1236, 1210, 1159; MS 
368.7 (M+H)* 

Example 172 (5-Methylr2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2-phenoxy- 
20 quinazolin-4-yl) -aioaine (IIb-3) : Prepared in a manner 

similar to the above described Method B to afford a tan 
solid, rap 287-2S0«»C; NMR (DMSO) 6 2.10 (3H, s) , 5.92 
(IH, s) , 7.23 (2H, d), 7.29 (IH, t) , 7.38 (IH, t) , 7.46- 
7.53 (3H, m) , 7.85 (IH, t) , 8.58 (IH, d) , 10.55 (IH, s) , 
25 12.11 (IH, S); IR (solid) 1622, 1602, 1572, 1556, 1542, 
1477, 1454, 1402, 1373, 1316, 1249, 1200, 1172, 1158; MS 
318.3 (M+H)* 

Example 173 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (5,6,7,8- 
30 tetrediydronaphthalen-2-yloxy) -quiaazolln-4-yl] -amine 
(Ilb-4) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method B to afford a solid, rap 277-279«»C; ^H NMR 


(DMSO) 8 0.40-0.50 (2H, m) , 0.89-0.96 (2H, m) , 1.71-1.87 
(5H, m) , 2.70-2.83 (4H, m) , 5.88 (IH, s) , 6.88-6.96 (2H, 
m) , T.12 (IH, d) , 7.39 (lH,t), 7.58 (IH. d) , 7.76 (IH, 
t) , 8.58 (IH, d), 10.54 (IH, s) , 12.20 (IH, s) ; IR 
5 (solid) 1731, 1641, 1614, 1570, 1506, 1495, 1464, 1424, 

1362, 1340, 1240, 880, 831, 812, 776, 758; MS 398.4 (M+H)* 

Example 174 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 12- (3- 
iaethylphenoxy) -quinazolin-4-yll -amine (IIb-5) Prepared 

10 in a manner similar to the above described Method B to 
afford an off-white solid, mp 283-284«C; NMR (DMSO) 8 
0.49-0.53 (2H, m) , 0.89-0.96 (2H, m) , 1.72-1.81 (IH, m) , 
2.40 (3H, S) , 5.82 (IH, s) , 7.03 (IH, d), 7.08 (IH, s) , 
7.15 (IH, d>, 7.35-7.46 (2H, m) , 7.58 (IH, d) , 7.78 (IH, 

15 t) , 8.62- (IH, d) , 10.58 (IH, s) , 12.25 (IH, s) ; IR 

(solid) 1622, 1604, 1576, 1557, 1483, 1419, 1381, 1319, 
1253, 1189, 1158, 997, 842, 789, 763; MS 358.4 (M+H) * 

Example 175 12- (S-Methoxyphenoxy) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
20 methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ilb-6) : Prepared in a 

manner similar to the above described Method B to afford 
a white solid, mp 277-278<»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.15 (3H, s) , 
3.78 (3H, S) , 6.00 (IH, s) , 6.77-6.90 (3H, m), 7.30-7.41 
(2H, m), 7.52 (IH, d), 7.70 (IH, t) , 8.59 (IH, d) , 10.57 
25 (IH, s), 1"2.10 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1623, 1603, 1575, 
1556, 1487, 1456, 1430, 1373, 1316, 1253, 1192, 1142, 
1046, 1022, 833, 760; MS 348.4 (M+H)* 

Example 176 [2- (3, 4-Diinethoxyphenoxy) -quinazolin-4-yl] - . 
30 (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIb-7) : Prepared in a 
manner similal: to the above described Method B to afford 
an off-white solid, mp 277-278«C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 2.09- 


{3H, S) , 3.7a {3H, S), 3.78 (3H, s) , 5.98 (IH, s) , 6.73- 
6.77 (IH, m), 6.90 (IH, s) , 7.00 (IH, d) , 7.35-7.45 (IH, 
m) , 7.58 (IH, d), 7.70-7.78 (IH, m) , 8.63 (IH, d) , 10.55 
(IH, S) , 12.19 (IH, S).; IR (solid) 1626, 1603, 1576, 
1557, 1509, 1481, 1436, 1409, 1382, 1372, 1318, 1249, 
1227, 1195, 1180, 1158, 1120, 10,29, 965, 835, 803, 
767,753; MS 378.4 (M+H) * 

Example 177 [2- (Benzo [1,3] dioxol-5-yloxy) -quinazol±n-4- 
yl] - (5-iaethyl-2fl-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIb-8) : Prepared in 
a manner similar to the above described Method B to 
afford an off-white solid, mp 296-299°C (dec); ^H NMR 
(DMSO) 6 2.13 (3H, s) , 6.05 (IH, s) , 6.09 (2H, s) , 6.69 
(IH, d) , 6.90 (IH, s) , 6.98 (IH, d) , 7.39 (IH, t) , 7.53 
(IH, d) , 7.70 (lH,t), 8.58 (IH, d) , 10.59 (IH, s) ; IR 
(solid) 1602, 1577, 1538, 1508, 1499, 1481, 1455, 1401, 
1377, 1323, 1251, 1241, 1169, 1121, 1038, 1022, 951, 935, 
863, 813, 7S2; MS 362.4 (M+H)* 

Example 178 [2 - (3 -Methoa^ceurbonylplienoxy ) - quinazolin- 4 - 
yl]-(5-iiiethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (lIb-9) : Prepared in 
a manner similar to the above described Method B to 
afford an off-white solid, mp 269-270<»C; *H NMR (DMSO) 8 
2.05 (3H, s), 3.90 (3H, s) , 5.88 (IH, s) , 7.00-7.90 (7H, 
m), 8.50-8.65 (IK, m) , 10.65 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1722, 
1626, 1605, 1578, 1559, 1507, 1429, 1378, 1317, 1282, 
1272, 1255, 1204, 1185, 1096, 1021, 990, 869, 841, 758; 
MS 362.4 (M+H)* 

Example 179 (5-Cyclopropyl-2£r-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2- 
pheno3cymethyl-quinazolin-4-yl) -amine (IId-1) : Prepared in 
a manner similar to the above described Method C to 
afford a pale yellow solid, mp 265-267«»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 


0.67 (2H, m), 0.93 (2H, m) , 1.87 (IH, m) , 5.19 (2H, s) , 
6.55 (IH, l>r s>, 6.90-7.02 (3H, m) , 7.26-7.30 (2H, tn) , 
7,54 (IH, m) , 7.74-7.83 (2H, m) , 8.61 (IH, m) , 10.45 (IH, 
br S) , 12.18 (IH, br S) ; MS 358.4 (M+H)* 

Example 180 (2-Benzyloxymethyl-quinazolin-4-yl) - (5- 
cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (lId-2) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method C to afford 
a white solid, mp 211-213'=>C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 8 0.65 (2H, m) , 
0.90 (2H, m), 1.86 (IH, m) , 4.63 (2H, s), 4.68 (IH, s) , 
6.71 (IH, s), 7.28-7.54 (6H, m) , 7.76-7.81 (2H, m) , 8.61 
(IH, m), 10.41 (IH, s>, 12.19 (IH, s) ; MS 372.3 (M+H) * 

Example 181 {2-Benzyl-quinazolin-4-yl) - (5-cyclopropyl-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl)-amine (IId-3) : Prepared in a manner similar 
to the above described Method D to afford a white solid, 
rap 219-221»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 0.66 (2H, m) , 0.95 (2H, m) , 
1.87 (IH, m), 4.11 (2H, S), 6.31 (IH, s) , 7.20-7.50 (6H, 
m), 7.71-7.79 (2H, m) , 8.55 (IH, m) , 10.27 (IH, s) , 12.15 
(IH, S>; MS 342.7 (M+H) * 

Example 182 (5-Cyclbpropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2-methyl- 
quinazolin-4-yl)-amine {lId-4) -. Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method C to afford a white 
solid, rap 289-290«>C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.31 (3H, s) , 2.71 
(3H, S), 6.73 (IH, S), 7.75 (2H, q) , 8.04 (IH, t) , 8.82 
(IH, s), 11.94 (IH, s), 12.65 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 3266, 
1636, 1607, 1579, 1479, 1407, 769, 668; MS 240.4 (M+H)* 

Example 183 [2- (4-Chlorophenoxymethyl) -6,7, 8, 9- 
tetrahydro-5H-cycloheptapyrililidin-4-yll - (5-methyl-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl)-aiBine (IId-5) : Prepared in a manner similar 


to the above described Method C to afford a white solid; 

NMR (DMSO) 81.58 (2H, m) , 1.68 (2H, m) , 1.85 (2H, m) , 
2.20 (3H, S) , 2.90 (2H, m) , 3.00 (2H, m) , 5.26 (2H, s) , 
6.15 (IH, s) , 7.15 (2H, d) , 7.40 {2H, d) , 10.25 (IH, br) ; 
5 MS 384.3 (M+H)*. ' ' 

Example 184 [2- (4-Chloroph,enoxymethyl) -5,6,7,8- 
tetrahydro-cniinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 
amine (lid- 6) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
10 described Method C to afford a white solid; NMR (DMSO) 
51.80 (4K, m), 2.15 (3H, s> , 2.55 (2H, m obscured), 2.75 

(2H, m), 5.25 (2H. s) , 6.12 (IH, s) , 7.08 (2H, d) , 7.35 

(2H, d) , 9.80 (IH, br) ; MS 370.2 (M+H)*. 

15 Example 185 (5-;Cyelopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - t2- 

(naphtalen-2-ylsulf auxyl) -6-phenylpyrijttidln-4-yll -amine 
(IIIa-1) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method L to affprd a white solid, mp 233 -234 "C; 
NMR (DMSO) 5 0.21 (2H, br s) , 0.56 (2H, br s) , 1.17 

2a (IH, br m) , 5.35 (IH, br s) , 7.02 (IH, br s) , 7.49 (3H, 

m) , 7.59 (2H, m) , 7.73 (IH, d) , 7.88 (2H, m) , 8.02 (3H, ..^ 
m) , 8.30 (IH, m), 10.01 (IH, s) , 11.75 (IH, br s) ; IR 
(solid); MS 436.7 (M+H)* 

25 Example 186 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (3- 

methoxycarbonyl-phenylylsulfanyl) -6-phenylpyrlmidin-4- 
yl] -amine (IIIa-2) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method L to afford a white solid, mp 126- 
129<»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 0.52 (2H, m) , 0.87 (2H, m) , 1.69 

30 (IH, m) , 3.87 (3H, s) , 5.47 (IH, s) , 7.03 (IH, br s) , 

7.49^ OH, m) , 7. 67 (IH, m) , 7.87 (2H, m) , 7.94 (IH, m) , 


8.09 (IH, m), 8-23 (IH, m), 10.07 (IH, s) , 11.94 (IH, s) ; 
IR (solid>; MS 444.7 (M+H)* 

Example 187 (5-C?yclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- 
5 (naphtlialen-2-ylsulf anyl) -pyrijaidin-4-yl] -amine (lIIa-3) : 

Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method I. to afford a white solid, mp 248-250»C; NMR 
(DMSO) 5 0.21 {2H, br s) , 0.55 (2H, br s) , 0.94 (IH, br 
m), 5.31 (IH, br s) , 6.55 (IH, br s) , 7.57-7.66 (3H, m) , 
10 7.99-8.03 {4H, m) , 8.25 (IH, s) , 9.94 (IH, s) , 11.75 (IH, 
br s); IR (solid); MS 360.7 (M+H)* 

Example 188 (j5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [5, 6- 
dimethyl-2- (naplithalen-2-ylsulf anyl) -pyrixBidin-4-yl3 - 

15 amine (Ilia- 4) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method L to afford a white solid, mp >270«C; 
NMR (DMSO) 5 0.14 (2H, d) , 0.45 (2H, d) , 0.78 (IH, s) , 
2.05 (3H, s), 2.27 (3H, s) , 5.26 (IH, s) , 7.60 (3H, d) , 
7.99 (3R, d), 8.21 (IH, s>, 8.66 (IH, s) , 11.60 (IH, s) ; 

20 IR (solid) 1560, 1508, 1478, 1288, 1176, 1109, 994, 809, 
740, 669; MS 388.7 (M+H)* 

Example 189 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [5-methyl-2- 
(naphthalen-2-ylsulf anyl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] -amine (IIla-5) : 

25 Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 

Method L to afford a white solid, mp 197 -C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 
8 0.21 (2H, d), 0.51 (2H, d) , 0.78 (IH, s) , 2.08 (3H, s) , 
5.40 (IH, S), 7.57 (2H, d) , 7.62 (IH, d) , 7.92 (IH, s) , 
7.97 (3H, d), 8.22 (IH, s) , 8.88 (IH, s) , 11.70 (IH, s) ; 

30 IR (solid) 1738, 1583, 1563, 1488, 1460, 1364, 1234,1216, 
808, 656; MS 374.2 (M+H)* 



Example 190 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [6-metliyl-2- 
(naplithalen-2-ylsulfanyl) -pyrimid±n-4-yl] -amine (Ilia- 6) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method L to afford a white solid, rap 232<'C; NMR (DMSO) 
5 0.15 (2H, s), 0.51 •(2H, s) , 0.92 (IH, s) , 2.20 (3H, s) , 
5.22 (IH, s.) , 7.60 (2H, s) , 7.67 (IH, d) , 7.98 (3H, s) , 
8.24 (IH, s) , 9.79 (IH, s) , 11.60 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 
1586, 1508.7, 1485, 1282, 1180, 815, 788, 744, 674, 666; 
MS 374.2 (M+H)* 

Exami>le 191 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [6- 
(morpholin-4-yl) -2t (naphthalen-2-ylsulf anyl) -pyrimidin-4- 
yl] -amine (IIIa-7) : To a solution of 2,4,6- 
trichloropyrimidine (600 mg, 3.27 ramol) and 3 -amino- 5- 

15 cyclopropylpyrazole (403 m.g, 3.27 ramol) in EtOH (10 raL) 
was added triethylamine (456 |IL, 3.27 ramol) and the 
reaction mixture was stirred for 15 hours at room 
temperature. The solvent was evaporated and the residue 
was purified by flash chromatography (SiOa, Hexane/AcOEt 

20 gradient) to afford (5-cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2 , 6- 
dichloropyrimidin-4-yl) -amine (705 mg, 80%). 

To a solution of (5-cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) - (2,6-dichloropyrimidin-4-yl) -amine (211 mg, 0.781 
mmol) and 2-naphthalenethiol (125 mg, 0.781 ramol) in 

25 tert-butanoi (5 mL) was added triethylamine (174 jiL, 1.25 
ramol) and the resulting mixture was heated at reflux for 
15 hours. The reaction mixture was cooled to room 
temperature and partitioned between ethyl acetate and 
aqueous NaHCOa. The organic layer was washed with brine, 

30 dried over MgS04 and concentrated in vacuo. The residue 
was purified by flash chromatography (Si02/ Hexane/AcOEt 
gradient) to afford [6-chloro-2- (naphthalen-2- 

i > 


ylsulfanyl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine. 

Tlie above formed t6-chloro-2- {naphthalen-2- 
ylsulfanyl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
5 yl) -amine (70 mg, 1.78 .10"* mol) was dissolved in 

morpholine (3 mL) and the mixture heated at 120»C for 15 
hours. The solvent was evaporated and the residue was 
purified by flash chromatography to afford lIIa-7 (50 mg, 
63%) as a white solid, mp 118-120®C; NMR (DMSO) 5 0-34- 
10 0.91 (4H, 4xm) , 1.28 and 1.78 (IH, 2xm) , 3.32 (2H, m) , 
3.60 (6H, m) , 5.38-6.16 (2H, br m) , 7.55-7.66 (3H, m) , 
7.95-8.02 (3H, m) , 8.19 and 8.23 (IH, 2xs) , 9.28 and 9.31 
(IK, 2xbr s) , 11.71 and 11.84 (IH, 2xbr s) ; IR (solid); 
MS 445.2 (M+H)* 


Example 192 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [6- (1- 
inethylpipera2in-4-yl) - 2- (naphthalen-2-ylsulf anyl) - 
pyrimidin-4-yl] -amine (IIIa-8) : Prepared in a manner 
STjbstantially similar to the method describe above for 

20 compound IIIb-7 to afford a white solid, mp 113-115 ^C; 
NMR (DMSO) S 0.35-0.91 (4H, 4xm) , 1.31 and 1.78 (IH, 
2xm), 2.17 and 2.19 (3H, 2xs) ,. 2 .29 (4H, m) , 3.35 (2H, . 
m) , 3.61 (2K, m), 5.38-6.20 (2K, br m) , 7.55-7.66 (3H, 
m) , 7.95-8.02 (3H, m) , 8.17 and 8.23 (IH, 2xs) , 9.26 and 

25 9.32 (IH, 2xbr s) , 11.71 and 11.85 (IH, 2xbr s) ; IR 
(solid); MS 458.3 (M+H)* 

Example 193 [6- (2 , 6-Dimethylphenyl) -2 - (naphthalen-2 - 
ylsulfanyl) -pyrimidin-4-yll - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 
30 amine (Illa-9) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method L to afford an off-white solid, mp 148- 
152«»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 2.10 (6H, s) , 2.26 (3H, d) , 5.09 
and 6.31 (IH, 2x br S), 7.03 (3H, S), 7.22 (IH, s), 7.59 


(2H, t) , 7.69 (IH, d>, 7.99 (3H, d) , 8.28 (IH, s), 9.93 
(IH, s), 11.67 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 2970, 1739, 1436, 
1365^, 1229, 1217, 1205; MS 438.3(M+H)* 

5 Example 194 [6- (2-Methylpheiiyl) -2- (naphtlialen-2- 

ylsTil£anyl) -pyriinidin-4-yl] - (5-niethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 
amine (XIIa-10) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method L to afford a white solid, tnp 211- 
2140C; NMR (DMSO) 5 1.41 (3H, s) , 2.30 (3H, s) , 5.26 
10 and 6.55 (IH, 2x br s)-, 7.34 (5H, m) , 7.62 (2H, t) , 7.70 

(IH, d) , 7.99 (3R, t) , 8.30 (IH, s) , 9.97 (IH, s) , 11.73 '--^ 
(IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 2356, 1615, 1582, 1483, 1265, 851, 
822, 761; MS 424 . 0 (M+H) * 

15 Example 195 [2- (4-Acetamido-phenylsulf anyl) -6-phenyl- 

pyrimidin-4-yll - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (ma- 
il) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method L to afford a white solid, mp 153-155«»C; NMR 
(DMSd) 5 2.0i (3H, S), 2.08 (3H, s) , 5.43 (IH, s) , 6.96 

20 (IB, br s) , 7.49-7.88 (9H, m) , 10.00 (IH, br s) , 10.23 
(IH, S), 11.86 (IH, br s); MS 417.2(M+H)* 

. o 

Example 196 (5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (naphthalen-2- 
ylsulfemyl) -6-phenyl-pyrimidin-4-yl] -amine (ZZZa-12) : 

25 Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 

Method L to afford a white solid, mp 237-239<»C; ^H NMR 
(DMSO) S 1.39 (3H, br s) , 5.12 (IH, br s) , 6.98 (IH, br 
s) , 7.50 (3H, m), 7.62-7.63 (2H, m) , 7.72 (IH, d) , 7.90 
(2H, m>, 8.03-8.05 (3H, m) , 8.31 (IH, s) , 10.00 (IH, s) , 

30 11.73 (IH, br S); IR (solid) ; MS 410-2 (M+H)* 

Example 197 [2- (4-le6butyrylylamlno-phenylsulf anyl) -6- 
phenylpyrimidia-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 


(lIIa-13) : Prepared in a maimer similar to. the above 
described Method L to afford an off-white solid, nrp 201- 
2(>2»C; NMR (ra^SO) 5 1.05-1.13 (6H, m) , 1.97. (3H, s) , 
2.65 (IH, m), 5.37 (IH, br s) , 6.93 (IH, br s) , 7.50-7.58 
5 (5H, m) , 7.78-7.90 (4H, m) , 9.99, 10.12 and 11.84 (3H, 3 
X br s) ; IR (solid) 1676, 1614, 1586, 1573, 1514, 1483, 
1395, 1299, 1262, 1242, 1214, 1168, 1089, 988; MS 
445.3 (M+H)* 

10 Example 198 [6- (4-Methylpiperazin-l-yl) -2-meth.ylsulf anyl- 
pyriiaidin-4-yli - (5-inethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (llla- 
14): Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
Method M to afford an off-white solid; NMR (DMSO) 6 
2.18 (3H, s) , 2.20 (3H, s) , 2.36 (4H, m) , 2.41 (3H, s) , 

15 3.46 (4H, m), 5.91 (IH, s) , 6.41 (IH, br s) , 9.20 (IH, 
s), 11.87 (IH, S) ; IR (solid); MS 320.3(M+H)* 

Example 199 (5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [6-phenyl-2- (4- 
pre^ionylaiaino-ph.enylsulfanyl) -pyriinidin-4-yl] -amine 

20 (IZXa-15) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 

described Method L to afford a pale pink solid, 204- 
206»C; NMR (DMSO) 5 1.09-1.13 (3H, m) , 2.00 (3H, s) , 
2.33-2.37 (2H, m) , 5.40 (IH, br s) , 6.95 (IH, br s) , 7.50 
(3H, m), 7.56-7.58 (2H, m) , 7.76-7.78 (2H, m) , 7.88 (2H, 

25 m) , 9.99, 10.15 and 11.85 (3H, 3 x br s) ; IR (solid) 
1678, 1623, 1580, 1534, 1496, 1453, 1398, 1307, 1245, 
1203, 1119, 1049, 1030, 1004; MS 431.2 (M+H)* 

Example 200 [2- (4-Cyclopropanecarbonylamino- 
30 phenylsulfanyl) -6-phenylpyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (XIIa-16) : Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method L to afford an off- 


white solid, mp 253-255«»C; NMR (DMSO) 8 0.82-0.83 (4H, 
m), 1.83 (IH, m) , 2.00 (3H, s) , 5.41 (IH, br s) , 6.88 
(IH, br s) , 7.42-7.50 (3H, m) , 7.56-7.58 (2H, m) , 7-76- 
T.78 (2H, m) , 7.89 (2H, m) , 9.99, 10.47 and 11.85 (3H, 3 
X br s) ; IR (solid) 1672, 1621, 1591, 1581, 1573, 1537, 
1495, 1448,. 1405, 1390, 1312, 1254, 1246i 1202, 1192, 
1179, 1119. 2 > 1005, 959; MS 443.2 (M+H)* 

Example 201 (5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -{6-phenyl-2- [4- 
(propane-l-s-ulfonylamino) -phenyl sulfanyll -pyrimldin-4- 
yl}-amine (Ilia- 17) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method L to afford an off-white solid, vap 
232-2350C; NMR (DMSO) 8 0.94 (3H, t) , 1.71 (2H, m) , 
2.12 (3H,s), 3.13 (2H, t) , 5.59 (IH, s) , 7.31 (2H, d) , 
7.49 (3H, s) , 7.59 (2H, d) , 7.85 (2H, s) , 10.00 (IH, br 
s), 10.16 (IH, s), 12.05 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 1628, 
1587, 1545, 1525, 1496, 1455, 1311, 1255, 1236, 1212, 
1186, 1140, 1032, 1001, 934; MS 481.2 (M+H)* 

Example 202 [2- (4-Stlianesulf onylaittino-phenylsulfanyl) -6- 
plienyl-pyrimidin-4-yll - (5-meth.yl-2H-pyrMol-3-yl) -amine 
(IXIa-18) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method L to afford a pale yellow solid> Tap 251- 
254»C; *H NMR (DMSO) 8 1.21 (3H, t) , 2.12 (3H,s), 3.15 
(2H, q), 5.59 (IH, s) , 7.32 (2H, d) , 7.49 (3H, s) , 7.57 
(2H, d) , 7.85 (2H, S) , 9.99 (IH, br s) , 10.15 (IH, br s) , 
11.90 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 1621, 1585, 1542, 1523, 
1495, 1455, 1315, 1257, 1208, 1142, 1049, 1033, 1002, 
932; MS 467.2 (M+H)* 

Example 203 [2 - ( 4 -Acetamidophenyl - sul f anyl ) - 6 - ( 2 - 
methyiphenyl) -pyriiiiidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 


amine (lila-19) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method L to afford a white solid, mp 212- 
214«'C; NMR (DMSO) 5 2.01 (3H, s) , 2.08 (3H, s) , 2.24 
(3H, s), 5.43 (IH, S), 6.56 (IH, br s) , 7.49-7.88 (9H, 
5 m) , 10.00 (IH, brs), 10.23 (IH; s) , 11.86 (IH, br s) ; IR 
(solidl701, 1634, 1588, 1555, 14S6, 1390, 1307, 1208, 
1169, 8^3, 803; MS 431.4 (M+H)* 

Example 204 [2- (4-Isobutanecarbonylamino-phenyl- 
10 sulfanyl) -6-phenyl-pyrimidin-4-yl3 - (5-methyl-2H-pyz'azol- 
3-yl) -amine (IIla-20) : Prepared in a maimer similar to 
the above described Method L to afford an off-white 
solid, mp 241-2430C; NMR (DMSO) 8 0.95-0.96 (6H, m) , 
2.00 (3H, s) , 2.11 (IH, m) , 2.23-2.25 (2H, m) , 5.43 (IH, 
15 br S), 6.95 (IH, br s) , 7.50-7.58 (5H, m) , 7.77-7.89 (4H, 
m) , 10.00, 10.13 and 11.84 (3H, 3 x br s) ; IR (solid) 
1660, 1628, 1589i 1575, 1543, 1525, 1496, 1451, 1398, 
1357, 1314, 1301, 1251, 1206, 1108, 995; MS 459.2 (M+H) * 

20 Example 205 [2- (4-Acetamido-plienyl-sulf anyl) -5-methyl-6- 
plienyl-pyrlmidia-4-yl] - (5-metliyl-2H-pyra2ol-3-yl) -amine 
(llIa-21) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method L to afford a pale pink solid, xtip 276- 
277«>C; =^H NMR (DMSO) 5 1.98 (3H, s) , 2.08 (6H, s) , 5.41 

25 (IH, br S), 7.47-7.55 (7H, m) , 7.72-7.74 (2H, m) , 8.89, 
10.20 and 11.87 (3H, 3 x br s) ; IR (solid) 1676, 1591, 
1555, 1540, 1519^, 1493, 1393, 1375, 1303, 1260, 1230, 
1176, 1148, 1045, 1011, 969; MS 431.2 (M+H)* 

30 Example 206 [2- (4-Acetamido-phenyl-sulfanyl) -6- (4- 

methoxyphenyl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5 -methyl -2H-pyra2ol-3- 
yl) -amine (IIIa-22) : Prepared in a memner similar to the 


above described Method L to afford an off white solid, mp 
241-245»C; *H NMR (DMSO) 6 1.99 (3H,s), 2.06 (3H, s) , 3 .82 

S). 5.44 (IH, S), 7.03 (2H, d) , 7.53 (2H, d), 7.71 
(2H, S), 7.83 (2H, s) , 10.12 (IH, s) , 10.23 (IH, s) , 
5 11.84 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1627, 1606, 1571, 1511, 1313, 
1257, 1181, 830; MS 447.2 (M+H)* 

Example 207 [6- O-Acetamidophenyl) - 2- (4-acetamido- 
phenyl-sulf anyl) -pyi:imidin-4-yl] - {5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 

10 yl) -amine (IXIa-23) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method L to afford a brown solid, mp 227- 
230°C; *H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.01 (3H, s) , 2.11 (6H, s) , 5.34 
(IH, S), 6.99 (IH, brs), 7.41 (IH, t), 7.49-7.62 (3H, 
mV, 3.71-3.76 (3H, m) , 8.19 (IH s) , 10.09-10.18 (2H, br 

15 s) , ia.23 (IH, s) , 12.20 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 1635, 
1573, 1533, 1488, 1372, 1318, 1297, 827, 798; MS 474.3 

Example 208 [2- (4-lsopropanesulf onylamino-phenyl- 
20 sulf anyl) -6-phenyl-pyriiiiidin-4-yl] - ( 5 -methyl -2H-pyrazol- 
3-yl) -amine (XIIa-24) : Prepsured in a manner similar to 
the above described Method L to afford a white solid, mp 
255-2570C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 1.28 (6H, d) , 2.14 (3H,s), 3.32 
(IH, S), 5.60 (IH, S), 7.36 (2H, d) , 7.49 (3H, s) , 7.60 
25 (2H, d) , 7.85 (2H, s) , 10.00 (IH, br s) , 10.11 (IH, s) , 
11.92 (IH, br s); IR (solid) 1625, 1587) 1574, 1545, 
1525, 1495, 1313,. 1295, 1257, 1234, 1136, 1000, 934; MS 
481.2 (M+H)* 

30 Example 209 {2- [4- (2-Dimethylamino-acetylamino) - 

phenylsulf anyl] -6-phenyl-pyrimidin-4-yl}- (5-methyl-2H■- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (lIIa-25) : Prepared in a manner 


similar to the above described Method L to afford an off- 
white solid, mp 213-215«»C; *H NMR (DMSO) 6 2.00 (3H, s) , 
2.31 {6H, S) , .3.15 (2H, s) , 5.45 (IH, s) , 6.83 (IH, br 
S) , 7.46-7.51 (3H, m) , 7.59 (2H, d) , 7.80-7.92 (5H, m) , 
9.98 (IH, S), 10.05 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1701, 1617, 1587, 
1571, 1509, 1480, 1456, 1304, 1284, 1254, 1238, 1213, 
1181, 1156, 987, 833, 782, 754, 695; MS 460.3 (M+H)* 

Examplfe 210 [2- O-Chloro-benzylsulfanyl) -6-morpliol±n-4- 
yl-pyximidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 

(IIIa-26) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method M to afford a white solid, mp 224-225«>C; 
NMR (DMSa) 5 2.17 {3H, s) , 3.40-3.50 (4H, m) , 3.60-3.71 

{4R, m), 4.30 (2H, s), 5.95 (IH, brs) , 6.41 (IH, brs) , 
7.23-7.55 {4H, m) , 9.31 (IH, s) , 11.89 (IH, brs); IR 

(solid) 1557, 1476, 1442, 1401, 1314, 1232, 1121, 1018; 
MS 417.4 (M+H)* 

Example 211 12- (3-Chloro-benzylsulfanyl) -6- {2-methoxyr 
ethylamino) -pyrimidin-4-yll - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 
amine (lIla-27) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method M to afford a white solid, lOl- 
102«»C; NMR (DMSO) 5 2.15 (3H, s) , 3.21 (3H, s) , 3.28- 
3.41 (4H, m), 4.29 {2H, s) , 5.78 (IH, brs), 6.20 (IH, 
brs), 7.10 (IH, brs), 7.21-7.50 (4H, m) , 9. 01 (IH, brs); 
IR (solid) 1598, 1555, 1527, 1336, 1293, 1117, 1079, 974, 
783; MS 405.4 (M+H)* 

Example 212 [2-Benzylsulf anyl-6- (4-methylpiperazin-l-yl) - 
pyrijaidin-4-yl] - (5-inethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(lIIa-28) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method M to afford a yellow gum; ^H NMR (CDCI3) 


S 2.23 (3H, s) , 2-28 (3H, s) , 2.31-2.64 (4H, m) , 3.30- 
3.65 (4H, tn) , 4.38 {2H, s) , 5.83 (IH, s> , 6.23 (IH, br 
s> , 7.17-7.49 (5H, m> , 7.98-8.18 (IH, m) ; IR (solid) 
1555, 1494, 1371, 1315, 1286, 1233, 999, 977, 801, 774, 
5 70&; MS 39^6.4 (M+H) * 

Example 213 [2-Benzylsulf anyl-6-morpholiii-4-yl-pyrinii<iin- 
4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIIa-29) : 
Prepared in a manner similar to the above described 
10 Method M to afford atn off-white foam; NMR (CDCI3) 6 

2.31 {3H, S), 3.39-3.80 (8H, m) , 4.39 (2H, s) , 5.84 (IH, 
s>, 6.25 (IH, brs), 7.20-7.50 (5H, m) , 8.10 (IH, s) ; IR 
(solid) 1557, 1486, 1442, 1314, 1229, 1213, 1121, 767, 
698; MS 383.4 (M+H)* 


Exami>le 214 [2- (3-cailoro-benzylsulfanyl) -6- (4- 
methylpiperazin-l-yl) -pyr.imidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine. (IIIa-30) : Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method M to afford a white 
20 foam; ^H NMR (CDCI3) 5 2.31 (3H, s) , 2.35 (3H, s) , 2,40- 

2.51 (4H, m) , 3.56-3.69 (4H, m) , 4.34 (2H, s) , 5.85 (IH, ,^ 
s), 6.29 (IH, brs), 6.89 (IH, s) , 7.18-7.50 (4H, m) ; IR 
(solid) 1553, 1514, 1484, 1446, 1277, 1228, 999, 799; MS 
430.4 (M+H)* 


Example 215 [2- (4-methoxy-benzylsulfanyl) -6- (4- 
methylpiperazin-l-yl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIIa-31) : Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method M to afford a 
30 yellow oil; *H NMR (CDCI3) 5 2.28 (3H, s) , 2.33 (3H, s) , 
2.44-2.45 (4H, m), 3.62 (4H, .m), 3.80 (3H, s) , 4.34 (2H, 
S), 5.32 (IH, s), 6.28 (IH, brs), 6.83-6.85 (2 H, m) , . 


7.34-7.36 {2H, m) ; IR (solid) 1659, 1554, 1508, 1485, 
1449, 1366, 1318, 1302, 1277,. 1230, 1166, 1146, 1030, 
999, 973 , 948; MS 443.4 (M+H) * 

5 Example 216 [2- (4-AcetaiBido-phenyl-sulfanyl) -6- tert- 
butyl-pyrimidin-4-yl] - {5-jnethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(Ilia- 32) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method L to afford a white solid, mp 227-228«»C; 
NMR (DMSO) 5 1.10 (3H, br s) , 1.20 (9H, s) , 2.00 -(3H, 
10 s) , 2.35 (2H, q), 5.35 (IH, br s) , 6.55 (IH, br s) , 7.55 
(2H, d) , 7.75 (2H, d) , 10.1 (IH, br s) , 1.15 (IH, s) , 
12.1 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid); MS (M+H) * 

Example 217 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [6-phenyl-2- 
15 ( 4 -propionylamino -phenyl -sulfanyl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] -amine 
(ZXIa-33) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
described Method L to afford an off-white solid, mp 208- 
209»C; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 0 . 52 (2H, m) , 0.80 (2H, m) . 1.08- 
1.10 (3H, m), 1.65 (IH, br s) , 2.33-2.37 (2H, m) , 5.50 
20 (IH, br s), 7.03 (IH, br s) , 7.47 (3H, m) , 7.50-7.58 (2H, 
m), 7.76-7.77 (2H, m) , 7.88-7.98 (2H, m) , 10.00, 10.11 
and 11.86 (3H, 3 X br s) ; IR (solid) 1676, 1617, 1575, 
1539, 1520, 1485, 1459, 1418, 1395, 1304, 1255, 1243, 
1215, 1161, 1071, 990; MS 457.4 (M+H)* 
25 ' 

Example 218 [2- (3-Chloro-benzylsulf anyl) -6- (piperidin-1- 
yl) -E^imidin-4-yl] - (5-inethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 
(lIIa-34) : Prepared in a msuiner similar to the above 
described Method M to afford a white solid, mp 234-235'»C; 
30 ^H NMR (DMSO) 6 1.40-1.64 (6H, m) , 2.13 (3H, s) , 3.42-3.51 
(4H, m), 4.27 (2H, s) , 5.85 (IH, br s) , 6.46 (IH, brs) , 
7.23-7.41 (3H, m), 7.48 (IH, s), 9.18 (IH, s) , 11.83 (IH, 

s) ; IR (solid) 1598, 1546, 1483, 1398, 1317, 1227, 974, 
798, 779; MS 415.4 (M+H)* 

Example 219 (5-Metlxyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -{2- [4- 
5 (morpholinesulfonyl) -benzylsulfeuiyl] -6-iiiorpholin-4-yl- 
pyriiaidin-4-yl}-amine (IIIa-35) : Prepared in a manner 
similar to the above described Method M to afford a white 
solid; NMR (DMSO) 5 2.24 (3H, s) , 2.90-3.01 (4H, m) , 
3. 29-3-. 36 (4H, m) , 3.48-3.57 (4H, m) , 3.67-3.75 (4H, m) , 
10. 4.43 {2K, S), 5.82-6.10 (2H, m) , 7.50-7.70 (5H, m) ; IR 
(solid) 1550, 1483, 1441, 1346, 1308, 1255, 1160, 1112, 
941, 726; MS 532.5 (M+H).* 

Example 220 {6- (2-Methoxy-etliylaiBino) -2- [4- 
15 (morpliolinesulfemyl) -benzylsulfanyl] -pyrimidin-4-yl}- (5- 
metliyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIIa-36) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method M to afford 
a white solid, rap 193-1950C; *H NMR (DMSO) 6 2.15 (3H, s) , 
2.79-2.89^ (4H, m) , 3.34 (3H, s) , 3.40-3.51 (4H, m) , 3.59- 
20 3.67 (4H, m), 4.41 (2H/ s) , 5.76-5.72 (IH, m) , 6.20 (IH, 
brs), 7.10 (IH, brs) , 7.61-7.74 (4H, m), 9.03 (IH, brs), 
11.81 (IH, brs); IR tsolid) 1593, 1555, 1484, 1350, 1298, 
1255, 1160, 1107, 936; MS 520.5 (M+H) * 

25 Example 221 {6- (4-methylpiperazin-l-yl) -2-^ [4- 

(morphblinesulfonyl) -benzylsulfanyl] -pyrimidin-4-yl}- (5- 
niethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Illa-37) : Prepared in a 
manner similar to the above described Method M to afford 
a white solid, mp 206-207OC; NMR (DMSO) 5 2.09 (3H, s) , 

30 2.20 (3H, s) , 2.26-2.40 (4H, m) , 2.78-2.88 (4H, m) , 3.38- 
3.49 (4H, m) , 3-. 56-3. 67 (4H, m) , 4.41 (2H, s) , 5.82 (IH, 
brs), 6.42 (IH, brs), 7.60-7.74 (4H, m), 9.26 (IH, s) , . 


11.89 (IH, l>rs) ; IR (solid) 1583, 1558, 1479, 1346, 1231, 
116a, 1112, 998, 969, 926; MS 545.5 (M+H)* 

Example 222 [ 6 -Methoxymethyl -2 - (4 -propionylamino -phenyl - 
sulfanyl) -pyrim±d±n-4-yl] - (5-iaethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 
amine (IXXa-38) : Prepared in a mamier similar to the 
above described Method L to afford a white solid; NMR 
(DMSO) 5 1.03-1.14 (3H, m) , 2.00 (3H, s) , 2.29-2.40 (2H, 
m) , OMe imder DMSO, 4.22 (2H, m) , 5.26 (IH, brs) , 6.45 
(IH, brs), 7.44-7.56 (2H, m) , 7.68-7.80 (2H, m) , 9.86 
(IH, brs), 10.11 (IH, s) , 11.79 (IH, brs); IR (solid) 
1670, 1593, 1517, 1479, 1393, 1360, 1269, 1174, 1107; MS 
399.4 (M+H)* 

15 Example 223 [2- (4-Methoxycarbonyl-phenyl-sulf anyl) -6- 

methoxymethyl-pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-inethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 
amine (IIIa-39) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method L to afford a white solid, mp 204- 
205«C; NMR (DMSOy 5 1.89 (3H, brs), 3.85 (3H, s) , OMe 

20 under DMSO, 4.23 (2H, s) , 5.22 (IH, brs), 6.51 (IH, brs), 
7.70-7.81 (2H, m) , 7.96-8.06 (2H, m) , 9.99 (IH, brs), 
11.85 (IH, brs); IR (solid) 1721, 1621, 1583, 1519, 1484, 
1289, 1271, 1178, 1119, 1109, 997, 841; MS 386.3 (M+H)* 

25 Exanqple 224 [2- (3,5-Dimethoxy-benzylsulf anyl) -6- 

morpholin-4-yl-pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5 -methyl- 2H-pyra2ol-3- 
yl) -amine (IIIa-40) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method M to afford a white solid; ^H NMR 
(DMSO) 6 2.15 (3H, s)., 3.40-3.49 (4H, m) , 3.60-3.74 (lOH, 
30 m), 4.25 (2H, s) , 5.88 (IH, brs), 6.31-6.61 (5H, m) , 9.32 
. (IH, s) , 11.86 (IH, s) ; IR (solid) 1581, 1556, 1470, 
1439, 1315, 1232, 1205, 1159, 1144; MS 443.4 (M+H) * 



Exanvple 225 . 12- (3 , 5-Dlmethoxy-benzylsulf anyl) - 6- 
pyrrolidin-4-yl-pyriniidizi-4-yll - (5-meth.yl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine (lIIa-41) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
5 above described Method M to afford a white solid; ^ NMR 
(DMSO) 5 1.80-1.97 (4H, m) , 2.15 {3H, s) , 3.43-3.45 (4H, 
m) , 3.69 (6H, S) , 4.26 (2H, s) , 5.85 (IH, brs) , 6.18 (IH, 
brs), 6.35 (IH, brs) , 6.60 {2H, s> , 9.12 (IH, s) , 11.88 
(IH, s) ; IR (solidl598, 1560, 1474, 1470, 1346, 1303, 
10 1207, 1136, 1050; MS 427.4 (M+H) * 

Example 226 (5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - C6-morpholin-4-yl- 
2- (naphthalene -2 -ylmethylsulf anyl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] -amine 
(IIla-42) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 

15 described Method M to afford an off-white solid; ^H NMR 
(DMSO) 5 2.15 (3H, s) , 3.37-3.50 (4H, m) , 3.59-3.70 (4H, 
m), 4.48 (2H, s) , 5.88 (IK, brs), 6.40 (IH, brs), 7.40- 
7.60 (3H, m), 7.78-7.95 (4H, m) , 9.30 (IH, s) , 11.89 (IH, 
brs); IR (solid) 1607, 1555, 1484, 1441, 1398, 1365, 

20 1308, 1231, 1179, 1112; MS 433.4 (M+H)* 

Example 227 {2- (4-AGetamido-phenyl-sttlfanyl) -6- [4- (3- 
diaathylaiaino-propoxy) -phenyl] -pyrimidin-4-yl}- (5-methyl- 
2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-amine (XIZa-43) : Prepared in a manner 

25 similar to the above described Method N to afford a white 
solid, rap 21&-222*C; *H NMR {CDCI3) 5.1.97-2.07 (2H, m) , 
2.14 (3H, s) , 2.18 (3H, s) , 2.30 (6H, s), 2.52 (2H, t) , 
4.09 (2H, t) , 5.56 (IH, s) , 6.80 (IH, brs), 6.99 (2H, 
d) , 7.60 (2H, d) , 7.68-7.78 (3H, m) , 7.85 (2H, d) ; IR 

30 (solid) 1606, 1590, 1512, 1482, 1309, 1250, 1238, 1210, 
1178, 1151, 1055, 989, 824, 711, 690, 665, 656; MS 518.4 


Example 228 [2- (4-Acetamidophenylsulf anyl) -6- (morpholin- 
4-yl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] - ( 5 -methyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) -amine 
(XIZa-44) : Prepared in a manner similar to the above 
5 described Method P to -afford a white solid; MS 426.4 

Example 229 [6 -Hydroxymethyl - 2 - ( 4 -propionylamino-phenyl- 
sulfanyl) -pyrimidia-4-yll - (5-methyl-2H-pyrasol-3-yl) - 

10 amine (IIIa-45) : Prepared from IIIa-48 according to 

Method O to afford a white solid; NMR (DMSO) 5 1.08- 
1.18 (3H, m) , 1.96 (3H, brs) , 2.29-2.40 (2H, m) , 4.20- 
4.40 (3H, m), 5.20-5.46 (2H, m) , 6.56 (IH, s) , 7.50 (2H, 
d) , 7.79 (2H, d) , 9.90 (IH, brs) , 10.13 (IH, s) , 11.78 

15 (IH, brs) ; MS- 385 .4 (M+H) * 

Example 230 [2- ( 4 -Acetamido -phenyl -sulf anyl) -pyrimidin-4- 
yl] - (5 -methyl- 2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIZa-46) : Prepared 
in a manner similar to the above described Method L to 

20 afford an off-white solid, mp 249-250OC; NMR (DMSO) 8. 

1.99 (3H, s), 2.08 (3H, s), 5.38 (IH, br s) , 6.45 (IH, br . 
s) , 7.50 (2H, d) , 7.71 (2H, d) , 7.98 (IH, d), 9.89 (IH, 
br s), 10.19 (IH, br s) , 11.83 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid) 
1657, 1609, 1584, 1515, 1494, 1468*, 1395* 1372, 1355, 

25 1330, 1316, 1201, 1175, 1157, 1027, 993; MS 341.4 (M+H)* 

Example 231 16- { 1 -Butoxyceurbonyl ) - 2 - ( 4 -propionylamino- 
phenyl-sulf anyl) -pyriinidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine (ZZIa-47) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
30 above described Method L to afford a yellow solid, ^H NMR 
(DMSa) 5 0.90-0.98 (3H, m) , 1.03-1.12 (3H, m) , 1.31-1.45 
(2H, m), 1.60-1.71 (2H, m), 1.94 (3H, brs) , 2 . 29-2 . 40 


(2H, m) , 4.20-4.30 (2H, m) , 5.25 (IH, brs) , 7.08 (IH, 
brs), 7.49-7.55 (2H, m) , 7.72-7.81 (2H, m) , 10.15 (IH, 
brs), 10.32 (IH, br&) , 11.89 (IH, brs) ; IR (solid) 1736, 
1679, 1622, 1584, 1517, 1489, 1284, 1174; MS 455.4 (M+H) * 
5 ... 

Example 232 [ 6 -Methoacycarbonyl - 2 - ( 4 -propionylamino- 
phenyl - sul f anyl ) -pyr imidln- 4 -yl ] - ( 5 -methyl - 2jff-pyra2ol - 3 - 
yl) -amine (IIla-48) : Prepared in a manner similar to the 
above described Method L to afford a yellow solid; NMR 
10 (DMSO) 5 1.10 (3H, t) , 1.94 (3H, brs) , 2.35 (2H, q) , 3 . 84 
(3H, S) , 5.22 (IH, brs), 7.05 (IH, s) , 7.52 (2H, d) , 7.79 
(2H, d) , 10.18 (IH, brs), 10.38 (IH, brs), 11.89 (IH, 
brs).; IR (solid) 1741, 1679, 1617, 1589, 1512, 1484, 
1374, 1284, 1250; MS 413.4 (M+H)* 


Example 233 (5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (6-phenyl-2- 
phenylaiaino-pyriinidin-4-yl) -amine (IIlc-1) : white . solid; 
MS 343.4 (M+H)* 

20 Example 234 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (6-phenyl-2- 
phenylamino-pyrimidin-4-yl) -amine (IIIc-2) : white solid, 
mp 267-269<»C; NMR (DMSO> 6 0.63 (2H, m) , 0.96 (2H, m) , Q 
1.87 (lK,m) , 6.07 (IH, s) , 6-84 (IH, br s) , 7.20 (IH, m) , 
7.33-8. OS (9H, m) , 10.52 (IH, br s) , 11.08 (IH, br s) , 

2S 12.53 (IH, br S); IR (solid); MS 369.7 (M+H)* 

Example 235 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 12- (3- 
methylphenylamino) -6-phenyl-pyrimidin-4-yl] -amine (Illc- 

3) : White solid, rap 267-270«»C; *H NMR (DMSO) 5 0.63 (2H, 
30 m), 0.94 (2H, m) , 1.87 (lH,m) , 2.36 {3H, s) , 6.12 (IH, 
s), 6.81 (IH, br s), 7.03 (IH, m), 7.29-7.94 (8H, m) , 
10.43 (IH, bf S), 11.12^ (IH, br s) , 12.47 (IH, br s) ; IR 
(solid) ; MS 383.7 (M+H)* 


Example 236 [2 - { 4 - cyanome thylphenylamino) - 6 -phenyl - 
pyriiaidin-4-ylJ - (5-cycloprbpyl-2H-pyrazol-3 -yl) -amine 
(IIIc-4) : pale yellow solid, mp 294-297»C; NMR (DMSO) 5 
0.64 (2H, m) , 0.97 (2H, m) , 1.89 (IH, m) , 4.06 (2H, s) , 
6.07 (IH, s) , 6.87 (IH, br s) , 7.40 (2H, m) , 7.63-7,90 
{5», m)/ 7.95 (2H, m), 10.51 (IH, br s) . 11.02 (IH, br 
s), 12.57 (IH, br s) ; IR (solid); MS 408-8 (M+H)* 

Example 237 (5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [6-phenyl-2- 
(pyridin-3-yliaethylamino) -pyriinidin-4-yl] -amine (IIlc-5) : 
Off-wbite solid, mp 191-193-C; NMR (DMSO) 8 0.65 (2H, 
m), 0.89 {2H, m), 1.83 (IH, m) , 4.59 (2H, s) , 6.04 (IH, 
br s), 6.76 (IH, br s) , 7.32-7.56 (5H, m) , 7.77 (IH, m) , 
7.88-7.&7 (2H, m) , 8.43 (IH, m) , 8161 (IH, s) , 9.47 (IH, 
br s), 11.93 (IH, br s); IR (solid); MS 384.8 (M+H)* 

Example 238 [2- (3 -Chlorophenyl) amino-6- (3 -nitrophenyl) - 
pyrimidin-4-yl3 - (5-metliyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIIc- 
6): off-white solid; ^H NMR (CD3OD) 5 5.95 (IH, s) , 6.65 
(IH, s), 6.90 (IH, dy. 7.18 (IH, t) , 7.32 (IH, d) , 7.58 
(IH, t), 7.82 (IH, S), 8.18 (IH, d) , 8.25 (IH, d) , 8.65 
(IH, s) ; MS 422.1 (M+H)* 

Example 239 [2- (3-cailorophenyl)amino-6- (3,4,5- 
trlmethoxyphenyl) -pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
yl) -amine (lIIc-7) : white solid; MS 467.7 (M+H)* 

Example 240 (5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - E2- (4- 
sulfamoylphenylamino) -6- (3,4,5-trimethoacyphenyl) - 
pyrimidin-4-yl] -amine (IlIc-8) : white solid,: ms 512.6 


Example 241 [2- (4-Chlorophenyl) aaaino- 6 -methyl -pyrimidin- 
4-yl] - [5- (furan-2-yl) -2H-pyrazol-3-yl] -amine (IlIc-9) : 
white solid; MS 367.1 (M+Hh* 

5 Example 242 [2- (Benzimidazol-2-ylamino-) 6-etlxyl- 

pyrimidixi-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (lllc- 
10) : MS 335.5 (M+H)* 

Example 243 [2- (4-C!hlorophenyl) amino- 6 -methyl -pyrl m idi n - 
10 4-yl] - (5-phenyl-2JI-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIlc-11) : MS 
377.5 (M+H)* 

Example 244 [2 - ( 4 -Chlorophenyl ) amino- 6 - ethyl -pyrimidin- 4 
yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIZc-12) : MS 329.4 

15 (M+»>* 

Example 245 (5- tert-Butyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (3- 
chlorophenyl) amino-6- (3-nitrophenyl) -pyrimidin -4-yl] - 
amine (IIIc-13) : off-white solid; NMR (CD3OD) 6 1.32 
20 (9H, s) , 6.18 (IH, s) , 7.04 (IH, s), 7.14 (1H, d) , 7.35 
(IH, t) , 7.58 (IH, d), 7.82 (IH, t) , 7.91 (IH, s) , 8.35 
(IH, d) , 8.40 (IH, d), 8.9a (IH, s) ; MS 464.2 (M+H)* 

Example 246 [2- (3 -Chlorophenyl) amino-6- (3-nitrophenyl) - 
25 pyrimidin- 4-yl] - (5-phenyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine 

(XZIc-14) : 5 off-white solid; ^H NMR (CD3OD) 6 6.66 (IH, 
s) , 7.12 (IH, d) , 7.30-7.45 (5H, m) , 7.50 (IH, d) , 7.62 

(2H, d), 7.78 (IH, t), 7.88 (IH, s) , 8.35 (IH, d) , 8.42 

(IH, d) , 8.85 (IH, S); MS 484.1 (M+H)* 


Example 247 [5- (Puran-2-yl) -2H-pyrazol-3-yl] - (6-phenyl-2 
,phenyl'amino-pyrimidin-4-yl) -amine (lXZc-15) : MS 395.4 



Example 248 [2- (Beazimidazol-2-ylaiaino) -6-methyl- 
pyrimid±n-4-yll - (5-phenyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIlc- 
16) : MS 383.2 (M+H)* 

Example 249 [2- (Benziiiiidazol-2-ylaiBino) -6-methyl- 
pyriiaidin-4-yl] - [5- {Puran-2-yl) -2H-pyrazol-3-yl] -amine 
(lllc-17) : MS 373.4 (M+H)* 

Example 250 [2- (4-Chlorophenylamino) - 6 -methyl -pyrimidin- 
4-yll - (5-metliyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIlc-18) : MS 

31S.4 (M+H)* 

Example 251 [2 - (4 -Chlorophenyl ) amino- 5 , 6 -dimethyl- 
pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-met:hyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ilic- 
19) : MS 329.4 (M+H)* 

Example 2^52 (5, 6-Dimetliyl-2-phenylamino-pyrimidin-4-yl) 
{5-meth.yl-2>H-pyrazol-3-yl)-amine (IIIc-20) : MS 295.5 

Example 253 £2 - ( 4 - Chlorophenyl ) amino - 6 -me thoxymethyl - 
pyrimidin- 4-yll - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIlc- 

21) : MS 345.1 (M+H)* 

Example 254 [2- (Benzimidazol-2-ylamino) -6 -me thoxymethyl 
pyrimidin-4-yll - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIIc- 

22) : MS 351.2 (M+H)* 

Example 255 (6-Methoxymethyl-2-phenylamino-pyrimidin-4- 
yl) - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIIc-23) : MS 311. 


Example 256 (6-Methyl-2-phenylaiiiino-pyrimidin-4-yl) - (5- 
]aethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (ZIZc-24) : MS 281.1 (M+H)^ 

Example 257 [2- (2-cailorc^henoxymethyl) -6-methyl- 
5 pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-phenyl-2fl'-pyrazol-3-yl) -sanine (IXZd- 
1) : MS 3S2.1 (M+H)* 

Example 258 [2- (2-Ch,lorophenoxymethyl) -6-methyl- 
pyrimidin-4-yl] - [5- (£uran-2-yl) -2H-pyrazol-3-yl] -amine 
10 (IIXd-2): MS 382.1 (M+H)* 


Example 259 (6-iiiethyl-2-pheiioxymethyl-pyrijnidiii-4-yl) - (5- 
phenyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) -amine (lIId-3) : MS 358.2 (M+H)* 

15 Example 260 E5- (Puran-2-yl) -2H-pyrazol-3-yl] - (6-methyl-2- 
phenoxyineth,yl-pyrixaldln-4-yl) -amine (XXId-4) : MS 348.2 
(M+H) * 

Example 261 [5- (Furan-2-yl) -2H-pyrazol-3-yl] - (6-methyl-2- 
plIenylsul£anylmetixyl-pyrlmld±n-4-yl) -amine (lXXd-5) : MS 
364.1 (M+H)* 

• " ■ o 

Example 262 [6-Methyl-2- (4 -methyl -phenylsulfanylmetliyl} - 
pyrimldin-4-yl] - (5-phenyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -emine (ZZId- 
6) : MS 388.1 (M+H)* 

Example 263 15- (Piiran-2-yl) -2H-pyrazol-3-yl] - t6-Methyl-2- 
(4-met:hyl-phenylsulfanylmethyl) -pyrimidln-4-yl] -amine 
(XZZd-7): MS 378.1 (M+H)* 

Example 264 [2- (4-Pluoro-plieno3cymethyl) -6-methyl- 
pyrimidin-4-yll - (5-phenyi-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (ZZZd- 
8) : MS 376.2 (M+H)* 




Example 265 12- (4-Pluoro-plienoxymethyl) -6-iaethyl- 
pyrlnd.din-4-yl] - [5- (fTzran-2-yl) -2H-pyrazol-3-yl] -amine 
(IIXd-9) : MS 366.2 (M+H)^* 
5 •• ... -• 

Example 2 66 ( 6 -Ethyl - 2 -phenylsul f anylmethyl -pyr iioidin- 4 - 
yl)-(5-metliyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (lIId-10) : MS 326.2 


10 Example 267 (6-Bthyl-2^plieno3cymethyl-pyrimidin-4-yl) - (5- 
metliyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIId-11) : MS 310.2 (M+H)* 

Example 268 I6-Ethyl-2- (4-f luorophenoxymethyl) -pyrlmidin- 
4-yll - (5-meth.yl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IIId-12) : MS 
15 328.2 (M+H)* 

Example 269 [6-Bthyl-2- (l-methyl-l-phenyl-ethyl) - 
pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Illd- 
1,3) : MS 322.2 (M+H)* 


Example 270 [2- {4-cailororoplienoxymethyl) -6-methyl- 
pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-phenyl-2JI-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Illd- 

14) : MS 392. 2 (M+H)* 

2S- Example 271 [2 - ( 4 - Chlororophenoxyme thyl ) - 6 -methyl - 

pyrimidin-4-yl]-(5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Illd- 

15) : MS 330.2 (M+H)* 

Example 272 [2- (4-Chlororophenoxymethyl) -6-methoxymethyl- 
30 pyrimidin-4-yl]-(5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (llld- 

■ 16): white solid; ^H NMR (DMSO) 5 2.20 (3H, s) , 3.43 (3H, 
s), 4.49 (2H, s), 5.20 (2H, s) , 6.05 (IH, br) , 7.05 (2H, 
d), 7.33 (2H, d>, 10.55 (IR, br) ; MS 360.2 (M+H)* 


Example 273 [2- {4-Chlororophenoxymethyl) -S-methyl- 
pyrimidin-4-yll - C5- (furan-2-yl) -2H-pyrazol-3-yl] -amine 
(IIId-17) : MS 3a2i2 (M+H) * 

Example 274 (5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2- 
phenylsulfanylmetliyl-5, 6,7, 8-tetraliydro-quinaaolin-4-yl) 

amine (IId-7) : MS 352.5 (M+H)* 

Example 275 [2- {4-Metlxylphenylsulf anylmethyl) -6,7,8,9- 
tetrsaiydro-5H-cyclolieptapyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-metbyl-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IId-8) :MS 380 . 2 (M+H)* 

Example 276 [2- (l-Methyl-l-plienyl-ethyl) -6,7,8,9- 
tetrah.ydro-5H-cyclolieptapyrlmidin-4-yl] - ( 5 -methyl - 2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IId-9) : 
MS 362.3 (M+H)* 

Example 277 [2- (2, 6-Dichlorobe^zyl) -5, 6,7, 8-tetraliydro- 
qiiinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ild- 
10) t MS 388.1 (M+H)* 

Example 278 t7-Benzyl-2- (2, 6-diclilorobenzyl) -5,6,7,8- 
tetrahydropyrido [3 , 4-d3 pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-meth.yl-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IId-11) s MS 479 . 5 (M+H)* 

Example 279 [6-Benzyl-2- (4-cliloroplienoxymethyl) -5,6,7, 8- 
tetrabydro-pyrido [4,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (IXd-12) : MS 461.2 (M+H)* 

Example 280 [2- (4-Chlorophenoacymethyl) -5,6,7,8- 
tetrahydro-pyrido [4,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine (Ild-13) s MS 371.3 (M+H)* 


Exaittple 281 t2 - (2 , 6-Dichlorobenzyl) - 6 -methyl -pyrimidin- 4 - 
yll-(5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine {lIId-18) : MS 348.1 


5 ■ 

Example 282 12- (2, 6-Dichlorobenzyl) -5, 6 -dimethyl - 
pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine {llld- 
19): white solid; NMR (DMSO) □ 8.50 (IH, s) , 7.70 (IH, 
d), 7.3-7.1 (3H, m), 5.25 (IH, s) , 4.10 (IH, s) , 2.30 
10 (3H, s), 2.10 (3H, S), 1.80 (3H, s) ; MS 362.1 (M+H) * 

Example 283 (lH--lndazol-3-yl) - (2- (2-phenyl-cyclopropyl) - 
quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (Ild-16) : ^HNMR (DMSO) 13.2 (IH, s) , 
12.0(1H, s), 8.76(1H, m) , 8.10(1H, m) , 7.85(2H, m), 
15 7.75 (IH, m) , 7.61 (IH, m) 7.41 (IH, m) . 7.30 (2H, m) , 
7.20(2H, m), 7.12(2H, m) , 2:35{2H, m) , 1.60(1H, m) , 
l.:i5(lH, m) ; MS: m/z, 378.1 MH+; HPLC Rt=3.21 tliin.. 

Example 284 (7-Fluoro-lH-indazol-3-yl) - [2- (2-phenyl- 
20 cyclopropyl)-quinazolin-4-yl]-amine {Ild-17) : =^HNMR (DMSO) 
13.8 (IH, S) , 12.05(1H, s) , 8.75 (IH, m) , 8.10 (IH, m) , 
7-.85(2H, m>, 7.6&(1H, m) , 7.35 (3H, m) 7 . 25-7 . 10 (4H, m) , 
2.35(2H, m), 1.60(1H, m) , 1.35(1H, m) ; MS: m/z, 396.1 
MH+; HPLC Rt=3.26 min. 


Example 285 (5-Pluoro-lH-indazol-3-yl) - [2- (2-phenyl- 
cyclopropyl)-quinazolin-4-yl] -amine (IId-18) : ^HNMR (DMSO) 
13.3(1H, S), 12.0(1H, s), 8.75(1H, m) , 8.10(1H, m) , 
7.85(2H, m), 7.65(2H, m) , 7.35 (3H, m) 7,20 (IH, m) , 
30 7.10(2H, m) 2.40 (2H, m) , 1.65(1H, m), 1.35(1H, «v); MS: 
m/z, 396.1 MH+; HPLC Rt=3.26 min. 


Example 286 (5-Methyl-lH-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (2-phenyl- 
cyclopropyl)-quinazoliii-4-yl] -amine (IId-19) : ^HNMR (DMSO) 
12.8 (IH, S) , 11.90 (IH, s) , 8.80 (IH, m) , 8,10 (IH, m) , 
7.8S(2H, m) , 7 • 30-7 • 20 {5H, m) , 6.55 (IH, s) 2.80 (IH, m) , 
2.55(1H, m) , 2.35 (3H,s) 2.00(2H, m) ; MS: m/z, 342.1 MH+; 
HPLC Rt=3.13 min. 

The activity of the compoimds as protein kinase 
inhibitors may be assayed In vitror in vivo or in a cell 
line. In vitro assays include assays that determine 
inhibition of either the phosphorylation activity or 
ATPase activity of the activated protein kinase. 
Alternate in vitro assays quantitate the ability of the 
inhibitor to bind to the protein kinase. Inhibitor 
binding may be measured by radiolabelling the inhibitor 
prior to binding, isolating the inhibitor/protein kinase 
complex and deterroining the amount of radiolabel boxind. 
Alternatively, inhibitor binding may be determined by 
running a competition experiment where new inhibitors are 
incxibated with the protein kinase bound to known 
radioligands • 


Compoiinds were screened for their ability to 
inhibit GSK-3p (AA 1-420) activity using a standard 
coupled enzyme system (Fox et al. (1998) Protein Sci. 7, 
2249) . Reactions were carried out in a solution 
containing 100 mM HEPES (pH 7.5), 10 uiM MgCla, 25 mM NaCl, 
300 iiM NADH, 1 mM DTT and 1.5% DMSO. Final substrate 
concentrations in the assay were 20 pM ATP (Sigma 
Chemicals, St Louis, MQ) and 300 pM peptide 


{HSSPHQS^(P03H2)EDEEE, American Peptide, Sxannyvale, CA) . 
Reactions were carried out at 30 ''C and 20 nM GSK-3p. 
Final concentrations of the components of the coupled 
enzyme system were 2,5 mM phosphoenolpyxuvate , 300 ^M 
5 NADH, 30 iig/ml pyruvate kinase and 10 ug/ml lactate 

An assay stock buffer solution was prepared 
containing all of the reagents listed above with the 
exception of ATP and the test compound of interest. The 

10 assay stock buffer solution (175 ill) was incxibated in a 
96 well plate with 5 pi of the test compoxond of interest 
at final concentrations spanning 0.002 to 30 pM at 30**C 
for 10 min. Typically, a 12 point titration was 
conducted by preparing serial dilutions (from 10 mM 

IS compound stocks) with DMSO of the test compounds in 
dau^ter plates-. The reaction was initiated by the 
addition of 20 of ATP (final concentration 20 viM) . 
Rates of reaction were obtained using a Molecular Devices 
Spectramax plate reader (Sunnyvale, CA) over 10 min at 

20 30®C. The Ki values were determined from the rate data as 
a function of inhibitor concentration. 

The following compotonds • were shown to have Ki 
values less than 0.1 jiM for GSK-3: IIa-2, IIa-3, IIa-8, 
Ila-9^, IIa-11, IIa-12, IIa-17, IIa-18, IIa-21 to IIa-24, 

25 IIa-26, IIa-2a, IIa-30 through II a-32, IIa-39, IIa-43, 
IIa-46, IIa-47, IIa-61, IIC-3, IIC-6, IIc-8, IIC-10 
through IIc-12, IIc-15, IIc-18, IIc-20 through IIc-22, 
IIc-24, IIc-25, IIc-27, IIc-30 through IIC-32, IIc-35 to 
IIC-39, IIc-42, IIC-53, IIc-61, IIC-67, IIc-77, IIc-78, 

30 IIb-1, IIb-3, IIb-5, IIb-8, IId-1, IIIa-2, IIIa-3, Ilia- 
6, IIIa-17, IIIa-18, IIIa-24, IIIa-27, IIIc-2 through 
IIIc-5, IIIc-9, IIIc-11, IIIc-12, IIIc-15, IIIc-18, IIIc- 

lia, 1110-2-1, IIIc-24, Illb-l through IIIb-6, IIIb-8 
through IIIb-10, IlIb-13, lIIb-14, IIId-20, llld-2l, lld- 
14, and IId-l&. 

The following compounds were shown to have K± 

values between 0.1 and 1;0 |JM for GSK-3: IIa-1, IIa-4, 
IIa-5, lIa-7, Ila-14, Ila-lS, IIa-20, Ila-29, IIa-34 
through IIa-36, ila-38, IIa-41, IIa-42, IIa-48, IIa-54, 
IIa-55, IIa-62, Ila-63, IIa-66, IIa-69, IIa-78, IIc-1, 
IIc-2, IIc-4, IIc-5, IIc-7, IIc-9, IIc-13, IIc-14, IIc- 
16, IIC-17, IIC-19, IIc-23, IIc-26, IIc-28, IIC-29, Ilc- 
33, IIC-34, IIC-40, IIC-41, IIc-43 through IIC-45, IIC-47 
through lie -52, IIc-54 through IIc-57, IIc-59, IIc-63 
through IIC-66, IIC-72, IIc-75, IIc-76, IIc-79, IIC-6, 
IIb-7, IIb-9, IId-2, IId-5, IId-6, Illa-l, IIIa-4, Illa- 
5, IIIa-7, IIIa-8, IIIa-10, Illa-ll, IIIa-19, IIIa-22, 
IIIa-23, IIIa-26, IIIa-29, IIIa-30, IIIa-31, IIIa-33, 
IIIa-34, IIIa-37, IIIa-42, IIIc-1, IIIc-8, IIIc-20, IIIc- 
23, IIIb-7, IIIb-11, IIIb-12, IIIb-15, IIIb-16, IId-16, 
IId-17, and IId-18. 

The following compotmds were shown to have Ki 
values between 1.0 and 7.0 jiM for GSK-3: IIa-10, IIa-13, 
IIa-25, IIa-40, IIa-45, lla-49, IIa-50 through IIa-52, 
IIa-64, IIa-65, ila-67, IIa-68, IIa-71, iIa-72, lla-74, 
IIa-76, lIa-77, IIa-81, IIc-58, IIc-SO, IIc-62, IIc-68 
through IIc-71, Ilc-74, IId-3, IId-4, IIIa-15, Ilia- 16; 
IIIa-21, IIIa-28, lIIa-35, IIIa-36, IIIa-38, IIIa-41, 
IlIa-43, IIIa-45, IIIa-49, IIIc-10, IIIc-16, IIIc-17, and 
IIIc-22 . 


Con5)ounds were screened in the following meUiner 
for their ability to inhibit Aurora- 2 using a standard 


coupled enzyme assay (Fox et al (1998) Protein Sci 7, 

To an assay stock buffer solution containing 

0. 1M HEPES 7.5, 10 tnM MgCla, 1 mM DTT, 25 niM NaCl, 2.5 tnM 
5 phosphoenolpyruvat-e, 300 mM NADH, 30 mg/ml pyruvate 

kinase, 10 mg/ml lactate dehydrogenase, 40 mM ATP, and 
800 pM peptide (LRRASLG, American Peptide, Siinnyvale, CA) 
was added a DMSO solution of a compound of the present 
invention to a final concentration of 30 \M. The 

10 resulting mixture was incubated at 30 'C for 10 min. The 
reaction was initiated by the addition of 10 ]aL of 
Aurora- 2 stock solution to give a final concentration of 
70 nM in the assay. The rates of reaction were obtained 
by monitoring sJasorbance at 340 nm over a 5 minute read 

15 time at 30 using a BioRad Ultramark plate reader 

(Hercules, CA) . The Ki values were determined from the 
rate data as a function of inhibitor concentration . 

The following compounds were shown to have Ki 
values less than 0.1 fiM for Aurora-2: IIa-1 through Ila- 

20 18, IIa-21 through IIa-64, IIa-66, IIa-68, IIa-69, IIa-71 
through IIa-78, IIa-81, IIc-1 through IIc-13, IIc-15 
through IIc-44, IIc-46 through IIc-61, lie- 63 through 
IIc-65, IIc-67 through IIc-69, IIb-1 through IIb-9, IXd-1 
through IId-3, IIIa-1 through IIIa-8, IIIa-10 through 

25 lIIa-13, IIIa-15 through IIIa-32,IIIa-36 through Ilia- 

41, IIIa-44 through XIIa-49, IIIc-1 through IIIc-5, IIIc- 
12, and IIIc-15. 

The following compounds were shown to have Ki 
values between 0.1 and 1.0 JIM for Aurora-2: IIa-20, Ila- 

30 65, IIa-67, Ila-70, IIa-80, IIc-14, IIc-66, IId-5, IId-6, 
IIIa-14, IIIa-33 through IIIa-35, IlIc-9, IIIc-11, Illb- 

1, IIIb-2, IIIb-7, IIIb-10 through IIIb-13, IIIb-15, 
IIIb-16, and IIId-20. 


The following compoiands were shown to have K± 

values between 1.0 and 10.0 for Aurora-2: IIa-10, IIc- 

71, IIc-75, IIc-76, IId-4, IIIa-42, IIIa-43, IIIc-10, 
IIIb-3-6, IIIb-8, IIIb-9, and IIIb-14. 


Compoxmdis were screened In the following manner 
for their ability to inhibit CDK-2 using a standard 
coupled enzyme assay (Fox et al (1998) Protein Sci 7, 
10 2249)'. 

To an assay stock buffer solution containing 
O.IM HEPES 7.5, 10 mM MgCla, . 1 mM DTT, 25 xnM NaCl, 2.5 mM 
phosphoenolpyruvate, 300 mM NADH, 30 mg/ml pyruvate 
kinase, 10 mg/ml lactate dehydrogenase, 100 mM ATP, and 

15 100 pM peptide (MAHHHRSPRKRAKKK, American Peptide, 

Simnyvale, CA) was added a DMSO solution of a compound of 
the present invention to a final concentration of 30 piM. 
The resulting mixture was incubated at 30 ®C for 10 min. 

The reaction was initiated by the addition of 

20 10 VLh of CDK«2/Cyclin A stock solution to give a final 
concentration of 25 nM in the assay. The rates of 
reaction were obtained by monitoring absorbance at 340 nm 
over a 5 -minute read time at 30 using a BioRad 
Ultramark plate reader (Hercules, CA) . The Ki values were 

25 determined from the rate data as a f miction of inhibitor 

The following compounds were shown to have Ki 
values less than 1 |JM for C3DK-2: IIa-14, IIa-36, IIc-15, 
Ilc-i25, Ilc-27, IIc-32, IIc-53, and IIIc-4. 


The following compounds- were shown to have Ki 
values between 1-0 and 20.0 jlM for CDK-2: IIa-38, IIa-40, 
*IIa-44, IIa-52, and IIa-54. 


Compounds were assayed for the inhibition of 
ERK2 by a spectrophotometric coupled- enzyme assay (Pox et 
al (1998) Protein Sci 7, 2249) . In this assay, a fixed 
10 concentration of activated ERK2 (10 nM) was incubated 

with various concentrations of the compound in DMSO (2.5 
%) for 10 min. at 30°C in 0.1 M HEPES buffer, pH 7.5, 
• containing 10 mM MgCl2/ 2.5 mM phosphoenolpyruvate , 2 00 
NADH, 150 ug/mL pyruvate kinase, 50 ug/mL lactate 
15 dehydrogenase, and 200 erktide peptide. The reaction 
was initiated by the addition of 65 pM ATP. The rate of 
decrease of absorbance at 340 nM was monitored. The IC50 
was evaluated from the rate data as a function, of 
inhibitor concentration. 
20 The following compounds were shown to have Ki 

values less than 1 flM for ERK-2: IIc-15, IIC-27/ IIc-32, 
IIc-53» and IIIc-4. 

The following compounds were shown to have Ki 
values between 1.0 and 20.0 pM for ERK-2: IIc-18, IIc-25, 
25 and IIa-36. 

Compounds were screened for their ability to 
30 inhibit AKT using a standard coupled enzyme assay (Fox et 
al.. Protein Sci., (1998) 7, 2249) . Assays were carried 
out in a mixture of 100 mM HEPES 7.5, 10 mM MgCl2, 25 mM 


NaCl / 1 mM DTT and 1.5% DMSO, Final substrate 
concentrations in the assay were ^ 170 iiM ATP (Sigma 
Chemicals) and 200 vM peptide (RPRAATF, American Peptide, 
Sunnyvale, CA) . Assays were carried out at 30 "C and 45 
5 nM AKT . Final concentrations of the components of the 
coupled enzyme system were 2.5 mM phosphoenolpyruvate , 
300 NADH, 30 pg/ML pyruvate kinase and lO jig/ml 
lactate dehydrogenase. 

An assay stock buffer solution was prepared 

10 containing all of the reagents listed above, with the 

exception of AKT, DTT, and the test compound of interest. 
56 ]il of the stock solution was placed in a 384 well 
• plate followed by addition of 1 ul of 2 mM DMSO stock 
containing the test compound (final compound 

15 concentration 30 pM) . The plate was preincubated for 
about 10 minutes at 30 *C. and the reaction initiated by 
addition of 10 lal of enzyme (final concentration 45 nM) 
and 1 mM DTT. Rates of reaction were obtained using a 
BioRad Ultramark plate reader (Hercules, CA) over a 5 

20 minute read time- at 30 'C, Conpouhds showing greater than 
50% inhibition versus standard wells containing the assay 
- mixture and DMSO without test compound were titrated to 
determine IC50 values. 

The following compounds were shown to have Ki 

25 values between 1.0 and 20.0 pM f or AKT-3: ilc-18, . IIc-22, 
IIc-25, IIC-27, IIc-31, IIC-32, IIc-37, IIC-39, IIC-42, 
and Ilc-53. 


The compounds were evaluated as inhibitors of 
human Src kinase using either a radioactivity-based assay 
or spectrophotometric assay. 


Src Inhibition Assay A; Radioactivity-base d Assay 
The compotinds were assayed as inhibitors of 
full length recombinant human Src kinase (from Upstate 
Biotechnology, cat. no. 14-117) expressed and purified 
5 from baculo- viral cells. Src kinase activity- was 

monitored by following the incorporation of ^^P from ATP 
into the tyrosine of a random poly Glu-Tyr polymer 
substrate of composition, Glu:Tyr = 4:1 (Sigma, cat. no. 
P-0275) . The following were the final concentrations of 

10 the assay components: 0 . 05 M HEPES, pH 7.6, 10. mM MgCla, 2 
O mM DTT, 0.25 mg/ml BSA, 10 yM ATP (1-2 liCi ^^P-ATP per 

reaction), 5 mg/ml poly Glu-Tyr, and 1-2 units of 
recombinant human Src kinase. In a typical assay, all 
the reaction components with the exception of ATP were 

15 pre-mixed and aliquoted into assay plate wells. 

Inhibitors dissolved in DMSO were added to th^ wells to 
give a final DMSO concentration of 2.5%. The assay plate 
was incubated at 30 °C for 10 min before initiating the 
reaction with ^^P-ATP. After 20 min of reaction, the 

20 reactions were quenched with 150 ij1 of 10% 

trichloroacetic acid (TCA) containing 20 mM Na3P04. The 
O quenched samples were then transferred to a 96 -well 

filter plate (Whatman, UNI-Filter GF/F Glass Fiber 
Filter, cat no. 7700-3310) installed on a filter plate 

25 vacuum manifold. Filter plates were washed four times 

with 10% TCA containiiig 20 mM Na3P04 and then 4 times with 
methanol. 200vil of scintillation fluid was then added to 
each well. The plates were sealed and the amoxant of 
radioactivity associated with the filters was quantified 

30 on a TopCount scintillation counter. The radioactivity 
incorporated was plotted as a function of the inhibitor 
concentration. The data was fitted to a competitive 
inhibition kinetics model to get the Ki for the compound. 


Src Inhibition Assay B; Spectrophotometric Assay 
The ADP produced f rom ATP by the hximan 
recombinant Src kinase -catalyzed phosphorylation of poly 
Glu-Tyr substrate was quanitified using a coupled enzyme 
assay (Fox et al (1998) Protein Sci 1 , 2249) . In this 
assay one molecule of NADH is oxidised, to NAD for every 
molecule of ADP produced in the kinase reaction* The 
disappearance of NADH can be conveniently followed at 340 

The following were the final concentrations of 
the assay components: 0.025 M HEPES, pH 7.6, 10 mM MgC12, 
2 mM DTT, 0.25 mg/ml , poly Glu-Tyr, and 25 nM of 
■ recombinant human Src kinase • Final concentrations of the 
components of the coupled enzyme system were 2.5 mM 
phosphoenolpyruvate, 200 yM NADH, 30 yg/ml pyruvate 
kinase amd 10 iig/ml lactate dehydrogenase. 

In a typical assay, all the reaction components 
with the exception of ATP were pre-mixed and aliquoted 
into assay plate wells. Inhibitors dissolved in DMSO 
were added to the wells to give a final DMSO concentration 
of 2.5%. The assay plate was incubated at 30 for 10 m±n 
before initiating the reaction with 100 pM ATP. The 
absorbance change at 340 nm with time, the rate of the 
reaction, was monitored on a molecular devices plate 
reader. The data of rate as a function of the inhibitor 
concentration was fitted to corapettive inhibition 
kinetics model to get the Ki for the compoimd. 

The following compounds were shown to have a Ki 
value of <100nM on SRC: IIa-8, IIa-21, IIa-23, IIa-24, 
IIa-27, IIa-28, IIa-30 through lla-33, IIb-1, IIb-4, lib- 
5, IIC-3, IIC-8, IIC-10, IIC-13, IIC-15, IIC-18, Ii;c-19, 
IIc-21 through IIc-24, Ilc-31 through IIc-35, IIc-37 


through lIc-3&, IIc-41 through IIc-44, IIc-51, IId-1, 
IId-2, IIIa-1, lIIa-6 through HIa-8, IIIa-26 through 
II±a-30, and IIIc-1 through IIIc-5. 

The following compounds were shown to have a Ki 
5 value of between lOOnM and IjiM for SRC: IIa-1; IIa-2, 
IIa-7, IIa-9,. IIa-12, Ila-14, IIsL-22, IIa-25, IIa-26, 
IIa-29, IIa-34 through IIa-42, IIa-46, IIa-47, IIa-49 
through IIa-52, IIa-56, IIa-57, IIa-59, IIa-61, IIa-62, 
IIa-66, IIa-67, IIa-69, IIa-72, IIa-73, IIa-75, IIb-6, 

10 IIb-8, IIc-4 through IIc-7, IIc-9, Ilc-11, IIc-i2, lie- 
14., ilc-16, IIc-17, IIc-20, IIc-25 through IIc-30, lie- 
36, Ilc-40/ IIc-46 through IIc-50, IIc-52 through IIc-61, 
IIc-63 through IIc-65, IIc-67, IIc-69, IId-3, IIIa-2 
through Ilia -5, IIIa-11, IIIa-14 through IIIa-18, IIIa-22 

15 through Ilia- 24, IIIa-31, IIIa-33, IIIa-35, IIIa-38 
through IIIa-43, and IIIa-47. 

The following compounds were shown to have a Ki 
value of between ipM and 6\XM for SRC: IIa-13/ IIa-20^ 
IIa-44, IIa-45, Ilar48, IIa-54, IIa-55, IIa-63, IIa-65, 

20 IIa-68, IIa-70, IIa-71, IIa-74, IIa-77, IIa-78, IIa-81, 
IIb-3, IIb-9> IIc-1/ IIc-2, IIc-66, IIc-68, IIIa-13, 
O llla-2l/ IIIa-25, IIIa-34, lIIa-36, IIIa-37, and IIIa^44. 

While we have presented ^ number of embodiments 
of this invention, it is apparent that our basic 

25 construction can be altered to provide other embodiments 
which utilize the compounds and methods of this 
invention • Therefore, it will be appreciated that the 
scope of this invention is to be diafined by the appended 
claims rather than by the specific embodiments which have 

30 been represented by way of example. 


We claim; 

1. A compoiind of formula IIc: 


or a phannaceutically acceptable derivative or prodrug 

thereof , wherein ; 

and are taken together with their intervening atoms 
to form a fused, unsaturated or partially unsaturated, 
5-7 membered ring, having 0-3 ring heteroatoms selected 
from oxygen, sulfur, or nitrogen, wherein any 
substi tut able carbon on said fused ring formed by R"" 
and R^ is substituted by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z-R^, and any 
substitutable nitrogen on said ring formed by R"" and R^ 
is substituted by R^; 
is T- (Ring D) ; 

Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8-10 membered 
bicyclic ring selected from aryl, heteroaryl, 
heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl, said heteroaryl or 
heterocyclyl ring having 1-4 ring heteroatoms selected 
from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, wherein Ring D is 
substituted at any sxabstitutable ring carbon by oxo, 
T-R^, or V-Z-R^, and at any substitutable ring nitrogen 
by -R*; 


T is a valence bond or a Cx-4 alkylidene chain; 
Z is a Ci-4 alkylidene chain; 

L is -O.-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -S02N(R^)-, 
-N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N{R^)C(0)0-, 
-N(R^)CON(R^)-, -N(R^) S02N(R«)-, -N (R^) N (R^) - , 
-C(0)N(R^)- , -OC(0)N(R^) -, -C(R^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, 
-C(R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C(R^)2S02N{R^) -, -C (R^) 2N (R^) - , 
•-C(R^) 2N(R^)C(0)-, -C(R^)2N(R^)C(0) Q-, -C (R^) =NN (R^) - , 
-C(R*)=N-0-, -C(R^)2N(R^)N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) SO2N (R^) - , or 
-C (R*) 2N (R^) CON (R^) - ; 

R^ and R^' are independently selected from -R, -T-W-R^, or 
R^ and R^' are taken together with their intervening 
atoms to form a fused, 5-8 membered, \insaturated or 
partially unsaturated, ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms 
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, wherein each 
substitutable carbon on said fused ring formed by R^ 
and R^' is substituted by halo, 0x0, -CN, -NO2, -R''/ or 
-V-R^, and any substitutable nitrogen on said ring 
formed by R^ and R^' is substituted by R*; 

R^ is selected f?:om -R, -halo, -OR, -C(=0)R, -CO2R, 
-COCOR, -COCH2COR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -S(0)2R/ -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -CON(r')2, -S02N(R'')2, -0C(=0)R, -N(R'')C0R, 
-NCR') C02(Ca.6 aliphatic) , -N{R*)N(R*)2, -C=NN(R*)2, 
-C=N-OR, -N(R')C0N{R'')2, -N(R')S02N(R'')2, -N(R*)S02R, or 

each R is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted group selected from Ci_6 
aliphatic, Ce-io aryl, a heteroaryl ring having 5-10 
ring atoms, or a heterocyclyl ring having 5-10 ring 

each R"* is independently selected from -R'', -COR'', 

-CO2 (optionally substituted Ci-g aliphatic) , -C0N (r'')2, 
or -SO2R'; 


each ±s independently selected from -R, halo, -OR, 

-C(=0)R, -CO2R, -COCOR, -NO2, -CN, -S(0)R, -SO2R, -SR, 
-N(R*)2, -CON(R^)2, -S02N(R^)2, -OC{=0)R, -N(R^)COR, 
-N(R^) C02 { optionally siibstituted Ci-s aliphatic) , 
-N(R*)N(R'*)2, -C=NN(R^)2, -C=N-OR, -N (R'*) CON (R'') 2, 
-N(R^)S02N{R*)2, -N(R^)S02R, or ^OC (=0) N (R*) 2 ; 

V is -0-, -S-, -SO-, -SO2-, -N(R^)S02-, -S02N(R^)-, 
-N(R*)-, -CO-, -CO2-, -N(R^)CO-, -N(R^)C(0)0-, 
-N(R«)CON(R«)-, -N(R^)S02N(R^) -, -N (R*') N (R^) - , 
-C(0)N(R^)-, -OC(0)N(R*)-, -C(R^)20-, -C(R^)2S-, 
-C(R^)2SO-, -C(R^)2S02-, -C{R«)2S02N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R^) - , 
-C(R«) 2N(R*)C(0)-, -C(R«)2N(R«)C(0)0-, -C (R^) =NN (R^) - , 
-C(R*)=N-0-, -C(R*)2N(R^)N(R^)-, -C (R^) 2N (R*) SO2N (R^) - , or 
-C(R®)2N(R^)CON(R®)-; i 

W is -C(R^)20-, -C(R*)2S-, -C(R^)2SO-, -C(R*)2S02-, 
-C(R«)2S02N(R*) -, -C(R^)2N(R^)-, -CO-, -CO2- , 
-C (R^) OC (O) - , -C(R^)OC(0)N(R^)^, -C (R*) 2N (R^) CO- , 
-C(R^)2N{R*)C(0)0-, -C(R*)=NN(R®) -, -C(R*)=N-0-i 
-C(R*)2N(R*)N(R^)-, -C(R^)2N(R*)S02N{R«)-, 
-C(R*)2N(R*)CON(R*)-, or -CON(R^)-; 

each R* is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted C1-4 aliphatic group, or two R® 
groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together 
with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclyl or heteroaryl ring; and 

each r' is independently selected from hydrogen or an 
optionally substituted C1.6 aliphatic group, or two R'' 
on the same nitrogen are taken together with the 
nitrogen to form a 5-8 membered heterocyclyl or 
heteroaryl ring. 


2. The compoiHid according to claim 1, wherein said 
compound has one or more features selected from the group 
consisting of : 

(a) R"" and are taken together with their 

intervening atoms to form a fused, unsaturated 
or partially unsaturated, 5-6 membered ring 
having 0-2 heteroatoms selected from oxygen, 
sulfur, or nitrogen, wherein any substitutable 
carbon on said fused ring formed by R"" and R^ is 
substituted by oxo, T-R^ or L-Z-R^, and any 
substitutable nitrogen on said ring formed by R"^ 
and R^ is substituted by R^; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is. a valence bond or 
a methylene unit; 

(c) Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(d) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen; or R^ and 
R^' are taken together to form an optionally 
substituted benzo ring; and 

(e) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R*)2. 

3. The compound according to claim 2, wherein: 
(a) R'*' and R^ are taken together with their 

intervening atoms to form a fused. Unsaturated 
or partially unsaturated, 5-6 membered ring 
having 0-2 heteroatoms selected from oxygen, 
sulfur, or nitrogen, wherein any substitutable 
carbon on said fused ring formed by R^" and R^ is 
substituted by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z-R^ and any 
substitutable nitrogen on said ring formed by R"^ 
and R^ is substituted by R^; 


is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene unit; 

Ring D is a 5-7 meinbered monocyclic ring pr an 
8-10 merabered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

r2 is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen; or R^ and 
R^' are taken together to form an optionally 
substituted benzo ring; and 

R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R^)2- 

4. The compound according to claim 2, wherein said 
compound has one or more features selected from the group 
consisting of: 

(a) R* and R^ are taken together to form a benzo, 
pyrido, cyclopento, cyclohexo, cyclohepto, 
thieno, piper idino, or imidazo ring; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(c) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; and 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R^)2# 
wherein R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-6 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, 
or -N(R*)- . 




5. The compound according to claim 4, wherein: 


(a) R"" and are taken together to form a benzo, 
pyrido, cyclopento, cyclohexo, cyclohepto, 
thieno, piperidino, or imidazo ring; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(c) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci-6 aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; and 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R*)2/ 
wherein R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-e 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, and L is -O- , -S-, 
or -N(R^) 

6, The compound according to claim 4, wherein said 
compound has one or more features selected from the group 
consisting of: 

(a) R"" and R^ are taken together to form a benzo, 
pyrido, piperidino, or cyclohexo ring; 

(b) R^ is T-Ring D, wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl 

(c) R^ is hydrogen or C1-4 aliphatic and R^' is 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -OR, or -N(R*)2, wherein 
R is selected* from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, 5-6 
membered heterocyclyl, phenyl, or 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH-; and 

(e) Ring D is stabstituted by up to three 
siabstituents selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2, 


-N(R^)2/ optionally siibstituted Ci-e aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C{0)R, -CO2R, -CONH(R*), -N(R^)COR, 
-N(R^)C02R, -S02N(R*)2r -N(R*)S02R, 
-N{R^)C0CH2N(R^>2, -U{R^)C0CH2CH2N(R*)2/ or 
-N(R^)C0CH2CH2CH2N(R'')2/ wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 
meinbered heteroai^l ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring. 

7. The compound according to claim 6, wherein: 

(a) R"" and are taken together to form a benzo, 
pyrido, piperidino, or cyclohexo ring; 

(b) R^ is T-Ring D, wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl 
ring ; 

(c) R^ is hydrogen or C1-4 aliphatic and R^' is 

(d) R^ is selected from --R, -OR, or -N(R^)2/ wherein 
R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, 5-6 
membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, or 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH-; and 

(e) Ring D is substituted by up to three 
substituents selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2/ 
-N(R*)2/ optionally substituted Ci-e aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C(0)R, -CO2R, -CONH(R^), -N(R^)COR, 
-N(R*)C02R, -S02N(R^)2, -N{R^)S02R, 
-N(R^)COCH2N(R*)2, -N(R^)C0CH2CH2N{R*)2, or 
-N(R^)C0CH2CH2CH2N(R*)2, wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 
membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring. 


8. The compound according to claim 1, wherein and 
are taken together with their intervening atoms to form 
a fused benzo ring, wherein any subs ti tut able carbon on 
said fused ring, formed by R"" and R^ is substituted by T- 
R^, or li-Z-R^- 

The compound according to claim 8, wherein: 
R^ is T~ (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene unit; 

Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic or an 8-10 
membered bicyclic aryl or heteroaryl ring; 
r2 is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen; or R^ and 
r"* are taken together to form an optionally 
substituted benzo riiig; and 

R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, . or -N{R*)2- 

10. The compound according to claim 9, wherein: 

(a) R^ is T- (Ring p) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(b) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci-6 aliphatic, phenyl, a 
5-6 membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring; and 

(c) R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R*)2/ 
wherein R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-e 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, 
or -N{R^)-. 





11. The compound according to claim 10, wherein: 


(a) is T-Ring D, wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl 

(b) is hydrogen or C1-4 aliphatic and R^' is 

(c> R^ is selected from -R, -OR, or -N(R^)2r wherein 
R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-s aliphatic, 5-6 
membered heterocyclyl, phenyl, or 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH-; and 

{d> Ring D is snbstituted by up to three 

siabstituents selected from -halo, -C3Sr, -NO2, 
-N(R^)2/ optionally substituted Ci.e aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C(0)R, -CO2R, -CONH(R^), -N(R^)COR, 
-N(R^)C02R, -S02N(R^)2. -N(R^)S02R, 
-N(R^)C0CH2N(R-)2. -N(R^)COCH2CH2N(R^)2, or 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N{R*)2/ wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, Ci-6 aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 
membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring- 

12. The compoxind according to claim 1, wherein R^ 
and R^ are taken together with their intervening atoms to 
form a fused, unsaturated or partially unsaturated, 5-7 
membered ring having 0-3 ring heteroatoms selected from 
oxygen, sulfur, or nitrogen, wherein any substitutable 
carbon on said fused ring formed by R'' and R^ is 
substituted by 0x0, T-R^, or L-Z-R^ and any substitutable 
nitrogen on said ring formed by R^ and R^ is substituted 
by R^; provided that said fused ring formed by R^" and R^ 
is other than benzo. 

13. The compound according to claim 12, wherein: 


(a) R"* and are taken together with their 
intervening atoms to form a fused, rmsaturated 
or partially lansaturated, 5-6 membered ring 
having 1-2 heteroatoms selected from oxygen, 
sulfur, or nitrogen, or a partially unsaturated 
6 -membered carbocyclo ring, wherein any 
substitutable carbon on said fused ring formed 
by R^ and R^ is substituted by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z- 
R^, and any substitutable nitrogen on said ring 
formed by R*' and R^ is siibstituted by R*; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond or 
a methylene \init, and Ring D is a 5-7 membered 
monocyclic or an 8-10 membered bicyclic aryl or 
heteroaryl ring; 

(c) R^ is -R or -T-W-R^ and R^' is hydrogen; or R^ and 
R^' are taken together to form an optionally 
substituted benzo ring; and 

(d) . R^ is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R^)2. 

14. The compound according to claim 13, wherein: 

(a) R^ and R^ are taken together to form a benzo, 
pyrido, cyclopento, cyclohexo, cyclohepto, 
thieno, piperidino, or imidazo ring, wherein any 
substitutable carbon on said fused ring formed 
by R* and R^ is substituted by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z- 
R^, and any substitutable nitrogen on said ring 
foinned by R"" and R^ is substituted by R^; 

(b) R^ is T- (Ring D) , wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered monocyclic ring or an 
8-10 membered bicyclic ring selected from an 
aryl or heteroaryl ring; 

(c) R^ is -R and R^' is hydrogen, wherein R is 
selected from hydrogen, Ci-s aliphatic, phenyl, a 

5-6 membered heteroaryl ring , or a 5-6 meitibered 
heterocyclic ring; and 
(d) is selected from -R, -halo, -OR, or -N(R*)2/ 
wherein R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-e 
aliphatic, or 5-6 membered heterocyclyl , phenyl, 
or 5-6 membered heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, 
or -N(R*)-. 

15. The compound according to claim 14, wherein: 

(a) R"" and R^ are taken together to form a pyrido, 
piperidino, or cyclohexo ring, wherein any 
siibstitutable carbon on said fused ring formed 
by R"" and R^ is substituted by oxo, T-R^, or L-Z- 
R^, and any substitutable nitrogen on said ring 
formed by R"" and R^ is' substituted by R^; 

(b) R^ is T-Ring wherein T is a valence bond and 
Ring D is a 5-6 membered aryl or heteroaryl 

(c) R^ is hydrogen or C1-4 aliphatic and R^' is 

(d) R^ is selected from -R, -OR, or -N(R^)2/ wherein 
R is selected from hydrogen, Ci-e aliphatic, 5-6 
membered heterocyclyl, phenyl, or 5-6 membered 
heteroaryl, and L is -0-, -S-, or -NH- ; and 

(e) Ring D is substituted by up to three 
siabstituents selected from -halo, -CN, -NO2, 
-N(R^)2, optionally substituted Ci-g aliphatic 
group, -OR, -C(0)R, -CO2R, -CONH(R^), -N(R^)COR, 
-N(R*)C02R, -S02N(R^)2/ -N(R^)S02R, 
-N(R^)COCH2N(R*)2, -N(R^)C0CH2CH2N(R^)2, or 
-N(R^)COCH2CH2CH2N{R*)2/ wherein R is selected 
from hydrogen, Ci-6 aliphatic, phenyl, a 5-6 


membered heteroaryl ring, or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring. 

±6. A compound selected from the grotip consisting 


{2- [ (2-Hydroxyethyl)phenylamino] -quina2olin-4-yl} - (5- 

me thyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine ; 

[2- (Methylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H- 

pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine ; 

(5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -{2-r [N-methyl-N- (pyridin-3- 

ylmethyl) amino] -quinazolin-4-yl} -amine ; 

(5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2-phenylamino-quinazolin-4- 
yl ) -amine ; 

(2-Benzylaraino-quinazolin-4-yl) - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
y 1 ) - amine ; 

(2-Cyclohexylamino-quinazolin-4-yl) - (5 -methyl -2H-* 

pyrazol - 3 -yl ) -amine ; 

[2- {2,3-Dihydrobenzo[l,4]dioxin-6-ylamino) -quinazolin- 

4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

(2-Cyclohexylmethylamino-quinazolin-4-yl) - (5 -methyl- 2H 

pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 
[2- (lH-Indazol-6-ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl- 

2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine ; 

(5-Methyl-2JJ-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (pyridin-3- 

ylmethylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

[2- (3-Chlorophenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H 

pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 
[2- (4-Chlorophenyl amino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H 

pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

[2- {4-Fluorobenzylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H 

pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 


{2- [2- (2-Hydroxyethyl)phenylamino] -quinazolin-4-yl} - (5- 
methyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) -amine ; 

[2- (4-Cyanomethylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

[2- (3-Hydroxymethylphenylamino) -quina2olin-4-yl] - (5- 
methyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) -amine ; 

[2- (3-Hydroxyphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl- 
2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine ; 

( 5 - Cyclop ropyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - (2 -phenylamino- 
quinazolin-4-yl) -amine; 
(5-Cyclopropyl-2i^-py2^azol-3-yl) - [2- (3- 
methylphenyl amino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

(5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (6-methoxypyridin-3- 
ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

(5-Cyclopropyl-2if-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (indan-5-ylamino) - 
quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

(5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- {lH-indol-6- 
ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

[2- (4-Acetamido-3^methLylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - 
( 5 - cyclopropyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine ; 

[2- (4-Chloro-3-methylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
cyclopropyl - 2H-pyrazol -3 -yl ) -amine ; 

(5 -Cyclopropyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) - [2 - (4- 
ethylphenylamino) -quina2olin-4-yl] -amine; 

( 5 - Cyclopropyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - [2 - { 4 - 
propylphenylamino) -cpiinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

( 5 -Cyclop ropyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) - {2-[4-{2- 
hydroxyettiyl ) phenylamino] -quinazolin-4 -yl } -amine ; 

(5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2-phenetylamino- 
quina2olin-4-yl) -amine; 

[2- (2-Cyclohexylethylamino) -quinazolin-4 -yl] - (5- 
cyclopropyl - 2iI-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) -amine ; 


[2- (4-Carboxymethoxyphenylamino) -quinazolin--4-yl] - 
cyclopropyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine ; 

[2- (4-Cyanomethylphenylaraino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
cyclopropyl - 2H-pyrazol -3 -yl ) -amine ; 

[2- (Benzotliiazol-6-ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
cycl opropyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine ; 

(5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (3,4- 
dimethylphenylamino) -quinazolin''4~yl] -amine; 

(5 -Cyclopropyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) - [2- (2- 
phenoxye thy 1 amino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

(5 -Cyclopropyl -2H-pyrazol -3 -yl) - [2- ( ttiiophen-2- 
methylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

[2- (4-Carboxymethylp3ienylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - ( 
cyclopropyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl) - amine ; 

(5 -Cyclopropyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) - [2- (lH-indazol-5- 
ylamino) •^quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

( 5 -Cyclopropyl -2H-pyrazol -3 -yl) - [2- (pyridin-3- 
ylmethylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

(5 -Cyclopropyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) - [2- (3- 
methoxycarbonylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

[2- (3-Carboxyphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
cyclopropyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine ; 

{5 -Cyclopropyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) - [2- (3- 
ethylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

( 5 -Cyclopropyl - 2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) - [2- (2,3- 
dimethylphenylamin6) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

(5 -Cyclopropyl -2H-pyrazol- 3 -yl) - [2- (3,4 - 
dime thoxyphenyl amino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

{5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (3- 
methoxyphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine ; 

(5-Methyl"2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - ( 2 -phenyl amino - 5, 6, 7, 8- 
tetrahydroquinazolinin-4-yl) -amine; 


[2- (Biphenyl-3-ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
cyclopropyl-2H-pyra2ol-3-yl) - amine ; 

(5-Cyclop3ropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (3-plienylprop-l- 
ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

[2- (4-acetamido-3-methylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - 
( 5 -methyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine ; 

(5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (indan-2-ylamino) - 
quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

[2- (3-Methylptienylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H 

pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine ; 

[2- {2-Chloro-5-methylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 

methyl -2H-pyrazol -3 -yl) -amine; 

(5-Cyclopropyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -{2- [4- (morpholin-1- 
yl) phenylaraino] -quinazolin-4 -yl } -amine ; 

[2- (Benzothiazol-6-ylamino) -quinazolin-4 -yl] - (5-methyl 
2H-pyrazol - 3 - yl ) - amine ; 

[2- (3,4-Dimethylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
methyl - 2H-pyrazol - 3 -y 1 ) - amine ; 

[2- (3-Ethylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - ( 5 -methyl - 2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

[2- (3-Methoxyphenylamino) -quinazolin-4 -yl] - (5-methyl- 

2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

[2- (4-Acetamido-3-cyanophenylamino) -quinazolin-4 -yl] - 
(5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine ; 

[2- (2-Methoxybiphenyl-5-ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 
metliyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

[2- (4-Acetamidophenylamino) -quinazolin-4 -yl] - (5-methyl 
2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

[2- (4- tejTt-Butoxycarbonylamino-phenylamino) -quinazolin 

4-yl] - (5-methyl-2Jir-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

[2- (4-Cyanophenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - {5-methyl-2H- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

(5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (6-0x0-6 , 10b-dihYdro-4aH- 

benzo [c] cliromen-2-ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

[2- (Biphenyl-3-ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5 -methyl -2H- 

pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine ; 

[2- (4-Methoxycarbonylmethyl-3-methylphenylamino) - 

quinazolin-4-yll- (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

[2- (4-Carboxymethyl-3-methylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4- 
yl] - (5-met:hyl-2H-pyrazol-3~yl) -amine; 

[2- (4-Aminophenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H- 

pyrazol - 3 - y 1 ) - amine ; 

[2- (4-Bromoplienylamino) -quinazolin-4-yll - ( 5 -methyl -2ir- 

pyrazol - 3 -yl ) - amine ; 

[2- (4-Isobutyrylamino-phenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (5- 

methYl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

(5-Ethyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - [2- (5-ethyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 
ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

(lH-Indazol-3-yl) - (2-phenylamino-quinazolin-4-yi ) - 

amine ; 

(lH-Indazol-3-yl) - [2- (3-trif luoromethylphenylamino) - 
c[uinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

(lH-Indazol-3-yl) - [2- (4 -tr if luoromethylphenylamino) - 

quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

[2- (Adamantan- 2 -ylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (IH-indazol- 

3-yl) -amine; 

(lH-Indazol-3-yl) - ( 2 -methyl -phenyl -amino-quinazolin-4 - 
yl) -amine; 

[2- ( 2 -Chi or o- phenyl) -amino-quinazolin-4 -yl] - (IH- 
indazol - 3 -yl) - amine ; 

(lH-Indazol-3-yl) - [2- (2 -trif luoromethylphenylamino) - 

quinazolin-4-yl] -amine; 

[2- (4-Cyanomethylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (IH- 

indazol-3-yl) -amine; 

[2- (4-Chlorophenylatnino) -5,6,7,8- 
tetrahydroquinazolinin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 


(5-Methyl-2H-pyra2ol-3-yl) - (2-phenylamino-6 , 7 , 8 , 9- 
t e t rahydro- 5H- cyclohep t apyr imidin- 4 -yl ) - amine ; 

[2- (Ben2imidazol-2-ylamino) -7-benzyl-5, 6,7, 8- 
tetrahydro-pyrido [3 , 4-d]pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2K- 
pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

( 7 -Benzyl - 2 -phenylamino- 5,6,7,8- te trahydro-pyrido [3,4- 
d] pyrimidin-4-yl) - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

[6-Benzyl-2- (4-chlorophenylamino) -5, 6 , 7 , 8- te trahydro- 
pyrido [4 , 3-d] pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - 

[2- (Ben2imidazol-2-ylamino) -6-benzyl-5, 6,7,8- 
tetrahydro-pyrido [4, 3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl] - (5 -methyl -2H- 
pyrazol - 3 - yl ) - amine ; 

( 6 -Benzyl - 2 -phenylamino- 5 ,6,7,8- te trahydro-pyrido [4,3- 
d]pyrimidin-4-yl) - (5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) -amine; 

(5-Methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl) - (2-phenylamino-5 , 6 , 7 , 8- 
tetrahydro-pyrido [3 , 4-d]pyrimidin-4-yl) -amine; 

[2- (4-Cyanomethylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (IH- 
pyrazolo [3 , 4 -b] pyridin-3-yl) -amine; 

[2- (4-Cyanobenzylamino) -quina2olin-4-yl] - (IH- 
pyrazolo [3 , 4 -b] pyridin-3 -yl ) -amine ; 

[2- (4-Cyanomethylphenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (4- 
f luoro-lH-indazol-3-yl) -amine; 

[2- (4-Cyanophenylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - {lH-indazol-3 

y 1 ) - amine ; and 

[2- (4-Cyanobenzylamino) -quinazolin-4-yl] - (lH-indazol-3 

yl) -amine. 


17. A composition comprising a compound according 
to any one of claims 1-16, and a pharmaceutically 
acceptal>le carrier. 

18. Th.e composition according to claim 17 , 
comprising, an additional therapeutic agent. 

19. A method of inhil>iting Aurora-2, GSK-3, Src, 
ERK-2, or AKT activity in a biological sample comprising 
the step of contacting said biological sample with a 
compoimd according to any one of claims 1-16. 

20. A method of inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a 
patient comprising the step of administering to said 
patient a composition according to claim 17. 

21. A method of inhibiting Aurora-2 activity in a 
patient comprising the step of administering to said 
patient a composition according to claim 18. 

22. A method of treating an Aurora- 2 -mediated 
disease, which method comprises administering to a 
patient in need of such a treatment a therapeutically 
effective amoiint of a composition according to claim 17. 

23 . The method according to claim 22 , wherein said 
disease is selected from colon, breast, stomach, or 
ovarian cancer. 

24. The method according to claim 23, wherein said 
method further comprises administering an additional 
therapeutic agent. 


25. The method according to claim 24, wherein said 
additional therapeutic agent is a chemotherapeutic agent. 

26. A method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a 
patient comprising the step of administering to said 
patient a composition according to claim 17. 

27. A method of inhibiting GSK-3 activity in a 
patient comprising the step of administering to said 
patient a composition according to claim 18. 


28 . A method of method of treating a GSK-3 -mediated 
disease, which method comprises administering to a 
patient in need of such a treatment a therapeutically 
effective amoimt of a composition according to claim 18. 

29. The method according to claim 28, wherein said 
GSK-3 -mediated disease is selected from diabetes, 
Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's Disease, Parkinson's 
Disease, AIDS-associated dementia, amyotrophic lateral 
sclerosis (AML) , multiple sclerosis (MS) , schizophrenia, 
cardiomycete hypertrophy, reperf usion/ischemia, or 
baldness . 

30- The method according to claim 29, wherein said 
G&K- 3 -mediated disease is diabetes. 

31. A method of enhancing glycogen synthesis or 
lowering blood levels of glucose in a patient in need 
thereof, which method comprises administering to said 
patient a therapeutically effective amount of a 
composition according to claim 17. 


32. A method of inhibiting the production of 
hyperphosphorylated Tau protein in a patient, which 
method comprises administering to a patient in need 
thereof a therapeutically effective amount of a 
composition according to claim 17 . 

33. A method of inhibiting the phosphorylation of 
p-catenin, which method comprises administering to a 
patient in need thereof a therapeutically effective 
amount of a composition according to claim 17. 

34. A method of inhibiting Src activity in a 
patient comprising, the step of administering to said 
patient a composition according to claim 17. 

35. A method of treating a Src -mediated disease, 
which method comprises administering to a patient in need 
of such a treatment a therapeutically effective amount of 
a composition according to claim 17. 

36. A method of inhibiting ERK-2 activity in a 
patient comprising, the step of administering to said 
patient a composition according to claim 17. 

37. A method of treating an ERK-2 -mediated disease, 
which method comprises administering to a patient in need 
of such a treatment a therapeutically effective amount of 
a composition according to claim 17. 

38. A method of inhibiting AKT activity in a 
patient comprising the step of administering to said 
patient a composition according to claim 17. 


39. A method of treating an AKT-mediated disease, 
which method cotiqprises administering to a patient in need 
of such a treatment a therapeutically effective amount of 
a composition according to claim 17. 


(19) World Intellectual Property Organization 
International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
27 June 2002 (27.06.2002) 


(10) International Publication Number 

wo 02/050065 A3 

(51) International Patent Classification^: C07D 403/12, 
A61K 31/517, 31/519, C07D 401/14, 405/14, 403/14. 
417/14, 409/14, 471/04, A61P 35/00 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/USO 1/49 140 

(22) International Filing Date: 

19 December 2001 (19.12.2001) 


(25) Filing Language: 

(26) Publication Language: 

(30) Priority Data: 

60/257,887 21 December 2000 (21.12.2000) US 

60/286,949 27 April 2001 (27.04.2001) US 

(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): VERTEX 
Patent Department, 130 Waverly Street, Cambridge, MA 
02139-4242 (US). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): BEBBINGTON» 
David [GB/GB]; 6 Linden Close, Newbury, Bericshire 
R6141QA (GB). CHARRIER, Jean-Damien [FR/GB]; 
Vertex Phannaceuticals Inc., Cottage Wing, Station Road, 
Southam, Bishops Itchington, Oxfonishire CV47 2QB 
(GB). DAVIES, Robert [GB/US]; 65 Orient Avenue, 
Arlington, MA 02474 (US). EVERITT, Simon [GB/GB]; 
10 Bell Close, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 lAT 
(GB). KAY, David [GB/GB}; 4 Church Path, Purton, 
Wiltshire SN5 9DR (GB). KNEGTEL, Ronald [DK/GB]; 

92 Andersey Way, Abingdon, Wiltshire OX 14 5NW (GB). 
PATEL, Sanjay [GB/GB]; 2 Allder Close, Abingdon, 
Wiltshire OX 14 1 YG (GB). 

(74) Agents: SILVERMAN, Ian et al.; Vertex Phannaceuti- 
cals Inc., 130 Waveriy Street. Cambridge, MA 02139^242 

(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, 
AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, 
CZ, DE, DK, DM. DZ, EC, EE, ES, H, GB, GD, GE, GH, 
GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS. JP, KE. KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, 
LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV. MA, MD, MG, MK, MN. MW, 
MX, MZ, NO, NZ, PH, PL, PT, RO. RU, SD. SE, SG, SI, 
SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, 
ZA, ZW. 

(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, 
KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW). 
Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY. KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), 
EiMDpean patent (AT, BE, CH. CY, DE, DK, ES, FT, FR, 
GB, GR. IE. IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent 
(BF, BJ, CF, CG. a, CM. GA. ON, GQ. GW, ML, MR, 
NE, SN, TD, TG). 


— with international search report 

(88) Date of publication of the international search report: 

24 October 2002 

For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begins 
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. 





(57) Abstract: This invention describes novel pyrazole compound of formula (He): wherein R* 
is T~Ring D, wherein Ring D is a 5-7 membered monocyclic ring or 8- 10 membered bicyclic ring 
selected from aryl, heteroaryl, heterocyclyl or carbocyclyl; R» and R^ are taken together with their 
intervening atoms to fom a fused, unsaturated or partially unsaturated, 5-7 membered ring having 
0-3 heteroatoms; and R^ and R^' are as described in the specification. The compounds are useful 
as protein kinase inhibitors, especially as inhibitors of Aurora-2 and GSK-3, for treating diseases 
such as cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. 



Intei^Bpnal Applleallea No 

PCT7US 01/49140 

\prr'^tmfof^"""^K31/S17 A61K31/519 C07D401/14 C07D405/14 
C07D403/14 C070417/14 C07D409/14 C07D471/04 A61P35/00 

Acieordlng totiileinalional Patent Clamairailinn (IPC) Of to boUi walkioalclasslflealkw 


Minimum documentatton searched (dassiTical'on system fo*w»ed by elassilicalion aymb^ 

IPC 7 C07D A61K A61P 

Documertalion searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documante are ineludsd In the fieUs searched 

Elee»enlc data base consuMed during the irtemallonal search (name of data base and. where practical, search terms used) 

CHEM ABS Data, WPI Data, EPO-Internal 


Category • CBattoo ol document. ««h Indlcallon. where approprlale. ol the relevant passages 

20 April 2000 (2000-04-20) 
examples 16-20 

US 5 710 158 A (MYERS MICHAEL R 
20 January 1998 (1998-01-20) 

page 27 


6 July 2000 (2000-07-06) 
examples. 135,160,161 

Ftetevani to dalm Ma 





Funher documents are listed in the contlmiallon of txix C. 

Patent famBy members are llsied In ann^ 

* Special categories of cited documents : 

*A' document defining the general stale of the art which Is not 

considefed to be of particular relevance 
'E* earlier document but put>llshed on or after the international 

filing date 

*L* document which may throw doubts on priority clalm(s)ar 
which is cHed to estat>lish the publication dale of another 
cttalion or other special reason (as specried) 

'O* document referring to an oial d'sctosuie. use, exhibUlonor 

'P" document published prior to the imemational filing date but 
later than tha priority date claimed 

-T* laterdocument published after the international fiUng date 
or priority dale and not In confljcl with the applitaUonbul 
died to understand the prindple or theoiy underiymg the 

•X' document of particular reiewance; the clalmBd invention 
cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to 
involve an inventive step when the document is taken alone 

•V document of paiticular relevance; the claimed invention 

cannot be considered to Involve an inventive step when the 
document is combined with one or more other such docu- 
ments, such oomblnalion being obvious to a person skilled 
in the art 

*&* document member of the same patent family 

Date of the actual completkm of the Intemallonal search 

24 July 2002 

Data of maifing of the International search report 


Hasve and mailing address of the ISA 

European Patent Office. P.B. 5618 Patentlaan 2 
TeL (+31-70) 340-2040. Tx. 31 651 epo nl. 
Fax: (431-70) 340-3016 

Authorized officer 

De Jong, B 

Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 1993) 


lational application No. 
PCT/US 01/49140 

Box I Observations where certain claims were found unsearchable (Continuation of Item 1 of first sheet) 

This inlemaUonal Search Report has not been established in lespect of certain claims under Article 17{2)(a) for the following reasons: 
^ * Realise mey relate to subject matter not required to be searched by this Authority, namely: 

Although claims 19-3& are directed to a method of treatment of the 
human/animal body, the search has been carried out and based on the alleged 
effects of the compounds. 

^' D teMuseSfey relate to parts of the intemaUonal Application that do not comply with the prescribed requirements to such 
an extent that no meaningful Intemational Search can be carried out, specifically: 

^' ^ b^se are dependem claims and are not drafted in accordance with the second and third sentences of Rule 6.4(a). 

Box II Observations where unity of invention is lacking (Continuation of Item 2 of first stieet) 

This Intemational Searching Authority found multiple inventions In this intemational application, as follows: 

1 . I I As all required additional search fees were timely paid l>y the applicant, this International Search Report covers an 
I — I searchable claims. 

2. rn As all searchable claims could be seardied without effort justifying an additional fee. this Authority cfid not bwite payment 
— of any additional fee. 

3 I I As only some of the required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this International Search Report 
> — I covers only those claims for which fees were paid, specifically claims Nos.: 

4 I I Nto required adcfitional search fees were timely paid by the appUcant Consequently, this Intemalional Search Report Is 
* — ^ restricted to the Invention first mentioned in the claims: it Is covered by claims IMos.: 

Remark on Protest The additional search fees were accompanied by the appllcanf s protest 

j j No protest accompanied the payment of additional search fees. 

Form PGT/ISA/210 (oontimiation of first sheet (1)) (July 1998) 


Intormation en patent tamily members 

Patent document - 
cited in seareii report 


UO 0021955 



us 5710158 






























Int^^onal Application No 

PCT/US 01/49140 

Patent ^ily 


1119567 Al 
0021955 Al 
20011739 A 

5480883 A 

1305095 A 
0871448 Al 
54172 Al 

9515758 Al 









2102780 Al 
69222637 Dl 
69222637 12 
584222 T3 

0584222 Al 

2108120 T3 

3024955 13 



9220642 Al 

5409930 A 















02- 01- 

03- 02- 

24- 02- 

15- 10- 

26- 02- 

16- 12 

27- 04 

25- 04 


Ua 003M01 


06-07-2000 AU 

1874300 A 
9916590 A 



1335838 T 



1140860 Al 



0039101 Al 



20013038 A 


Focm PCT/ISA«10 ipaianIL famiV onnox) (July 19881